
lay our fireflies to rest

pack vigil



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
10-24-2019, 09:58 AM

This gathering had been a niggling thought at the back of her mind for a while now. Once everything had settled down on the islands and Abaven reached a new equilibrium, she had meant to bring up the idea with Shaye... and Shaye had stepped down. Theory understood her desire to rest her bones and tend to her fallen sister's children. In fact, she was grateful. They were spread so thing that she was worried Vail's litter would fall through the cracks, but that wouldn't be so if Shaye was available to take care of them. It was one less thing she had to worry about.

They had lost so much. The fire, the volcano, the wolves that had been wrenched away from them either by circumstance or by a cruel, untimely death... Her own mother. It was painful to think about, but they were united by their pain. The loss was a unifying experience. She couldn't count a wolf among them that hadn't been effected in some way by the recent disasters.

Spring was on its way in, but the icy claws of winter wouldn't yet unclasp the islands. The sun was a bit warmer but the days were still short and frost still appeared each morning. Tonight was a full moon and the ash was thinner than it had been, in part due to a stiff wind that blew across the ocean from the cliffs of their home. The air almost smelled familiar. If she closed her eyes, she could picture the plains and the rapids as clear as day. Theory made her way across the shore with a particular vantage point in mind. It was a small rocky beach that faced the cliffs of their territory. Many wolves had pulled themselves up here on their way to the Firefly Festival over the summer and again when they had fled the wrath of the volcano. The clear skies provided an excellent view of the sheer cliffs in the distance. They were touched by moonlight.

Tonight they would gather and hold a vigil for those they had lost. Wolves who wanted to would be able to speak about their loved ones or just reminisce about the lands they had left behind. She hoped that it would be a healing experience for all of them - or at the very least, cathartic. Theory would also be able to announce to whoever gathered that Shaye had stepped down to rest her mind and body, but that wouldn't be the focus of this meeting. She wanted to provide a space for remembrance. They would honor the past and the place they had come from, just as Shaye wished. Abaven was about renewal and you could not have renewal without recollection. In order to grow, they would acknowledge and celebrate the past.

Theory lifted her head to the sky and called to her friends and family. Any Abaven members were welcome here, even the little ones. All would be welcome here.




Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
10-24-2019, 03:06 PM
Abaven had lost much in the last year, but they’d also been given many blessings that Twig tried her hardest to focus on. She had three beautiful nephews to show for everything, and they were worth her focus. Of course, they could never forget those they lost either. Her heart ached for the boys, and she was sad for her uncle’s loss. She hadn’t known Vail as well, but they’d talked and she was a nice wolf. They joked about Solor and Faun’s similar interest in partners.

The Memoire girl made her way towards Theory’s call, she helped gather the boys and led them towards the gathering area. From here they could almost see Abaven, and the clear sky gave her hope that everyone would soon be able to return home. She quietly made herself comfortable, her features turned towards the cliffs in contemplation and remembrance.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
10-29-2019, 08:01 AM

Though things were beginning to look up, now that Abaven was settling in to their temporary home - though who knew just how temporary it would be. Winter had been a cruel season so far, uprooting them from where they had all spent most of their lives. Corvus knew the volcano had even more far-reaching effects - wolves had surely been injured, if not killed, while families had been torn apart.. perhaps never to be seen again. It was a heavy thought, and he couldn't shake those dark thoughts from his mind occasionally. He, too, had seen losses... though most came before the volcano's eruption and were wildly unrelated, but it seemed they could indeed be united in their joint experience of loss, all of Abaven, if not only of their homelands.

Corvus had long since gotten used to the faint smell of fire and ash in the air, though at least out here it was often overwhelmed by the briny stench of the ocean. He still longed for the familiar lull of the rapids near his den, or the sometimes heady smell of the thicket, but those things were all relatively minor, and he could only hope someday they might be able to return to where he'd grown up. And if not?

Abaven would continue to survive, as they always did.

He was surprised by Theory's call, though wasted no time in answering to it with his presence. It was the kind of night where he thought being surrounded by packmates might bring him some kind of comfort, even those he wasn't as close with. He was quiet as he arrived, noting only Theory and Twig were there, but that was enough even if no others decided to show up. He offered both of them a quiet nod, before settling in somewhere near Twig and offering her a faint smile.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
10-31-2019, 07:27 PM

"Thank you for coming," she said quietly, offering them both a small smile. "I don't want to let my words distract either of you. I'm starting to understand everyone grieves in their own ways," Theory thought of how her own siblings had been thrown to the winds in the wake of Tana's death. It was, of course, more complicated than that - she, Verse, and Noir were all so different. Even if their mother was alive today... well, there was no use in thinking that. Tana had passed. "But I want to offer my support if you need it."

Theory redirected her gaze towards the distant cliffs of their home. So close, but so far. She sighed and closed her eyes, searching deep within herself for some kind of answer. There were none to be found, just a fruitless reaching into a void darker than night. Theo was sure that there were more casualties that would be discovered once the ash had settled - she just hoped that no Abaven wolves would be counted among them. Her conversation with Shaye had been difficult but set her at ease; even if she was hesitant for her own selfish reasons, they would return to their homeland come springtime. She just hoped there was something left to rebuild.


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-31-2019, 09:03 PM
Rhyme quietly walked up behind Theory as the other two gathered, it was a tiny vigil but he wasn’t going to miss it. Huge white paws slowed to a halt as he came to sit close behind his daughter. Normally he wouldn’t be so free with his affections in a public gathering, but considering why they gathered he figured he would be forgiven. Softly he offered a nuzzle at her cheek, their family suffered greatly. No one knew yet the heartache to come.

”Our family is no stranger to suffering.” He offered quietly into the darkness as they stood gathered. ”Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Without hope what did they have? Their home was gone, their loved ones missing or gone. Rhyme leaned more heavily against Theory. Her young strength already astounding. "Hope for a brighter future."



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
11-18-2019, 04:08 PM

Corvus wasn't completely sure that coming to grieve publicly - well, at least in the company of two packmates - would be overly helpful for him, but supporting Theory was important to him. And so was supporting Rhyme, who had helped mentor him more than once throughout his life. Corvus nodded in quiet recognition of her words, agreeing wholeheartedly. He wondered sometimes if he'd ever truly mourned the loss of his parents; sometimes he wondered if the fact that they had quietly faded from his life had made things easier, or somehow worse. He'd never gotten closure regarding them, nor about his dear sister, and he wondered if he ever might. Perhaps just knowing the painful truth might be an easier to digest thing, as hard as it would be. "Thank you, Theory," he replied softly. He'd never been the type to ask for support, he'd much rather be the one doing the supporting, but he appreciated the offer nonetheless.

Rhyme had more to offer than he did, reminding them both that their suffering and trials could be stronger, more capable wolves. That wasn't to say the suffering was a good thing, nor a valuable one - but it simply was something that taught them how to continue on, stronger and better than before. He hoped that this event would be no different, but it was hard to feel half as stable as Rhyme sounded in the face of all this uncertainty. He let loose a sigh and lowered himself to his stomach, letting his head rest on his paws as he stared across the water at the silhouette of their former home.