
I Like To Move It, Move It.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-07-2019, 12:47 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2019, 12:47 PM by Iolaire.)

After their explosive argument, Sirius had informed the small dame that he had a store of emergency supplies hidden in the Plain. He'd forbidden her from doing what she was good at and instructed her to take the stores to Deathbelle instead. Begrudgingly, she decided to do so. Having arrived at the stores, the woman was overcome with despair. How in the hell was she, a tiny little thing, going to get all of this across the freaking land? That was when an idea struck. She would construct a sledge. Iolaire collected vines aplenty. She located two nice sized fallen saplings of similar widths. Placing them upon the ground, she proceeded to tie them together with the vines until she created an interesting transportation device. The thickest of the vines stretched between the two poles and would go around her neck, resting upon her chest. She could pull supplies across the land with ease.

Iolaire began loading meat and pelts upon the poledrag. It would definitely take a few trips, but the supplies would be delivered. Making sure that the items were secure, the small woman slid herself into the chest harness. She threw her weight forward and... nothing. The damn thing didn't budge one iota. With a snarl and an audible curse, she tried again. And again. Stepping out of the harness, she glared at the  contraption. To pull it, she would have to remove a great deal of the supplies. It would take too long to transport a few chunks of meat at a time. She was just too damn small.

Another curse squeezed through clenched teeth and the tiny fae kicked the furs covering the supplies. Why in the hell didn't the Ashen Armada have more big, muscly males to haul all of this crap? With a grumble, Iolaire sat, staring hard at the poledrag and its mound of items. What was she going to do now?


Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.

Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

11-07-2019, 02:23 PM


Killian felt a bit odd coming to the Empire but he was working to integrate into the ranks. Elphias and himself were not like the other Kleins. While they relished in spoils and riches the two brothers were raised off of the land. Learning of magics, healing, the hunt, and much more. He appreciated his lifestyle despite not being very keen on herbology or mysticism. Killian was always very supportive but enjoyed focusing on fighting and building his knowledge of the world around him. He hoped that maybe now that he was in the picture Elphias may have a better time getting woven into the Armada. Killian knew his brother would do great things but never did he want the pale boy to feel uncomfortable. Especially around family.

The slate and alabaster beast moved through the region with an icy gaze and a sturdy stride. As he moved her stumbled upon a scent. It was of Ashen but he had never formally met the Wolf it was attached to. With a curiously raised brow the tall male moved closer. After a short while his seafoam eyes took in the sight of a makeshift sled and a monochromatic fae sitting and staring at it. Killian cocked his head to the side before making himself known by breaking through the brush. He stopped about four tail lengths from the wagon and the babe. "What are we waiting for?" Killian flashed a cheeky smirk her way with a raised head and a flick of his thick tail.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-07-2019, 03:05 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2019, 03:05 PM by Iolaire.)

Annoyed defeat soon gave way to surprised interest as a big ol' boy burst into view. He looked vaguely familiar and she could smell the Ashen scent upon him. His words met onyx ears and the small woman flashed him a grin full of pristine white teeth. "You, darling." She spoke in her sweet, accented tones. "We were waiting for you." Standing, she gave a shake of her gleaming pelt and stepped forward to help the man into the harness.

Coming in close, she tested his scent again. Definitely Ashen. Introductions were in order. "I'm Iolaire. Ambassador to the Armada. And who might you be?" He was vastly larger than she and the strap holding the poledrag would have to be adjusted. She began doing just that. Untying the vines, she extended them, making the loop large enough that he would be able to stand within and the harness would settle across his chest and shoulders. Now all they had to do was make a few trips from here to where Deathbelle's camp was. With his long legs and impressive muscles, they should make great time. Speaking of muscles, the woman stood back, giving the brute an appraising look. With a shake of her head and a grin, she prompted him towards the sled. Today was coming up roses after all.


Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.

Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

11-07-2019, 03:22 PM


Killian's sly smirk never left his features as the girl got down to business. In a moments notice the brute was being strapped into the harness, adjusted, and ready to be her work mule. The beast didn't mind in the slightest. He was happy to be of assistance in any way he could. The divine forces blessed him with muscles and why would he not use them?

As the femme offered her name and titled Killian dipped his head down in a gracious bow. Well, as far down as it could go while hooked up to the wagon. After all the adjustments he felt a bit more comfortable. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Iolaire" Killian's tones were flourished with husky accents. "I am Killian Klein. Just an aspiring warrior of the Armada. I was only just invited to join the ranks by the Queen." At this point the brute began the journey. He did not try to impress the gal by moving too quickly but he moved with strong sturdy strides. There was no use in gaining an injury to make the babe blush. What was of most importance was fulfilling the task at hand. "What is all this anyways?" He could see they were hauling supplies but he wasn't aware of the story behind it all.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 08:30 AM (This post was last modified: 11-11-2019, 08:30 AM by Iolaire.)

The man seemed charming enough. He gave his name. Another Klein. It seemed as though they were everywhere which wasn't too surprising. That's what packs were. A culmination of members. Most were family originated. Io merely accepted his name with a nod and listened further as he admitted to being a recent addition, having been invited and accepted by Zee. "Ah, Zee accepted you, eh? Nice." Iolaire didn't think of Zee as 'Queen' just as she didn't think of Sirius as 'King' or 'Warlord' as he liked it. Titles were just words.

Keeping pace beside the man was easy. Iolaire was small and small things generally had a lot of stamina. As they moved, she watched his muscles ripple appreciatively. She would have accepted any help that came along, but his handsome features along with his good ol' boy attitude would make the day much easier to get through.

Killian asked after the supplies and the small woman released a soft sigh. "Supplies for Deathbelle. Resources are scarce after the volcano. It's just to make sure that everyone has enough to eat." She shrugged. "Food and furs." She had more than done her part to help the struggling empire. Not only had she gotten permission from Sirius to take these supplies to Deathbelle, she had been hunting what she could every day. Being so small, what she hunted was mice, rabbits and the occasional bird. It was better than nothing though.


Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.

Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

11-11-2019, 09:18 PM


Killian marched on with ease. If he ever felt strain he would slow to stretch out a limb or take a few breaths but all in all the load wasn't much to bear. He felt pleased to assist in any way he could, especially when it came to beautiful femmes. One could say he had a soft spot for good lookers and he seemed to shamelessly admire the fae before him. Back home he was never one to stray from flirtations but there weren't many female's that weren't already mated off. Now that he was in a new world he was ready to have a bit of fun.

The male was not piggish with his gaze. He remained respectful of the stranger despite flashing her a gentle glance of admiration from now and again. As she spoke his supple ocean blue eyes took in her own gaze but returned to the land ahead to ensure he wasn't aimlessly marching into a tree. "Yes, the gal with horns." His eyes went slightly wide as if to represent his everlasting wonder. Never before her had he seen a Wolf with horns. But, since joining Ashen he had witnessed some fangs and cat claws alike. It seemed to him Boreas was littered with an odd amount of mutants. But, he would never judge them for it. Kill was pretty accepting of all shapes and sizes.

As she explained what the supplies consisted of Killian offered the she-wolf a nod. He wondered if maybe this Deathbelle was at the end of this journey. Would he finally meet the Empress everyone fawned over? 'Was she truly so wonderful?' He already had rather high expectations of her and perhaps his efforts of pulling the packed carriage a few times would expose his willingness to work for her grand Empire. Some brownie points were always appreciated. "A noble effort." The brute flashed the babe a quick grin, "What were you going to do if I hadn't shown up?" Not to imply she wouldn't have figured it out. But, he was merely curious as to what her plan was.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 09:44 PM (This post was last modified: 11-11-2019, 09:44 PM by Iolaire.)

As someone who often looked at pretty things, she could feel the mans eyes on her. It didn't bother her one iota.  It was a compliment, really. She may have been small, but Iolaire knew that she was a looker. She'd been told enough to believe it. It worked out because Killian was a looker too. Anyone that happened upon the might surely pass out from the shock of it. Iolaire snorted softly, amused at her own thoughts.

Killian agreed that Zee had accepted him and mentioned her horns. He seemed amused that she had them. "You should see her husband. Giant of a man. Saber teeth. Cats claws." She chuckled softly. "You and I may very well be the only unmutated wolves in the entire Ashen Armada." Even the children seemed to have big teeth or horns or other things. It was interesting. Mutations weren't so prevalent in her homeland. Granted, her mother was a giant, had several sets of canines and had retractable claws. Iolaire didn't inherit any of those things, however. It was fairly amusing, actually. Her mother was gigantic and her father was larger still. Iolaire was a total fluke with her tiny stature.

The man applauded her efforts of wanting to deliver supplies and then asked after what she'd do if he hadn't shown up. The woman huffed lightly and gave her skull a slight shake. "I'd have stomped my feet for a time, then I would have gone to collect the Warlords cat companion. She might have been able to pull the cart along with me." Bast was watching over Sirius, as she should be. It was good that Killian had come along. "I'm quite appreciative of your arrival and your help." The small woman leapt over a stick that was in her path, clearing it with ease. "It's beneficial for you as well. You'll get to meet the Empress and you'll win brownie points with the Warlord of the Armada. My brother."  He'd appreciate that Killian had helped out his sister. He'd probably kill him if he touched her though.


Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.

Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

11-11-2019, 10:20 PM


The Kleins were made to be looked upon. Killian's entire litter held the image of their ancestors. A pale phantasmal look with darker colorations peppering their pelt. He was a healthy mixture of his parents while his brother Eli seemed to get all of their Mother's traits. He blended in with the Kleins that already inhabited Boreas. Killian's slate set him aside from the norm but he felt as though it tied him to his father's sturdy roots. That is in fact where he got his size and weight from.

Back in Kill's homeland there were no 'fantasy' like mutations. No horns nor cat claws to be seen. But, their family was known for their skin abnormalities. Albinism ran thick in their blood. He had heard stories of his Mother's ancestors deciding upon suitors for their royal spawn by selecting those with the palest pelts. Such shallow ways were long gone since Hamiclar's rule. Speaking of which, his grandfather Hamiclar had been fully melanistic. He was the only Klein Wolf ever known to have such a defect. Some mystics like to believe that was some sort of 'mark' to represent the demise of the Empire. But, as the famine destroyed all of their homes they quickly stopped the riddles and moved onto trying to survive.

Killian reeled himself back in from his pondering as he let forth his own baritone vocals, "I will be glad to meet this giant of a Wolf." Everyone spoke so highly of these leaders. Killian was sure they must have been half decent Alphas. Most pack Wolves were fairly judgmental of the higher ranks due to envy and displeasure. Perhaps he had found a good functioning group of Wolves. Killian then moved his thoughts over to the tid bit of information Io had let loose. Zee was married to the Warlord. A small fact that he did not pick up on when he had met the horned femme. He silently nodded to himself for a moment. He was slightly disappointed but it was a not a surprise to hear such a good looking lady was taken.

As he marched on so did their conversation. As she revealed her 'plan b' he let forth a husky laugh. Killian shook his head and moved along with focused breathing. Ensuring he didn't get ahead of himself with talking. "I am glad to have spared you some stomping." He listened further with flicking ears and sturdy strides. Io spoke on about her appreciation before revealing more information about her own connection to the giant Warlord, they were siblings. Two out of two of the beautiful females he had met within his new pack were closely connected with the alpha. Another pang of mild disappointment appeared but he did not dwell. Perhaps he couldn't flirt with the horned gal but he surely could offer compliments and sly smirks to the Warlords smaller sister. Thus, Killain tossed her a cheeky glance, "I am just glad to be in such lovely company, truly." He looked ahead to ensure safe stepping, "It will be interesting to finally meet all of these high appraised Wolves. Back home we lived close to the Kleins but were distant enough to not grow up along side them. All of the stories, rumors, and tales are finally coming to light." Beaming eyes full of curiosity quickly moved to her own, "What do you do as an Ambassador?" An elusive rank with different meaning in each pack.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-12-2019, 01:17 PM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2019, 01:17 PM by Iolaire.)

The man truly was charming. As they walked, conversation was light and easy, unlike the load that he pulled. It seemed as though he was pacing himself though. Smart. Nice to see that he wasn't some big, show-off lug head. Her brother might have pulled the sleigh as fast as he could manage and made her ride it on top of that. He was silly though and she expected such things of him. Always thinking she was a delicate flower... It was endearing, but it got annoying sometimes. They'd never gotten into it, but Iolaire had lived through period of extreme danger and had made it out unscathed. Well... mostly unscathed. There was that one time... Moving on.

"He's a good man. Takes care of business." She replied when Killian attested to wanting to meet Sirius. "He comes off rather brusque though, so don't take it personally." She imagined it was his way of both asserting dominance and testing those new acquisitions to the pack. She understood. In his place, she may have done something similar. Thankfully, ruling wasn't a desire of hers. She liked doing her own thing with minimal responsibility.

Killian said that he was glad to have saved her some stomping and she laughed along with him. Honestly, she may very well have stomped a bit before going to get Bast. She was very glad that the big boy had come along. She and the poor cat would have been exhausted by the time they made one trip as neither of them were very large. The man pulled her from her thoughts, speaking of lovely company and Iolaire laughed again, eyes glistening with mirth. "Smooth talker."

Their conversation turned to the 'high appraised wolves and Io chuckled, one silver brow raising. "Titles are just words. They don't mean much to me. Anyone can call themselves a King or a Queen. It's actions that show if you're worthy of my loyalty." She listened to him talk of the Kleins and how they had been myths and tales. The woman shook her head lightly. "My father's side of the family was much the same. Some great enigma. In the end, they were no different than you or I." Except for the fact that her father was a murderous tyrant that hunted down her siblings and gutted them before they were six months old.

The conversation shifted again and Killian inquired as to her duties as Ambassador.  Io grinned and gave a little shrug while dainty paws ate up the distance alongside him. "As Ambassador, I charm the hell out of other packs. Win allies. Earn the Armada favors. I advise Sirius and Zee when necessary and sometimes when not. Really though, I just want to build a garden and cultivate my poison collection." With a motion of her skull, she asked. "What position do you think you'd like to take on?"/ Probably a fighter and a hunter, but he could surprise her.


Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.