
Smile, it's the end of the world



2 Years
06-28-2014, 11:30 PM
OOC: This takes place right after the Ebony meeting.

Stopping in her tracks, Sindri gazed at the structure her family called home. The densite was laid out before her and littered with painful memories. The scents of her mother and sister were heavy here. Her mind's eye painted memories onto the present: over there Raisa stood, smiling and watching as her children played, and near the entrance she stood guard as they began to explore. The pair of missing wolves appeared all over the place, occupied with various activities.

Sindri blinked and just as suddenly as they appeared, they were gone. They were going to stay gone, she needed to come to terms with that. Part of her wanted to go after Raisa like her sister had, but most of her rejected the idea. Her mother had left her. Abandoned her. Obviously she didn't want her children or she'd have stayed. She needed to let Raisa go, just like she'd been let go. It just hurt so much. She couldn't picture life without her mom and yet she was living it. What hurt the most was the feeling of betrayal. Not just a betrayal of trust, but of love. Sindri felt so much love for her mother and she thought her mother felt the same...and yet she was gone.

Taking a deep breath, Sindri held it for a couple of seconds and then let it out slowly. She repeated the process over and over until she calmed and her breathing steadied. Once she was through, the youngling howled for her siblings.

Speaking -
- Thinking



2 Years
06-29-2014, 09:07 AM

Blood nested itself neatly between his shoulders as the panting youth returned from yet another training session. He was getting stronger? he could feel it. However? he was still so far away. Sigmarr let out a soft sigh as he started walking back towards the den site. He should be training with Valeriya. She should've been right here but instead?

Sigmarr felt his gut tighten at the memories. He wanted to have hope? had to have hope. Valeriya would find their mother and bring her back and in the meantime he and Katja would watch over Ebony. He'd be here waiting for her when she returned, for sure!

A call rang out and Sigmarr slowed to a stop as he recognized the voice of Sindri. Was she alright? No? of course she wasn't. Were any of them alright at having been abandoned by Raisa? True they had another mother? somewhere across the lands but she'd left too hadn't she? Left just as Sigmarr had started getting well only to return to hear the news that her beloved wife had abandoned her too. And then she left? again. And their bastard of a father had never been there from the start! What was it about them that made them so undesirable? So despised?

Well? he wasn't going to stand for that. He'd become a great warrior, make a pack to ally with Ebony. Ebony and Ivory. And he would be there for Svetlana, handle any dirty work she needed doing and they'd create their own empire in Alacritis! Then they could see who still found them wanting, who still found them worth abandoning.

"Hey Sindri?" His voice was soft and low and he tried to smile at the greeting but it quickly fell from his maw. He was tired and didn't see the point in pretending to be happy. "You thinking of mom and Val? You're not alone? I can't get them out of my head either." He moved to sit beside her, offering her a shoulder to lean into.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
07-07-2014, 08:10 AM

Soft pawsteps sent Kassander meandering away from the meeting as Katja released them. Shock colored his features still after her revelations. Raisa gone. Val gone. The pack was Katja's now. There were so many changes, so quickly. Even the ranks had gotten renamed. It didn't even please him that he had an official mentor - it was so stupid compared to all that had changed. He'd just been coming to terms with the hurt he'd felt the first time Raisa had abandoned them, trying to fix the way he felt toward her, and now she'd walked out on them again. And Val... he'd wanted to try to mend his relationship with her after the way he'd acted now that she was not sick anymore, but he'd waited too long, and now she was gone too.

A thin howl rose, Sindri's voice, and Kass turned leadenly in her direction, the direction of the den they'd shared with Raisa and Val. He wasn't ready to go back there, but... Sindri called for them, and so he'd answer, coming up to drop himself next to his sister, but his gaze immediately sought his younger brother's, on the other side of Sindri. "Are they really gone?" he asked softly, his voice holding a thin note of pleading. He wanted desperately for it to be all a lie told by Katja so she could get control of the pack, or a misunderstanding or something. If anyone would know the truth, it was Sigmarr. He was always sticking his nose into everything.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
07-13-2014, 02:51 AM

Gone. It was their loss that hurt and stung the young girl. So much so that, even as they left the meeting, she would even snap at Korrin. Though they were far enough that their words would not be ones that were understood, Svet's shouting could be made out, cracked with emotion. A few moments later, running on, the girl would nearly crash into Kassander as she ran, trying to escape it. Her thoughts... the pain. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she panted, looking up at her brother before taking a couple steps back, ears lowered. She would turn, looking at the other two. The remaining family. The last of them. So close to what should have been their den.

Now just an empty hole.

Svetlana would lower her gaze, the tears continuing to make her blue eyes misty with moisture. She said nothing, refused to do so. She didn't want to think. Didn't want to be here... but it felt appropriate to, for the moment, stand with her siblings. They were all lost... abandoned by their own mother. Again. What did the gods want from them? What was it that they sought? The girl would shiver some, squeezing her eyes. She wanted to be away from Ebony right now. So very far, far away.

"Hear Me Talk,"
"Listen To Korrin,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]