
If, Possibly and maybe



2 Years
06-25-2014, 06:45 PM

The boy was surprisingly at home leading the wolves of Covari, he knew his seat was only a temporary one and would never dream of Vi being anything less than Alpha of Covari, and Des as her mate. All the same there was a sense of contentment that Cru felt well leading this pack, a sense of everything being right he knew it would be hard to fall back into the familiar retinue when Vi at last returned home, victorious.

He knew also that Vi was surrounding herself with allied packs, packs with Alphas that she knew and trusted personally, more than this she was giving the wolves she trusted pack to build about herself this alliance. An idea was growing in the boys mind, one not yet come to fruition but a possibility, something with potential. What if he was to create his own pack, to find other wolves who would follow him and create with him a pack to call home as he called Covari home. He would create a pack for Vi, join part with this alliance she was creating. The difference was, she would not have to hand down this pack to him, he would build it himself. He wouldn?t even challenge for something others had made but would build upon scratch. He wanted to prove to himself, his family, to Vi that it was possible, that he could create something from nothing, something of beauty.

He knew that a pack depended entirely on its wolves, he could not create a civilization without people, if he wanted to create a pack he would have to see if anyone would follow him. At this stage it was practically hypothetical, but all the same he would see. He found himself straying from the pack borders, never for longer than a few hours at a time of course, he would not leave Covari without its Alpha for longer than that. But wonder he did, until he found himself at Fontamo bay, and had not yet crossed paths with any wolves.



06-25-2014, 08:00 PM

Her children were rapidly growing, and she couldn't be happier. Ares was constantly around, never venturing far from the den. He was an excellent father, just as she had always imagined. Today was the first day she would leave the den, leave her children alone for more than a few moments. Ares was with them, agreeing to watch them for an hour or two while she got some alone time. Long ebony limbs would carry her away from the den and eventually away from Ebony entirely. Her little family was perfect, and she couldn't ask for more. But was this pack the right place for them? Raisa had left without a word, and this woman she didn't know had taken over. Katja was great, she wouldn't deny that, but she still didn't feel as ease, she didn't feel at home. She would need to talk to Ares about it, though she knew he would go wherever she was happy.

Dual toned eyes swept across the bay, tail swaying idly at her hocks. Tattered ears swiveled, picking up the sounds that were foreign. Soon a stranger would enter her line of vision causing her to pause for a brief moment. She would continue though, carefully watching the man before her. "Hello." Her voice would travel easily as she came to a halt several feet away from him. It wasn't often that she met strangers, it seemed that whenever she tried to, Artemis would cross her path. But today, she had different luck, hopefully. She still didn't know if this man was friendly or not, she could only hope.

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2 Years
06-25-2014, 08:15 PM (This post was last modified: 06-25-2014, 08:16 PM by Crucifix.)

A dame in lean shades of black would materialise before him, a wrath of dark shades, whos face was haloed with patches of white. She had the scent about her of Ebony, a pack he had recently allied Covari with, or at least temporarily so for as long as he was Alpha. Emerald eyes would find his gaze and a crouched smile would touch his lips. She had the soft scent of milk about her and he found himself wondering if she too was a mother, as Othello now was.

?Hey yourself? he found his vocals uttering, she seemed if not weary then at least watchful as she took him in and he could appreciate the caution. He made no move to close the distance between them but allowed her to take her time. The temporary alpha would keep his smile in place and take a seat on his hunches to put her at ease. He wasn?t even certain what he was doing, he had wondered and had somewhat hoped to come across strangers or old friends. He needed opinions from both to find out if he had what it took to create a pack from scratch. Yet now that he had this stranger before him he found himself at a loss at what to say, so he simply took a breath and spoke, not allowing his mind the time to weasel its way out. ?Your from Ebony right?? he would murmur.



06-25-2014, 08:37 PM

He would greet her, seeming friendly. A smile would pull at his monochromed face. He seemed at a loss for words for a moment before her packs name breached her ears. She would smile, nodding. "Yes, but I can't say I know which pack you are from." She would take a few steps closer, but kept a respectable distance from the stranger. "I'm Devya." Her name rolled off her tongue easily as she followed the polite social protocol. Nostrils would quiver, trying to pinpoint his pack but she kept coming up blank. Dark haunches would slowly recline, the woman still not back into shape after pregnancy. She hoped that soon though, she would be back to her prime and fit. Tail curled around her carefully. Part of her longed to return to her children but she knew they were well taken care and she was not about to pass up the chance of meeting someone new, someone outside her family, outside her pack, someone that didn't want to rip her throat out.

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2 Years
06-25-2014, 08:47 PM

The darkly shaded woman would take a few steps closer s they spoke, she seemed more at ease with her words then he had, as she confirmed her pack and gave forth her name. His tail would swing subtly behind him as he leaned forward to catch her lyrical words. ?Devya, nice name? he would say, it was easier now that the conversation had begun, and he too slipped into the familiar formalities, and now he could put forth something of what was rolling about his mind. ?I?m Crucifix of Covari, a temporary Alpha there well our Queen is elsewhere. But I may not stay in Covari long, I?m tempted to creating a pack of my own if I can find the wolves that would want to help built it alongside me? he would explain.

He would look at her with curiosity now, as a mother she wasn?t likely to want to leave her pack to enter a new one, or so he would imagine but perhaps she might express an opinion that would finally help him make up his mind, if she thought others might follow him. After all, that was why he was out here wasn?t it?



06-26-2014, 09:13 PM

He would compliment her name and her dark smile would grow fractionally. "Thank you." So he was an Alpha, of a pack called Covari. She hadn't expected it but then there was no reason why he wouldn't, couldn't, be an Alpha. He would explain that he was only temporary Alpha, and possibly even a temporary member of Covari. This would spark her interest. He was wanting to start his own pack. But first, he would need followers. "What sort of pack do you want to create?" She would start with questions, finding out more about him and the pack he wanted to create. Could fate be telling her something? What were the chances of meeting someone looking to create a pack when she was questioning creating a pack of her own. Her crown would fractionally to the left, audits standing at attention. But first, she would need to talk to Ares, and then talk to Katja. She was making no promises to herself, she needed to find out everything about this man, make sure she wasn't jumping into something that would be harmful to her family.

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2 Years
06-26-2014, 09:45 PM
It was a pleasant interaction, this girl seemed willing to hear him out and he was willing to talk. She wouks first thank him for the compliment and his head would dip with a smile. She was a pleasant girl, the kind he could imagine would make a welcome recruit to his pack - going on the assumption that he passed all obstacles and reached this weighty goal. The woman before him would take a real interest in what he was saying and he tilt his head thoughtfully, taking in her own little signs of interest, the way she tilted her own head and moved subtly, seemed to lose herself in thought.

He considered the question with real thought, his could almost go in any directions, but what did he want to stand by the most? "Neutrual and peaceful, there's already the chance of packs joining if I was to go through with this so I would want an environment where they could learn and grow" he knew this might also interest her - if what his nose told him was correct. He wasn't exactly trying to sway hee to join him he wa more after opinions trying to get a dwell of who or what sort of person might follow him, but the idea was there now "would you be interested in joining?"


06-27-2014, 05:33 PM

Neutral and peaceful. Already this new pack was sounding good. He wanted a place for wolves to learn and grow. That would be perfect for her children. "Sounds like a lovely pack. I would love to join, but I would first need to talk to my mate. We have two children that are still too young to travel." She would smile, surprised by this turn in her day. She still couldn't believe her luck. "I'd imagine that since you are temporarily ruling Covari, they would be an ally? Can you tell me about Covari?" She needed to cover all her bases, while his pack maybe neutral, she didn't want to associate with a pack that had darker allies. Her children needed a safe place to grow up, free from harm and without trouble. If this man could provide her that, then everything would be perfect, and they could move as soon as he had his pack, and the children were old enough. Idly she wondered if Ares would like this man, if this man would be enough to get Ares involved in some way. A smile remained plastered on her dark lips.

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2 Years
06-27-2014, 06:02 PM

Excitement would be a gaining emotion in the tug of war between all that was going on in his head. The prospect of his own pack was beginning to get to him, a place where he could make their world right, could decide their land and help to train the young. The woman before him also seemed truly interested, which answered a lot of his questions of people following him. If even a strange would consider it surely his friends and family would be easier to convince?

?I understand, the creation of the pack is still in progress. If you like I can return to this spot in a few days time and you can let me know his answer?? he knew that organising a pack this way would take time, and he was happy to give everyone a chance to organise themselves and their lives. ?That's right I would remain friends with Covari, who are also a neutral based pack. Covari was the pack to find the cure and started the ground work for alliances when we sent out the cure to all other packs? he would explain, ensuring her that Covari was also in the mind of a neutral pack.



06-27-2014, 07:19 PM

He was polite, and understanding, only adding to her happiness. He offered to meet in a few days to discuss Ares answer, but she knew it was unneeded. "You can count of my, Ares and our two children joining you when they are old enough to travel. If not, then I will seek you out near Covari." She would smile, her tones decisive. Again the man would confirm her thoughts. But much to her pleasure, Covari was neutral as well, seeming to want to keep the peace. And to top it all off, Covari had been the one to find the cure. It would ease her worries, and only confirm her thoughts about wanting to follow this man. She would need to rush home and talk to Ares. "If there is nothing else, I will return to my family and discuss this with Ares." She would rise, her crown tipping slightly in question. Did he have anything else he wanted to add. If not, then she would dip her head in goodbye before speaking. "The next time I see you will be when you have your pack." She spoke a bit of encouragement before turning away from the man and trotting back home, a smile plastered on her face.


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