
Digging myself Down Deeper



11-25-2019, 09:59 PM

So much had happened in what felt like so little time. She couldn't remember all of it, just the major bits and pieces. The start of it had been when she tried to fallow her mother and being so much smaller she fell behind. She remembered the volcano in the distance, the rumbles and shakes of the earth and the scary changes in the weather. Now she had ended up here, somewhere where nothing looked familiar and she was still completely alone. She was skinny, malnourished from lack of proper meals during this time. She didn't know how to hunt and there would only be a few times that she would be lucky enough to find a kill to scavenged off of. She missed her family and he was feeling very uncertain of the world around her anymore. Most of her time was spend observing and watching the world around her. Hidden away and watching with those bright green eyes.

With the change of season brought the bright sun and though it wasn't bad yet, she was beginning to feel her skin's sensitivity to the bright ball in the sky. So she hid herself carefully within the shade and continued to pass her time with observing the world around her. She could say one thing positive about all this, the knowledge she was gaining was spectacular. Mentally she was being stimulated and it helped to numb the loneliness. It helped to make her days pass by and even forget her hunger at times. It was a healthy way for her to pass the time and keep her mind from focusing on the fact she was lost, she was hungry, and that she feared she would never find home again. It made her forget the cruel mishaps in her life, her parents disappearance and the emotions she felt from it.

Today she had an interesting view from her shade tree. Not far from her grazed a large herd of Guar. The beasts were huge even with the safe distance she had from them. Her green eyes watched as they grazed, looking over each individual within the herd. Some where smaller then others, which she safely assume they were younger. She watched their behavior and how they reacted to one another. Then her eyes spotted the lead cow, the matriarch of the herd who was keeping a watchful eye for danger. The herd was present for a long while, but slowly they disappeared into the distance and she was once again alone.




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-26-2019, 03:26 PM
After her night with Iolaire Deathbelle’s emotions were again raging and near impossible to control. She continued to degrade herself for allowing something to happen to her lover like that. She was the Empress of the Ashen Empire, if she couldn’t even protect the one she frequently shared her bed with.. The ivory splashed woman shook her head as dainty paws carried her away from Ashen’s borders.

She wasn’t sure if she wanted to see her so soon after the frustrating patrol. Her own wounds were healing, and they already lost the ache. Her heart hurt more. Knowing Io wouldn’t allow her to do her job.. Deathbelle grit her teeth as she tried to again shake the thoughts from her head. Didn’t Io trust her? Though the words had only left their lips in hints and teases Deathbelle knew her heart. She loved Iolaire and being denied the honor of attending her wounds, of fixing her mistake..

The Empress cursed loudly as she continued walking, she was glad she was mostly alone. Thistle perched on her mistress’s back, she preferred the night sky and though she had one eye open for danger she was nearly asleep. Deathbelle was uncommonly making her way through the land during daylight hours. She couldn’t sleep, especially not with the Armada healer on her mind.

The short eared owl gave a little coo and Belle was forced from her stupor in time to avoid startling a herd of giant bovines. Skirting their retreating forms the Empress found a familiar scent. Faintly of both Dutch and Ashen Deathbelle was presented the image of a lost Klein. Her previous thoughts were painfully pushed away as lilac gaze fell on the beautiful child. ”Beryl.” She sighed with relief, having thought the girl had disappeared with her mother. Belle had kept up with her niece and nephews and was devastated when they left.

”Come, child.” She cooed softly, not approaching in case the pup didn’t remember her aunt. She looked atrocious, but that was to be expected of a six month old puppy without anyone to care for her. ”Lets get you home.”

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.


11-28-2019, 06:58 PM

Her eyes caught the approach of the Ashen Empress. Beryl was still very young and had little interactions with the pack members before she tried to catch up with her mother. The adult knew her name and it made her interest perk, her green eyes looking up at the towering form. She pulled herself to her feet and her little nose twitched as she took in the familiar scent of Ashen on the scent of the adult.  Her eyes would widen and lighten and her scrawny short tail would give a fast wiggle of happiness. Home was where she wanted to be, where she needed to be so she can grow and learn to survive. Maybe, just maybe her mother or father had returned to Ashen as well? Green eyes looked up to her aunt

"With Gimli and Godbrand?" she said.

She didn't realize that Godbrand was gone as well and that Gimli was all alone. Regardless she was worn out and wanted to go home, rest and fill her belly with food that wasn't old. She didn't know what her future held, but right now she wanted home. She could use a good rest snuggled warmly against her siblings.




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
12-01-2019, 04:57 PM
There was some kind of recognition in the young girl and she visibly brightened despite her surroundings. She was tough, like her Klin heritage proved over and over again. Even with the loss of her mother and brother, Belle knew the pup would grow into a strong young woman. Deathbelle hovered over the child as she looked up at her and mentioned her poor brothers. ”With Gimli and your Father.” She offered quietly. As far as she knew Dutch had Godbrand. Of course she though Beryl had been with her mother as well. ”We’ll get you fed, get you cleaned up, and you’ll have a nice warm place to sleep after that.” She wasn’t sure if the pup would want to den with her brother or if she’d let Belle bring her back to the den where her own brood stayed with her.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.