
Save a spot for me in heaven.

Reunited with Serpentine.

Jade Jext


3 Years
09-20-2019, 01:16 PM
"This way mother, I'll go ahead of you to take watch.."

The occasional hiss came to the ears of the canine that strolled through the never ending expanse of red sandstone, the wolf looking like a black inky smudge against the sandy earth. Large strangely shaped rocks jutted out above into the sky from the cliff sides they created, casting shadows across the territory, small escapes from the wind that whistled loudly through the land, a bone chilling breeze coming from the ocean behind her. Her tail remained tucked beneath her hindquarters, ears pinned back against her head, eyes shifting left and right with their duo colored iris's watching the land close. Her ears twitched gently as a figure came into view before her, she picked up the pace catching up to her dearest companion that seemed to be quicker than the wolf itself. Before she knew it the ground shook softly beneath her, pebbles vibrating on the ground below her, the gnarled trees shaking their limbs. "Tarot, come here, please. It's too dangerous for you to be away from me." She quickened her steps, finally stopping next to the snake. The python was quick to slither her way up and around the neck of the canine, her head resting in her neck, with her tail linked around her chest. She wore the large snake like a necklace, and although she was no piece of jewelry, she was treated like the wolf's most prized possession. Tarot had been with JJ since she was a hatching, it was actually this location where she had found the infant reptile.

Her tongue grazed her nose as she became tensed, finally, the shaking stopped. The companion now slithered down the wolfs' frame, her eyes watching the calico snake close as she slithered ahead a few feet. A familiar scent came to her nose as she stepped into a light trot, a voice called out to her upon the ground, Tarot had apparently changed her mind. "May I return to my spot, mother?" Although she was clearly not related to the wolf genetically, she felt as though the python was truly her child. She had raised her since her hatching, making sure the young snake was fed and safe. A warm smile came across her features as she felt her snake coil around her neck once again, hopefully, she would stay where she was this time. A growl was heard before her, a large canine with golden eyes. For whatever reason, he looked strikingly familiar, like some sort of.. Ghost. "Go see if they will speak to you, Tarot. I'll be right behind you." JJ stepped up her pace again, as her snake went to go speak to this wandering soul, and it was in that moment her heart fell to her toes. A pit rose in her stomach, a scream threatening to bubble from her throat. "Tarot, watch out!" She stepped into a run, her teeth bared in aggression. Her nostrils flaring with rage, her nails digging into the sand beneath her, cold to the touch. "Kill my daughter, and I'll have your head!" Her body squared as she stared into the deep golden pools of the wolf that reeked of several things; Memories, familiarity, sand, water, and painstakingly male. Why was he so familiar? Where did he come from?



4 Years
09-20-2019, 03:48 PM
Stepping on jagged rock forming the earth beneath him, Serpentine stepped easily through the rugged terrain with light and delicate steps leading him forwards. The land was dense and rocky, full of crevasses and nooks for the lizards to hide in and find safety. Good thinking... the male wolf thought to himself, wondering if this area would be good for picking up some sort of companion later in life-- when or if he had found his family. Shrubs and tangled trees marked the edge of a cliff that he strode along, watching the inner, dry trench carefully. A sudden hiss sounded from a distance, then chatter followed as if to carry a conversation. Here? Where it seemed so barren? Someone had to have been in trouble, or maybe already food for the lizards. Someone was here, with company and Serpentine was going to figure out who it was, whether or not it be a stranger or his family.

Leaping into the trench, his paws caught his weight and down he crossed along with the barren ditch guiding him. Trotting through the ravine with difficulty, Serpentine tripped more than once and slipped on occasion now and again. The rugged land was hard on his paws and gait, so instead of trotting, the wolf slowed to a careful walk. A hiss greeted him and up his head snapped to watch the eyes of the serpent glare into his own. Fur rose upon his shoulder blades and the snarl belted out of his chest like a mad bull unleashed from a cage. Danger, his teeth flashed and down he went to lunge at the pied serpent. Missing, the snake gave another hiss but turned back to its companion in comfort.

Confused, the male wolf stepped back with the female getting up and in his face about the snake. His eyes widening as she became familiar to him in an instant. "JJ?" Serpentine ignored her threat, disengaging with the reptilian rope and focusing now on his thought to be sister. Could this be, could he have found his family? Mother and father weren't with her, nor was Lorne. Did the blast get them?? His questions flooded into his mind while he stared into her heterochromatic eyes and bicolored pelt. Bitting his tongue, the male wolf sidestepped to get a better look at the snake resting below the canine now coiling up to wrap around at her shoulders. Sneering, he growled at the snake and watched it quicken its slither around her loosely.

Stepping away, he wanted to embrace her if she was his sister, but he had questions and concerns. The snake was one and her new aggression was another, could this be Jade? Silence ate at his throat, and Serpentine swallowed his words bubbling up. Selectively picking out what he wanted to say, he spoke gently. "You're JJ. Little JJ-- I mean." He cut off now looking over her form and figure, seeing the growing her body had done. Still small in figure, she had filled out her muscles and her fur had grown out to patten well. Jade had grown into a beautiful female for certain, but where was Lorne, the twin of Jade? Usually, the two were inseparable and it was unusual to see them separated. Mother and Father were a whole other question, but Lorne. Serpentine worried that the family had split off even more, and if so-- his goal to find the family was to be prolonged more so.

For now, he had the female in front of him. A beautiful and familiar face to remind him of the times before the blow. Golden stare directed into her mixed hues, Serpentine shook his head shortly and snorted with disbelief, smiling now at the smaller female standing ahead. "If it's yours, I won't touch it. I'm sorry." Serpentine dipped his head gently and watched the rocky ground with sharp eyes, waiting until he was spoken to before looking back up.
[Image: SIgnatureedit.jpg]

Jade Jext


3 Years
09-23-2019, 10:39 AM

When her dubbed nickname from childhood fell from his lips, her heart felt as though it may explode within her rib cage. He was alive? She hadn't spoken with anyone within Boreas since the eruption, her family scattered as she had became lost in the ash. Her two toned eyes watched him close as he seemed to look her over, she could see the wheels turning within his brain. Her jaws parted as she spoke softly, her words coming out quickly, stumbling over themselves. "Ser-Serpentine. Where's Lorne? Where's Mother and Father.. Are we all that is left of our family?" Her eyes watched him as he watched Tarot, a low growl coming from her throat. Once upon a time she had been soft and sweet, like a wildflower stretching upwards to the sun between the blades of grass. But time alone had forced her to become defensive, always expecting the worst from everyone. She had been alone for a decent amount of time, and after a run in with some rough folk, she had decided it was best to bite and ask questions later.

Jade had so many questions for him, endless questions. Why did they not leave sooner when they saw signs of the eruption happening, why did they wait so long? How did the three well bonded siblings get torn apart with such ease? Her tongue grazed over her snout, finally she caved to her emotions. Her tail beat madly behind her, snout now pushing beneath her brothers' as she embraced him in as much of a hug that a wolf could muster. "Serp, I thought you were dead.." Her calm demeanor quickly returned, backing away from him a bit to give him room to breath. When he brought up the snake she had so lovingly found she felt it was a good time to tell her story, at least the bit she had been through since becoming separated from the family.

She sighed now, sitting down on the sandy earth below, the cold wind shivering her a bit but paying no mind to it. "Yes, she's mine. When the volcano erupted, I know it set us all apart. However, I found my way here. It was an area untouched ,expect by the cold blasting winds that came from the atmospheric change the explosion caused. She had just shortly hatched from her egg, I never found more than her. Most snakes here are solid colors; brown, black, tan. The usual. I was more lonely than I had been in the entire two, almost three, years I've been alive. Her mother was no where to be found, or her egg mates. I scooped her up, and she stayed around my neck for awhile, at least until we reached Glowshroom Cavern. In which we relaxed, and returned to our strength, only to find our way back here. I had hoped, since it was so far from the Volcano, I may find some of the family. And here we are. Her name is Tarot, I chose to keep her and create a bond with her because she is two toned, much like myself. She is my child, now, and she speaks our language.

JJ was sure she sounded crazed to her sibling, a wolf raising a python? How did it work? Sure other wolves in Boreas had companions, but hardly any had pythons, if there was even another one besides her beloved daughter. She sighed for a moment, her duo colored eyes glancing to the hazed sky above them. What a serene moment it was. Brother and Sister, reunited beneath a smoked grey sky. Her snout now nudged her brother's cheek, it was a loving gesture. But no matter how much she had been talking, the question of her family still sung in her mind, and she had to ask it again.

"Where do we look for the rest of our family, Brother?"




4 Years
09-23-2019, 02:21 PM
Serpentine picked his head up to look at the serpent then his sister, never making a move to attack or defend. The atmosphere was stagnant with tension before questions burst through from Jade. She had the same as he did, and all he could do was gawk and stare. They weren't with her? What happened, were they alive? Why didn't she stay with them, why didn't he stay with them? Angrily he grunted and plopped himself to the sandy earth below, sitting between the cavern he'd jumped into beforehand. Slim walls covered them together and held their position a secret. Reddish rock curved and cut at odd angles, creating a jagged edge at the top of the small, dry cavern. It was a nice spot, but they should move could a storm roll in, should a tremor hit, they had to move. "I don't.. know." He replied softly to her questions, hos chest swelling with unease and pain by telling her he had no clue. All he knew was that JJ was alive, and found out how to live alone. Would she follow him to find a place to settle and call home?

It all happened so fast, her touch and smell surrounding him again and her warmth pressing into him. His sister had given him a snug reminder that she was alive, well, and whole. It took him a moment before returning the soft nuzzle, locking his leg around hers and pushing his muzzle to her own with an affectionate sigh. JJ had been the sweeter and cuddlier pup of the trio. Always wanting attention from someone, begging for playtime, curiously wandering for something fun to do, the memories of young JJ pained him now as the older and well-formed wolf now hugged him tightly, whispering the words that chilled his spine. "C'mon, you know me better than that." Serpentine smirked and pressed his nose to her own, giving it a small and delicate shove, booping her.

When she pulled back, his leg almost tried to keep her close, jerking back in surprise as she'd taken herself back to give space between them. The fallen face revealed his minor disappointment before her rear landed on the ground below and she began her explanation. The snake was her friend, her love, her daughter, her companion. Serpentine sat with his sister, nodding, and understanding her words while the story spun. Jealousy hit him, he'd been alone this whole time but Jade found such comfort in another creature, though his face never revealed his jealousy lingering inside. How dare she... His mind echoed but nodding he smiled to JJ, acting as though he cared and considered her story soft. "Sounds like an exciting journey." Fake grin cascaded his jaws, stopping while she seeped to pause.

She looked up and so did he, wondering what JJ was staring at so far above them. Grey sky aobe told him that she was dazing off, wondering to herself instead of staring. Changing his direction, he looked back to Jade and felt her movement suddenly touched his cheek and he gave a sincere grin now, similar to the fake one he previously forced to crawl over his features. It fell as soon as she asked the question raging in his own mind. "Where did Lorne scatter towards? Did mom and dad stick together? Do we have to go back to the blast area?" His concern raised, asking his own questions instead of answering hers. A typical response from Serpentine.
[Image: SIgnatureedit.jpg]

Jade Jext


3 Years
09-24-2019, 07:14 PM

Her ears fell back for a moment when her brother spoke those fateful words, their parents were missing, along with their brother. What were they to do? Go back to the volcano, or at least within its' ring of death, no they would've had enough sense to flee. JJ re-positioned herself, unable to get truly comfortable she stood up slowly before stepping into a slow walk, nudging her brother for him to follow. They were somewhat safe this far into the West of Boreas, the ground may still shake beneath them but it would be nothing like what they had lived through. Her tongue grazed over her lips as she prepared to answer her siblings various questions, hetero-chromatic eyes glancing between the two of them and to the road ahead. "I don't know where Lorne is at, I haven't seen him even longer since you. Last time I saw him was before we got all got separated."

When Serpentine asked about their parents she felt her heart sink to the depth of her body, almost as if it were dragging on the cold sandy ground behind her. The thought of their parents being missing, or worse, dead was something that Jade had tried to keep out of her head for weeks now. They weren't much older than the pups, certainly not in their elder years. She was afraid that their only option for finding their parents may be to go back where this all began; Near Mount Volkan. The only issue was the risk of death that came with venturing closer to the volcano. If they were to dare go into the Danger Zone, there may be no one left to look for their parents. She felt the words bubble in her chest, but when she tried to speak, no words came out from her lips.

A single tear rolled down the side of her face, brushing her head against her leg she wiped it away quickly. This was no time to be showing signs of weakness. Her ears pricked slightly, there was something coming. It sounded like a herd of animals, no, it was just another earthquake. Looking above them, JJ noticed they were clear from any rocks. Stopping where she stood, the small shake only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough to remind her of the danger ahead. "We cannot go within the dnager zone, we have to stay a good distance away from Mount Volkan no matter what we do, I think we should look for them in the West a bit before moving on. We both came here for a reason, and it was to get a good distance away from the Volcano, why wouldn't they do the same? Either way, we most certainly can't stay here."




4 Years
09-25-2019, 03:47 PM

The feeling of being nudged relaxed him, watching his sister turn to walk on forwards from him. His little JJ, all grown up. It tugged his heart and made him emotional to think of what she had been through this time apart, what troubles she'd had to endure. But she was safe with him now, and he swore to never let her out of his sight again. Standing now, the male wolf took a step into the ravine and followed his sister along quietly until she spoke up about Lorne, his jaws parting to speak but no words formed when he saw her next expression.

Sadness, worry, distraught, the female had been thinking of the other topic at hand-- their parents. What she thought of them, he did not know, nor did he ask. He quietly walked on beside her until her face became too much to handle for the male. "JJ, they'll be alright wherever they ran off to. I doubt they split up from each other. And if they did, dad's stubborn enough to find mom quickly. It's Lorne I'm worried about... you know how skittish he can be. With the blast and our scatter, I'm thinking he got off on his own and who knows what he's come across here. We've been so secluded from the wolves around us since mom and dad had you and Lorne." Serpentine rambled as he worried, taking from memory and concern for Lorne as he spoke with a relaxed tongue. Walking beside Jade he kept his pace even with hers, eyeing the reptile coiled around the neck of his sister.

When he refocused on Jade, he caught the wet tear slipping from her eye and rolling down her fur. Aww poor baby, his thoughts mocked her but he caught himself as the earth below them shook. Although it was short-lived, Serpentine was traumatized by the earthquakes and remembered how badly the earth vibrated and rattled when the eruption happened. His mind locked in a state of fear while his body crouched over the ground like a frightened puppy. Ears pinned back and tail tucked, the male looked with wide eyes to his sister and swallowed his tongue. He wanted to snap at her, in fear not anger. Serpentine was locked in his position while she spoke, listening to her calmed him somewhat but still, he stood frozen.

"N-no. We can't stay here. I think you're right, moving West to find them. Maybe we could check bodies of water and see if any of the family made it to a safer spot with more resources." Serpentine spoke finally, standing back at his full height and shaking off the fear that recently locked him into a pinned grasp. His jaws parted as he gazed forward, motioning to follow the small ravine they were in. Perhaps it led to water? "We should follow this trench, it must have held water at some point. Maybe it leads back to some and we can head West from there."

[Image: SIgnatureedit.jpg]