
My Head is an Animal



06-28-2014, 06:32 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2014, 06:32 PM by Song.)

They hadn't made it far from Ludicael, they had decided to make camp at the base of the volcano. Song's delicate form would curl against a tree as the sun would begin its descent to the horizon. Canta and Mercury had not yet returned from their hunting expedition, she did not think she would need to wait very much longer. With the trip have ensued her mind would do its best to wander from the still form of Descant. Being away from the pack lands and with her daughter was refreshing. Simply having a change of pace would do wonders for the woman.
She would worry for her young children, but she knew that with Novella there and the rest of their family to look out for them they would be fine. She had no intentions of staying away from them or the pack longer than a season. She would be home to them soon.
Alabaster ears would perk forward as she heard a rustling from within the brush. The sun had settled by now, and the wind would play at her back. She would guess the creature was only her daughter and pack mate returning. She would settle back down with her head by her paws. For a moment there was complete silence, and Song's fur would prickle on her spine right before the most awful pain of her life would be administered to her frail body.
The woman would scream as the bears claws dug deep into the flesh of her hips. She would twist her body to aim to bite at the creature's paws, it's head would lower and bellow a roar before aiming to bite the back of her neck for a killing blow..



06-28-2014, 06:43 PM

She had been prowling the lands ever since she had arrived. Her brother was forming his alliance with the she wolf and she knew he would call for her when everthing was done. Massive paws carried her towards a strange looking mountain, unlike anything she had ever seen before. Nostrils quivered, baby blues soaking in the scenery. A unfamiliar raor would echo in her skull, causing tiny ears to pin against her skull. She would pick up a trot, her skull falling level with her spine.

The scene that unfolded before her was horrified. A massive creature had a tiny she wolf pinned, deadly jaws aiming for her throat. Jaws would part, releasing a deafening battle cry. It would momentaril distract the beast, giving the lioness a second to launch herself forward. Muscles coiled beneath her golden pelt, claws unsheathing as lips currled back to reveal massive daggers. She would aim herself to land her upper body on the bears shoulder, claws digging in deep for a grip. Jaws would aim to come down on the creatures neck. She wanted to bury her fangs in the creatures vitals. Her ears remained pinned and eyes narrowed, her abdominal muscles would tighten, her tail straightening with her spine. Toes would spread and claws would dig into the earth for traction.

Dangerous growls vibrated in her throat. If her bite landed, then she would immediatly thrash her head, wanting to rip open the beasts throat. The lioness would hold on tight, refusing to let the creature harm the little she wolf any more.




06-28-2014, 07:01 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2014, 07:02 PM by Garthinaw.)

His massive frame had been doing nothing but drifting, checking out different places and not staying for more than a day or two. The restless paws he had grown used to for so long would not quit and he couldn't help but comply to their desires. If he didn't have them, how could he get around? There was no chance in hell the male was going to attempt scooting around Alacritis on his behind when there were so many places left to see. The desire for exploring was too great in him to ignore.
As he walked past the landmark noted as Mt Volkan (unknown to him), he sniffed a few unfamiliar scents and considered heading past it as soon as he could. There was no evidence of a pack living at the summit's base, but he didn't trust the number -- three -- against his mediocre one. He would have continued to venture to another part of Alacritis if it hadn't been for the roar. A loud roar broke the silence near the bottom of the volcano, past the trees whose branches stretched far above him. Regardless of how many different scents there were, nothing would hold the stranger back from seeing what was taking place.
Garthinaw broke through the trees and the sight struck him dumb. A bear had taken the chance to attack a white wolf who had been minding her own business. Blood struck the surrounding rocks and ground, silently oozing from the haunches of the bear's prey. Anger from seeing the helpless female boiled in his chest and his icy blue eyes flashed dangerously. Face scrunched up into a snarl, exposing ivory fangs meant for times like these. He didn't waste any time in racing towards them, making sure to avoid the lioness all together.
He began to pick up speed, claws digging into the dirt beneath him as he zigzagged towards the power duo. The bear's head was close to the she-wolf's neck, intending on biting down to end her life. As the lioness aimed her bite for the jugular, Garth decided to take it from another approach. He took an alternative route that faced him directly in front of the bear's current location. Since the lioness's attack would push the bear up and away from the female, Garth's attack would make them push back and impact further damage to the bear's face. He immediately pursued his plan, leaping through the nearby trees, over Song, and on top of the bear's head. His teeth bared, he aimed for the bear's eyes and ears, intending to help tear away the senses that gave him the ability to find prey at all. Hind legs dug into the ground as he clawed the bear's cranium with his wide front paws.

Mercury I


4 Years
06-29-2014, 02:03 PM

He would follow Canta away from Song for a little one on one time. Well really, they were going off for a tiny hunting expedition, but he liked the first explanation better. He had volunteered with Canta to accompany her mother on a trip. He knew it would be a rather somber trip, but he felt like he should be there for Canta and Song. As the two of them found themselves hunting the sun had finally fallen and still they had nothing to show for their time. He was already feeling pretty sorry for his hunting skills when he heard the scream.
Unmistakably it was Song, and panic would overwhelm him. Immediately his form would jump into a run, he would sprint back to Song. The roar had him worked up, he didn't know what he would find once his sight was met by the pale she wolf. Surprise. As the pair burst through the clearing his dual colored eyes would fall upon a sight he hadn't expected. A giant bear had Song at its feet, a lioness latched onto its back while another wolf was perched upon its head.
However astounding the situation may have been the boy would not take any time to rush to Song's side. Her back legs were covered in blood, but she was obviously still aware of what was going on. With her front paws she would try to crawl away from the battling titans. He would be there beside her, his large form grabbing onto her scruff and pulling her away from the monster's battle.
He didn't know how far to go, but he grabbed her and he went as far as he could. Hopefully canta was there with him.
