
so much to see and do, and it's all for you!

ft anyone from ashen


08-24-2019, 07:54 AM
with wide eyes, he'd exit the den.

it had been only a few times he'd been allowed outside and it was always with Ma supervising them. this was no different. Ma was sitting at the mouth of their little den, watching him and his siblings explore. they weren't allowed to go out of her sight either, so he felt a bit frustrated. but at least he wasn't tumbling all over the place, over his paws and over his tail... he was less a little bean; now a bit more grown. he felt more confident. whether that would last or not was beyond his understanding though.

everything was super big. and he was so super small. "whoooooa!" Godbrand gasped, eyes possibly even wider as he looked across what Ma called 'Ashen land'. what was an Ashen and how did it have land? Pops promised them he'd find a new place, a new home, but when that was... also beyond him. for now, they were all allowed in this place. he'd make the most of it while he could. twisting his head to look at his siblings, he'd wander a bit farther from them to have some me time. but he really couldn't help if they followed him.



08-26-2019, 08:17 PM

She was the last one to exit and she started off fairly shy about it. She was still getting used to the bright light that came from the sun, especially after they had woke up from a long night's slumber. She also needed time to analyze what was going on, what all was around her. She didn't rush forward like her brothers, instead she would look around letting her bright green eyes adjust to the light and take in what changes had happened since yesterday. Then her larger brother's words quickly grabbed her attention.

Trotting right over to him she tried to fallow his gaze, wondering what he was amazed about. Then she saw it, a clearing that gave a glance into the distance, a far stretch from where they were currently standing. It was, amazing, and perked the girl's interest. Though she knew they were not allowed to leave their mother's sight so she remained at Godbrand's side and staring off into the distance, soaking in every detail of the landscape that she could.

"It's..... big out there," her words were softly spoken.



08-28-2019, 10:20 AM
it was Beryl who decided to follow after him.

the only girl in their litter, Godbrand felt like he had to act a-specially nice to her. she was a girl like Ma, and Ma was special cause she was a girl. isn't that how it went? he didn't exactly know. raising a little back leg to scratch at his ears, he'd twist his head to stare at her own wonder. "yeah but... but we'll be big someday!" he replied smugly, grinning easily. how foolish would it be when it was decided by genetics he wasn't gonna be as big as he wanted?

Godbrand didn't turn on Beryl as he did with Gimli. his softer sister didn't deserve to be barreled over and tackled. knawed on and drooled on... he felt like behaving a bit in her calm presence. straightening up, he'd look back to the lake and wondered what to do next. Ma had given them leave to play, but she was also watching them. he could feel her presence. "what'da wanna do, Ber-Ber?" okay, he left it up to his sister. he had no idea what to do next.
