
Reviens Moi



09-02-2019, 01:15 AM

It was cold when he awoke. Felicien’s eyes flicked open… but this time there wasn’t any light left within his vision. His sight was gone… It had faded away with age… and yet, despite the trials he faced, the mercenary refused to just remain denbound all day. For… goodness, all of fall he had fought with himself. Fought with his stupid pride… his ways. He should have returned to Winterfell sooner… before this day… before he could no longer see a damn thing. Now… now he had to attempt to find the pack with only the scent on the wind guiding him…

His body protested… but the man refused to heed it. Even though age was getting the better of him, the man had a stubborn will that kept him going. He would force himself to swallow his pride… turn against everything he knew. He just hoped it wasn’t too late.

Felicien was stumbling as he pressed on. He could smell the borders still, even if they were fainter than he’d like. A sign of distance… that or his nose was beginning to fail him as well. He hadn’t wanted to live right on the border of course, not wanting to make the pack wolves uneasy… Uneasy of what though? A single, practically ancient wolf? If he was their biggest threat then they’d be just fine.

Goodness knew how long he stumbled along outside the wall, frustrated, trying to find the opening so he could get to Winterfell. It was “funny” just how much harder that was when you couldn’t see it. He was getting tired too… wasting energy he barely had trying to find it on his own… yet… Feli kept trying, bumping into it here and there, needing to find opening… This was his last chance…




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-04-2019, 10:55 PM

She was taking a trip just outside pack lands. Not too far so as not to get caught up in any potential blizzards. Though the sky was clear and there seemed to be no threat from the weather, the North lands could be unpredictable. Tan flew overhead to keep an eye on things from above, her lifelong companion always keeping watch for her. She knew her friend would outlive her, and recently she had begun to think about her companions fate for when the day came when Avalon would no longer be part of this world. The old woman didn't like to think of such things, so when Tan alerted her from the sky she was grateful for the distraction. Someone was up ahead, and with the wind working against her she wasn't sure who it was until she reached the wall. She wasn't far from the opening but it was still a walk that took several minutes. When she did reach it, she peered left and then right, amber gaze widening when she saw a familiar form several yards down the stretch of stone.


From her position, she could see he seemed to be struggling...her brows knit together for a moment in confusion as she started heading his way. She had known him for some time, and she knew his eyesight had been failing. He was old like her, was it possible his sight had left him since last they met? She uttered a soft bark to alert him to her approach, and as she drew closer she could see the milky white in his eyes. The same cloudiness that Dragon held in his sightless gaze. "Oh, Felicien...your sight has left you...hasn't it?" She had been lucky not to lose hers. Though her hips ailed her more than anything. With her family line consisting of larger stock, hip dysplasia among other issues was always a threat. And in her advanced age, it had been creeping up which made her slower than usual.

She approached the now blind elder, looking him over for signs of injury or other ailments beside the blindness. He seemed relatively fine, but...she couldn't be sure with just a glance.

"Talk" "You" Think


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