
away in a manger

eris birthing thread



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
10-16-2019, 09:22 AM
Her time had come. Although she had never assisted with a birth before, she had been trained in the arts. It had seemed so simple in theory but nothing could prepare her for the strange undulations of muscles that she rarely used. Eris was blowing hard by the time she felt like she'd found a safe place to bear down. She settled down behind a large rock by a small rushing waterfall. The water moved quickly enough that it hadn't frozen despite the low temperatures; it became a pleasant song.

Eris focused on the sound of the water as her contractions began. There was no telling how long this would take. It was the way of nature for a female to separate herself from the group for this private experience, but she was certain Oxide would follow her. They were tethered beyond the laws of instinct.

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]

Ballad I


4 Years

Treat 2019
10-16-2019, 09:42 AM
Ballad kept a close watch on her sister after she’d been given the sensitive information of her pregnancy. When the day finally came the girl followed behind dutifully as Eris found her nest and settled down for the final act of her pregnancy. As her duty to Tor she needed to stand guard outside the den and allow her sister the proper experience for her birth. She needed to do this alone, as was the will of Tor.

The fire marked Pyre girl took up her post outside the den before anyone could try and sully the experience. ”We’re with you, Eris.” She called in supportively, yearning to offer her affection as support but she wouldn’t cross the threshold. Blank faced she sat up tall and again marveled at how well her sister had fixed her ankle. If any of them were strong enough for birth it was her little healer sister. Tor had chosen her vessel wisely.
Where My Demons Hide



3 Years

Treat 2019
10-17-2019, 07:41 AM
He wasn’t sure how to deal with his emotions. Oxide knew early on that Eris was pregnant, but he’d been more than confused about her attitude. Eulogy had confronted him rather early on, she knew he was the father and had offered him a place beside the accidental litter had he wished it. The Nightingale boy had very much not wanted to be a dad. That same sentiment had followed him here, but the odd Adem belief had thrown him for a loop. He admitted to himself a long time ago that what he felt for Eris was love, and the thought of raising up his pups with her had appealed more than he realized.

Now he wasn’t allowed to be the father he felt a little jaded. Eris retreated from his side today, her roundness more than obvious in her slim form. He hadn’t said much to her about the pregnancy but he’d been there to support her. He rubbed her back when she lost the breakfast he’d brought her, offered what dried flowers he could find to make her den smell more fresh. He held her tight when the night was too cold. They were soul bonded, but he couldn’t claim their children.

After a patrol he found himself in search of her. As she slipped into the den he caught sight of her but before he could follow behind Ballad was at the entrance. He offered her a curious look and made an attempt to enter the den with his shadow. The fanged she wolf was quick to bar his way and Oxide was forced to stand confused by her actions. ”Ballad, let me through. I need to be beside her.”


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
10-17-2019, 11:01 AM

This wasn't Sota's place at all, he knew that, and yet.. when he caught wind of a few wolves near the falls he made to investigate. He'd been growing more comfortable among the wolves of the Ademre Band, though mostly he was glad to be back in lands more familiar to him. Here, even despite the chill of winter - an anomaly for Auster, though he blamed it on the volcanic eruption - he felt far more at peace than he had in a long while. Deftly he moved from tree to tree, keeping his eyes peeled for anything interesting happening down below. Only when he saw Eris near the falls, as well as two other wolves approaching, did he begin to make his descent, sniffing gingerly at the air. They'd both been there when he'd arrived, and though he knew vaguely of their roles as well as their names, he didn't really know either of them. The female with the flame markings was family to Eris, and the male... was her lover? He wasn't precisely sure how to categorize him, but clearly Eris cared for him, and so Sota trusted him too.

He was nearly silent as he made his way to the earth once again, tentatively approaching. It was obvious from a fair distance what was happening, both from what he saw as well as what he could scent in the air. Eris was about to give birth, and though he couldn't assist in the actual birthing... not that he'd even be allowed to, even if he knew how... he could surely stand guard, and make sure the small group wasn't disturbed. Intent on doing just that, he paced a few dozen yards away from the others, keeping his eye out for anything out of the ordinary that might be lurking near the falls.

Sota has a male bamboo lemur companion named Kaito, he's sometimes nearby but usually only if stated!



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
10-17-2019, 02:25 PM
She closed her eyes tightly against the pain and said a silent prayer to Tor. Bless this burden that I bear so that my kin may thrive. Bless the not yet born. Bless our band. Bring us a glorious bounty come springtime. If these extensions of herself could find the same peace and happiness she had in her life, then it felt like some large, unspoken goal would be fulfilled. They would be closer to her than even her family - tied by blood and soul, whereas Ballad and Lament had taken her in as a child. Together they would carry their beliefs on to the next generation. Her children.

As her pain came to a crescendo, Eris passed her first child into the world. She turned and cleaned it diligently, bringing the small thing to nurse at her side. It was so, so tiny. Her heart swelled with intense love and it was entirely different from what she felt for Oxide. Setting eyes on the brown and white little babe, Eris knew for certain that she would gladly give her life for it. Scent told her that it was a boy. A little warrior. She prayed to Tor that none of her children would suffer from her own degenerative condition. They would look upon the world with wide, bright eyes and their vision would never fade. "Oh, Ballad. He's breath-taking..." She whispered. Muffled voices sounded nearby - had Oxide followed her? This was a burden she must bear alone.

Eris sighed as the contractions reached a steady rhythm. They were predictable now. It was stressful but she kept reminding herself that it was entirely natural. Her efforts would be rewarded with the most precious gift of all: new life. "Tell him I'm a-almost done," she panted. Once her children were nursing peacefully she would allow them to be seen for the first time.

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]

Ballad I


4 Years

Treat 2019
10-17-2019, 04:58 PM
Somewhat curiously Ballad watched as Oxide approached, he barely glanced at her as he aimed to cross through and into the den where Eris gave birth. ”Stop,” she said softly before the man spoke his peace. ”It is the will of Tor she do this on her own.” She knew Eris wouldn’t have it any other way. She could hear her sister from within, laboring hard but she was almost through. ”Your wait will end soon.” She assured him as she remained standing in the way of his path. She looked back through the tunnel. ”You’re doing well, Eris!” It was as much support as she was allowed, but the goddess would be there with her.

Ballad prepared a couple of dried plants she had readied for their welcome ceremony into the Ademre clan. The fanged she wolf chanted to herself quietly as Oxide moved away. She wouldn’t stop until she was in front of the pups.
Where My Demons Hide



3 Years

Treat 2019
10-17-2019, 07:30 PM
Oxide furrowed his brows at the flame marked she wolf as she denied him access to his little shadow. He knew the Ademre had their customs but this was going too far. He was about to protest again when he heard Eris’s soft voice from the den and made known she was almost done. He huffed heavily and paced away, his gaze caught by the tiny man, Sota. Ox couldn’t guess what might have happened between the two small wolves, but if he cared about Eris as much as he seemed to Oxide would be thankful for the extra set of eyes upon her and the newborns.

He made his way closer to the small wolf, not missing that he seemed to be guarding already. Oxide took up a similar pose as his deep ruby gaze fell on the delicately marked tree dweller. He was easy to look at, but Ox was too preoccupied with thoughts of Eris and the troubles she faced within the den to give Sota more thought. ”I’m not a fan of this particular tradition.” He grumbled while looking out over the landscape for any trouble that might be brewing.


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
10-17-2019, 08:53 PM
He'd keep a watchful eye from a distance, hoping his nervousness wasn't palpable. How could he not be nervous for Eris? Birthing could be a difficult process, one he knew could result not only in the death of the litter, but of the mother too. Surely Oxide was feeling something similar? Casting a glance toward Ballad and Eris, his attention settled on Oxide as he drew nearer to him. A friendly enough smile was offered to the much-larger male, and for a moment he marveled at how far he had come. How proud his family would be! The giants had been a thing of legend, and now here he was.. chatting with one, no less.

He sucked in a sharp breath of air, as if he might inflate himself to look much larger, and he found himself carefully considering Oxide's words. Sure, Eris and her family's culture was quite different from his own, but he'd seen quite a few similarities too. He spent a long moment musing over it before answering him. "I don't blame you," Sota offered, somewhat tentatively. "In my culture, women do make most of the decisions when it comes to.. family and children, but... I can't recall men ever being kept away from a birthing," he admitted, his words casual rather than combative. He wouldn't question the Ademre culture, and he had a feeling Oxide wouldn't make a fuss over it either - except maybe in private - and Sota couldn't help but feel a sudden rush of camaraderie that he was sharing these feelings with him.

Hopefully Sota's words didn't discourage him any. "I'm sure they know what they're doing," Sota reassured him after a moment, casting him a somewhat sympathetic glance. He'd never experienced anything quite like this, and it was hard to imagine how Oxide might be feeling, but he wanted to give him some emotional support if he happened to need it - though it was hard to imagine a man built like him needing much of anything from anyone, let alone him.

Sota has a male bamboo lemur companion named Kaito, he's sometimes nearby but usually only if stated!



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
10-22-2019, 04:46 PM
The second puppy was taking much, much longer than the first. A sick, worrying thought worked its way into her brain: was there something wrong? It didn't feel right. She closed her eyes and focused intently on her body. Eris focused in on her heartbeat and then the undulations of her muscles. Dear Tor, guide me through this labor. Show me and my children mercy. Moments passed and then moments stretched into the better part of two hours. Finally, soaked in sweat and shaking with effort, the next puppy passed into the world.

It was a large, hardy thing. No wonder it had taken so long to arrive - it was much bigger than its white-and-brown sibling. Eris marveled at it before cleaning it off and guiding it to nurse. The puppy was a bit slow and took some time to find a place to suckle but she mistakenly attributed it to the babe's size. Being big was terribly unfamiliar to her; in fact, she'd spent her whole life being smaller than everyone around her.

"It is finished," she called to Ballad, her voice low and weary. Eris closed her eyes and laid prone on her side, knowing that her sister would allow anyone who wanted to visit as she saw fit. Although she'd slipped away wordlessly, she hoped Oxide would come to marvel at the incredible things she'd created. He was her partner, after all. Whether he liked it or not, these little babes were extensions of herself. She hoped he could bring himself to love them, if only because they were part of her. Eris knew he wasn't quite keen on staying in one place and the little ones would root her to the surrounding area for some time - but they both knew what had happened the last time he'd left her side.

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]

Ballad I


4 Years

Treat 2019
10-23-2019, 02:31 PM
She succeeded in warding Oxide away from the entrance and he went to go pace with the other male Eris brought back with her. Right where he belonged, she didn’t want to worry Eris through her labor. The she wolf faced the direction of the moon and started to pray to Tor. For her sister, for the new Ademre she brought forth, and to bring comfort to the men who worried over her. Ballad prayed over her plants and arranged them in pleasing ways outside of the cave’s entrance.

Time went on, and Balled continued her prayer until Eris’s tired voice sounded from inside. With little hesitation she grabbed her items and made her way to her sister’s side. She placed her pouppori at Eris’s pale paws and helped to clean up the den a bit before settling in to gaze at the beautiful bundles. ”They’re gorgeous, Eris.” She whispered softly while tapping against her sister’s paw, Hope. Renewal. Perfection. She kissed her sister on the cheek and stood back from her and the babies.

With a few gestures of her paws and words spoken in correct time Ballad offered the first blessing of Tor upon them and asked for the protection of Fenris over them. ”May Tor and Fenris bless them both.”
Where My Demons Hide



3 Years

Treat 2019
10-23-2019, 02:57 PM
Sota’s friendly smile was welcome and an odd comfort in the face of such a trying time. Ox had already been close to losing his little shadow when the vikings took her. He didn’t know what he would do if something happened to Eris today. As the pregnancy progressed he was coming to realize that he felt the same about the tiny lives she was bringing forth. They were part of her, and though he wouldn’t convince her, of him as well.

He didn’t find anything of interest on the horizon, and after a long few moments the much smaller wolf spoke of his own opinion. Deep ruby gaze found the Songa’s pale eyes as he spoke about the similarities of their cultures. Oxide tried not to be reminded of his. Sex, drugs, general debauchery in front of who it mattered not. More than once he could tell it wasn’t the girl deciding the actions with his uncle either. The rust marked vagabond resisted the urge to shake off the wicked memories to focus on Sota’s encouragement.

Oxide exhaled heavily and let his gaze fall to his silver marked paws. ”I hope so.” He didn’t want to explore the possibility of losing his soul bonded. Ox didn’t often open up easily to those he didn’t know very well, but having a similar worry for Eris, and now living with the Ademre, at least he could easily relate to tiny tree dweller. More than appearances would leave to believe possible.

”She’s been through so much…” He started, in reference to her capture, losing her sight, losing and finding her family. ”Eris deserves some happiness.” Which was code for ‘I don’t even know what I’d do if anything happened.’ He shook his oxidized features and began to pace again, impatient for the final word. Ballad didn’t relay the message at first, and all Ox was given as warning was the lack of her presence at the door. ”Something’s happened.” He stated, the worry dripping from his vocals as he rushed to the entrance of the den. ”Eris?” He called out, failing at keeping his voice steady.