
i'll come back when you call me

eulogy & vail pups

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
09-03-2019, 08:07 AM
He didn’t know how long he and Poem would be gone from Abaven. He hated to leave, especially with Noir and Verse being so distant. The slate once alpha debated about bringing his tiny daughter with him, but she seemed to avoid him at all costs. He’d tried so hard to raise his children right, to give them all of himself. Rhyme still felt like he failed. Noir didn’t seem to have any ambition, Verse hated him more than he thought possible. Motif was gone and Poem was a shell of her youthful self. Theory showed the most promise, she was given the opportunity to attain greatness and Rhyme had no doubt that she would succeed.

Rhyme sighed softly in the late of the evening, they were going to leave tomorrow morning to begin their search. Though he’d made an attempt to dissuade her, Samara insisted on accompanying them. He felt warmer knowing that she cared so deeply about helping find his daughter, but also that she wished to remain so close to him. Rhyme knew he should be keeping his distance, resisting her charm and wit was increasingly more difficult, especially with the massive losses he and Abaven had taken.

He shook her and his own kids from his mind, tonight wasn’t about them. He needed to say goodbye to his nieces and nephews, as well as his cousins through Vail. Rhyme knew the pack would take care of them while he and Poem were away, but he wanted to spend some time with them before they were who knows how old. He hoped it wouldn’t take but a few weeks, but he feared it would be seasons. He banished the thought. They’d be back in days, he would find his daughter soon.

Rhyme tilted his head back and called out for the pups of Abaven to join him.