
new life, new hope

ft winterfell



2 Years
09-21-2019, 08:06 AM
it had been announced moons ago that Heloise had been expecting children with Acere. though she was unaware if anyone knew she had given birth. no one had come to visit or poke their head into the room in curiosity. surely her mate would have gone around and told all that he could find. it was an endearing thought to visualize and she couldn't help chuckling. after grooming each child to look their best, she sat back and allowed them to suckle as she relaxed. their soft noises almost lulled her to sleep if not for the ship's activity.

perhaps it was because she was a mother now. she found herself hypersensitive to noises that otherwise she was comfortable with previously. Heloise judged she was cautious of anything coming near her children. they could not move around on their own yet, and they did not speak yet. it was up to her, Acere and Winterfell to protect them. outside of the volcano's eruption, the north seemed a bit cut off from the rest of the world's problems. she could logically not see many threats but knew that many existed still. stifling a yawn, she'd rest her head on her paws and stare into the ship.

she was still in the 'den' she had made with Acere - one of the rooms now made comfortable with various pelts and objects brought to her. the children were content; they didn't seem to cry very much or wiggle around in displeasure. with her mate doing patrols and checking on everyone, Heloise did not expect him back soon. as she tried to sleep, she could hear noise still and scrunched her brows in a furrow. it was only by fresh scent did she snap her eyes open, staring back past the room's door frame. had someone come to visit?
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag