
And its true, it you... [Joining]



06-29-2014, 02:08 PM

Erani had lost the Valhalla challenge, and with that Guinevere had lost her home. Valhalla used to be the strongest, and one of the most admirable kingdoms going- there was even a time when her father had ruled and the Adravendi name was strong and thriving, but now? Its all gone. Everything she had grown up to see and believe had been ripped away; though there was nothing left in Val for her anyways. She had felt this way for a while now, lost. The only thing she looked forward to was seeing Dhiren again, To see his smile and to be in his embrace, but could that really be? Did he even want it to be? Oh, so many questions and yet there was no answers. Perhaps he was just her light, a hope that maybe one day she could be happy again. But was that the same for him? Did Guinevere make an impact upon the Destruction like he has done with her?

Her crown was low, her pace a steady and calm rhythm as she lingers upon the borders of Ludicael. Would guin be welcomed like she hoped, would she even like it here? There was no reason not to try it out, afterall she had nothing or no one left to go back to. Except Azalea, the youth has to make sure her sister will be healthy and happy, along with her newborns. Guinevere would halt, raising her crown and calling for the alphas or anyone who could accept her. She wanted to know what Ludicael could really provide.



06-29-2014, 03:05 PM

Dhiren Destruction was besought with grief. His little brother had passed away, his mother was now MIA, and he didn't know where to channel his heavy heart. Even though he was the Editor of the pack -- a rank he was proud of, without a doubt -- he had so much on his mind. No matter what he tried to do, he was not satisfied. The male couldn't eat, drink, or even sleep. He looked a right mess, but what could he do? Nothing!
Patrolling the borders had become an automatic thing for the yearling. He didn't give it a second thought as he walked through the woods and between the trees. Dhiren was currently on autopilot, white and black paws taking him wherever they wanted. His head was low, nose not really working, and his black and white ears didn't detect anything out of the ordinary. Lost in the maze of his mind, Dhiren didn't see any way out.
The boy thought it too soon, for once he heard the howl at the borders, he was pulled out of his funk. It was a temporary pull, but it made him all the more focused. Without hesitating, Dhiren changed direction and headed towards the source of the call, silently wondering who it would be this early in the day. Less than two minutes later, he appeared at the border, standing behind the scents of his predecessors and looking out at the visitor. Gold and silver eyes brightened considerably when he realized he was looking at perfection...Guinevere had come to visit.
He stepped over his borders and approached her, head raised and tail slowly wagging behind him. Autopilot had been turned off and his heart was not as heavy as before. The fog had been lifted and he was leaving it behind as fast as he could. "Guinevere..." he whispered, husky voice deep and set like his father's. His pace slowed as he met her halfway, face seeking hers to rub against and bestow soft kisses on her cheeks and forehead. Nothing was for certain anymore and he knew that in order to make sure his future was secure, he had to make sure she wouldn't leave. Slowly, he pulled back, happy tears noted in his gaze. A burning question floated in his mind and he quickly asked, "What...what are you doing here, so far from Valhalla?"

Talk like this



07-02-2014, 12:58 PM

She wouldnt be kept waiting long, but for the little time she did spend there was no denying the empty pit in her stomach. She was nervous, though was there any reason to be? Oh, she really had missed him, it feels far to long since they have been able to meet eachother again. But now it could change, she could stay; if he wishes it. As he was making his way over the placid babe couldnt help but smile, feeling happy whenever he's around. Though before she knew it he closed the space between them; kissing her softly upon her delicate visage and caressing her cheeks. A small chuckle would slip her lips, realising perhaps she likes him far more then she had ever expected."Dhiren! Its been so long... ive missed you" Her sweet murmur would leave her lips, she knew now she couldnt leave. He was the only one still around and each day Guin was feeling more and more content, forgetting about her family who have moved on, and focusing more on the present. "Valhalla... its gone, An unknown woman beat Erani and took the crown, i had no where else to go..." The youth would forget to mention how it was a good thing on her behalf, afterall she had wanted to leave for awhile and well, Valhalla just wasnt the same after Chrysanthe left. "I want to stay here with you, I Want to learn everything about Ludicael, has it changed?"



07-02-2014, 07:27 PM

Dhiren watched with intense curiosity as Guinevere explained her situation. Valhalla was gone? Someone had come in and swept the rug from under Erani. The fight had occurred and now someone else was in charge. He had no idea such a thing had happened, especially to a pack whose rein had been in the paws of Adravendis for so long. Dhiren didn't know the entire history of Valhalla or the Adravendis, but he knew one of their descendants was standing in front of him and he felt honored to have her there.
She continued to say that she wanted to stay in Ludicael and learn everything she could about his beloved pack. Dhiren didn't hesitate to answer her question and he lowered himself to his haunches in front of her. "Ludicael is pretty much the same, except for a change in rulers. Mother is no longer the Oracle, but she still means a lot to Ludicael. Her parents -- my grandmother and grandfather -- are now in charge. When they came to rule, the names of the ranks were changed as well. They are the Authors, the wolves in charge of making sure our pack's story is well written for our present and future." He puffed out his chest gently, showing off the ebony fur that radiated in the winter sun. "My rank was changed from First Apprentice to Editor. I am able to welcome wolves at the borders who wish to become members. I have a few more duties, but I wouldn't want to bore you with them...You just arrived!"
He then rose to his hind paws again, tail lazily wagging behind his strong hind legs. "You are more than welcome to stay, Guinevere. I will make sure you are as comfortable as you can be...I wouldn't want you to feel left out here. You are worth too me." A shy smile appeared on his face as he looked to the left, avoiding her gaze. "I wouldn't want anything to happen to you..."


Awesome pic by Seren <3



07-09-2014, 02:57 PM

She would look upon him in awe, knowing that he'll mean so much more to her as the months [and years] go by. Guinevere had never felt this way about anyone else, and hopefully she never will. "Hey, thats real unique! Is Editor the heir? You'd make an excellent king some day, you know." There was truth held within her words, she would be thrilled to see him rise to power- to become a king that he deserves so that she could be the girl that could gladly say that she had been with him. A smile would tug against her lips, happy to hear those few words slip freely out of his lips. "I am? you mean a lot to me to, dhiren... A lot more then i ever would have thought." Her head would lower, though she was just happy to know she cant be alone, not when he's around. Though she would quickly change the subject, hoping not to make there meeting awkward."I could become a healer in Ludicael, but i only know the basics- the valhalla training didnt really kick of like i wanted it to." She wanted to fight to, but wished not to change her routine to much.



07-17-2014, 11:04 AM

Dhiren chuckled and gently shook his head. "Nah, Editor is more like the Beta position. I don't have any problem holding it, since it means a lot coming from my grandparents. My power doesn't compare to theirs, but I hope to one day have a taste of it." His smile remained on his face as she voiced her opinion of him making a great king one day. "Heh, I don't know about all that, Guin, but I would try my best."
She voiced her feelings for him as mutual and Dhiren wanted to race in a circle and excitedly spin. She liked him, too! That was too great to hear!! Instead of externally showing his happiness, he moved on to what she said next. Guinevere knew some about healing, but she didn't have much education at the old Valhalla. A light sigh escaped Dhiren's lips and he met her gaze. "You won't have to worry about not being taught here, Guin. When you join, you will be a Chapter, someone who is open to all the areas of study. We have teachers here that will cover all the basics you need to know. My sister, Novel, and her partner, Ara, are two of the most talented healers we have here. Once you get comfortable, I am sure they won't hesitate to offer you their services."
The Editor then made his happiness shine. His smile had brightened as he went to lean in to nuzzle her cheek. Silver and gold eyes sparkled before he pulled back from the physical sign of affection. "Welcome to Ludicael, Guinevere...I can't wait for you to see all the glory Ludicael holds in its palm."
