
boy talk

for oxide


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
10-31-2019, 05:56 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2019, 04:30 PM by Sota.)
Since returning to lands more familiar to him, Sota had instinctively turned inward rather than outward - retreating into the solitude of his own mind, as well as to the trees he was so familiar with. Admittedly he hadn't made a huge effort to socialize with the other members of the band, but that didn't seem to be a huge problem; Eris and Oxide and the others were preoccupied in caring for her new children, something he had no involvement in. Even in their company, however sparse it might be, Sota couldn't help but feel lonely. Where was Balsam, and the others that had come from their homelands? Briefly his mind even shifted to Velvette and her brother, which elicited a sigh from him as he moved down toward the edge of the falls, staring down into the waters below.

He had to get his friend back, if Balsam hadn't already figured out how to escape himself. What purpose did that pack even have for him, anyway? He wasn't just some thing to be tossed around to the highest bidder.. and Sota couldn't shake the guilt that maybe he hadn't tried hard enough, but he had a feeling it wasn't a task he could conquer alone. A faint sigh fell from his lips as he teetered on his paws, immersing himself almost entirely in his thoughts, to the point where his surroundings seem to fade away entirely.

Sota has a male bamboo lemur companion named Kaito, he's sometimes nearby but usually only if stated!



3 Years

Treat 2019
11-01-2019, 04:33 PM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2019, 12:00 PM by Oxide.)
Oxide hadn’t felt the same since the birth of the children. He knew the moment he laid eyes on those little boys that they were his. Of course, with the Ademre belief he would never be able to convince Eris of that. Especially now, after.. Ox was even more conflicted about the death of Phantom. He held Casper a little tighter. He’d held her tighter that night too.

The bright lining was that they were soul bonded, she wanted him there to help raise their.. son. Rust ears fell to Oxide’s skull as his silver paws carried him over the frozen ground. He was lost in his own thoughts. Ballad had seen fit to kick him out of the den so she might have some alone time with her grieving sister. He hated to leave her side, but reluctantly went on a walk.

His gait was slow as he made his way through the fragrant trees. He caught a faint whiff of the boy Sota on his way, not that the rusted wolf was paying much attention. Mostly unawares he sat beneath Sota’s perch. He wouldn’t have noticed him at all had the bark from beneath his claws fallen onto Oxide’s nose. The rusted wolf looked up curiously. ”Sota?” He asked, his voice soft so as not to disturb the peace of the forest.


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
11-04-2019, 08:59 AM
While in the past Sota would've found peace in his solitude, he couldn't shake the feeling now of inescapable loneliness - despite being in close proximity to the rest of the Ademre Band. They were not his people, despite how much he cared for Eris and was slowly growing to get to know the rest of them. He longed deeply for the company of Balsam and the friends of his youth, more than he ever had before. It was hard to shake those somber thoughts as he swayed there on the branch he perched upon, even when he heard the rustling of foliage below that signified the arrival of another.

He came back to reality slowly, struggling to make sense of his surroundings for a long moment. It was a fine enough day, the kind of day that seemed to demand full attention, but he still had found himself slipping away. Oxide's voice was an anchor that seemed to pull him back to the present, and he blinked slowly as he gazed down at the world below. There he was, moving beneath the trees, and Sota spent a moment following his movements before making his presence known. Slowly he descended, one branch after another, until he made a graceful leap to the ground, offering Oxide a pleasant smile. "Oxide," he breathed lightly, hoping his voice didn't betray his somber thoughts. "Is life treating you well?" He knew of the loss he and Eris had shared, but he hoped he was faring well despite it all.

Sota has a male bamboo lemur companion named Kaito, he's sometimes nearby but usually only if stated!



3 Years

Treat 2019
11-04-2019, 12:26 PM
Oxide wasn’t so sure of his assumption the other being was actually Sota as it took so long for an answer. The rusty wolf felt himself bristle defensively, still at odds with how odd Sota’s choice of terrain was. Deep ruby eyes searched the dark branches for any sign of movement, this could well be a cat aiming to take advantage of a wolf unaware. Thankfully Sota’s delicate markings gave him away as his appearance flashed behind the branches. Oxide felt relieved at his presence, and even felt comforted at the banishment of his solitude.

The Songa’s movements were precise and elegant as he descended to the forest floor. A gentle smile played on the smaller wolf’s lips, and Oxide made an attempt to return the expression. His heart was heavy and the effort obvious. Ox felt oddly comfortable around the other young man, his obvious care for Eris garnered him respect to begin with. Sota’s presence was easy and the Nightingale could feel the concern in his words. He thought Sota believed the same as he did, and any who were not Ademre would be able to tell Casper’s sire was him.

”I..” He struggled to open himself up, after so long in Deimos and Risa’s care he struggled heavily with warring emotions. He didn’t want to care about anyone but Eris. When he let her in, he was swallowed by her culture and her family. Maybe Sota could be a refuge from the somewhat overwhelming presence of the band at large. Oxide was naturally a loner, thinking of himself first, allowing Eris to mold him hadn’t been without its kinks.

”It’s been harder than I anticipated.” Oxide relented, feeling immediate relief at being able to express his underlying emotions. ”It’s hard to talk to Eris about it, since..” He paused, debating how to continue. He loved Eris, and wouldn’t change anything about her. He hadn’t expected everything to be so complicated. ”She won't ever accept I’m their father.” Ox knew that going into things, but he thought it would be easier to disassociate with them. The unbelievable love he had for those tiny beans though… ”Seeing him wither away..” He barely choked back a sob. He’d never expected to show such vulnerabilities to the Songa wolf, but as the words came there was a gentle relief.


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
11-07-2019, 08:45 AM

It was hard for Sota to imagine the way he traversed the trees so easily might make others uncomfortable. Still he remembered how uncomfortable he had been when he'd first arrived in Boreas, confronted with all these wolves who were far larger than any wolves he'd met previously - and he reminded himself that back then he never would've imagined speaking to Oxide so easily. Though he was far more comfortable now, he still kept a slight distance, though he was generally the sort to be cautious to the personal boundaries of others, and always in the back of his mind was an escape plan. The trees were his refuge, his getaway plan, regardless of what happened on the earth below. He had to be careful, after all, didn't he? If Balsam had been careless enough to get captured, surely he could succumb to such a fate..

His mind drifted to the presence as he relaxed slightly where he stood, though the tranquility seemed to slip away quickly as Oxide spoke up. He didn't expect him to be okay, not at all, but he was surprised at how readily he admitted his pain. Sota had never been the type to be so forthright, that wasn't the Songa way, but he didn't think any less of Oxide for it. His brows furrowed tightly, eyes soft and sympathetic as he listened to him speak. "I can't imagine," he breathed simply. He'd never experienced loss quite like Oxide had, not at all. Losing Balsam wasn't anything that compared - Balsam was likely alive and well, and would eventually find a way out of the scenario he'd been dragged into, with or without Sota's help. But Oxide? He'd lost a child, and Sota had no doubt that pain would linger on. Perhaps time might soften the blow, but the stinging loss would never fully heal, though with time and compassion from those around him it wouldn't fester forever.

Dishing out too much pity wasn't the Songa way, either. Some would prefer to not show such outward empathy at all - help, even emotional help, wasn't always readily given. Even Sota struggled with the proper ways to show and to respond to emotion, but he felt Oxide's grief and couldn't help but feel for him in that moment. "He is still your son. You know that, in your heart. What she feels - that's in her heart. Your realities don't need to align perfectly, not all the time.." It was an entirely different culture to him, and he couldn't imagine in his world such a thing, but that didn't mean it was wrong... though Oxide had to deal with it in his own way, independent of Eris, and he knew not having that kind of support could be painful.

Hopefully sharing it with him might help. Instinctively he moved a bit closer when he heard the pain echoing in Oxide's voice, leaning toward him slightly as if offering his shoulder. If nothing else, he could offer his support, though he wasn't sure whether it was wanted nor helpful. "Grieve if you must. I don't imagine keeping it inside will be helpful, even.. if she doesn't want you to share it with her.." Surely she would understand his grief, or at the very least not condone it, right? He wished he knew more of Ademre culture so he might be of more assistance, but all he knew was what Oxide was suffering and he wished he could find a way to help relieve some of it.

Sota has a male bamboo lemur companion named Kaito, he's sometimes nearby but usually only if stated!



3 Years

Treat 2019
11-12-2019, 03:59 PM
Just having someone there to offer up the words to was a comfort to Oxide, it was weird that he felt so much relief in placing his emotions out for a near stranger to evaluate. Sota was compassionate though, he offered his full attention as well as a supportive shoulder if Ox had need of it. Oxide perked his rusty ears towards Sota as he spoke back, his words a slight comfort as he told him that they could still mourn together despite the differences of opinion. The new father nodded solemnly, they could still be there to support each other.

He looked over to watch as Sota shifted himself, relocating a bit closer and offering his tiny shoulder to lean on. Oxide might have chuckled if he wasn’t so overwhelmed with grief. He lowered himself to his elbows beside the smaller wolf, his shoulders aligned with Sota’s. Oxide hesitantly leaned his head against the man’s offered support. He sighed heavily against Sota, and felt the emotions rush through him. Phantom was gone..

”I want to be strong so I can support her.” He was used to being strong physically, the emotional strength he had was severely lacking. ”She’s stopped talking almost entirely.” He spoke softly, still unsure why it was so easy to open up to the Songa. ”I’m sorry to bring all of this to you,” but he felt comfortable here beside the exoticly marked wolf. ”I.. really appreciate this.” Being close, having a shoulder to lean on.. He felt lucky to have such a devoted band member beside him.


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
11-18-2019, 05:35 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2019, 04:30 PM by Sota.)
Showing such open support wasn't something Sota was familiar with. The Songa weren't known for withholding their emotions entirely, not really, but lending help to others was something best done in secrecy.. though he supposed this was a private enough affair. He felt a bit of relief as Oxide leaned on him, and though for a moment he felt remarkably small in the larger man's presence, he found the feeling drifting away quickly as he focused on Oxide's emotional state and his grief. "Being strong is a difficult thing. I struggle with it myself." He knew he meant emotional strength rather than physical strength, which he had no doubt Oxide had more than enough of.

Sota was often overcome with his own kind of anxieties and nervousness. He knew he needed to be stronger for those who needed him - he still wished he'd been the one to free Eris, since he still felt a hint of guilty for getting her involved with Valkyrie in the first place - but it was difficult when he often felt as if he fell short of his own expectations. "She doesn't seem the type to show much outward emotion. Perhaps her silence is her way of grieving. But it doesn't have to be yours," he reiterated his belief that Oxide needed to grieve in his own way, even if it didn't align with hers.

"And you don't need to apologize. I owe it to Eris to be here for her - and you, by proxy," he offered gently, letting a small smile touch her lips. Offering his assistance and serving others was what Sota had always done best. Perhaps with his abilities he could pave a way for himself and achieve fame and glory by Songa standards, it was hard to admit to himself such a thing was possible... and truly he found more worth in being a steady companion, which was why he'd gotten himself all the way out here to begin with.  "Just so you know, if someone had told me just a few seasons ago if I'd be doing this, I would've probably fainted from shock. You're the biggest wolf I've ever.. touched," he admitted with that same small smile, wondering if a topic change - even a brief one - might lighten the mood. It was true though, his journey had steered him into entirely unknown territory, and though he knew he had things he had to do he wasn't bothered by the diversion. This was all a great adventure, one he was sure he'd awe his family with.. if he ever made it back home.

Sota has a male bamboo lemur companion named Kaito, he's sometimes nearby but usually only if stated!



3 Years

Treat 2019
11-21-2019, 05:08 PM
Oxide would never admit that he wanted help or needed help, but in that moment he did need. He needed Sota to be there for him to express himself to. Ox was a wolf that didn’t like to show his outward emotion, and digging so deeply now should have been uncomfortable. Not at all as easy as he felt opening up to the delicate man. Even he admitted to struggling with his own inner strength.

The Nightingale boy felt relieved to hear that Sota believed this to be Eris’s way to grieving, to quiet herself for a time in remembrance. Ox settled his deep ruby gaze on his paws as he thought about it. He just had to support her and be strong when she needed him to. She’d come around, time would heal all wounds. He would find his own way to grieve his lost son, and be double devoted to the one that remained.

”Thank you, then. It’s good to know you’re.. here.” He replied, if he wouldn’t accept an apology then Ox would give his gratitude. He knew he was changing as the days went by. Half a year ago he would have bottled everything up and exploded later. Now.. he was dealing with his emotions and showing gratitude. What he Eris done to him?

Oxide wasn’t the only one with a future he hadn’t expected. Ox perked a brow and offered an amused smirk. He gave himself permission to stop thinking about Phantom and enjoy the moment. He needed a reprieve if he was going to be strong for his little shadow. ”Aren’t you brave now,” Oxide teased him lightly as he chuckled. Easing himself down onto his elbows he couldn’t help as his eyes shifted to the sky. ”Are all of your people so..” He turned his features back towards Sota. ”Small?”


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
11-25-2019, 04:43 PM
Sota knew little of Oxide, or who the male truly was, in the most personal sense - but he, too, had found that his journey to Boreas had changed him. Once he wouldn't have stopped to offer an ear for someone in need, unless they were one of his closest friends; offering help wasn't something the Songa did freely, and though they weren't exactly taught to keep emotions tightly reigned in, showing pain and sorrow wasn't commonplace either. He was a traditional wolf, taught to speak when spoken to and offer assistance quietly, to express the utmost humility at all times - and yet meeting Eris and everyone else in Boreas had certainly changed him. Perhaps not as much as Oxide, but he was different now, more open to different viewpoints and far braver than he'd ever been before. Though Oxide expressed his gratitude, Sota couldn't find it in his heart to acknowledge the praise. Much of his humility had never left him, and likely never would.

Instead, he focused on that little comment. That he was brave. It made a strange part of him swell up with gratitude for the simple acknowledgement, and he felt his cheeks flush with a rush of warm heat, unbeknownst to Oxide. For a moment he worried he was being too proud in taking his words as a compliment, but it made him feel good. He had been brave, though he knew he had lengths to go to be his best self. "Hardly," he admitted, though he let a soft laugh slip out. Oxide's proximity was comforting, rather than threatening, something that would've surely surprised a younger version of himself.

"I'm a bit smaller than most wolves I know, but.. yes, I suppose we are." A faint flash of amusement flickered in his silvery gaze, glancing back Oxide's way again too. "I'm sure you've noticed my affinity for trees. Another trait of my people," Sota was grinning a bit more widely now. It felt nice to share a bit of his culture, even if he was fairly private by nature.. it didn't seem to matter much to keep it all to himself, though, not when he was still quite a ways from home. "The smaller wolves, back in my homeland, tend to be more.. desirable, and they generally rise the ranks much more easily. I suppose it's only natural those traits become more prominent over time." Sota offered a shrug as he explained. Obviously physical ability and size weren't all that mattered, though it certainly helped, and he'd seen more than one oversized wolf - at least by his culture's standards, struggle to excel because of their physical form.

Sota has a male bamboo lemur companion named Kaito, he's sometimes nearby but usually only if stated!



3 Years

Treat 2019
12-03-2019, 10:55 AM
Oxide was a changed man, he wouldn’t have recognized himself if his past was able to meet with present. Becoming a father, in a round about way, shifted something deep inside. The emotions he felt were more real, and he embraced the responsibility of that title with joy instead of apprehension. When he was honest with himself Ox was disappointed Casper wouldn’t be calling him father.

Sota’s humble reaction was perfect for the teasing given, the dainty boy was opposite of Oxide’s proud personality. Humble was hardly a virtue the young Nightingale pursued. However different they were Ox enjoyed his presence, his voice was soothing and his advice sound. The rust marked wolf even managed to pull out more information about his companion as well. Ox perked, and watched as the grin on his maw widened and tried not to think about how his heart fluttered at the expression.

”...more desirable…” Ox tried to suppress the thought, Sota’s breeding certainly led up to those effects. The Nightingale boy needed more time to process his loss and see to Eris before indulging in the thoughts more eagerly. They lingered at the back of his mind appropriate or not. ”I’ve never looked at a tree and thought I wanted to climb it,” he chuckled as he admitted another difference between them. He tried to ignore the warmth of his skin where the two of them touched. ”I can see where it would be advantageous to you and your people.” Maybe even Eris and Cas. ”Maybe you could teach Casper to race through the trees.” He mused, finding the idea of his tiny son being able to escape to the canopies. Having Sota as another pair of eyes to look out for and care for the boy was more comforting than Ox expected as well.


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
12-13-2019, 10:18 PM
Change was a natural part of life, even for the Songa, but so was tradition - and lately he felt himself torn between the two. Returning home sounded like a good idea, on one hand, but on another hand he couldn't help but feel like his fate had been woven into a different direction entirely now. Knowing there was a small group here, a group he was growing to care for, that he could contribute to... he felt immense joy from that thought. He still needed to concoct a plan to save Balsam, if he hadn't found a way to safety himself, too.. but the Ademre band was busy here, caring for Eris through her birth, and tending to her and Oxide's son. It took an entire group to raise a child, after all - as far as Sota was concerned.

If he had any clue the way his words might be perceived, he made no sign of it. "Then you and I are very different," he chuckled lightly at the thought. Their vast differences in physical appearance were only part of the differences they shared, not that Sota minded. He was growing used to how different the wolves in Boreas were, and he was more interested in those different wolves now, rather than purely afraid. "I feel like I was climbing trees as soon as I was born. At least,,, as early as I can remember," he thought wistfully, letting out a soft sigh as he recalled his earliest memories. "I'd be more than happy to teach Casper. Honored, even," he admitted, his heart fluttering at the thought. He had gotten Eris wrangled into something awful, and Oxide had saved her... and though she'd admitted he didn't need to apologize, let alone repay her somehow, he liked the thought of helping teach her son something - maybe he'd feel like he'd done right by her then.

Sota has a male bamboo lemur companion named Kaito, he's sometimes nearby but usually only if stated!



3 Years

Treat 2019
12-16-2019, 10:49 AM
Change was unavoidable, but maybe Oxide’s changes were for the better. Did he really want to turn into his uncle? Or was it better now that he… started a family, kind of. He never expected to be some kind of family man, but he adored Casper and Eris and would give anything to keep them healthy and happy. Even through Phantom’s loss he would try his hardest for the tiny Ademre and their son. Cas had a lot of wolves looking out for him, Ox had no doubt he’d grow into a strong boy. Sheltered from the horrible childhood his father went through.

Sota spoke about their differences and Oxide nodded. Along with their physical differences their cultures were practically from different planets. He’d never wish his upbringing on anyone. Ox was distracted from thoughts of the past as Sota mentioned the honor he would feel at being able to teach Casper his way of life. ”That would be very kind of you, Sota.” Ox offered with a lopsided smile and nudged the smaller wolf with his shoulder affectionately.

The Nightingale man sighed heavily and looked to his paws. ”Maybe we should be getting back. I’m sure Eris needs the support.” He didn’t like leaving her alone, especially now. ”Thank you for listening.” He offered abashedly, not used to being so humble.


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
01-08-2020, 09:09 AM
Things had changed quite a bit for Sota recently, but he welcomed those changes as best as he was able. He had a debt to pay, after all, even if Eris had long since forgiven him. At least now he was back in Auster, in the lands he was more familiar with - this world seemed quiet, more untouched, and he was grateful for somewhat of a return to his roots. The addition of new life into the little group he'd found himself part of was definitely the most welcome of the changes. He had little idea how much Eris would allow others to be involved in Casper's life, but the least he could do was aid in protecting him and ensuring he had somewhere free to group up, without everyone fearing for his safety constantly. Sota could definitely be a part of that.

Though Oxide seemed to think that he'd be able to teach him more. To climb the trees - as best as he could with his size, of course. If he grew to be anywhere close to Oxide's side rather than Eris's, he had a feeling his tree-climbing days might be short-lived but it was a thought he'd entertain as long as he could. "You're right," Sota agreed, their proximity suddenly hitting him like a ton of bricks. He wasn't sure whether to feel shame for enjoying his touch - he was Eris's mate, after all, wasn't he? Even if she didn't acknowledge him as the father of her son, as he'd explained. It was hard to feel truly guilty when he'd enjoyed the moment they shared, as much as those thoughts tugged at his mind. "I'll always be here. No matter what you need," he promised, thankful for the fur that hid the way his cheeks grew warm at the thought of a man like Oxide needing him for anything. Pushing the thoughts away, he offered a bow before turning to head back the way he'd came, head tilting high to scope out the cedars for a suitable path through their branches.

Sota has a male bamboo lemur companion named Kaito, he's sometimes nearby but usually only if stated!