
i dreamed of you


06-25-2014, 05:07 PM


there is only me

The man was on a mission. His family was nice and tucked away, out of side of the monsters within the world. Some would call Remus a monster, yet everything he did was in the name of his family. The true Olympians. He was set out to find his brother whome he had yet to see much of since their journey. Though, he would steer clear of the pack lands that held the light pelted Olympians within their borders. He did not look for war, yet. Though, in fact, he looked for revenge. To slaughter them all. To make them suffer for the loss of his kin. His beautiful Rhea. The woman who provided him a set of delightful children. He was struck with a deep depression since her fall. A depression that would never leave. He had yet to bed another woman, to even look at another fae in the way he looked at his sister-wife would strike him down. The man was broken, it was obvious but he only showed the rage. His face was often times stoic then not. The man was a guardian and he had no time to dwell on sorrow. More so then to take his rage and use it to better his family.

Golden paws would slam down onto the red rocks as the massive man would ravage the lands with his presence. He was huge, not the largest he has seen, but he towers over most. Remus looked around him with two colored eyes, in a flurry. It was barren. Towers and shapes of crimson sandstone slithered all around him. Small caverns and halls made of the rock. He moved through a cavern, the shade doing his ebony fur well. The boy took a breather, sucking in a few nice breaths before he trotted out of the land form back into the open jungle of rock. He looked around some more. He looked for his brother often, yet he hated the lands of the west. The smoldering heat did not do him well. Obsidian fur attracted the intensity of the sun in mass. Though as he rolled his shoulders the man set off into a run through the Redwater Rocks. It would not take much to catch the warriors attention.


06-25-2014, 08:53 PM

She had yet to meet up with any of her family. The only one she had so far was Apollo, and so far she taken a liking to the pale man. But it was time that she started to search for her father and her siblings. However, when a dark shadow bound before her, she was disappointed. It was not her brother nor her father. but rather Remus. She would stroll forward, delicate paws pressing into the ground quietly as she closed the distance between them. "Its nice to see you again." Lyrics were a soft coo that would drift towards her uncle. He was larger than herself, as most of her family was. His pelt was dark, just like the rest of her family. She would come to a halt several feet away from her uncle. Tail swayed idly at her hocks, indigo gaze watching his movement. She knew of the pain that her family held, each one of them holding a grudge and seeking revenge. She would find her revenge soon enough. And when she did, she would be sitting on a throne, crowned a Queen. Triangular audits swiveled idly, would any of her other family member join them? She could only hope. She missed her father and her brother dearly.



06-27-2014, 01:55 PM

Her scent was not hard to pick out among the others, its sweet and toxic scent called out to him like a siren in the night. He followed it readily, like a hound on the trail he followed her, growing somewhat wary when another males scent mingled in with hers. The albino beast stalked into the clearing where the other two stood, and caught the tail end of Chryseis's words. Ah, so she knew this being? By his smell and his look he was another Olympus, a bit higher up that Chry herself. With a stone cold face he nodded at both wolves, although his eyes twinkled as his gaze greedily took in his form.

Finding a seat among the little gathering, he looked over to the strange brute and wondered if he too had heard of the cursed Olympus wolf, born with no pigmentation to show his linage. Eyes were narrowed as he tried to place him, but he just couldn't. Staying silent, he waited for the others to speak. He had nothing to say, he just found Chryseies's sent and longed to be by her.


06-30-2014, 10:18 AM

there is no other man like me

The man kept on walking and walking in search for his family. It was not long until another showed up. His eyes took in his niece's smaller form. Her golden and ebony fur glistening within the sun. She wore the colors of the Olympians, per usual. He got closer to her, stopping his quick pace. The man perked a brow and let forth quick words. "It is nice to see you, darling Chryseis." He would pause before another form slithered their way. His pelt was white as snow, no other shades or colors fell upon his form. The older man observed the creature with narrowed eyes, his lips itched to curl up. He looked down upon the boy as if he was a cursed being. The man inhaled their scent. They were thickly mingled. He was slightly disjointedness in his dear niece consulting with a disgrace. Remus held his head high and ignored the other Olympian and focused on his direct kin. "Where is Romulus, girl?" His voice was baritone and serious at all times. He was not close with his family, but close enough. The man would protect them all with all he had but he was not one for 'bonding'. He would watch as the albino eyed him. Hackles raised slightly, involuntarily.

"speech" ?


07-08-2014, 03:35 PM

It came as no surprise that Apollo had followed her, though it probably wasn't in his best interest. But she said nothing. Her uncle would greet her warmly, or rather as warm as her uncle could be, though she didn't miss the distain on his face when he saw Apollo. A smirk curled the edges of her lips but she said nothing more. Her uncle and father would surely find it offense that she was mingling with a greater Olympus, but it made it even worse that he was considered a disgrace to the family. Audits swiveled towards her uncle, a shrug lifting her shoulders. "You're guess is as good as mine. I haven't seen Hades either." She imagined that her brother was already here, and she just had to find him, but as for her father, she had not the slightest clue. She could only hope that he would follow and join them, she would hate for him to miss the day when his only daughter rose to power. Her tail wagged slowly, pleased only by her thoughts rather than her uncles company. Tension rose high enough to be cut. Her uncle would bristle, his gaze having shifted to Apollo. "This is Apollo." Her statement was blunt, but full of promises. He's also my key to the throne. Would her family understand? Probably not, but that was their problem, not hers.
