
Well i'll be damned



2 Years
06-26-2014, 08:40 PM (This post was last modified: 06-26-2014, 08:48 PM by Crucifix.)

Tracking down his sister had perhaps been one of the hardest things he had done. To catch wind of where she had gone, there were no scent trails this late on and he could do little more then go off the word of another. He was astounded at Twigs disappearance and when at last he set paw on the Silver Island and her scent gusted against the wind he would at last breathe a deep sigh of relief. But there was more, there was a another person?s scent so entwined with hers they were almost one, there was an extra scent as well, something warm and sweet with the undertone of motherly.

The boy would approach the den with the only the barest hint of caution. He vaguely knew Alpine, had met him within the pack borders and each knew their ties to Twig, he knew the neither of the pair would feel threatened with his approach. All the same he would not immediately enter, that scent was stronger now and at last he identified it ?TWIG? he boomed, perhaps a touch to loudly and barrelled into the den. He stopped before he reached her and let out a soft gasp of delight. ?I?m a uncle and you didn?t even tell me!!? he teasingly accused as he crept forward to eye up his sisters little children.


Twig I


06-26-2014, 09:25 PM

She had barely thought to leave her little brood, their tiny forms would stay nestled at her side. She had thought much about those that were not on their little island paradise. Crucifix and Jinxx especially, Jinxx was sick and Crucifix had joined a whole different pack. She hadn't heard any news yet, and she would wonder if anyone had noticed they'd taken up residence here. Her marked lips would turn up into a small smile as Faun flipped onto her back, showing her the vibrant white of her tummy. She would giggle before becoming slightly startled, her attention suddenly on the loud voice from the entrance. "TWIG>" Her vibrant violet gaze would be pulled to the entrance of her den as both of the children would squirm a bit.
She would not and could not find offense in his presence however, her small smile turning into an excited grin. ?I?m a uncle and you didn?t even tell me!!? She would grin mischievously, she was so glad to see him. He would be the first of their family to see her little ones. "If it makes you feel any better, your the only one that has met them. We didn't exactly make this trip known." She would nudge her pups, they had woken up from Crucifix's rather loud exclamation. "Meet, Viridian and Solor. Also known as Faun and Coal." She would lick each as she introduced the tiny beings.




2 Years
06-26-2014, 09:59 PM (This post was last modified: 06-26-2014, 11:06 PM by Crucifix.)

Twig had seen him and made no protest so he would move closer still until he was right beside her, whee he would lie at an angle to here with his nose on her chest, peeking over her form to where the little bundles lay. Still their eyes where closed and he knew he had not missed out on much. Regardless, he already missed the time he had lost. "Ooooh" he breathed in wonder as he watched there soft breaths and tasted their scent on his toungem he loved them, already he loved them like his own.

"Little faun and coal" he cooed to their forms before moving his gaze again to twig "you kept the nickname tradition" he breathed. He was almost speechless with the moment, in fact he was shocked to feel the cool touch of a tear against his cheek. He had a speech all prepared for her to convince her to come with him but it was lost now and lol he said was. "Come with me twig. Come with me so I can share each of their moments with them. I'm making a pack for me and for you, and now I'm making it for them as well - a place they can live like kings and queens in peace and love. Come with me twig" he begged.


Twig I


06-26-2014, 10:16 PM

His form would slip into her den, his body wrapping around her as his crown lifted over her shoulder. His violet gaze would observe his niece and nephew, their forms wiggling about at her belly. She hadn't realized how much she had missed her brother until he was curled around her form. "you kept the nickname tradition" She would smile and nod her head enthusiastically. Of course, she couldn't just drop the family traditions. She would kiss him, liking the tear away from his fur as he would offer her a sudden proposition. "Come with me twig. Come with me so I can share each of their moments with them. I'm making a pack for me and for you, and now I'm making it for them as well - a place they can live like kings and queens in peace and love. Come with me twig" He would ask her like she would say no. Like she could ever deny him anything. "Cru, how could I not. That sounds, so amazing." She would smile, her eyes twinkling. "They can't leave yet though. I also need to make sure Alpine agrees, he and I.. He asked me to be his wife." Her voice was soft as she looked to her brother, they had not told anyone but Madieke. She knew the last time they had talked she had denied any relationship with him, but after Themisto's death... she could not see herself with anyone else.




2 Years
06-26-2014, 11:06 PM

He could feel the steady rhythm of Twig's heart beneath his check and the sounded reminded him of home, of family. Coming back to Twig after so long felt right, like nothing could ever change between the pair ? only leadership, pups, and mates of course... but compared to the bond he shared with her it all felt like nothing, steps in life with her beside him. She would nod her head at him, acknowledgement for what she had done with their names. A soft sigh would escape his lips and he would gently lick the part of her coat that lay beneath his muzzle.

Everything was perfect, and the soft words that escaped her muzzle would only add to the moment. Of course, it took two to make babies.. and well it hadn't registered in his mind early, now that it had he knew he would beat Alpine bloody if he didn't commit to her now. ?That's amazing Twig, this is all amazing, what you two have created? he whispered as he moved his muzzle towards her and gently caressed her cheek with his own. ?Sweet sister, I hope he says yes, and that you will come live with me? he purred. So much had changed in her life, he remembered the wreck she had been after Fern and Themesto, but now she had found something for herself. She had proved she could have a successful litter and found a mate that seemed willing to stick by her side. At last, she had found happiness and there was nothing in the world that could make Cru more happy.
