
[Volcano]feel that?

Dova and Sinclair


09-09-2019, 11:31 AM

Adonis had been quick with moving his charges when the volcanoe had begun erupting. They had to move and move fast so he left it to Egan to herd Sinclair as he herded Dova. They were not sure where to go but he knew he wanted to find lands past the eruptions reach. There was no need to put his children in danger, not while they still wanted to explore so much. They were young and he couldn't fault either of them. With winter here the lands would grow cold and hunting would be at its hardest, especially with the way prey was running away from the violence of the volcano. They'd witnessed alot of it today already. He'd had to rip the pups out of sleep when it all began, so he knew they would be tired and whining about it once they had made it past the immediate danger zone.

His paws took him north, they'd have to settle until the end of the volcano in the north for a while. He knew they would need to gain a much thicker pelt shortly to survive but they had few options. Packs would be uprooted and he wasnt keen on being too near any of them. He'd explained why they had to go quickly and uprooted his family as fast as possible. All their possessions were going to be forfeit except a few pelts he had grabbed and draped over the children to keep them warm in the north. He glanced back to Egan and Sinclair before looking at Dova. All three were likely exhausted and he didn't blame them. This was a long walk and they hadnt gotten a full nights rest beforehand. He looked at the forest around them. This would do he guessed. They were well past the most dangerous places. "Egan, watch Dova and Sinclair, I'm going to look for a den for them. Dova, Sinclair, rest here until I return. Stay quiet so no one finds you, I'll be right back." his fossa nodded to him and ushered Dova and Sinclair to huddle together. Adonis nodded, satisfied, before turning and walking away some. He headed for a more covered grove, keeping his eyes open for anything the pups could use as a den. He didn't even have to fit inside, just them.

He took as short a time as possible, finding a nice small rock cave on the northern side of the forest. He was quick with his return then. He reappeared and nudged the pups to move. The couldn't stay out in the open, exposed to the elements. "Come, the den I found is close." he moved slowly staying with them and egan behind them. He would not lose either charge. Once they were there he led them into the den and flopped down. He had a good view of the forest from inside the rock cave. But the entrance was not so big anything more than himself could fit in. They'd be warmer in here. Especially so if Egan made them a fire. Egan flopped near the entrance, exhausted much like he expected the pups to be.
