
Yeah baby



8 Years
Small species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KBeeventTreat 2019
08-26-2019, 11:05 AM
Armando waited patiently as the trench coat wearing ticketeer gathered the many items he had earned. The first item to be handed to him was a shiny black helmet with a row of spikes down the the top of it. He took the helmet giddily and stared down into its slick surface, first admiring the oily sheen to it and then his reflection which was so perfectly captured in its surface.

The next thing handed to him caused his breath to hitch. Oh it was dashing. The lady pandas would go wild for it! Armando made grabby hands at the fedora as it was being lowered to him and immediately put it on. He ran his claws down the rim of it and cocked it over one ear. Aw yes, they’d love him.

As for the last thing...Armando eyed it skeptically. That was not a companion, that was a feathered snack. Ah well, it was fine. After those two fantastic prizes nothing could bring him down.

After pulling down one corner of his hat in goodbye to the ticketeer - the gesture a little too cowboy for a fedora - Armando bounded away. The helmet dangled from his jaws by its strap and the slightly too big fedora bouncing around on his head.

He paused out of sight of the ticketeer, set down his helmet and then raised his front paws to summon the titmouse to him. It landed in his cupped paws and the two made eye contact. It was rather bizarre to be able to hold a bird without it panicking. He had to admit it was a cute little thing. Sleek feathers, big, black eyes. Too bad there wasn’t much meat on it.

Without ceremony Armando stuffed it into his mouth. The little bird bulged from his equally little jaws, a tangle of feathers and kicking feet poking from his lips. He rolled it around in his mouth in an effort to make it fit and was on the verge of biting down on it when he thought better of it. A small, inconspicuous bird might make a good spy.

He spit it out and then gingerly patted at it to dry it. “That was a test, my friend.” Little birds were stupid right? He could pull this off. “And you passed. Now that I know what you’re made of, we can be partners...”

Armando has a female tufted titmouse companion. It doesn't have a name because it's dumb and doesn't deserve one. Assume it's with him always.