
wicked games



8 Years
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ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
10-01-2019, 09:11 PM

Patience had never been Kai Jarvela's strong suit, and now more than ever he having difficulty not taking charge of things. The volcano's eruption had shaken up whatever plans he'd thought he had - thanks to the heavy ash cloud that hung almost constantly overhead, winter had settled in more quickly than he'd expected. The bitter cold was hardly a contrast to his own relatively harsh demeanor. Once he'd found more reasons to laugh than to not, though since his captivity and subsequent release, he'd found his mood had been uncharacteristically sour. Settling in and regaining his strength had been his top priority, but after that.. he wasn't so sure.

After a good few weeks of actual meals and periodic exercise, creeping around Winterfell's lands - mostly in the cover of night, though occasionally he'd allowed him presence to be known - he felt he was ready to make his departure. Whether or not he'd actually leave all depended on one thing.. one individual, if he was being honest. Kai had little intention of repaying Acere, at least for his own sake, but he had a feeling his decision would rest on one conversation.

A conversation that felt long overdue, and was hopefully about to happen now.

Kai had caught a whiff of Ty's scent and had diligently followed it, lumbering without much care through the uneven rows of pine trees. It was hard to tell whether Ty had been avoiding him, or if he'd been avoiding the other male - though he had a feeling they were both to blame for not reconnecting before this moment. Once his scent grew much stronger, and he heard a sound that indicated movement up ahead, he let out a lazy bark, hoping to catch his attention.