
Yo Quiero Taco Bell

Fighting prompt



Expert Fighter (175)

Novice Intellectual (15)

10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KValentines 2020
Treat 2019
08-31-2019, 12:46 AM

She had spotted it from the top of the castle, blue eyes narrowing as she watched the little creatures march along Risen's borders. She remained where she was for a few moments, figuring the small cats would move on and had just been curious about the border, but then she saw a couple of them dart into the territory while the other three stayed back and paced along the border. Her eyes narrowed more, wondering what in the hell they were up to. Huffing softly, she turned away from her perch and made her way down to the main floor. It seemed the cat scent wasn't inside, which was good. It would have been pretty foolish of them to come into the wolves dwelling anyway unless they had a death wish. The babe stepped out onto the main steps, pale blue gaze searching for a sign of the two that had trespassed but she saw nothing. They weren't in the perhaps they had gone around to the side? She didn't see anyone else around and didn't think she needed to call for anyone else to help her investigate. After all, they were just a couple of small cats. She could handle it on her own.

Nose to the ground, Ina searched for a trace of the scent, though it didn't take too long. She tracked it down pretty quick, a low growl emanating from deep in her throat as she followed the trail deeper into Risen territory. The nerve of these cats! It wasn't long before she heard the ever-familiar sound of a dik-diks warning call, and then the tiny stampede of hooves as they fled around her. She looked around in confusion, wondering if they had run off because of a packmate, or because of her presence. If the latter, then they were running the wrong way. She nearly decided it was likely another packmate, but the streaks of fur running by clearly weren't dik-diks. Two large toms one brown and one black each carried young dik-diks in their jaws, the little creatures squealed in distress, but she knew the sounds would be cut short soon enough. That wasn't what she was worried about let alone pissed about. It was the fact these littles hellions decided to run onto her turf and steal food right from under their noses! Right in front of her! Did they think they'd be able to get away with stealing Risen's prey? There were plenty of dik-diks and other prey animals outside of pack territories, but they just had to go and hunt here.

Whatever, she supposed she'd just have to show them not to do it again. If they survived, that was. With a snarl, she chased after the two tomcats, her paws drumming the ground as she gained on them. One looked back, tripping over the flailing legs of his prey that sent him sprawling. He let go of it, and she guessed he decided it wasn't worth it anymore. The black one, however, kept a firm hold on his now-dead prey, and together they raced to where the other three waited. She spotted the gathered ones on the border, peering in as if they'd been waiting this whole time. Obviously, they had been...and she got the notion they were either desperate for an easy meal, or maybe they had dared each other to do it for some sort of test or something. She barked at them, snarling as she came upon them. The black cat skid to a halt once he reached the others and promptly dropped his catch before turning around, hissing and spitting at her. It seemed he would not be giving up his meal so easily.

Ina didn't stop, however. She lunged for the little bastards, jaws snapping on the ear of one while the others scattered every which way. She felt her teeth shred the ear, and as she aimed for another bite, she felt claws digging into her back. She felt claws raking her legs, her shoulder, her muzzle even. They were assaulting her, and she twisted in an effort to get them off of her. She kicked one away from her hind legs before she broke past them. Twisting her head around, she clamped her jaws around the paw of the one on her back and dragged him off, wincing as his claws sliced her skin. She tossed him as far as she could, though she didn't bother to check if it was alive or dead. As she turned around to face the others, she saw a raging ball of flying fur come right at her face and she felt the claws batting and slashing at her face. Furious, she snapped her jaws around its waist. She squeezed her jaws shut as tightly as she could, seeking to squeeze him until he popped like when a burrito burst at both ends. It wasn't going to be a pretty sight, but maybe if the other cats saw it then she'd let it serve as a message. The cat in her jaws gave a strangled yowl, then a gurgle, and then silence. Dropping it to the ground, her tongue swiped at her bloody lips and when all was said and done, the little bastards had run off, leaving their dead friend behind.

WC: 888


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