
If These Scars Could Speak




2 Years
10-13-2019, 07:31 PM
Pain surged through her right back leg. She was definitely stupid for being near the volcano at the time, however, her reward was her life. In the process of getting out of her situation, her leg decided to be too close to some boiling lava that flowed from the surface. As if her beauty had to be damaged even more by hellfire. A grumble vibrated her throat as she ventured onward, limping from the pain. The wound was charred and she was definitely sure that she would never be able to recover from that injury...unless the leg was removed; but she hadn't known a healer who could assist her with such a damaged limb.

The bay, albeit beautiful, didn't really assist her with anything. Plus, Locust was sure that the salt water would only add to her immense pain that surrounded her leg every step she managed to take. The dark-colored fae sighed and walked over to a secluded area in the sands to give her leg a rest. She'd been walking for a long time, so this would hopefully get some of her energy up once she was ready to venture onward once again. Her blue gaze watched the waters, noticing some fins that poked out from the crystal clear water. Sharks she had to guess, but the pain made it all the more stressful for her, so thinking was definitely out of the question as she kept to herself for the time being.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
10-14-2019, 07:37 PM

Corvus wasn't sure why he'd crossed the water to head back to the mainlands, but... suddenly he found himself standing at the shore, soaked to the core. The tremors had seemed to subside - at least from where he and Abaven were temporarily residing - but he wasn't so sure things back in their homelands were totally back to normal yet. Still a dark layer of ash hung high in the sky, so heavy that Corvus found himself wondering if they'd even truly see a clear sky again. Maybe that was a gloomy outlook, but Corvus had never been an overly optimistic fellow, and recent events had only solidified his tendency to have a mostly realistic (albeit slightly jaded) worldview. Either way, he wanted to see what was going on, deciding that reporting back to the pack with news of what was happening closer to Mount Volkan.

He was wary as he navigated the bay, taking quite some time to warm up from the swim across from the island. It was winter, so that was to be expected, though the obscured sunlight seemed to have made the world that much colder. He fought a shiver as he continued on, giving his thick coat another hard shake as he continued down the beach. occasionally he lifted his snout higher to sniff at the air, though his senses were all but assaulted with the peculiar scent of briny seawater and not much else. That reason alone was enough to caught him a bit of surprise when he saw the figure of a dark female up ahead, not as close to the shoreline as he was, but close enough. He squinted, trying to make out the stranger in the distance.

Normally his reaction wasn't to reach out to strangers, not unless they seemed visibly eager for the company, but he couldn't help but feel more empathetic lately. Times were hard, especially for lone wolves.. who knew if this stranger had a pack, or anyone to lean on? He felt a pang of worry suddenly weigh down his chest, as he picked up his pace and continued down the beach, eventually veering closer to her. "Oh - hello!" He called out after a moment, assuaging some of his own awkwardness by pretending he'd just now noticed her, ambling a few steps closer.



2 Years
10-14-2019, 07:55 PM
The peace that once flooded her was shortly postponed as the sound of footsteps approaching caught her off guard. She had assumed that she was the only one residing on the shore, albeit a small distance away from it. Her one good eye couldn't make out the stranger when they spoke to her, not noticing any distinguishable features due to the dark cloud of smoke and ash that hung above their heads. The greeting was a simple one, and though Locust was trying to better herself; the pain that went throughout her leg said otherwise when it came to the dark she-wolf's mood and behavior as her body tensed. "Hi..." She growled, more so due to her injury if anything else. The stranger seemed nice, but one could never be too careful around someone that you had never run into before. By the various scents that she could catch from the brute, he appeared to be a pack wolf. She did have a small pack for a period, but nothing to extraordinary to point out about it.

Locust had to admit that she missed her teacher...the woman who helped her try to get back into her formal glory. However, due to her facial scarring and her now charred leg, there was no telling if anyone would even want to look at something as hideous as she. Before her injuries, the she-wolf thought herself as beautiful and radiant. Now, here she was lying in the sand with no family, friends, anything really. Perhaps some conversation would be nice if the male wasn't scared away. After all, depression was something that she was starting to get used to having around her; almost like the cloud of smoke that hung around her and the male right now. The heaviness that came off both felt oh so similar it was hard to tell the two apart right now.

The woman had no choice but to turn her head towards him to see him. From the features she could make out, he seemed rather charming. But, again, she'd have to keep an eye on him and any other stranger she came across. "Can I with something..?" Her voice chimed out, wincing when she tried to shift her form, thus making her leg hurt even more from the added pressure and unwanted movement.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
10-15-2019, 06:56 AM

The female replied, but not in the way he hoped she might. She didn't seem happy with his presence.. or maybe she was just uncomfortable overall, regardless of whether or not he continued approaching her. At first he worried he had been the cause of her distress, but it became quickly apparent that something else was going on. Once he got a better look at her, a few steps closer, he was reminded of the injured cat he'd seen with Theory. That creature had been damaged beyond repair, but this wolf looked to be in better shape... though not by much. When he saw her burns, he couldn't help but be reminded of his own experience with the wildfire that had ravaged his home just a few seasons ago, and he felt a heavy pang of sympathy grip his head. Her injures looked fresh, at least from a distance, though some of them looked long since healed-over. She wasn't on the brink of death like that cat had been, at least not from his inexperienced judgement, but she didn't look like she was doing great either.

It was hard to not want to help, despite knowing he knew almost nothing about healing or tending to injuries. He slowed his pace as he got closer - he knew his large form could come across as intimidating - and let his tail hang loosely behind him to show he meant no threat to her. If she asked him to leave, he would. "I'm sorry, you just looked -" His words caught in his throat. Hurt? No shit she looks hurt. He paused for a long moment, trying to find the right words, suddenly reminded of how words had never been his strength either. What was he even good at, anyway? "- like you might want some company. It's kind of a shitty time to be on your own," he added with a slow shrug, casting his glance toward the volcano before resting it back on her. Sure, he was here on his own, but he had family just across the water. Family who would come looking for him if they didn't see him, family who wouldn't rest until they found him.. right? He wondered if she had the same, and the thought that maybe she didn't made his heart ache even more for her.



2 Years
10-15-2019, 07:56 AM
Locust could see a hint of sympathy spread across his features. He was much larger than she, but he didn't give off a presence that she should be scared of him; however, looks could always be deceiving. She had been alone for a long time, so the dame knew that from experience.

'I'm sorry, you just looked-' In the back of the woman's mind, words that could perfectly describe what she felt about her appearance began to appear within her mind. Ugly. Grotesque. The list could continue for quite a long time. However, his words surprised her '-like you might want some company.' A small sigh escaped the femme's breath, her one good eye focused on the large body of water. She could be swallowed up by the waves and nobody would bother looking for her. Her brothers and parents were gone, her mentor, everyone she knew had left her life. Just like when the she-wolf was a child, she'd been back to square one and alone to think about her past and what could have been done differently.

"No shit it's a shitty time," She spoke coldly, her eye closing as her ears pinned back as sadness slowly began to eat away at her heart. He had a family, she had no such luxury. She did have one, twice in fact, but like before she'd been tossed to the side despite one being by sheer accident. "But...I suppose I shouldn't turn down company...At least it would make me stop focusing on my leg for the time being...But, you should also focus on your pack too, they might need you more than I," gratitude was something that was not within the girl's vocabulary, but at least he was nice enough to stay and give her some form of relief by talking to one another. "My name's Locust...may I ask your own?"



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
10-17-2019, 07:11 AM

Corvus had known from a relatively young age that the world could be a dark place. He'd been plagued with angsty thoughts, on and off, for most of his life... whether it was from the early disappearance of his sister Rhea, or the later departure of his parents, he knew life wasn't all about fun and games. Seeing this woman only reminded him of that, more strongly than before. Life could be hard, extremely hard, and he was lucky for the kind of support system he had behind him, even if he sometimes felt he took it for granted without meaning to.

He was lucky. And for a moment he was stunned by that realization, and by the way the stranger responded sharply to his comment. He very nearly winced at her biting tone, but it wouldn't deter him. At least not yet. She'd clearly been dealt a shitty hand in life, and he couldn't fault her for being negative. Sometimes he too struggled with keeping his own dark thoughts at bay, despite the comparatively good life he'd be given. Instead of replying right off, he let her words settle in, moving just a few steps closer - still maintaining a safe, comfortable distance before lowering himself, as if lying down might somehow prove he meant no threat to her. Truthfully, resting after his swim didn't sound like such a bad idea, either.

"You're right," he replied finally, letting out a sigh. He'd never been gifted with words, not like some of his family, and he often struggled to say things the right way. In this occasion, he had a feeling being blunt might not be such a bad thing. "This - all of this -" He gestured vaguely toward the volcano, though he knew she'd know what he was talking about.  "It's fucking awful. It's displaced my family, it's hurt creatures who did't deserve it..." Was she innocent? He couldn't know for sure, but begardless of who she was, or what she had or hadn't done in life, he had a hard time imagining anyone deserving that kind of punishment. But mother nature was a merciless, opportunistic beast, and seemingly had no care for who it trapped in its clutches. Clearly.

He nodded at her words, pleased when she introduced herself. "I'm Corvus Destruction. Nice to meet you, Locust," he dipped his head in a slow nod, from his position on the ground. If the company helped distract her from her pain, he would gladly sit with her for as long as he could. He wasn't a saint by any means, but how could he pass up the opportunity to help someone who truly needed it? Maybe someone else in Abaven might offer her actual assistance when it came to her wounds, but surely she wasn't strong enough to swim - and he couldn't imagine how the salt water would feel on her burns. He could try calling for someone, but... hopefully this was a good start.  "I do have a pack, but.. most of them would encourage me to help someone in need. Even if that's just by stopping for a chat." Caring too much was a trait that many of his family had, and though he often struggled with his own personality quirks, apparently compassion hadn't passed him by.. and he knew that nobody back home would be upset for him staying here a bit longer.