
its a kodiak moment




3 Years

Trick 2019
09-05-2019, 08:29 PM
Eliphas was used to the forests and the darkness. With his high albinism the Klein boy preferred the night, much like his kin. Because of his upbringing, the forest was where he was most comfortable. His father, who was quite old, especially compared to eli’s mother’s age, was a Druid of the forest. He took up vows to take care of his sacred grove, and as far as the fledgling sorcerer knew, he would never leave it. Eliphas was different from his father though, even if they held the same ideals the Klein was young and explorative. He wanted to see the world, he wanted to help his family, he wanted to become a full mystic.

These thoughts played through his mind as he paced through the forest, his snow white owl companion on his shoulders. The nocturnal raptor was a perfect companion in his relationship with the environment as well as his magics. The owl often gave up a down feather or two to aid in Eliphas’ attempts at magic. He wasn’t very good yet, and he kept his practice a secret even from his parents before he was sent out.

His mother left the Klein family before the famine, but word of it hadn’t reached her until half a year ago. Eliphas was offered up to be sent out to give aid to his uncle and cousins, however when he arrived all were already gone or dead. The young Klein did not linger. His own had been quick to find a path and the boy followed his kin to the lands of Boreas. Though similar the world seemed foreign at first. He knew he’d settle in eventually but he allowed himself the wonder of something new.

His focus was divided so it was easy for the giant grizzly to sneak up on the delicate Klein. Eliphas was far from a warrior, and his thin elegant frame with teacupped paws and feminine curves were proof of the fact. Like much of his extended family he showed many less than masculine traits. The sudden roar from behind the boy nearly made him jump from his skin. He wasn’t frozen and felt his paws beginning to move beneath him before he could even think. The snowy owl took to the trees, somehow even the incredible raptor could be taken unawares. Eliphas made all attempt to get out of the way, but he would have trouble running from such an incredible beast.



1 Year
Extra large
09-05-2019, 08:43 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2019, 08:44 PM by Zola.)
it had been a rough few days traveling through the barren landscape of this realm. a full week had passed before she found herself north, the temperatures dropping but by now she was used to it. her thin pelt was trouble, yes, but her muscle kept her warm. as long as she kept moving, it would be fine. Zola had to believe that. meeting a few wolves on her travels to call an ally, she did not settle for long. her conquer of the world outside of her own land was almost zealous. she placed one paw in front of the other and did not stop. she would not stop until she had mastered her experiences.

it was by Unkulunkulu's will that she carried forward. and it was by His design that fate placed her on a path. the roar alerted her to act but seeing the dainty young being accosted forced her hand. she rushed forward, faster than what a being may assume she could, and barreled into the beast. she had no idea what it was, only that it was massive. yet she was too. it stumbled forward at the impact, forced to the side and away from the other wolf. "fanya si!" you shall not! she snarled, twisting her neck to grasp her spear and thrust it forward.

there was no doubt in her mind that the beast had attempted to harm the smaller wolf. she saw it make directly at him - the scent told her it was male despite his femininity - and roar to make its presence known. it had the intention to kill. she was not going to allow that. Zola had seen enough death and decay on her travels north. the volcano's eruption had tainted this land. she growled through the massive stick in her mouth, puffing her shoulder fur up to make her appear larger. the beast swiped at her, and she felt claws graze her cheek. it was but a bitch slap.

her eyes never left the face of the bear, and she advanced, forcing it away from the smaller wolf.

- - "Talking!" Walking. 'Thought/Others!' - -
caution! zola can bite if triggered; be advised
this character has a thick african accent. can speak isizulu and swahili fluently!



3 Years

Trick 2019
09-06-2019, 06:37 AM
His pale paws propelled him forward away from the menacing bear claws. His heart hammered in his chest as adrenaline raced through his system and he was forced to wonder if he was going to live or die. Eliphas barely registered the warrior who appeared from nowhere to brave death for his life. He didn’t stop moving, and made to get himself away from the creature and certain death. He was no fool, and knew where his weaknesses were. They just happened to be in the physical realm.

The mystic started chanting under his breath as he turned to watch as the battle ensued. Ready to rush forward and congratulate his hero, or to keep running after the bear devoured her carcass. Of course his chant was in her favor, he spoke to grant her strength, speed, and cunning in the face of the monster. Eliphas didn’t let his gaze leave the marvelously coated woman while he said his chants. He didn’t know how long this might last, but the albino Klein wouldn’t quit until the battle was decided.



1 Year
Extra large
09-06-2019, 05:34 PM
Zola wouldn't back down even if her bones were aching from travel and her cheek spilled crimson. the bear's claws had shredded her right cheek from the impact, but it was not so serious for her to blink. she had not lost an eye. she would potentially have a scar but she also had many other scars already. it was nothing. the strange little boy would whoop behind her, chanting in some language she assumed was the language of this land. or at least a language that held some religious meaning to it. she did not pay him attention as she advanced on the beast, too focused on keeping it away from him to acknowledge him.

with a sharp lash of her head, she would curve the blade of her spear upward against the grizzly's face. it cut deep; claws were all well and good, but she had been trained to do battle with a weapon. the beast roared as fresh blood poured from its face, blinding it to reason and its surroundings. she may have even cut open an eye, but the blood was too thick and too much to really look at. with the spear in her jaws, she could not talk, but a victory flashed in her mind. she grunted against the wooden part of the iklwa and pounced. Zola's massive body collided with the beast head-first, forcing it to the ground. the bear would fall upon its back, flailing desperately.

the bear's claws found her pelt as they swiped madly across the shoulders. blood sprayed the ground. with adrenaline pumping, she barely felt it right now. her eyes held the madness of violence. raising her spear, she jabbed it a few times at the beast's own shoulders, but the thing was smart. it protected its neck and vital organs with a hefty paw. Zola tried to find an opening to plunge her spear into, to finally end it and the suffering of the predator in one fell swoop. she was going to kill it so it would not attempt to harm another wolf. gods willing, the kill would be quick and painless.

- - "Talking!" Walking. 'Thought/Others!' - -
2/3 fought a large predator (grizzly bear)
0/3 met a new wolf (eliphas)
caution! zola can bite if triggered; be advised
this character has a thick african accent. can speak isizulu and swahili fluently!



3 Years

Trick 2019
09-06-2019, 07:10 PM
Despite the literal bloodletting Eliphas didn’t look away. He watched as the stranger tore through the bear’s face with her spear before having her own flesh rendered by the claws of the massive creature. As he watched he also added in a word that he wouldn’t be focused on when the bear was dead. She knew what she was doing, and was deft in her use of the spear. Eliphas continued his chant to bolster her abilities and influence the end result in his position beyond their reach. He pivoted with their movement, but stopped as she wrangled the murderous creature to the ground.

He hadn’t been in this much danger in a long time, but he distinctly remembered his father fighting off a much smaller black bear. Much like he was doing now he had chanted for his father’s victory. Of course the giant of a Druid won his son’s life and Eliphas stood to this day. He wasn’t a stranger to having to be guarded. He was foolish to have gone beyond the forest without anyone to accompany him.



1 Year
Extra large
09-06-2019, 07:27 PM
there was nothing she loathed more than someone telling her how to do things. Zola knew what to do when one was faced with battle. she took up spear and plunged it into their chest. she defeated them. she released their troubled spirit into the gods' embrace. though killing was something to be delicate about, the saber also knew how to handle life and death. if she did not kill this beast, she would not eat. she would have no warm pelt to line her den. she would have no crafting materials. she would have nothing of value to trade with. essentiality was a fact of life. just as maybe some day a larger beast would come along to claim her, she would claim this one for the sake of survival.

she knocked the bear's paw away with her own, getting easily frustrated it refused to accept its death with dignity. with a mighty yell, she raised the iklwa and shoved it deep in the bear's chest. the metal part did not break within, the spear remained strong. she had spent a full year tending to her weapon, and it did not fail her now. a weak paw swiped before her face before the beast was quelled. it landed with a thud, but the body stopped breathing almost immediately. she had hit the vital part - that's how she knew she had done her job. bloody with bear blood and her own, she stepped off the beast and turned to face the other wolf. her young body was breathing heavily, her surge gone.

he was safe though. Zola grunted, her spear still sticking out of the foreign beast, and sat. the usual stinging of wounds caused her to wince as she raised a paw to touch her face. "uthuvi..." she uttered, having no medication training. "devil beast. you fine? you good?" she added to the young man, raising a brow at him. her thick accent marked herself as a foreigner.

- - "Talking!" Walking. 'Thought/Others!' - -
3/3 fought a large predator (grizzly bear)
1/3 met a new wolf (eliphas)
caution! zola can bite if triggered; be advised
this character has a thick african accent. can speak isizulu and swahili fluently!



3 Years

Trick 2019
09-06-2019, 07:37 PM
Eliphas watched transfixed as she battled against the bear, her fury seemed unstoppable and her fangs as sharp as her spear. His dual toned gaze was transfixed and not only because of his all important chant. The young Klein druid leaned back to support himself on his haunches and made a few short gestures with his paws as she lifted her spear and brought down the deadly weapon with a heavy finality.

His voice trailed off as he returned to all four paws and watched as she climbed down its huge carcass and turned her attention back to his dainty frame. He held his head high, not impressive compared to her but he still had his pride. Despite not having any power to back up any real claim.

”Grizzly Bear.” He told her, looking back over at the defeated animal. ”Yes, I’m fine.” He assured her as pink and blue gaze drifted over her wounds. ”Are you?” He returned the question with his own quirked brow. He signaled wordlessly to Merlin and the owl made to collect some supplies.



1 Year
Extra large
09-06-2019, 07:53 PM
she didn't understand what a grizzly bear was supposed to mean to her. her people's animals all had names related to what they were. was the bear grizzly because it was gray? no, this beast was brown. or perhaps they spoke of grizzly like a veteran... but this beast had to be not even five years. she gave the boy a quizzled look, further confused by his words. "I live" Zola replied realistically, gesturing with one limb to herself as if he could not see that she was, yes, indeed breathing. "if not okay, I not talk to you."

her tongue would be ripped out or useless if she drew her last breath. but she realized too late that he spoke of her wounds. the boy looked closely at her, and she knew a muti's eye when she saw one. perhaps he was like her, training and honing his skills? she was already reclining, else she would have felt the wave of lightheadedness coming from her body. she steadied her breathing before giving a nod to him. "if you have iselapho... medicine. if have medicine, I take though." Zola added in, having no right to deny him practicing his skills. she leaned back, allowing him to look closer if he wanted to. as an unmarried young woman, she had no formal shame. there was no need for a man to not touch her if she allowed it.

- - "Talking!" Walking. 'Thought/Others!' - -
3/3 fought a large predator (grizzly bear)
caution! zola can bite if triggered; be advised
this character has a thick african accent. can speak isizulu and swahili fluently!



3 Years

Trick 2019
09-06-2019, 08:15 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2019, 05:46 AM by Eliphas.)
She was eager to make him know that she was in fact alive. He almost chuckled were it not for the kass amount of blood that covered her earthen toned form. However wounded she remained calm and didn't let the pain affect her. His lips did pull up slightly as she offered to take any medicine that he had to give her. With winter and the volcano Eli wasn't sure he had a whole lot for her. The snowy owl had a keen eye though, and would bring back herbs he thought useful. Of course they weren't pristine but they would do.

Merlin placed the items in his claws to the ground, a dried bit of moss and yarrow. The warrioress was going to have to grit through the pain. "I'm going to give you this yarrow to help stop the bleeding. Then mop up your fur with the moss. We should find a water source and some food." He raised a brow to the white owl and without more words then that the bird launched itself into the air to find some water. He offered the herbs to her.

Eliphas returned his attention to the she wolf, she was probably the most impressive female he had met in his short life. His mother was dainty and small. "I'm Eliphas." He told her before taking the moss into his teeth and brushing the plant against the heavy liquid on her fur.



1 Year
Extra large
09-06-2019, 08:30 PM
her people - specifically the warriors - would run in thorn bushes. they would be whipped on the back. they would power through their pain and withstand the proverbial hellfire. a few deep lacerations and scratches was nothing compared to her training so far. her people were strong. she was strong. despite being woman, she was prepared to act like a man to gain a foothold in the world. but her people also lacked vision; they threw stones and kicked her when down. they refused to see her as anything but a child-bearing beast. she had fought to take this quest, despite not knowing the chief only allowed her to go to get rid of her.

the point was; she could not stand to show fear or weakness.

Zola looked around as he mentioned a water source and food. but her eyes lingered to the bear's carcass. "eat that" she raised a paw to gesture to the still-warm body "it grizzly, but maybe not so tough meat?" she tilted her massive head at the boy. did the wolves here not eat 'grizzly bear'? how odd. her people ate whatever they could find. lion. zebra... there was no difference when food was scarce. but she did not see a viable water source. he introduced himself as Eliphas, causing her brows to squint as she repeated his name under her breath. "Zola, is name."

she resisted flinching under his touch, though her breathing became low and short as she more or less puffed her way through treatment.

- - "Talking!" Walking. 'Thought/Others!' - -
3/3 fought a large predator (grizzly bear)
caution! zola can bite if triggered; be advised
this character has a thick african accent. can speak isizulu and swahili fluently!



3 Years

Trick 2019
09-07-2019, 06:03 AM
She was covered in blood and he was sure she was going to keep bleeding unless he could get better herbs on her. As Merlin searched for water from the sky Eliphas gave a whistle like call. He needed the bird to get him some kind of binding plant. This island was cold, but it didn't seem like the frosts had been able to reach the lower forests yet. Maybe he'd find some horsetail. Eliphas moved carefully as he began to rid the warrior of the carnage that stained her. She didn't flinch, surprisingly, but he didn't miss the way her breathing changed.

He tried to be gentle with her torn flesh, and hopefully the yarrow would slow the bleeding flesh. "Well," he told her as he lowered the moss to the ground. "I was hoping for something easier, but it is right there.." bear in general was greasy, but flesh was flesh. "You need to eat some, to help your recovery." Eliphas continued as Merlin appeared, a bit of the desired plant in his pink talons.

Most of the blood near the wounds was cleared away, but fresh blood continued to leak forth. The young Klein prepared his horsetail and applied it to her cuts and lacerations carefully. "It's nice to meet you, Zola." He told her as he tried out her name. He wasn't from Boreas either, but with her lack of knowledge about the bear he had to guess she wasn't from around here. "Thank you for coming to my aid."



1 Year
Extra large
09-07-2019, 08:29 AM
the girl stood as still as possible for the muti - or medicine - to work. the boy - the foreign sangoma or healer - had different ways of doing things than her own people. he used strange smelling plants to clean her wounds, wherein the 'bear' would have sufficed enough for her people. the fat of the bear would be used to enduce strength, and the skin also used for binding wounds. Eliphas admitted the bear would make good food though. or more like acceptable food. he seemed resigned. with the metal part of her spear and her teeth, she could make fire to roast the flesh on.

it need not be so bad.

"I shall" she replied to his suggestion, having already planned on it. her brows furrowed as he thanked her. would not anyone do the same? perhaps not in this foreign land. perhaps they instilled the belief of individualism and selfishness. either way, she was being thanked for something she could not have ignored. "the... bear. not make friends. wanted kill. not stand by while you a meal." she had just been passing by, but the thought of going on her way when she could have done something about it... it didn't sit right with her.

though they were not kin, he was kind. different people, but the same species. "I make fire. roast meat. you eat too. need strength" her amber gaze sought the distant form of the volcano with a frown. the gods were furious with this world. they brought the deep ground anger to punish.

- - "Talking!" Walking. 'Thought/Others!' - -
3/3 fought a large predator (grizzly bear)
caution! zola can bite if triggered; be advised
this character has a thick african accent. can speak isizulu and swahili fluently!



3 Years

Trick 2019
09-07-2019, 01:59 PM
Zola wasn’t about to fight him on taking her share of a meal, and quickly agreed as she went on to explain herself. That bear would have killed him, and she wasn’t about to carry the guilt of his death when she could prevent it. Eliphas wouldn’t have called the battle easy by any means and her wounds were proof of that. He could argue the morals for days, how selfish or unselfish she had been, but in the end what mattered the act was done. He still had his life and it was thanks to her. Ivory tail flashed behind him as she explained there had been no choice. ”At least I am able to help fix you up.” Eliphas returned to her as he covered her wounds in the simple salve he prepared.

”That’s too much work. You’ve lost a lot of blood and need to rest.” He was oddly commanding for the size of him, but he’d taken on the warrior woman as his patient and he wasn’t about to let her continue the strain on her body. Now he was the one protecting her from harm. ”Tell me what to do and it will be done. You needn’t move except to find somewhere comfortable to recline.” He stood back as he finished what he could do with his plants, he wasn’t incredibly experienced but he had to say it looked much better.

Merlin had already taken back to the sky, and was circling over a place at the base of the smaller dormant volcano. ”Merlin’s found a spring. I don’t know if I want you walking that far though. Can’t have you opening up your wounds again.” Either he was going to have to fetch water.. or get rid of the blood the old fashioned way.



1 Year
Extra large
09-07-2019, 03:28 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2019, 05:37 PM by Zola.)
She gathered herself to stand tall, looking down at him with a raised brow even though her chin barely bowed. It almost looked like she would lunge forward and snap him up; it didn’t appear at first glance the girl would take kindly to someone bossing her around. Finally, after bated breath, she would burst out with a laugh. “bossy little man” she snickered, having experienced many times going to the healers back home. It was good to know that some things in a strange new place remained the same. Healers could still be strict, and warriors could be fearless. Even though Eliphas said she wasn’t to move, his familiar found a spring of water that could be used to wash off the blood. Her brow once more raised in amusement before she lifted herself from the ground.

“not dead yet. Calm self. I be slow and careful” She was telling him to relax; she wasn’t dead yet. She was able to move, and if she needed to, she’d sit still again and allow him to put muti on her wounds. Her head swung to the massive spear sticking out of the bear still, and she grunted at it. “need iklwa. Use as flint.” she’d add-in, finding further amusement in seeing the boy pick up her weapon. Her people believed the spirits of the ancestors resided in them, and before she (or he) could protest, she remembered that. Reaching over, she plucked it from the bear. She would not allow the stranger to pick up her weapon. If she could not hold her ancestors’ hopes, if she failed to grasp her weapon, she would fail. With the spear in her jaws now, she’d wait for the boy to lead her to the spring.

- - "Talking!" Walking. 'Thought/Others!' - -
3/3 fought a large predator (grizzly bear)
caution! zola can bite if triggered; be advised
this character has a thick african accent. can speak isizulu and swahili fluently!



3 Years

Trick 2019
09-07-2019, 05:28 PM
Eliphas was smaller than most males, he was dainty and delicate and there was little he could do about it. However, as Zola stared down at him he held his head high and proud. He challenged her to deny his medical advice. She broke slightly, and seemed to be amused enough with his behavior. Still she wasn't going to follow him to a 't' at least. Not that any patients ever really did. Eliphas sighed heavily and his shoulders fell, at least she promised him that she would be careful. He gave her a hard eye but conceded. She seemed strong, she withstood much pain, she would make it to the spring easy enough. The question was could they move the bear carcass to the spring as well?

His pale pink and blue eyes watched her as she seamlessly pulled the incredible weapon from the beast that aimed to kill him. The sickening sound of metal through flesh was oddly satisfying considering his predicament. He sighed heavily as she stood waiting to follow his much smaller form. His ivory tail swished at his hips and he turned to lead them where Merlin signaled the spring. "If you're determined," he chuckled softly and allowed his alabaster paws to take them forward. "Once we get the fire going I'll come back and start processing the carcass." there were a couple pieces he could use for his magics. The night would be long, and he looked forward to a fire to ward off the cold.



1 Year
Extra large
09-07-2019, 05:44 PM
no man would have the breath for long if they told her what to do. the silly boy, though, held her gaze defiantly and she was rather impressed he didn't back down. Zola had made herself stronger physically and visibly so no man could look down on her again. but realisically, Eliphas was looking up at her. treating her as any other patient. man or no man. woman or no woman. she snorted as he lead them away, keeping an eye out for any other hungry foreign beasts that dared come into her line of sight.

the pair walked in relative silence, her only sound soft breathing through the pain. but she did not complain about it. in fact, she was quiet. if Eliphas talked to her, she would only grunt in response. her jaws could not be pried open for fear of her iklwa falling out. ahead, she spotted the spring. her lumbering gait quickened only slightly to walk a few paces ahead of the boy. she had been walking at his side, refusing to let him lead her away like she was a meek girl that had to follow a man. though the spring would be useful for cleaning her matted fur, she first placed her spear down by the water and drank deep.

clean water was hard to come by now. she had thirsted for a few days. after drinking deep, she sat by the water's edge and waited for the boy to finish his task. Zola did not speak to hear joy and self-ego; she spoke when required. because this was straightforward enough, she watched the boy as he worked without a sound.

- - "Talking!" Walking. 'Thought/Others!' - -
3/3 fought a large predator (grizzly bear)
caution! zola can bite if triggered; be advised
this character has a thick african accent. can speak isizulu and swahili fluently!



3 Years

Trick 2019
09-07-2019, 08:28 PM
Zola had an intense stare, but it didn’t scare him and he didn’t back down. She was the spear wielding warrior and he was trying to heal her. Though both still in training each knew much more about their chosen subjects than the other wolf. Eliphas was happy to leave her to fight the bears as long as she allowed him to patch her up. Not that he expected to run into anymore of the massive creatures, he knew better than to let his guard down so low again. Especially when he didn’t have his new acquaintance to protect him.

Not many wolves chose to follow the dainty healer, he was young and not very big. He lacked any leader like qualities, but he did hold himself like his bloodline should. He was still of Klein descent and didn’t balk at much despite his lack of physical attributes. He walked along slowly beside the proud woman, keeping quiet as they made their way through the woods. Zola couldn’t speak through the spear anyway. Eliphas had an inkling she wasn’t about to offer he even touch it.

She pulled forward as they approached the spring, he didn’t blame her. From the stiffness in her skin he could tell she was dehydrated. After she drank her fill Eli took his own deep swig before cleaning the moss he’d carried with him. With his moss refreshed he returned to cleaning off Zola’s blood matted fur. Merlin clicked his beak in rhythm and as the second round came back Eliphas started to hum along quietly as he worked. He couldn’t chant over her wounds while cleaning them but he could hum over them.



1 Year
Extra large
09-08-2019, 09:49 AM
both drank deep from the waters before the boy started to clean her off again. she sat straight, her eyes looking past his delicate features to keep watch. with the scent of blood, predators could be attracted to them. though she would guess they would be more willing to take the dead grizzly bear over two living wolves who could fight back. though you never did know; many foolish people existed. Eliphas began to hum in his language again, causing her long ears to flicker at it. it was not so unusual; she often chanted in her own languages. she assumed that the boy had his own dialect.

healers often chanted in their own way. prayers, rituals... such things were expected. calling upon the gods to assist them, make their hands steady. "ngiyabonga" she stated at last, not taking her eyes off of their surroundings. Eliphas could almost be done cleaning her by now, so she sought to thank him for his work. "much igazi - blood. am apprentice warrior, not sangoma like you" as much as it pained her to admit weakness, herbs were something foreign to her. especially these northern ones. "but where go after?" there was some concern on her features as the world around them was mere rubble.

there was not a lot of livable places now. she could tell that from just a glance.

- - "Talking!" Walking. 'Thought/Others!' - -
3/3 fought a large predator (grizzly bear)
caution! zola can bite if triggered; be advised
this character has a thick african accent. can speak isizulu and swahili fluently!



3 Years

Trick 2019
09-08-2019, 04:38 PM
Eliphas continued his work without complaint, though the metallic taste of blood was overwhelming in his mouth. Bear blood and Zola’s own lifeblood matted her fur. He wet his moss and wiped away at the drying liquid, he’d rinse his sponge and return to her fur to wash away at the red stains. Using his teeth he was forced to comb out more than a couple of knots, but he hummed softly through the whole ordeal with Merlin quietly clicking his beak in time. Alabaster ears perked forward as she spoke, the first words ones that he did not recognize. Her accent was obvious and he could only assume they were words in her mother tongue.

She didn’t look at him, but at least she was talking. Having another set of eyes on their surroundings didn’t hurt either. Eliphas was slowly finishing his work, her wounds were clean and stopped bleeding and now the rest of her pelt was freed of blood. The healer placed his moss by his paws as he pointed his delicate features towards her in question. ”What did that first word mean?” He asked softly as he pushed himself to his feet. His tune was finished and now he would need to process their bear carcass. Sangoma, does that mean healer?” He continued before she turned a question upon him. Where was he going to go?

The lithe built Klein shrugged his thin shoulders. There was no grand plan of where to go, he didn’t think finding his family would be any easier with the eruption. ”I don’t know. I’m looking for members of my family. I don’t know though, at this point I could be chasing ghosts.” He muttered as he looked to Merlin. The snow white owl landed on Eli’s shoulder with an affectionate click of his beak. ”What about you, Zola?” He questioned her as his dual colored gaze shifted from his companion to her sharp eyes.



1 Year
Extra large
09-08-2019, 04:56 PM
“it mean ‘thank you’” Zola replied, remembering too late that these foreign wolves did not speak her tongue. She had been raving in her language and Eliphas had put up with it until his questions burned in the mind. “sangoma are healer, yes.” it didn’t mean healer, but it was a title generally associated with her people’s more lawful aligned ones. He also did not seem to know where he was going or what he would do. The apprentice grunted softly, squaring her shoulders and testing her now residing pained muscles. She placed a paw in front of her, putting pressure on the shoulder she had wounded. It was now dull due to the muti. in time, it would heal. If possible, she would gain fresh scars. And her people would sing of her victory over the devil beast.

But her thoughts were interrupted when he asked her where she would go. “I go with” her amber eyes flashed confusion. Did he think she wouldn’t go with him? hadn’t it been apparent? He tended to her wounds, saving her life. She owed him a debt now, and it was not something she took lightly. The healers of her people always were owed due to their work. And her tribe protected them within their ranks. But Eliphas had no tribe to protect him. Her tone was light but stubborn. She was not going to let the little man out of her sight. He couldn’t handle himself in a fight. She would feel bad, leaving him to grasp at ghosts alone. “we find family.” her paw raised higher to pound at her chest, a symbol of her willpower. His little quest was now her own.

"but now, make fire" she added in, gathering a few blades of grass and sticks from the spring nearby. placing them together, she bent down to pluck her spear up. angling it to rest against her shoulders with the metal tip down, she struck the metal with her saber fangs to spark a flame. "get meat" Zola added, looking up from her attempt before glancing down. it wasn't an order, but it sounded like one due to her broken English. if Eliphas walked away, she would finally strike true. a small flame started to burn against the ground. Zola quickly placed a few rocks around the fire to control it. then she waited for the bear meat and skins. maybe even a piece of pelt. she would craft.

- - "Talking!" Walking. 'Thought/Others!' - -
3/3 fought a large predator (grizzly bear)
caution! zola can bite if triggered; be advised
this character has a thick african accent. can speak isizulu and swahili fluently!