
Our time draws near



2 Years
06-28-2014, 11:27 PM

A lot had happened since he had first found Ahmose in the serene quite of the Weeping Woods. He had told that new found friend of his dreams of becoming an Alpha and the other seemed willing to join and help him create it. Since then crucifix had chosen another expanse of land and gathered a group of followers who where keen to join him in his dreams. He knew he needed to find Ahmose again and tell him of all he had gathered ? the time for creating the pack was growing closer and he needed his friends help to ensure he was ready.

So his steps would once again take him to the Weeping woods, he would in fact return to the exact spot where he had lay in wait for the deer the other had chased, and together they had taken it down. He would stand where the kill had been and throw back his head and howl for the other. He hoped Ahmose had not gone far, after all he had told Cru that he had made a home here in these woods ? so lets hope the boy was at home.



06-30-2014, 06:57 PM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2014, 06:59 PM by Ahmose.)

Silver head would raise from a comfortable rest and eyelids would flicker open, revealing stunning hazel brown eyes. He had heard the call resonating throughout the territory and echoing off of the stone floor of his root hollow. A smile would grace his features and the man would rise to his paws. Crucifix.

Before taking off to join his friend Ahmose would tilt back his skull and send a deep toned return howl so that the man would know he was coming. Then the silver coated beast would push off through the trees towards the sound of his summons.

It had been a while since he had last seen him, and knew that the man could very well have made the final touches he needed to perfect his pack. The thought warmed his heart, knowing that he would soon be a part of that movement.

He had meant to find his sisters in the time that lapsed between their previous meeting but to no avail. The pair could not be found in all of Alacritis and Ahmose had to return home. He had been sure to leave his markers by the land bridge where he had crossed so that they would be able to follow him through the land if they chose to arrive.

The cross marked man was in his sights now and Ahmose chose to quicken his steps to reach him faster. The snow on the ground was not proving to be a problem for the man who was raised sliding through sand dunes and besting the biting night storms of the desert. So he had no trouble padding across the winter landscape towards his friend.

"Hello Crucifix!" He greeted him, his deep male tones fogging through the air towards the man who held so much in store for his future.




2 Years
07-02-2014, 05:03 PM

Mere moments after his call had died out would the returning howl grace the air. The boy would grin at the familiar tones and knew that his knew friend was on his way. He did not need to wait long for the silver toned boy to appear before him. With a few more quick passes Ahmose would be before him. Crucifix would lower his head slightly in greeting, even as his own name parted the lips of the other. ?Ahmose!? he would say now, holding nothing but warmth for his woodland friend. With thoughts of the woods his eyes would glance about at their surroundings, wondering how long it would be before this place could be called his home.

?I?m glad you came, we have a lot to talk about? he would start, already his mind filtering through all that had happened the last week and how much support he had gathered. ?I have found a second land to claim, as well a lead Healer who will join us and perhaps train up others. I have a few family members that will join us as well as other support. We aren?t far off now, to make this pack a reality? he would explain, his voice animated and excited for the future to come ?Did you find you family to join?? he would ask curiously, knowing any family of his friend would be welcome within the pack.