
The Ones that Seek and Find

Twig I


06-24-2014, 05:41 PM

The delicate girl would lay contentedly with her children upon her breast, their half sleeping forms would suckle half heartedly and the three of them would nap together peacefully. She had hardly even imagined that her life could turn out this perfect, yes raising her babies was difficult. She felt as though there were times when she had barely slept, but in these moments, when there was quiet within her den she realized she couldn't trade them for the entire world. She and Alpine had created a family, a perfect, secret family on their perfect secluded island.
It would still be a few days before the whelps would open their eyes, and she could feel an excitement brewing within her to see those glassy gazes. Viridian and Solor. Her Faun and Coal. The most perfect beings on the whole of Alacritia. She couldn't wait to take them for walks on their beach, and eventually for them to meet the wolves of her family and of Valhalla. She knew they would be welcome members, and how excited her siblings and father would be when they found they had new nieces and nephews to spoil.
Her heart would soar as she lay there in the den, sleeping taking her into a dreamland where she would experience her thoughts of the future.




06-25-2014, 02:56 PM

It was hard to sit still, to settle his heart when all he could think of was Twig and her ? their ? children. Those tiny little lives that he had helped to create, those little bundles of fur that at last he could see and touch. When they had been in the womb he had already felt a connection to them, a pulsing belonging that told him he would cherish these lives. Now that they had been born his love for them was only bigger. It was near impossible to imagine he could love them more, but he did. His Faun and Solor.

He was often out hunting these days, with Twig unable to leave the den and their new born children he often went out and brought back what he could. He knew a tiny bit about herbs and often brought back one that helped her produce milk, although the decision of taking the herb was completely up to her.

The boy would creep back into their home, the sound of soft sleeping was a whisper against the cave and his eyes would adjust to the darkness and take in the sleeping forms. The rise and fall of Twigs chest would catch his eyes and he would follow his gaze to her face where her eyes where held closed and a serene smile seemed to touch her lips. He would creep further forward until her chest was visible to him, and he could see the little forms curled against her. He would settle himself as quietly as he could against the earth and enfold his body around hers. A soft and very quiet hum would murmur from his chest as he curled up against her warmth and a paw would drape over her until it hovered above his little children. His heart pinched almost painfully in his chest as he felt himself surrounded with he loved most in the world, he could never wish for more then what Twig had given him.


Twig I


07-03-2014, 04:09 PM

Her sleeping form would settle easily on the den floor, her consciousness returning slightly as Alpine slipped in beside her. She would take in a breath as she felt her body become warmer, her bright violet eyes fluttering open at his touch. She would gaze back to see his own brilliant gaze resting upon the tiny children at her side. Her smile would pull back further as she watched him for a moment, the wonder on his face making her feel fuzzy inside. "Aren't they beautiful." She would move slightly to nuzzle him, glad for his presence. "I have to admit though, I can't wait to get out of this den." She would whisper to him so she wouldn't disturb the babies.




07-03-2014, 04:19 PM

He was utterly devoted to his family, so much so that he almost could not bear parting their sides just to hunt for their foods. He was utterly in love with Twig and their children until he thought his heart might burst with the force of it. He knew that he was utterly helpless to it and should anything happen to them it would kill him in a heartbeat, his heart was so full of them that it would shatter and leave him cold and empty. The mere thought would have him shivering and he would draw closer to her side. Spring was on the air, the taste of new life and warmth to come and he could not wait to show his children the joys of it.

?You and these lives are the most beautiful things in the world? he would agree rubbing his cheek gently against hers. He would chuckle with her next words, knowing she had been cooped up in this den for a while now. ?I can play mother for a while? he offered, already imagining them curled up in his warmth as Twig went out and played in the warming air.

I'll Never Forget You