
don't turn away now

ft acere



2 Years
08-11-2019, 06:26 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2019, 10:46 AM by Heloise.)
a shout was heard first.

she did not know if it was her surprised grunt or the roar of the beast that was first. she had spotted the polar bear making its way to the ship, trying to climb up and in. there was no time to really think about these things. she let out a loud snarl, recalling the pups that liked to wander and play in the depths. without a second thought she launched herself at the polar's dangling legs, dragging the beast down with her to the ice. they both landed with a crash; her only support had been surprise else her meager bulk would have done nothing. "bear!" she gasped loudly, trying to catch her breath but her lungs screamed for release.

to warn the others, perhaps, or even bide them time to flee. the people of Winterfell would fight for their home, and she felt better about facing it alone for now. bears only wandered into a populated area for food. Heloise did not want the bodies of the children staining the earth, half eaten by a hungry bear. the creature turned on his attacker, eyes fiery with anger. Heloise quickly got to her paws, backing away as it began to swipe wildly. she dodged the blows, but it approached quickly. too quick for her to react properly. the squire felt rapid pain streak her senses as the bear's paws collided with her body.

she was flung aside like a doll, hitting the ice heavily. her shoulder was mauled from claws. blood only added to the bear's hunger, and it advanced on her with drooling maw. Heloise struggled to clear her head and get to all fours, but the crimson liquid made her footing hard as it pooled under her. she slipped, hitting her chin against the ice.


art + code by Kara
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-11-2019, 09:36 PM

The young Todd had seen it all first. Olivine gaze watched from the cover of the ship as the great white beast sought to climb towards him. Perhaps not him specifically, because he had seen it approaching and hid before it could see him. As he watched it, the bear suddenly jerked back and roared with surprise and pain as it disappeared from his view. Frightened and confused, he dared leave his hiding spot to approach the edge of the ship and found the alabaster she-wolf had dragged it away and was now facing off with it. With a quickly beating heart, he desperately sought Heloise's gaze for a moment before he darted off towards the pines. Hopefully she had seen him. Hopefully she knew he had taken off to find help. He was too inexperienced and too small to fight a bear, and Heloise was a small woman, too. But still bigger than the yearling fox. He would race across the snow as fast as his paws could carry him, frantic yips escaping him as he desperately tried to alert his dad or anyone to help.

Ace had just finished a patrol and had made it to his den for a quick rest before tending to other duties. With his head on his forepaws, he thought about what had happened between him and Heloise a few days prior. The things she said. The way she looked. How he felt...they kept playing in his head over and over and over again. He felt ashamed of himself for not saying anything then...but what was he supposed to say when he felt like his heart still belonged to someone that had been gone from this world for years now? He felt like loving someone else or accepting someone else's love would be a betrayal to her. Winter had claimed his heart all those years ago...and he had been unable to let go.

He had barely closed his eyes for a quick rest when he heard the familiar voice of his boy echo through the woods, only it wasn't his normal, playful tone. He sounded frantic, scared, seeking help. In an instant, Ace had risen to his paws in one fluid movement as he abandoned his rest and moved quickly to find him. As he made it to the edge of the trees, Finn was still making his way towards the treeline. "Finn? What's the matter!?" Finn was nearly upon him now, his smaller stature streaking across the snow and Ace could swear he looked like something was after him. He had never seen him like this before..."It's Heloise! A polar bear tried to get into the ship, and she's trying to fight it off!" Ace's eyes widened for a moment, "What!?" Without hesitation, the alabaster king swept past his companion and made straight for the ship. His paws drummed the ground as he raced there like a locomotive with no intentions of stopping.

As he neared the ship, he could see the white bear and the she-wolf facing off against each other before she was flung away. Rage filled him as blood roared in his ears. He was without his armor or weapons, but he didn't need them. Snow flew with each pounding step, and as the bear advanced on her and made ready to strike, he was there. He flung himself over her smaller form to shield her with his own body, hackles lifted and his face contorted in the fiercest snarl he had in him. "Don't you touch her!" He bellowed, teeth flashing as he caught the bears paw in his teeth and shook like his life depended on it. He could smell the blood from both Heloise and the bear as it roared with pain, seeking to rise onto its paws, only Ace's furious weight would drag it back down. He remained standing over her as best he could, trying to be careful so he wouldn't step on her. The bear swiped at him with his other paw, slapping him with a broad open hand which forced Ace to let go, but there he remained.


code by Cloudy



2 Years
08-11-2019, 09:52 PM
She would not shut her eyes. If this is how her life ended, she wanted the beast to stare into her very soul and see that it had done this. It would raise another paw when it neared, and she mentally prepared herself for the maul before death. The bear was furious, and she was much smaller; she didn’t need to be intelligent to figure out it saw her as food. Her lips raised, showing her blood-stained teeth as she growled openly at the bear. Her fluffed coat made her look even bigger as she stared the beast down, but she accepted her fate with dignity. Heloise had not seen the fox rush off for help; she could only give the bear a good distraction while the younger wolves fled from it. but suddenly, he was there. The king was there. No – her friend was there. “Acere…?” he had thrown himself over her body to protect her, battling the beast in her stead.

She struggled to rise again, not wishing him to face it alone. It seemed the dire wolf’s presence was enough to make the polar pause. Here was a much larger foe to face for some measly pickings, but it was bleeding from the attacks. It was pissed. But so was Acere. ”Don’t you touch her!” he roared, causing her rise to pause. A shudder went through her from the force of the retaliation as the bear slapped the king across the face. His blood smeared the ground in a splatter. Heloise felt adrenaline pumping through her veins as she slid around the king, aiming to snap at the bear’s raised stance. It lowered when she drew blood, turning on her but she quickly slipped around it to batter at its rear. She trusted the man to keep up a frontal assault while her weaker body kept it harassed. She hoped it was enough to make the bear back off, to perhaps flee. Or maybe even wound it enough to kill it.


art + code by Kara
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-11-2019, 10:48 PM
Crimson gaze blazed with fury as he stood over her fallen body. He would be damned if he allowed someone he cared for get killed again. He had been too late to save Winter, but he wasn't late to save Heloise. He snarled more fiercely then he ever had before, facial features contorted into the most fearsome beast he could bring out, a side of him rarely seen by others. Snow sprayed around him as he fought off the beast, keeping its claws away from her. Even when it slapped him across the face and his blood painted the snow a deep shade of red, he did not falter. He lunged again, teeth snapping on air as the big white beast sought to try again, only it's movement this time was more hesitant as the larger wolf had come to face off with it. With the blazing fire of a thousand suns, he would fight to protect her, even if it cost him his own life in the process.

"Protect her, my love." A voice he hadn't heard in ages suddenly echoed in his ears, and for a moment it seemed as if the world became still. "Winter?" He breathed. The only sound around him now was the beating of his own heart and his voice. "You were unable to save me, Acere...but I forgive you. I always have. You can save her. Don't let your past define you. Don't let it stop you." He swallowed as the world stood still. He felt like he was frozen in time. Was he really hearing her? I failed to protect can I let that go? How can I ever forgive myself for that? For years he blamed himself for her death. For being unable to save her in time. "Because, Acere. She loves you. Just like I loved you, and you loved me. You have the chance to protect her and those you care for...I never blamed you for my death, Acere. It was simply my time to join my brethren in the halls of Valhalla. And one day, you will join me as well. But until then, you must fight for those you love and protect them. Protect her. Do not dwell on the past, my love. It will only hold you back. Give yourself a chance. I will always love you no matter what you choose, my dear white knight."

She...forgave him? After failing to keep his oath of protecting her...? She still loved him. Even if he were to love another? His head swam with emotion, and he could feel tears slip free of their bonds as they dropped onto the snow. "I will always love you, day we will meet again, in Valhalla." He vowed. He had never been able to stop loving her. And even in death, she loved him. "I know...I have always been with you in Spirit, and I will always watch over you. Until then, fight for what you want. Fight for those who need you. We will meet again, Acere. I promise."

Slowly, he could feel her presence fading away and the world slipped back into reality. He was facing the bear once more, and Heloise...was no longer beneath him. His gaze flashed upward to find her attacking the bear at the rear. Gaze flashed back to the bear and he was moving in an instant, wasting no time in keeping its attention occupied. As it sought to turn on her, a wild growl left his lips. "I said don't touch her!" He roared just before he lunged at its neck. Teeth latched onto the base of its throat as the titan used his weight to drag its head down towards the ground. He kicked at its chest, urging the bear to submit, or die.

 speech Thought Quote



2 Years
08-11-2019, 11:04 PM
Heloise could not begin to think what Acere was going through. Perhaps if she knew, she would claim it was her fault. But then again, she always did think things were her fault or her blame. She was doomed to be an unintentional martyr. The conversation with his lost love was all in his head, and she had no way of knowing what happened. Suddenly, he burst back into the scene as if he had stilled. Her shoulder burned from effort. Blood dripped from her deep wounds and her head was light, but she would not sit there and be saved without doing something. that was not what being a cel Mare was about. She would not dishonor her family and her people. “Die!” she snarled, her own façade forgotten as Acere threw himself at the bear and toppled him to the earth. She was not sure whose red eyes she saw as she looked upon the embattled pair. Maybe she was seeing things too.

Heloise could swear she saw a large, dark frame looking down at her from the ship. Those haunted red eyes she had loved so much at one point. I’m sorry she pushed the face that haunted her for years now away. She had accepted his death – no, murder - as an absolution. That it had been fair, sugar-coating it and living a lie. But it had been murder. She had taken it upon herself to do it. Justifying it. when she opened her eyes, the shape was gone, and she was back. it all seemed to happen in an instance. As if her body had been left of its spirit. Acere crunched down on the windpipe of the bear, causing it to thrash wildly. But the dire wolf held on. Heloise went to his side and added her jaws to the bear’s neck too. she bit deep down as she had at the border with the cougar.

It had to have been minutes, but it seemed like seconds had passed as the pair did so. The bear jerked again, shuddering and was still. Apparently, it was weakened by its lack of food. But that didn’t matter. It had tread upon Winterfell land. It had tried to steal their resources. It had to die. A bear would keep coming back, wherein a cougar would learn. Panting heavily, Heloise dislodged her jaws from its neck and stepped back. her vision swam with color and she fell to her side, breathing hard but otherwise uninjured. "A-Acere... are you okay?" she gasped softly.


art + code by Kara
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-12-2019, 12:07 AM

His teeth ensnared the bears throat. It's struggles useless against his crushing grip. He almost didn't notice Heloise had joined him until the bears movements had ceased and its last breath was drawn. It took him a few moments to release his grip, but when he did, he stood motionless over its now still body until he heard something hit the ground behind him. Heloise's words reached his ears as he turned around, gaze finding her wounded form on the ground. Without hesitation, he moved over towards her and pushed his head into her neck. An act that was unusual for him, and one he wasn't certain he would have done before, but seeing her wounded and bleeding and at the mercy of the bear before his arrival had sparked something in him.

"I'm fine..." He muttered. He was unwilling to move, but he did anyway to look at whatever damage she had sustained. He had seen the bear send her flying just as he was arriving, and he was concerned that her injuries might turn fatal. "Are you...okay?" He supposed that was more a rhetorical question. She seemed fine when she had stood to fight with him, but now that it was over with, the adrenaline could have kept her from feeling the worst of her injuries.




2 Years
08-12-2019, 12:17 AM
she was about to look more closely at his potential injuries when he suddenly moved forward, pressing his muzzle against her neck. Heloise felt heat rise to her face and part of her wanted him to stay like that forever, just holding her yet... "I'm alive" her voice was full of physical pain yet she rested on the ground in her own blood. she untangled herself from his hold, leaning backward and away from him. what did he expect after he had shut her out? this was all very confusing for her, his affection now and rage at her being assaulted by the bear.

"I think I need a healer" she would say softly, feeling her ribs bruised underneath her pelt. the shoulder wound would heal into a scar - just another to add to her list - but she was concerned her stomach may have punctured. did Winterfell even have healers, though? they all seemed like soldiers to her. Heloise saw no other wounds on her body, felt no punctures outwardly... but the blow to her head and side warranted bed rest. she was not going to be on her paws for a few days at least. "I... thank you. for saving me." she said formally, knowing now she could not repay him for her life.

stubborn pride did not let her look at him and a frown crossed her features in a steady line. Heloise said nothing more, focusingly on making herself comfortable on the ground until the blood had clotted.


art + code by Kara
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-12-2019, 12:56 AM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2019, 12:57 AM by Acere.)

Her voice sounded pained, and it ate at him that he hadn't been there the moment the bear was sighted. He had almost lost her...but he had made it in time. Just barely. Had he not, would he have found her body mangled and broken? Or would there have been no trace left other than the blood that would've been spilled? He didn't want to think about those things as she said she was alive, "I'm glad," He murmured. She leaned away from him, and his ears fell back though he tried not to show that it pained him. Considering what had happened between them the other day, he couldn't exactly blame her. He sighed as he shut his eyes for a moment. This was his fault. He had caused this. Although the bear had been some turn of bad luck, perhaps it was karma coming to bite him for being an idiot.

"I think I need a healer," He opened his eyes to look at her, his gaze worried as he looked over her wounds. While he could more or less determine the severity of the ones on the outside, he couldn't determine the severity of the ones on the inside. The only healer he knew of that might be able to help her was Actaea, and...potentially Ignis. The two were always together, surely his wayward nephew had picked up a thing or two? "We'll get you looked at...just rest for now," It was both a request and an underlying order. From both a concerned friend and concerned king. She had fought valiantly despite her wounds, and he didn't doubt she would have done it if she were forced to fight alone.

"I...thank you, for saving me."

His ears fell back as his brows pulled together, thinking about the moment he had stood there, frozen in the face of the bear while that voice had spoken to him. "I could not stand by and allow someone I care about to die again..." He murmured softly. His gaze sought hers for a moment before he turned away, seemingly trying to occupy himself by acting like he was searching for more injuries that might have been previously missed. He took a deep breath, trying to still his pounding heart as the "what-if" thoughts started to flood him. Truth be told, he wasn't sure what he would have done had Heloise been taken away like that. He wouldn't have been able to forgive himself this time had she died...especially when things hadn't gone so well the last few days. He wouldn't have been able to let himself forget. But here she was by fate or dumb luck, he wasn't sure. But she was alive, and that was what mattered.




2 Years
08-12-2019, 01:08 AM
Heloise frowned further, glancing his way at last as he spoke. he was a confusing man. he had been full of rage and hatred for the slain beast, and now he was back to normal. back to the man she still adored and nearly worshipped. her head dipped down, eyes clouded with emotion that threatened to overtake her. yes, he cared about her. but just as a friend and her superior. nothing more. she was not so delusional to hope for it. "I will rest, but I must speak first." her tone grew a bit stronger as she stared directly at him. her ears went back, flat against her skull.

"it was not fair to you, to place those... words upon you. we have had little interaction outside of Winterfell business" she would spare not her words. she had to harden herself for it, to justify her actions in some way. chalk it up to inexperience or immaturity. but Heloise would not let it be Acere's fault. "though I cannot deny... I have felt some attraction to you from the moment we met" her face grew hot again "it was... insulting to our friendship. I just felt you should know; it was never your fault I wanted to leave. it was mine." she felt she could not grow in Winterfell the way she would have liked - by Acere's side. either as a shield or a lover.

"perhaps it is best I leave soon, after I have recovered" her voice grew small as she looked down at her paws. she did not want Acere to be placed in a position that he felt he had to walk on eggshells. Winterfell was his pack.


art + code by Kara
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-12-2019, 02:05 AM

"I will rest, but I must speak first." She would say, causing him to turn and look at her. Crimson gaze watched her steadily for once since that day instead of turning away this time. He didn't want her to think he was angry or upset with her, and as her own ears folded back against her head, he couldn't help but want to tell her that she had no fault in how she felt. She spoke then, telling him that it had not been fair to tell him what she had because of their lack of interaction beyond pack business. She admitted she had some form of attraction to him since the day they first met, and that it had insulted their friendship. That it was her fault she wanted to leave, and not his. He suppressed a sigh as he closed his eyes for a moment, allowing himself a moment to think clearly.

"perhaps it is best I leave soon, after I have recovered"

"No," He said simply. He opened his eyes and sought her gaze this time, "It is no fault of yours for telling me how you felt. If anything, I admire you even more for it. I was the fool for not saying anything before. I was afraid...I am afraid. I just...didn't know what to say then, but..." Did he even now? Not really. Winter's words echoed in his head again. And he could feel the rolling emotion that threatened to take him under. Whether in a good way or a bad way, he wasn't sure. All he knew was that he was afraid, and he would be whichever direction he decided to take. "Remember when I said I valued you? I didn't mean it in a way that I valued you simply as a pack member...I...I genuinely and truly care about you, Heloise."

He took a deep, shaky breath as the image of the bear standing over her filled his mind. Had he not made it in time...well...he didn't want to think about that. "When I saw the bear standing over you, I feared I wouldn't make it in time. I feared I would have been too late to save you...I didn't want our last words, your last be full of regret and confusion. I didn't say anything then because I was afraid to love...I...I lost someone I loved once before...I have been afraid of losing someone like that again..." Would she understand? That had been his main fear this entire time. He was deathly afraid of losing someone he loved that was more than just a family kind of love. Of course, she wouldn't have known that before. He didn't want to let go of his beloved Winter, feeling like it would be a betrayal to her memory if he allowed himself to love someone else. But...she had encouraged him to live and find someone to love again. She had forgiven him long ago for something he always felt like he was at fault for. But she had never blamed him.

If Heloise still wished to leave to find her own place in the world, he of course, wouldn't stop her.




2 Years
08-12-2019, 02:22 AM
”No” came his simple answer.

Heloise blinked at him, a protest dying on her lips as she wordlessly opened her mouth. Was he not going to honor his blessing and refuse to allow her to leave? If she had not been in such an injured way, she would have fought him on it. but as he spoke more, listened to his words… her cold heart broke for him. he felt unlovable because he failed someone he cared about once. “oh, Acere” she uttered softly, at last, a breath escaping her lips gently. She told him once it was not a crime to mourn, and perhaps she should see the irony in it. she was even going to suggest he let go of his past – not out of hope for his words and whatever this happened to be. But because it was healthier. She could not bring herself to say such a thing because she knew it was laughable.

The alabaster woman struggled to all fours, hovering delicately before the king before she walked slowly forward. “I loved a man once. I felt him to be good and kind” she said as she walked “he was my everything until he wasn’t anymore. I did not see his darkness and he hurt me beyond words” perhaps this would do, for now. Perhaps she could stand to tell him the whole story another time. “he is gone now; in basked light or hellfire I do not know” Heloise stopped before her king “I know what it is like to lose someone you care for. I know what it is like to shut yourself away. To dedicate yourself to your work. To feel like you owe the world for your mistakes” She would reach out to him, pressing her nose gently against his neck. Her voice shook as she continued. “but you do not have to do it alone. I told you that once, didn’t I?”

If he truly cared for her, he would let her in. maybe not all at once, but slowly. Kindly. Like she would with him. “I do not wish to leave, but I must know what I am to you. And I… would like to discover that, with you.”


art + code by Kara
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-12-2019, 03:41 AM

He fought the urge to look away, again feeling both ashamed and embarrassed for what he had confessed. Never had he told anyone of this, except for maybe Actaea at one point in time, but he couldn't quite remember. Everything seemed to shift so quickly in his life, the alabaster warrior fighting battles on all sides and always it was an uphill war for him it seemed. He swallowed back the emotion that threatened to overtake him when he thought about how much he had failed his dear Winter, but he remained still as he tried to be the pillar that others so desperately needed him to be. He always tried to be what others needed, giving himself to others no matter the cost to him most of the time.

Ears shifted slightly as Heloise began to stand, swaying slightly which nearly dared him to catch her should she fall. But she managed to remain on her feet, and slowly but surely made her way to him as she spoke. Despite their height difference, he found himself nearly looking up with his head in a bowed and almost defeated position. He had been so worried about her, that stature and pride didn't matter. She told him she loved someone too, once upon a time. And by her own teeth he was gone...just like he had done to Elias. And while he hadn't directly killed Winter, it dawned on him that she truly did understand.

"but you do not have to do it alone. I told you that once, didn’t I?” He blinked slowly as his brow tugged downward, "You did," He whispered quietly. He remembered that day all too well. Even if it hadn't been that long ago. She reached out to press her nose against the thick fur of his neck which in turn caused the alabaster male to hold in a shaky breath. “I do not wish to leave, but I must know what I am to you. And I… would like to discover that, with you.” He found himself shifting his head to bring it against hers, eyes closing tightly as his heart threatened to leap from his chest. Could she feel it? Could she hear how hard it pounded? Whether from fear or exhilaration, he didn't know. All he knew was that he had been too close to losing her.

Never did he think he would feel this again. For so long he avoided it. Buried it like bones long forgotten. Then he told himself he was too old for love. He had lost his chance long ago and he had been unwilling to try after his loss. And she was. Younger, sure. But age didn't matter entirely (to an extent, for he would never love someone younger than her). She wasn't Winter, but someone who not only reminded him of what he had lost, but someone he had grown to care for in such a short amount of time. They were so alike and yet so different. She was evidently, the piece of the puzzle that he had been missing for so long. A soft whine slipped past his inky lips as he pressed himself tighter against her, seeking to bring his head over her neck and gently pull her closer without disturbing her injured body. He was showing a side of himself he was always so careful to hide, and yet...more than once she had seen how vulnerable he truly was.

"I..." At last, he remembered he had a voice. And he also remembered her ambitions, and what she had wanted to do. Did she still want that? He wouldn't hold it against her if that's what she so chose. "I do not wish to stop you from pursuing your ambition," He would begin to say, "Whether by my side...or not, you are free to do as you wish," His heart which had slowed down had started to pick up again, the alabaster titan feeling like it would burst. "You are very important to me, Heloise. I only wish for you to be happy. I was a fool before, a coward even. I was afraid to admit how I felt and I was in denial about it...but...knowing that you feel something for me, how can I still deny it? Deny you?"

He pulled back for a moment, deep crimson meeting pale blues. He nearly tried to convince himself that this was only happening because he had just rescued her...but no. He knew that wasn't true. He too, had felt some form of connection with her when they had first met, and in the two days it took for her to reach a decision, he had been restless while waiting for her arrival. He had immediately wanted to put her in a rank that he knew would suit her well, but he did not want to be so hasty nor feel like the others would judge him for it. Even so, she had proved herself worthy over and over, and he felt she deserved more than what he could offer.

By this point, he had managed to somewhat steady himself. Funny though, how something so simple yet so complicated made him feel like a young fool in love again. She had captured his heart, and he was enthralled with her since day one. He just...hadn't been ready to admit nor accept it. He knew what he wanted to say next. Three simple little words...only they weren't so simple for him to say...




2 Years
08-12-2019, 04:19 AM
he did not reject her simple and innocent advance. in fact, he pulled her to him gently. something deep inside stirred, something that had been there previously but had been etched in webbing. or even ice. that something broke free of it smoothly, untangling or melting in its own way. she hadn't been held in so long. that realization hurt almost as much as her wounds - but she could take it. she always had. "I don't want to leave you" Heloise whispered softly, closing her eyes tightly shut "and I am not. I do this for you, so your vision thrives" Acere knew only too well what a crowded pack would be like. it had grown expertly to bursting size. "I would be close by, so you may then swoop down and save me again when you feel like it."

a joke, perhaps? she'd chuckle against his thick fur. she did not mind being saved by him, even if she was a proud woman who could stand on her own. this was not the end of their tale. she would make sure of it. Heloise only just obtained him; she was loathe to leave him be after that. especially after his words, his acceptance and daresay his love. Acere would pull back, looking deep into her icy gaze. she'd offer a weak yet happy smile. little pin-pricks of tears streaked her eyes. "there is still time to change my mind, Acere. if you truly don't want me to go... I will not go" she only considered leaving due to her feelings and keeping them professional. to hear that he valued her and treasured her was enough to keep her within the walls of the pack. "I will stay with you."


art + code by Kara
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-13-2019, 12:27 AM

He breathed in her scent, and it was a sweet, wonderful thing. For so long he had denied himself this feeling. Denied others the chance to get this close. He craved this. He needed it like his life needed a heartbeat and air to breathe. "I don't want to leave you," She would say. He closed his eyes as the words washed over him. He didn't want her to go. Despite his saying he wouldn't stop her, he didn't want her to go anymore. "My vision would not mean much without someone by my side to share it with," He admitted. He didn't want to go it alone anymore. He didn't want to be the old king that died alone. Didn't want to leave this world without giving himself to someone and receiving the same in turn. Yes, he had loved Winter and she had loved him, but she was gone from this world. At physical form. She was still here in spirit. He could feel her. He heard her. And she encouraged him to let love in once again.

He chuckled quietly at her joke, looking at her with a spark of humor for a moment. "I would not hesitate to rescue you as many times as you need, nor would I hesitate to give my life for you." His tone had grown serious towards the end, letting her know that he meant it. When she went onto speak again, he would press his head against hers once more. "Then don't go. I do not want to keep you from doing what you want, but if it's me you want...I will not deny you that." Pulling back slightly to look at her, he added "Stay with me. I want you by my side now and forever. I wish to share my life with you. I love you, Heloise."

His heart threatened to burst through his chest and stain the snow red with his own blood. He meant it when he said it, and not just on a whim. He loved her, deeply and truly, and wanted her in his life age and titles be damned.




2 Years
08-13-2019, 12:46 AM
he didn't want her to go, and she would not deny him nor be cruel to pursue her own ambitions. for her ambition had been him - from the moment she had seen him that day. he didn't need to talk her into joining Winterfell, she would have gladly followed him. she chuckled - or was it more like an airy laugh? - as she pressed herself further against him, welcoming his warm body in the cold air that surrounded them. "then I will not go" her heart fit to burst as well, a strange swelling sensation she thought had died long ago. "I give myself to you, Acere Praetor, so we may share our lives together." Heloise knew the weight of the promise she was making but did not care.

no other man would turn her eye. no other man would make her worry and fret. she had dashed after him because she cared, and would not stop even if this was not happening. but when he said he loved her, oh... she felt herself swoon under his handsome gaze. "I love you too." she breathed happily. she always had, had trouble expressing it and only for it to end up like this. she could not be more pleased with the result; to be loved was a gift from the gods themselves. she would bask in their good graces and the graces of Acere. she did not care what happened next, only that they were together. they both deserved happiness. her tail wagged slowly behind her as she licked his cheek gently with a pink tongue.


art + code by Kara
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-13-2019, 02:39 AM

"Then I will not go." She would say. To say he was happy was an understatement. He felt elated with happiness, like his entire being would burst knowing that she was here to stay for him, and if the tables were turned he would do the same for her. He loved her, body, heart, mind and soul. It had taken him time to realize it, but now that he had he didn't want to lose it. He didn't want to let her go for fear she would slip away from him. "I give myself to you, Acere Praetor, so we may share our lives together." The feelings he had reeling in his mind were overpowering, and when she said she loved him, too...that was what sent him over the edge of emotion. She loved him. Him of all the wolves in the world. He knew it wasn't just because he was a King, because as dense as he could be when it came to figuring out when someone liked him, he would have been able to discern it was just the title they were in love with. No, he knew she loved him for him and not his title. Even if he were to drop it now, he knew she'd stay with him.

Her gentle kiss brought him to move closer to her, the alabaster titan seeking to press his muzzle further into her soft, wintry coat. Her scent alone enthralled him, even tinged with the scent of her blood. He reminded himself to get her looked at as soon as possible, but first...he needed this moment with her. He wanted to show her just how much he loved her and they weren't just pretty little words that wouldn't mean a thing. No, he meant them, and she would understand just how much he did. Slowly, he would nibble the back of her neck and the act alone was enough to send shivers down his own spine. Only once had he felt this strongly for someone, but never had he gotten the chance to show how much he loved them. Today, he'd prove to his dear Heloise how much she meant to him.

-Fade to black-




2 Years
08-13-2019, 10:53 AM
she didn't care he was older than her. didn't care that he had loved another before her. for the first time in a long time, she was just happy to be loved by someone. Heloise always felt she'd be old and grey by the time she let someone into her heart again. that Acere would never feel for her that which she felt for him, and she would silently be pining after him for perhaps years. watch him go with a woman his own age, or near his own age, and be forgotten about in the family they would grow together. but to hear and both notice where this was going... her usual prudish nature dissolved.

he wanted her.

and she did not seem to care who saw in the middle of the ice field, them expressing their love for each other. the ivory woman shuddered as he began nibbling at her neck, and she made herself more open to his advances. he was larger than her, but she trusted him not to hurt her. Heloise gave into pleasure, her wounds forgotten in the moment of their passion. as she presented herself, she groaned in supressed desire that would soon find release. luckily, the blood had begun to clot now on her shoulder. she could stand it for just a bit longer. / FADE TO BLACK


art + code by Kara
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag