
Herbs and Stuff



7 Years

06-28-2014, 03:58 PM

Bass had got the permission to borrow Orchid from Covari, and he had attempted to spread the word to all the packs. He wanted to host a mass healer training, for everyone that wished to come and join them. He wished for all of Abaven to understand the base knowledge of herbs, and he wanted everyone to know how to heal snake bites and counteract their poison. While Serpent Plains were beautiful and full of prey, snakes also seemed to like to call it home. So he made his way towards the river, settling himself down at the calmer part of the flowing river before he tipped back his head and let out a howl. He called all healers, every wolf who had that knowledge for herbs growing within them. They could all grow together, all with the help of each other.

The young alpha looked behind him for Orchid, wondering if he had lost her in his excitement. Falling upon his rump he curled his pale tail over his still paws, letting out a sigh of happiness. He was really getting this started, and it was all he could have asked for. His claws bit into the earth, his whole form shaking as he calmed himself. He was an alpha now, not just a pup.



06-28-2014, 05:35 PM

Gossamir was returning from the Gale Gorge with a fresh crop of herbs to continue her studies. She'd learned a lot from the nomad that had lingered around Tortuga but it seemed now even he was gone. She frowned. Though she had learned enough to be considered a healer she still felt there was a wealth of knowledge she had yet to discover and it was frustrating her. Still she would study, she would learn.

A call rang out and she slowed to a stop. The call was male, from the new pack that she assumed was just forming. They had heard the call in the night, the claim of territory. It was unmistakable. Too curious for her own good Gossamir stalked in direction of the call, fronds of horsetail and a number of other things hanging from her jaws. It was a fair journey but soon she came upon who she supposed was the alpha. Setting down her herbs she gave a quick howl to let him know she was entering his territory and answering the call before she snatched up her cache again and journeyed farther in.

Gossamir Alkali came upon the large male. Saphhire eyes took him in for a moment, he seemed to be of a good nature. Setting down her herbs she grinned and cocked her head to the side. "You rang? My name is Gossamir Akali of Tortuga. You called for healers?"

Sharpening my words...
[Image: gossy_bot_zpsa3db5e02.jpg]



10 Years
06-28-2014, 06:05 PM

So soon after the mocha cloaked girl joined his pride, Bass had traveled to distant lands alone, in search of more healers to help train her in the art before many more wolves would get word of the new pack to reside in, so she could heal those whom needed it, and train those interested in the art, as well as all in the pack, whom would be trained in basic healing of wounds and poisons. Already had she created a mixture of herbs to use, as well as essences. Her brother was so caring and sweet, and gave it to all those whom needed it. His call had rung across the Abaven lands as well as those of Alacritia, a summons for all healers whom wished to study the healing art together.

She had been gathering herbs, returning with a bundle of branches in her jaws, of elderberry for aid in poisoning, making sure not to bite too deep, to prevent the ingestion of the bark or leaves, which could wound her from within. At the sound of the Azat's call, she would pick up her pace, pearly stilts beating the ground until she had reached her den, simply lying them down on the ground within, before she would lope toward him, standing near her den, no more than a kilometer away, likely by coincidence. No matter to his position, she carefully approached, mismatched orbs following the shaded female that had appeared, sapphire eyes sparkling in the reflection of the calmer rapids. Her voice spoke of no aggression, but no hostility was withheld in any portion of the mocha cloaked tempest's stature, purely relaxed, as she had been summoned, like any other healers whom wished to train with one another. She gave a warm smile and nodded, if Bass had not already, and spoke in a smooth and calm voice. "Greetings. I'm Harmony Destruction, but my brother, Bass Destruction..." She gave a toss of her head toward her larger brother, whom was sitting upon the calmer portion of the rapids, before continuing her lyrics, "Is the alpha, better known as the Azat. Our pack is known as Abaven." Her inky lips instantly would become sealed, to silence herself from further speaking, awaiting arrival of more lupine healers, or for her kin to speak, should he wish upon it, stilts folding to allow her a seat upon the grasses, as mismatched orbs watched the shaded tempest, a smile stretching her lips.



06-28-2014, 06:36 PM

beginning to the end

Faolan had been roaming around the East, stretching out his paws and trying to avoid the harshness winter had brought. He was growing tired of waking up with frost on his nose and the cool air hitting him when he stepped out of his den. Perhaps he had chosen a bad spot to live, or he was just a fair-weathered fellow. Rather than deal with it all day (like say, Dhiren, who had duties for his pack), he decided it was going to be a herb day. Ara had been spending time with Novel to ensure her returning health and needed more items for her stock. That didn't bother Faolan, for he needed something to do and it had to be constructive.
As he searched for herbs or plants that would stand out from the rest, a howl reached his ears. Slowly, he turned his head in the direction it came from and thought about either ignoring it or seeing what the call was for. The latter answered his curiosity and before he could stop himself, he changed direction and headed for a land he had never set foot on. Light green eyes scanned the border as he smelled the strong outline of the land's line. He decided to do the polite thing and howl his presence as well. Not even a second afterward, a silvery paw stepped over it and he ventured into the unknown.
The sounds of rapids approaching met his ears and Faolan slowed his gait. Once he reached the clearing, he saw three unfamiliar wolves seated near the water. Faolan knew if he turned to leave, they would notice; if he chose to be silent, they would notice as well. Due to his silvery frame, he was out of luck for being invisible. A light flush crept across his cheeks when he realized he had come empty-handed. The other wolves had herbs in front of their paws and he had nothing. Slowly, he stopped a respectful distance away as he looked at each wolf. "I'm sorry to intrude, but I heard the call and...I was wondering if it was for anyone or just your members?" He silently waited for an answer before making another move.

Puppy Talk

we are alive



10 Years
06-29-2014, 05:46 PM

Novel had been thinking of the meeting her cousin would call, to all the healers around the continent. They would come for such a gathering, called by her own blood. She would travel lightly, and determinedly. This was the first time she'd left the lands in quite a while. Though, traveling a very short distance, and not even touching neutral lands.
She was not feeling rather bold, but finding at least a familiar face in harmony and Faolan. She would say nothing as she found her way to her cousin's side. A gentle nuzzle would be given to Harmony as the rest of the guests would arrive.


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


06-29-2014, 06:14 PM

Of coarse, the woman was hanging around Ludicael territory, pacing around the icy stream and thinking hard about everything going on. She was also verbally planning what would happen in the future. Like would she see Bass again? Would she manage to attend every meeting/training event in Ludicael? Or- how often would she like to spar? The girl never knew, and she hoped everything would go as hoped. The woman also hoped that she wouldn't grow so close to Bass that she'd leave Ludicael...that would defiantly make Bass look bad. Wren winced and sucked in a painful amount of air, her eyes narrowing. Her ears laid back against her skull anxiously and her pacing quickened. She felt like the whole world just dropped onto her shoulders- and she was fighting to keep herself standing with so much weight.
Suddenly, a beautiful howl rang into the air. It was so familiar. Immediately, she realized it was Bass. This beautiful song pulled her back into reality, her ears pushing forward and her eyes focusing in on the air. With her eyes away from the ground, she suddenly lost footing and tripped over a large tree root, falling face first onto the ground. Slowly, the girl arose and found her balance, turning and carefully walking around the small, icy stream. Then she broke into a quick sprint through the deep snow. All the way to her friend's territory, where she would watch the healers. Considering she had absolutely no interest in herbs or healing, she would not participate. But maybe help Bass out a bit.
The woman arrived in a hurry, out of breath, but still in a pretty good mood. She slowed her pace once she crossed the territory border and eventually ended up walking. A few minutes passed as she searched the area. But finally she had made it. There, in a nice looking clearing, wolves gathered. But her minty emerald gems were basically looking for her friend. After scanning the crowd a few times she spotted him sitting calmly with a few wolves before him. A playful laugh bubbled at her chest before she slowly trotted over and dipped her head. She didn't want these others wolves to think of her as disrespectful- so she mirrored them. But after, she calmly shuffled up to his right and sat beside him.
The babe tucked her tail over her small paws and smiled, speaking while looking at the obsidian-hued dame in front of the azat. How is my lovely king doing this morning? The woman was teasing him like their first meeting. And this time, she wasn't looking to flirt."Speech"



3 Years
06-29-2014, 07:04 PM

[Image: aafzlv.png]

Of course if there had been any other capable wolves of representing Glaciem he would have stayed home. He was new, at least to Glaciem. Though that didn't mean he could ignore his duties, so the large man would have been told prior by his queen to go. Athena was such a pretty thing, he couldn't object to his queen's words anyway. Not that he really cared, all he cared about was bringing himself to some sort of level with his skill. Yearning to learn something he didn't already know about healing. And seeing the looks of surprise on others faces when they said 'he's a healer?' because of his appearance. The brown male with black toes would arrive on the scene not to be the first, looking tired, but looking menacing like usual.
He stretched himself, before settling away from the one who had seemed to have called the meeting. How wonderful, he had no interest in any of these wolves, but he had to keep his manner to show what the kingdom of Glaciem was made of, what he was made of. Since the loss of their last healer as he had heard rumors of, he had come just in time. Devin would dip his head to Bass, "Devin, Glaciem's healer." the rather deep tones would fall at a slow rate. Pulling his head back, to expose his large chest. A pure beast made for fighting on a realistic scale. Even if he wasn't as big as some beasts it had run in his family line for such a long time it was clear to see fighting was in his veins. Yet he chose healing, because he enjoyed it.

-I changed his song xD

? ? ?

cait at btn

Katja the First


8 Years
06-29-2014, 08:10 PM

Escorting her young charges, Katja forged through the remaining snow between her territory and that of young Bass, her recently acquired neighbor and ally. When he'd made the offer of intrapack healer training, she'd been skeptical initially but knowing that they were down to two healers, and one of those pregnant, made the decision to allow the young trainee healers to participate in this quite simple. Behind her followed Kassander, the eldest Xanilov. Since the sickness, and since Raisa's disappearance he'd changed quite a bit from the rash and temperamental young wolf she'd first encountered, and she was liking him much more now as a quiet and determinedly studious trainee than he had been... but she wouldn't count on him staying that way. As long as he did she was willing to indulge him in his healing obsession, and give him these opportunities.

Her gaze swept behind her over the young wolves, making sure they were all there yet, as a howl rose over the land. Bass' invitation to all healers to join in the training - the training was beginning. "Come," was all she said to them, leading them across the border and along on the trek to the group.

"Bass," she greeted. "I do bring healers-in-training for you." The alpha of Ebony gestured with her muzzle toward the trainees.




7 Years
06-29-2014, 08:47 PM

Kassander followed behind Katja with far more eagerness than he'd shown for anything in quite some time... since Elsa died anyway. His enthusiasm dimmed slightly at the thought, but bounced back quickly enough in his excitement. Finally, he was doing something to better himself. Finally, he would be moving closer to being a true healer, to being the best healer. He wouldn't be simply sharing an instructor with the other would-be healers - though he was doing that too - he'd be able to learn from more than just Maximous. Expand his knowledge in ways he couldn't in just Ebony.

Katja stopped to listen to a howl, and the young prince stopped as well, his auburn coat like blood against the snow as he waited. Finally she led the way across the border, and toward the waiting training group. Standing before the young alpha who had called the meeting as Katja spoke to him, Kassander could feel his hard hammering hard in his chest in uncharacteristic excitement, and his head and tail unconsciously raised in pride. This was the start of Kassander Xanilov as the greatest healer Alacratia had ever seen. He'd be the best... he had to.


06-29-2014, 09:06 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
There was a curious call in the air, that for healers. Not just any healers of any one pack, but seemingly all healers that might hear. With a gentle word to Othello, asking her if she could care for the children, she would gain the approval to head off to this call of healers. She felt excited and curious, breaking into a run towards the lands that the call hailed from. She couldn't remember the last time she had spoken with other healers, save Orchid, and doing so was something the other woman enjoyed so much. There was always more to learn, and the young woman would never stop seeking knowledge to become a great healer, to carry on in the name of those she left behind in the Place of Great Winds.

The young woman would howl at the border, a courtesy to announce her crossing into the claimed lands, before she would walk into the territory of the rapids. She had visited these lands before, some time ago now. The small femme would pad along until a grouping of several other wolves would come into view. Those young and older, even a woman older than herself. The woman would lightly step to arrive beside a brown male with purple eyes. The woman would dip her head towards everyone before looking toward the white male she assumed was the alpha of this pack. "I am Ellis Cathal, one of Covai's healers. If I may I would like to join the rest of you. I apologize that I didn't have any herbs to bring with me." Ellis would take a seat curling her tail around her paws as she waited for things to begin.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.

Orchid I


5 Years
06-30-2014, 02:31 AM

There was a mess and a mass of people to gather about around them. She stood behind Bass the entire time that people flocked about them. This boy really was serious about getting people up to speed with the basics, and well she could see the merits of throwing them all together she knew the serious learning would get done in small groups or even best on a one on one bases, where she could work at the students level and progress as they did. Regardless, she respected this alpha's wishes, since apparently she had been handed over to him for a little while.

She would move forward and flick her gaze over the collected bodies. ?If anyone wants one on one training they can come to my den in the afternoons, I'll be here for a few days before returning to my pack? she would venture, before falling silent again. As per usual she had her basic herbs in her leaf bag twirled about the strands of fur close to her neck, as the meeting rolled on she was sure to pull them out and explain them as needed, but so far it seemed to still be about people arriving and introductions.

It would be here that she would notice Ellis, her healer and the Covari Lead Healer would quickly make her way over from Bass's side and to the girls. They had come close, since the other had moved into her den for a while to help Othello with the children. She smiled warmly at Ellis. "I have enough herbs for the both of us to show" she would promise.




3 Years
06-30-2014, 03:15 AM

Though he had only recently become an official member of Ludicael, Sorrel had never actually left the packs lands before nor did the young boy have any intention of doing so either. And yet despite that he found himself now upon the lands of another pack.

The young boy had heard yet another call for healers, the fact that it wasn't specific to Ludicael this time as was outside of the pack lands had troubled the child though upon seeing his cousin leave to attend, Sorrel had once more followed her though was rather regretting his decision, especially as he finally arrived at the gathering. He could not turn around alone however and so he'd keep quiet and stick close to Novel though he could sense her uncertainty also and it only worried him further.



5 Years
06-30-2014, 11:46 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The moment she had learned of the impending meeting among the healers of Alacritia, hosted by the newest established pack, Callisto had been hell bent on making Maximous go so she could tag along. He was so much more personable than she was, knowing the proper thing to say and when to say it. If he went, then he could do all the talking and all she would need to do is listen. And maybe watch if there were any demonstrations. Would there be demonstrations? Her mind had been abuzz about what it would be like and she wondered whether the training she had thus far received had been the most common form. How much she could learn from this! She needed to go.

It was Katja who led their group from Ebony to the meeting, not Max, and yet the spindly legged youth followed eagerly all the same. Her silvery blue eyes were alert, assessing, while her mind attempted to get ahead of her with ideas of how everything would go. Hopefully it would be beneficial; she could not say how disappointed she would feel if everything covered was all things she had already been taught. A call was issued ahead, giving their new Alpha pause for a brief moment but they were just as quickly off again. Callisto stayed behind the masked leader as she brought them before the group, taking to glancing around at those present as she and those who had traveled with were introduced. How long before it all began? Now that she was here, the serious, unsmiling girl was impatient for things to begin.



8 Years
07-01-2014, 01:34 AM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2014, 09:31 PM by Maximous.)

The man had not been within Ebony when a call for the healer meeting had rang out. He knew he should go as both Katja and Callisto would want him too. So as per usual he set out to meet the others with a mouth full of herbs.

He had known he would be late. Then again he also knew that Katja herself would not let the young ones who were interested in healing miss the meeting. Upon his arrival he found himself to be correct. His alpha already had the students of Ebony introduced.

Quietly he would make his presence known to the higher ranking wolves. Giving each a respectful bow of his head before Moving to Callisto's side. Here he was not just a teacher but a student as well. He had already learned and applied many things, however he knew there were many more things to learn.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



7 Years

07-01-2014, 02:43 AM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2014, 03:54 PM by Bass.)

OOC : Yay, epic turn out! Just to keep things orginized, we are going to post in the order that everyone posted in. Please no skipping, unless you got permission. But really, I would rather not, cause it can get confusing. So, posting order is as follows : Bass, Gossamir, Harmony, Faolan, Novel, Wren, Devin, Katja, Kassander, Ellis, Orchid, Sorrel, Callisto, and finally Maximous. If there is anyone new who wants to hop in, please ask the person who is due next to post if you can butt in, and then this posting order will be updated. If you have any questions or anything, feel free to shoot me a PM on Bass's account, catch me in the cbox or on skype.


After the brutes song was sung, he had rested himself on his haunches by the river to wait for everyone to show up. He had no idea how many wolves were going to show up, or even if there was anyone who had planned on it. He had brought it up in the meetings he had had with a few packs, although he had not been able to make it to all like he had planed for. However, soon after his call was heard his ears perked, catching the notice of a wolf coming in for the meeting. Bass's pale tail thumped a few times on the earth as he waited to spot the creature, eager to see who had come. When the wolf emerged, he smiled at her. She seemed to bring her own supplies, and for that he was grateful for. He hadn't specified, but he was rather dull when it came to herbs, he didn't know what they would need. The dame introduced herself as Gossamir, and stated she was from Tortuga. Ah, so that was the scent he had picked up. He was still committing them all to memory, and he had yet to make it to their borders.

Bass was about too introduce himself when his mocha cloaked sister roamed in, introducing the both of them. Nodding along with her, he allowed his golden gaze to shift back to the blue eyed babe. "Welcome to Abaven, Gossamir of Tortuga. We are pleased to have you here today." Giving his tail a short wag, he smiled softly at the dame. "I have called for healers to gather here upon our lands for a mass healing training of sorts, for everyone to share and learn from each other. If you are interested, you are more than welcome to stay. If this is not something you wish to do, then you may leave in peace." His words were soft, there was no hostility in them, it was merely the truth. He was not going to force anyone to stay here and do something that they held no interest for. That, in his mind, was a form of torture.

He was about to address the two females when another howl sounded, drawing his attention towards it. He watched the spot where it came from, his head dipping in a greeting when a gray male advanced towards the growing group. His scent was that of Ludicael, his grandparents pack. At the boys question, a soft chuckle slipped past his black lips. "All are welcome, member of Ludicael. You may join us if you wish." Bass was unsure if this male was a healer himself, or one who aspired to have their knowledge of herbs grow. Ludicael was a scholarly pack, so either way he knew that he would most likely be interested. After all, he had answered his summon. "Come, join us." He said, waving the gray brute over with an ivory paw. All could join them, to just sit and learn, ot to reach as well.

The next wolf to arrive was from Ludicael as well, and by her somewhat familiar scent she was a member of the Destruction family as well. It was not surprising to him, they did seem to breed like rabbits within the lands of Alacrita. She seemed to know his sister, her nuzzle falling upon Harmony's shoulder. Ah, so that must be Novel, their cousin who had given Harmony one of her first training lessons. A nod was sent in her direction, that smile ever present on his maw. "Welcome Novel of Ludicael." He said softly, winking at her. He was unsure how much Harmony had told her of him, if at all. Looking at his multi hued sister now he stuck his tongue out, chuckling softly before the next wolves caught his attention.

Wren bounded into the clearing, dipping her head at him before finding a seat to his right. Bass chuckled, touching his nose to her shoulder as he had on their first meeting. She teased him, asking how he was doing with much more colourful words. "Better now." He said softly, playfully bumping his shoulder into hers. He still didn't understand the concept of flirting, to him it was all a game, all a tease. "Did you come here just to tease and mock me? Last time I checked, Wren of Ludicael, you had no interest on herbs." Not that he was going to make her leave, of course she was welcome to stay. It was just the game that they played, that silly back and forth. It was similar to the games that him and Motif played, that banter that was in every meeting they held.

His attention was called away from his friend as yet another wolf entered, this one throwing him off guard. The brown beast looked more like a fighter to him than a healer, and he wondered if he was simply escorting wolves here. By his scent he was a member of Glaciem, and he knew that he had come a long way down here. He had made that march himself, shivering as he remembered the biting change in temperature, even in the tail end of winter. He introduced himself as Devin, dipping his head to Bass. The Azat did the same, his smile reforming on his maw. "Welcome Devin of Glaciem." He said, making a point to welcome each wolf as they arrived. He said that he was a healer, still shocking the ivory beast. He was made for fighting indeed, it was rather interesting that the brute had chosen to delve into the art of healing. But to each their own, he supposed.

He didn't have too much time to digest that information, because a familiar black masked wolf joined them with two little ones coming in behind her. He dipped his head to the dame as he greeted her. "Welcome Katja, thank you for bringing your healers in training. I do hope that they leave this meeting with a lot of knowledge to benefit your pack." His words were not bitter, but sweet and welcoming. He was glad that there were ones that were here to learn, just as he was learning of the healing arts. They could grow together, the whole lot of them. He gestured with a paw that the Ebony members were more than welcome to find a seat, he was about to address everyone. Enough time had passed since he howled, but all other wolves were welcome to join in late. He nodded at the two trainee's, a male and a female. They both looked eager, although the girl seemed calmer than her male counterpart. Bass chuckled softly, waiting a little bit longer until he stood.

A small female came in next, her scent that of Covari. She introduced herself and he dipped his head as well, his neck beginning to get sore from all this head dipping. He must look like a broken toy, his head bobbing up and down as each wolf entered. "Welcome Ellis of Covari. It was not needed for you to bring your own herbs, so there is no need to apologize. If anything is needed, Harmony has some herbs stored in her den that is not too far off from here, we would be pleased to supply you with your needs." He noted, gesturing to Harmony with his nose as he spoke her name. That is why he had chosen this place to call the meeting, he hadn't expected anyone at all to bring their own herbs. For those who did, he was rather grateful.

Orchid, who had been seated behind him the whole time, rose and took her turn to speak. He deflated somewhat when she offered to train some one on one, but knew that it made more sense. He had a game plan though, and hoped that it all worked out. He was thankful for Orchid being here though, and would not argue her words. All these wolves were welcome to stay as long as they needed, maybe they could even break off into rotating groups after the mass one was over. Admittedly, Bass had not thought quite that far ahead. His golden eyes followed her steps as he rose from behind, taking a seat beside the other Covari healer. He smiled once more, nodding his acceptance at her words. Not that he really had a choice, he had a feeling that the strong willed girl would do as she pleased. He couldn't help but chuckle at that, he wouldn't attempt to stop her. She was family after all, he knew that she wouldn't do anything that was harmful to Abaven, or any of these wolves.

A creamy male slipped into the crowd, again another member of Ludicael. He wasn't surprised though, his grandparents pack did share borders with him. Nothing slipped from the young boys maw, and he seemed to be rather shy. Because of this Bass did not call him out, just smiled at him if he happened to look his way. He was quite nervous looking, but he hoped that the boy didn't feel uncomfortable around him and all these wolves. He wanted everyone to be comfortable, and to feel well at home.

One more wolf slipped in, his scent that of Ebony as well. He was slightly disappointing that no wolves from Valhalla, Arcanium, or Olympus had shown up. Although for Valhalla just changing leaders, he couldn't be too surprised. It was a hard thing to do, to settle everything down once a pack challenge happened. And with Olympus, he had heard that they rather kept to themselves unless there was something that they wanted, and clearly this was not one of them. He hadn't heard anything on Arcanium, but the boy kept his chin up. A number of wolves had shown up already, he needed to be thankful for all that he had. So the brute stood up and padded into a bald spot in the clearing that was not surrounding any wolf, waiting a few more moments to allow everyone to settle down. Clearing his throat, he awaited silence to speak.

Once the area grew quiet, Bass smiled as his golden eyes traveled around all who had come. "Welcome wolves of all packs and ages, Abaven welcomes you into our lands. For those of you who do not know, I am Bass Destruction and I am Azat of these lands. I want to thank you all for showing up, I hope that this is beneficial for all those around you." His tail swung slowly behind him as he paused, gathering his thoughts for how he was going to organize this. He was not sure of everyone's skill level, so he needed to work around this. Looking from Harmony to Wren for comfort, he opened his maw once more to speak his plan. "I am unsure of where everyone lays in their training in the art of healing, so I will work in a manner that will, err, I at least hope it will, work for everyone. If we could all form a half moon around where I am standing, that would be perfect. Please leave enough room on either side of me to allow for room to work, and please do not block the view of those wolves around you." Again he fell silent, waiting until everyone had shuffled until he spoke again.

Once everyone was in their placed, Bass smiled once more. "I would like it for everyone who is studying healers to come up here one at a time, perhaps in the order in which we showed up. Not everyone has to come up, if you wish to skip your turn simply wave on the next wolf. We will be doing two rounds of that, and the first round if each healer could show everyone a different basic healing process, that would be best. Anything that everyone learning healing should know. Even if you know it, pay close attention, we may learn something from how other healers handle things." Winking, the Azat continued. "For the second round, I would love it if each healer or healer in training would all teach us something special. It could be a more advanced healing knowledge, or even something that you feel you are best at. After all these rounds we can ask questions, or maybe even break off into groups to do more one on one healing like Orchid had suggested." Bass paused, making sure all his information had sunk in.

After a small pause, Bass nodded his head slowly. "Well then. If anyone needs herbs, Harmony's den is not far off from our meeting, you are more than welcome to borrow our supplies if needed." He looked at Harmony then, wondering if she would speak up and ask that they go with her or simply follow their nose. "Because Gossamir showed up first, the floor is all yours." Bass left his position at the head of the half moon, joining Wren wherever she had settled, choosing the seat to her left.


OOC again : Holy balls, I apologize for this massive wall of text. Again, if you have any questions just try to catch me. To make it more simple, we will be having two rounds of posting. First off, healers can pick any skill that they feel every healer should know, a simple poultice or even how to dress a wound. The second round is a bit more special, the healer or even healer in training can show their favorite mix or even something that they feel is their specialty. Or even something that not many wolves know.

If you don't have me on skype, my skype name is chacha.fields and my image is of me and a camel.



07-03-2014, 08:30 PM
ooc: sorry for the wait >< I'm not sure what you want but I'm not well atm so I just went with going over an herb sorry if I bore you to death next post will be more interesting.

They poured in en masse. Healers from every corner of Alacritis and Gossamir had to admit she was intrigued. Not many an alpha would reach out so extensively to the other packs and she wondered if Roman had yet to meet this new alpha and perhaps offer an alliance. He seemed an interesting sort of fellow, not quite as ruthless as she might expect of a Tortugan ally but he was clearly very willing to share knowledge. The man stated that the pack was named Abaven and he was Bass Destruction.

She listened intently to what he was saying but felt suddenly nervous when it was her turn. Ohhh? boy. Well, was she a healer or wasn't she? Swallowing her nerves she stepped forward. "Alright. I'm a healer in training in Tortuga, I've been studying under the nomads though I was originally trained as a poison expert. I excel in examining side effects?" He gaze shifted to Bass. What in the hell was she doing? Was this right? Pawing at the herbs before her she reached down and plucked out some fronds of boneset.

"Boneset is useful for treating colds and fevers but it is also a poison. In higher doses it can be used to induce vomiting which is useful for evicting poisons other poisons that may have been swallowed. However too much can cause projectile vomiting, muscle spasms, diarrhea and even death. Heh? sorry I've never done this before. I apologize if this is common knowledge already. The herb itself grows in moist soil and low meadows and marshes."

She turned to the wolf next to her, Harmony. Uncertain if she were done yet or not. She'd start simply moving onto the more complex understanding of poisons in the second round. For now though she was uncertain and would stick to simple matters.




10 Years
07-04-2014, 03:52 PM

The turnout was great, binding close and good ties with other packs with Abaven. A warm smile was put upon her maw as the shaded tempest named Gossimir rose up to speak. She never would have been bold enough to begin first, and once she finished her speech, and allowed Harmony room to talk, her pearly banner rose, sweeping across her lower back as to say good job. Her mocha capped crown bobbed in respect to Bass, as she would rise, her mocha cloak unfurling. Mismatched orbs shimmered as an idea rolled into her mind. Just as Gossimir, she was an expert in poisons, rather an expert in curing them and what was what, and what was to be avoided. Finally, she spoke, her cheery and sing-slng voice eliciting onto the wind. "Like Miss Gossimir... I am an expert in poisons, but rather than using them, I am an expert in curing them, and one herb useful in curing it is Elderberry, a herb that grows in wet or dry condition, and prefers direct sunlight, and it increases resistance in a wolf's immune system if the berries are consumed, but no other part should be eaten." She dipped her mocha capped crown in respect, before she would recline. "Speech"


07-04-2014, 10:08 PM

The yearling was not sure what he should say, especially when his knowledge of herbs contrasted greatly to what Ara knew. His light green eyes moved to notice Novel, one of his fellow pack mates. Courage found itself in his chest and he slowly took a few paces forward. "I am not sure I know as much about poisons as these two fine ladies," he began, "but I can tell you something about the herb, lavender."
A warm smile appeared on his face and he began again. "Lavender has a few purposes, but I tend to use it in the way of helping relax those who deal with insomnia, depression, or restlessness. Consuming it will help the user relax and if they take in too much, they will become too drowsy to do anything." He cleared his throat and continued. "When it's crushed into a fine oil, lavender can be used to help nerves work properly again. It can also be used to help with arthritis..." A small bit of his personal life was then revealed. "My mother began using lavender during the war because my father was taken as prisoner. She couldn't sleep at all and her panic attacks were becoming more frequent. Ever since then, she has been using it as her daily sedative." Silent would not be ashamed of what Faolan had revealed. At her age and just having to start using herbs, she felt proud that she didn't have to depend on them earlier on.
The silver male then stepped back, glad to not be talking anymore. He exhaled deeply and tried to meet Bass's gaze, hoping that he would approve of what he had relayed to the group. Hopefully, he would learn more than what he had come with beforehand: nothing.




10 Years
07-06-2014, 03:47 PM

She would notice her other cousin quickly find his way to her side, he seemed nervous and she knew that she couldn't have been helping that feeling. To try and help reassure him, and herself, she would let him see a gentle smile form on her lips. She would try to make herself look more confident by raising her head a bit, as more wolves trickled in she felt a bit more confident. Their cousin Bass was an alpha and led many wolves who were not of the Destruction name, if he could be so accomplished why couldn't she? He had greeted her politely and she would nod her head respectfully in similar fashion.
He was quick to start, explaining the activity rather well, though she couldn't deny she felt nervous about addressing the whole group. Maybe it would be practice, she was a lead healer in Ludicael but she was usually teaching to family, not strangers. She would listen then, as three wolves spoke before her, only the first she did not know. "Hello, everyone. I'm Novel and I think that every healer should know that Dandelions can be used to alleviate joint pain, can help bruises, and reduce inflammation. It's such a common plant everyone should know how to use it.." She would trail off slightly before encountering a slight moment of silence. Slightly embarrassed she didn't know to say anything else and sat back down quickly. Finished with her first thought.

"Speech" Think "Elohim"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


07-07-2014, 02:30 PM

Soon after she had arrived, many others came rolling in, herbs and smelly vegetation at their paws. The aroma of all of it was beginning to give her a headache. But she didn't complain. She was here to accompany Bass and help him out with anything that needed a hand. Like fetching herbs, organizing the groups, and just giving Bass someone to talk to while he was here. The creamy king didn't seem to interested in herbs after all. Having a partner wouldn't hurt, now would it? --Wren watched as everyone began to share herbs and more approached the group. A combination of aromas, Tortuga, Covari, Ebony, Glaciem, some more wolves from her own pack where scattered everywhere. But she was relieved to see they were all getting along. She hoped Bass was happy as well.
After he had addressed himself to everyone that approached him, he looked over at her and seemed generally happy to see her. It lit her heart up like a torch and fire. The man touched his nose to her shoulder and she giggled softly with amusement. Still the playful king she remembered from their first meeting, nothing had changed. "Better now," Wren smirked and fleetingly returned his touch of the nose, but located it on his cheek. She had learned her lesson from last time- and decided not to flirt with him again until he seemed to allow it. So this touch of the nose was nothing for him to feel uneasy about. It was a playful gesture. A tease. "Did you come here just to tease and mock me? Last time I checked, Wren of Ludicael, you had no interest on herbs."
After listening to his statement, the babe chuckled again and lifted her chin boldly. Heh, when did ever say I had no interest in herbs?! It was quite obvious she had no fondness with herbs- she was just teasing with him. But just to be funny, the woman slowly sat up and made her way toward the trees, bowing her head and scanning the ground for awhile. While she did this, she had noticed Bass had gotten up and organized the groups. Wren shrugged and continued her search casually. She couldn't find any peculiar plants- so she uprooted a few weeds and grass, and also grabbed a leaf or two. Then she headed back to the seated king.
The woman settled back down beside the man with the vegetation dangling from her jaws. Dirt also clung to the plants, making her want to gag. But finally she dropped the leaves and grass and organized them in separate piles with a smirk. Once she was finished she sat up and glanced at Bass, tail thumping against the ground. She parted her lips and stated the names of her findings to him, Leaves, grass, and roots. See? I'm a herb expert! I might even be better than Harmony. The girl joked, glancing toward Harmony and nearly laughing. That herb artist was probably much better than Wren. Heck, Wren couldn't even heal for her life. But it was a joke, after all. Surely if Harmony heard it she wouldn't be offended.