
we'll never be royals

ft recruitment, anyone, etc



3 Years
09-26-2019, 07:22 PM

it had been a few weeks since she had fled to Auster, but she had come to realize a goal that required her to travel once more. as much as she would have liked to stay in the southern land, Bee knew that other wolves were suffering and needed help. she was going to offer to take them in, show them how to be independent and learn new survival skills. whether this made her a band leader or not wasn't important. the ones that wanted to stay could stay. she would take who did, make them come together under peace and unity. but the ones who wanted to leave... she would wish them luck.

her paws made her travel from the Cedar Falls and Lazuli Falls all the way back west. by the time she got to the oasis, her steps were a bit heavy. she felt exhausted and gratefully dipped her head into the small pool of water. she noticed the east side of the oasis was a rock wall that would be impossible to climb in her weary state. even on her side, she could smell many wolves on the other side. unknown to her, they were from Ashen. Willoughby would try to rest here for the night. the desert could be dangerous at low temperature. attempting to settle her mind and body, she curled up near the water and looked out across the desert.

it was around late noon. plenty of daylight was left, but she wouldn't get out of the west so easily. it'd take her a few more days to travel around the battlegrounds and head north. for now, the woman would rest and recover from the still-beating shock. crimson eyes tried to see the volcano from her position, but could not even see the very tip.

"this is mainly a recruitment thread for the wayfarers
if you signed up but are not in the area realistically, Bee will be making her way NORTH
to collect some wolves. you are free to jump into this thread regardless, but it is a recruitment thread keep in mind!"

1/3 navigation (illusions oasis)
0/3 met new wolf



2 Years
09-27-2019, 07:48 PM
Guile's growling and his painfully gripping paws were getting on Toril's nerves. He was clinging to the underside of her neck and chest, seeking the shade his wolf cast, his upside down gaze on the oasis gradually growing nearer. He was annoyed and, to be fair, Toril was too; she didn't need her little companion making it worse. She was panting hard, jaws gaping and tongue hanging from between her teeth.

She'd felt the raccoon's paws slipping, and when he reached to reclaim his grasp, yanking hard at a new spot, she reached her limit. Shaking him loose, snarling as he fell, Toril danced away as he whipped around to nip at her for dislodging him. "You can walk!" she snapped at him, and though he flashed her another annoyed glare, he didn't protest- merely hurried to catch up and then settled for waddling along, keeping just ahead of her front paws.

Freed of his weight, Toril focused her gaze on the green trees shimmering at her through the heat and the scent of water that drew her on. She'd come quite a way from that river, but she hadn't wanted to leave the desert unexplored- no matter how uncomfortable she was. And so here she was.

The scent of the other wolf came to her unexpectedly and she paused; Guile took a few more steps before realizing she'd stopped and he turned back to look at her, ears tipped in confusion. "Shh," she warned him, and dropped low, moving faster in a crouch. He kept at her side and when they reached the outer bushes he stayed there, letting Toril move on alone. She eased quietly toward the scent, peering at the wolf crouched at the pond's edge.

The fur of the wolf was something she noticed immediately, puzzled at the strange greens that patterned her fur- but she seemed normal otherwise. Toril decided to risk it. She hadn't met another wolf since the male at the river, and she was curious. Boldly, she strode toward the pond, circling it to keep a slight distance from the other she-wolf and dipped her head in a greeting before turning to slaking her thirst with quick laps of her tongue. One ear rotated back at a quiet rustle behind her, and a moment later Guile's tapered muzzle was tucked beneath hers; too thirsty himself to wait, but more than willing to use her as protection.

Lifting her head to lick drops from her chin, Toril turned to the other again. "Greetings. My name is Toril and this is Guile. Are you alone here?"



3 Years
09-28-2019, 11:12 AM

the palm trees above her head were enough to keep her covered from the remaining sunlight. she knew she would have to seek a proper shelter come the night, where temperatures dropped so easily that it was near frigid. though she had to remind herself that the north would be much colder than the desert. Willoughby tried to soak up as much warmth as possible before she moved on. a few days in the desert would not harm her.

though other people could.

crimson gaze blinked open as the other wolf appeared. she raised herself to all fours, viewing the young adult. those eyes were not wary or hostile. they looked upon the woman with acceptance; acceptance that Bee was not the only one here anymore. as the wolf sated her own thirst nearby, the greenette noticed the raccoon but made no move to attack it. it was probably the first time she had seen a wolf with a companion outside of the festivals held here.

she knew better to attack it. the woman introduced herself afterward. Toril and Guile... well, lucky for them she was not opposed to introductions. "it is a pleasure to meet you, Ms Toril and Mister Guile" Bee made sure to include the little critter in her welcome as well. she dipped her head to them both before raising it, adding in; "my name is Willoughby, and yes. for the moment, I am alone." Serpentine had asked the same question, but he had gotten a different answer.

only because Bee believed now she would be able to collect some wolves and make a band.

2/3 navigation (illusions oasis)
1/3 met new wolf (toril)



2 Years
09-28-2019, 10:26 PM
The wolf rose, lids parting to reveal red eyes; Toril's ears flicked back briefly in a moment of uncertainty. Green fur, red eyes, both traits she'd never seen until now, which made the combination of them in one body unnerving. But the she-wolf remained calm, giving Toril no real reason to be wary of her, and after a light prickling of her fur down her spine she forced herself to take a breath and relax, to focus on the reply.

Guile only gave the stranger a short glance before returning to his drinking; Toril grinned. "He doesn't speak, even to me, most of the time. You should hear him talk whenever he spots another of his kind though." Dropping to a sit, Toril made herself comfortable in the shade of the trees, lifting her head to make the most of the breeze that swept through. "Us too. It was just me for a while, and then for whatever reason Guile tagged on. He's good company, most of the time."

A glance around at the sanctuary, a spot of life amid the hot desert, and she looked back at Willoughby. "Do you live here? I wouldn't think there'd be enough prey around here for that."



3 Years
09-29-2019, 10:58 AM

"we all speak in our own ways" Bee replied kindly, giving a nod to the raccoon. even if Guile did not speak outwardly, he still had thoughts and actions that directed him toward his own path. sometimes, all one had to do was listen very very carefully to hear the voices. the woman asked though if she lived here, stating that it had been only herself for a while until her companion tagged along. the greenette shook her head with a faraway smile. "no, I am only traveling through." she debated what else to tell Toril. maybe she would be a good candidate for her band...

but she also did not like to push.

Willoughby looked away when prey was mentioned. her eyes strayed to the rocky wall, knowing that perhaps some were hiding within the crevices. it made for good shelter against the beating sun, though, and she felt the prey was smart hiding there. she could smell the small critters. a few mice and some lizards perhaps. "the desert has many hidden gems; though it may be easier for the packs. they know where to hunt best. why don't you try the rocks, Miss Toril? there could be some mice there." if the woman was hungry, she offered a solution.

"do you have plans to join a pack? there are many in this realm" she asked gently.

3/3 navigation (illusions oasis)
2/3 met new wolf (toril)



2 Years
10-03-2019, 06:27 PM
Maybe Willoughby was doing what Toril was doing- just exploring. Going where the wind took her. She seemed the sort- or maybe Toril was looking too hard into finding someone similar to herself. She glanced down at the raccoon again, but he didn't look at either of them this time. Taking steps toward the other she-wolf, Toril left him to drink his fill, but at her mention of possible prey in the rocks she turned toward them instead.

"No, I hadn't planned on it. I've had enough of packs to last a while, I think. Left the one I was born into..." For a moment she debated giving the story, only to decide not to for the moment. "I thought I'd see the sights, you know. Travel all over. Maybe once Volkan calms down, I'll visit it too." She had no plans to be bound to scent borders yet- if ever again.

For a short time she was silent as she prowled among the rocks, sniffing at the cracks and the scent of mice that came from them; one, startled, bolted from safety and she was quick to jump on it, to snap it up. A squeak from behind her came and she turned to see Guile dragging another mouse from its hiding place. Others fled and Toril darted after them, killing what she could before they found safety again and then returning to eat.

Not entirely full, but satisfied for the moment until she could try for bigger prey, Toril padded back to Willoughby and settled at her side, picking up the conversation where she'd left it. "I don't suppose you're looking for a pack? Or are you just doing the same as I am?"



3 Years
10-04-2019, 08:51 AM

so this wolf wanted to travel, not settle down. Bee gave a thoughtful nod to her little story as she moved away to hunt. silent mostly during this, she did not want to startle any prey the woman was pursuing. when the white wolf returned to her, sitting beside her, the greenette twisted her neck to look at her. Toril had more questions for her and she was only too happy to reply to her. "no, not a pack" she said, at last, thought brightly as she smiled once more "I was looking to start a band of wolves."

she could go into how she had no formal home and was looking for one, but Bee was not very good at recruiting others yet. this was a whole new experience for her; she was going to fall into a role easily or not. "I wish to make a place of acceptance... of unity. coming together under a common goal." Willoughby felt a bit embarrassed to speak of such ambitions, but she knew she had to at least try to recruit sometimes. else her dream would never be complete. Serpentine had already said he'd join her, but that was only one wolf.

"many are displaced by the volcano... some loners that do not have a home. or rather, never had one to begin with" the woman sighed rather sadly "some cannot survive alone. but some do not want to join a pack. a band... well, I like to think of a band as a nomadic pack. we still have the same ideas of unity and togetherness, but we do not have borders. nothing restricts us but ourselves." a tint of pink reached her cheeks as she realized she had rambled to a complete stranger. she gave a nervous little giggle, looking away from Toril and Guile.

"o-oh! but it is still just an idea at this point" she chuckled.

3/3 navigation (illusions oasis)
3/3 met new wolf (toril)