
Raindrops and Galaxies


06-29-2014, 07:39 PM
Moonlight kissed the open fields with its ethereal glow. Knee-high blades of grass swayed in the gentle breeze. Each strand that surrounded Winter's standing frame danced with his legs - intertwining with his body and embracing him with their delicateness. Each blade seemed to be all the more loving as if each one were a jealous female trying to strike his attention more so than the others. Winter's snowy fur mocked the dance of the grass as it swayed within the breeze. Rain trickled from the clouds above - no, not rain. . . just a mist; a gentle kiss from the heavens in which reminded Winter that he was alive.

His feminine frame moved forward as he continued travelling to wherever his path took him. He had no home nor did he desire one as of yet. He had no need for one. Winter's travels carried him to the end of the vast field in which he so enjoyed. The field turned to sand and then to ocean. Ah, but a beautiful beach. The clashing of waves ignited the air with its phenomenal sound. The moonlight licked the abyssal body of water and the misting rain gently intertwined with the water so that it all became one. The water appeared as diamonds. Flecks of silver that twinkled beyond words. Mocking the night sky. . . it was like its own little galaxy. A whole world of its own.

Winter loped forward and leaped into the water. The liquid enveloped his body. His dainty frame was now drenched. He dashed back and forth in the dark waters - playing as if he were but a pup. Ah, how he enjoyed the freedom and the peaceful dark night. His emerald eyes darted left and right as he chased the aquatic creatures beneath the water. He was not hungry; however, if he managed to catch one of the slippery creatures, he would devour it. Fish was a favorite.

After a lengthy and joyous playtime, Winter grew tired. He lied down where the ocean met the sand and allowed the water to caress his frame. Sure, it was Winter and the water was cold, but he enjoyed it. His entire life was spent in the northern lands - this was like a tropical paradise.


07-02-2014, 05:19 AM

The day had chased him into the night. The shadows hissed at the beast as he emerged with an air of pride and confidence. He would never let the endless shadows claim his torn heart, just like his disgraceful sister. He was a reject. An outcast. So was his sister. He couldn't help but to think about how screwed his life was. A dominant father, a blood-hungry sister, a dead ancestor that puts shame on Dusk's name...what else could go wrong? Everything was. He belonged nowhere.

Paws lead the lumbering black brute by the shore, his blood-stained and exhausted paws flicking the sparkling azure water. His tongue was stained with salt. Glimmering orbs of wisdom scanned the endless shore across from him. He was alone. Just him and his bloody ancestors. Oh how they wickedly despised him so much. Through the stars and galaxies, they were probably watching him right now. Watching his every paw steps. Talking amongst each other. Creating his destiny. But there was something the endless stars, galaxies and parallel universes could not change. Because he was making his own destiny. No-one could change that. He ruled his future.

Traveling with content, the man kept by the shore, until his ears heard the sound of splashing. With his eyes examining the dark lands, he spotted another wolf refreshingly dancing into the shallow waters. Someone else! He was not alone! With sophistication, he picked up his pace, flicking the warm sand. He called out to the other life, the words leaving his jaw smoothly with his usual deep tone.


07-02-2014, 11:48 AM
Nature's lullaby was beautiful. The soft sound of lapping waves pouring onto the sand and then retreating back into the liquid galaxy was hypnotic. A soft breeze in which hummed so delicately as it passed through the nearby grasses. Ah, such a wonderful and peaceful night.

Winter's rest was cut short by the scent of another. Still lying, his head turned into the direction. A shadowed figure blended in with the night. Ah, Winter could not help but smile at the situation. How humorous. Himself - a white canine in which resembled the moon and stars and their delicate, precious appearance. . . and here comes a dark shadowy wolf in which mocked the abyssal nightime sky. Him - mocking the reflections of silver in the ocean and this newcomer resembling the obsidian waters. How well the two fit in the scene.

His thoughts were shaken when the creature called out with "greetings." Winter was not in the mood for company, but he was not in the mood to argue. The night was to peaceful for that. The feminine male lifted himself from the ground. Ah, a chill rippled throughout his body, now. It was much colder without the water embracing him - without the water protecting him as if it were a woolen blanket.

Hello, stranger. Name's Winter.

His reply was short, but friendly. Making enemies was not on the to-do list on this night. . . At least, not yet.


07-02-2014, 04:20 PM

The shallow waves roared into the night, this darkness was so clear and bright. The stars had brought forth a protection from the thirsty shadows. This unusually warm night brought peace to mind. The cool water glistened like a massive gem that wrapped itself around the world. The moon looked down on the two figures, the gentle moonbeams dancing and spreading life to the sleeping world. Dusk felt protected in the night, as long as the moon shone down on him, lighting up his path and destiny.

The other man had exchanged a rather formal greeting, clearly stating that he goes by the name Winter. In an orderly fashion, the night hunter would introduce himself as well. Approaching the sparkling white male, a complete opposite of what fur Dusk had, the man would introduce himself formerly.
"I am Dusk Oaks and I have come from the Willows of the West. And I am on a quest, would you be interested, sir?"

What was this quest? What sort of adventure was it? Was it as exciting as he had said it? Ah, he would not say that. He would only say what he would have to say, and if this man would refuse this great offer for adventure, then the striking black hunter would be off.


07-06-2014, 11:58 AM

Emerald eyes gazed intensively at the the newcomer. Winter was unsure of him. Especially when he spoke of a quest? Dusk Oaks. Such a name fit the dark figure - his pelt resembling the darkening sky. Winter held his breath for a moment and exhaled loudly. His thoughts raced through his mind rapidly. "What if's" took over his brain as if it were a wildfire. What was Dusk in search of doing? What if it involved something that could lead to greatness? What if this quest led him to becoming something more than a typical loner? Maybe even a legend? Ah, but what if this involved nothing but chasing fairies and leprechauns?

You have my interest. Tell me about your quest. What does this quest involve? What is your end goal, my friend?

Winter's voice was laced with his curiosity. Subtle, warm, and yet had a professional tone about it. As if they were already business partners. This adventure may or may not be a good idea, but Winter's impulsive personality kept him from thinking it through thoroughly. All that Winter hoped is that it was to lead him to some sort of fame. Having another canine along would also ensure his safety. Two of them would be much stronger than each of them alone.

The mist began to kiss his pelt once more and a thunder rumbled in the distance. Not a loud noise, but a gentle one like a cat's purr. Clouds covered the stars, though the moon shone through with its brilliant glow.

You know - I think you have a partner to join you on your adventure.

Winter decided that the details did not matter. His curiosity had gripped him in an inescapable hold. How he could never forget turning down such an interesting opportunity! Besides, if they were chasing fairy-tales, he could always vanish as he has always done. Vanishing was his expertise.


ooc; sorry for the slow response. i have been car shopping for the past few days.


07-06-2014, 04:49 PM

Winter had asked more about his quest. What was his goal? What does it involve? And he would tell the interested white fellow, through wise sparkling blue orbs.

"I have come from the Willows of the West with a mission from a princess," he would pause for a deep breath before continuing in a formal manner. "She has told me to find others, others who will be worthy for our kingdom, to join us."

So what was the offer for the glimmering white wolf? That he would say,
"Your offer is, to come with me and have a home with the princess and the whistling willows."

Quite frankly, if Dusk was Winter, this might be a risky decision. What's not to stop Winter into thinking that this could be a trap? He didn't even know the black brute! So Winter might have to take Dusk's word for it. Winter might have to trust Dusk. And he hoped he did. But somehow, hope didn't seem enough. But Winter had said that Dusk might have a partner in his adventure. Perhaps Winter would join him? Maybe this could still work. Maybe there was still some hope left.

It didn't seem like there was some hope in these desperate and dark times. Why, even Dusk had came face to face with a dark spirit. And that was his sister. What was the world coming to? Why was the world burning and crumbling beneath his paws? Why was he still alive? He only sighed, lifting his head up to the vibrant and dancing galaxies above him. Perhaps there were other wolves there, other kingdoms and civilizations. Maybe there were wars and battles there too. Did they spill kin blood over such a small thing such as a pack? What if they're world is dying? What if the people are dying? What if the apocalypse was coming sooner? That, he all did not know. As wise and knowledgable his twinkling eyes looked, he really knew nothing about the distant worlds and universes. He didn't think anyone did. Just himself and his thoughts.

OCC: Just for your information, this is not a pack. Another person (who plays the princess) and I are forming a small band of wolves, like a 'kingdom'. If you are interested, you can always have your character play along. If you would like more information, just PM me. Thanks.


07-06-2014, 06:29 PM

The impulsive Winter listened to the words of explanation. Ah, but a small clan of wolves forming together - for what? For taking over a pack? For friendship? Ah, but it did not matter. What mattered was an interesting opportunity. An opportunity that would, perhaps, make Winter shine as if he were one the star's in the heavens. . . as if he were like the twinkling diamonds in the abyssal ocean. Yes. Trust did not matter. For he was a rogue, a ghost, a king of disappearing as if he were simply a magician. A master of magic!

Slowly speaking, Winter spoke to his new friend. Ah, yes. I will come with you. Take me to your princess so I may meet her. What is her name?

Princess. He never heard a wolf referred to by such a name. Alphess, maybe. . . but never Princess. Hopefully this was not a Cinderella story in which they were chasing. Though. . . he would not mind playing prince charming if nothing else. At least until something more interesting came along. But for now, Winter would play along and see what this led to. Though, it would have to be something special for him to stay. For his heart was always roaming.

Though, Winter could not refrain from worrying why they were forming a group of wolves. Perhaps he was getting himself in a death trap. Ah, but it did not matter if he were to be attacked. He had only himself to live for. Himself and his adventures. He just hoped this princess was worth it. No wolf ruled him. Even if he agreed to lend a hand. Especially not a princess. No. No female would ever demand him to do something unless it was worth his while.

Winter stared into the wolf's eyes before him. Watching his action. How he carried himself. . . The way he blinked. Something about him made Winter feel as if Dusk took this group serious. As if it were life and death to him. As if it were all he lived for. The dainty Winter waited patiently for him to lead the way to his new "home"



07-06-2014, 06:57 PM

Ah yes. I will come with you. Take me to your princess so I may meet her. What is her name?
Winter had agreed to come! No arguments, no questions, he was coming! Perhaps he would even join the Willow Kingdom that the princess reigned. The black brute was overwhelmed with joy, surprisingly he had thought that this might have been a more challenging task. Though he was not going to bounce around like an excited pup, he showed his happiness with a gleaming glow in his eyes. His tail could not stop wagging. And he would thank Winter most sincerely.

"Thank you, Winter." he thanked deeply with a short bow. With an excited flick of his flowing tail, he would lead his new friend to the kingdom of willows, to the princess. Though speaking of princess, Winter had asked for the princess's name.

"The princess goes by Esti Kigu. Though she would prefer if you called her Princess Kigu." Dusk replied with a warm chuckle. Beckoning the white man with his tail, he spoke in a deep and clear voice.

"To the Whistling Willlows? Follow me, sir!"

The warm and cosy wind ruffled their furs as they both travelled along the shore. The faint waves echoed in the distance, and the growing light of dawn glimmered down on the two. The nearby gulls chirped excitedly. The day was waking up. A new dawn. A new beginning. Ah, Dusk could already smell the salt. He was trekking across the sand, traveling west with his new friend. Into the willows they would go. Yes, to the lands where the princess ruled. There they would both go.

-exit Obsidian Beach-

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