
porcelain dreams




6 Years
12-10-2019, 07:06 PM

Pads pressed against the earth in a flurry. Baby blue eyes were nearly covered by narrowed ashen lids. Ears lay flat against the curvature of her skull. Brisk evening air weaved through her thinning summer coat. Banshee ran through the foreign continent as fast as she could. Sprinting with a careless nature as if a predator was gaining way on her. Navigating the forests and plains. Only taking short breaks when her muscles began to ache and threaten to lock up on her or to lap up some fresh water. It had been a day or two into her journey. After a week or two of her usual depressive sulking the yearling decided she needed to get away. For how long? She did not know.

Impulse brought the young Klein south. The furthest south she had ever been. Usually she lingered along the land bridge between the two continents but this time she desired to truly remove herself from the grasp of her family. After her father arriving she had felt as though her life had been tossed up again. Banshee desired nothing more but to move on with everything but all of the emotions gained control. Previously she had come to terms with the pale ghoul being dead. It was easier that way. But, to have him back just lead to more suffering. The daughter within her wanted to hug him and never let go. To have a father figure that could be there for her like no one else. But, she also knew if she did so she'd end up suffering when he abandoned them again. Her internal struggle was agonizing and only led her to explosive episodes like the current one. Which led her to the creek where she would call home for the evening.

Banshee moved along the edge of the creek with the moon shining through the canopy above. Scents of travelers and prey alike filled her dappled nose. Beaming blue eyes consumed the sights around her which seemed to take in each and every sight. Her steps had slowed at this point to a walking pace. Panting emitted from the babe as she moved closer to the water's edge. Two front paws dipped into the shallowest point of the creek as her head moved downward. Banshee lapped at the liquid with little thought. As her thirst was satiated the yearling tossed her head into the air and howled. The song was not a summon but merely a cry. It was a solemn song of pain and heart ache.




4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
12-11-2019, 08:49 AM

Iroh tried to stay close by Pyrrhic, he knew his cousin needed support even if he wouldn’t admit his need. Their discussion about God and how involved the deity was. Iroh still wasn’t sure when it came to his beliefs. As long as he remembered the Abraxas spoke about god and his will, but Iroh never experienced any miracles nor the voice of their god. There was no evidence of him, no real incentive to follow him. Iroh was questioning all of his beliefs.

He took his massive frame through Auster’s lands, for days now he debated about finding Banshee again. He enjoyed talking to her and he couldn’t help but think she could help him work through his thoughts better than Pyrrhic. He was.. nervous about saying the wrong thing in front of his cousin. Not that he’d been given any real reasons to think as such. For now though Iroh enjoyed his solitude. Until he heard that heart wrenching call.

The young Abraxas froze as the sound reached his ears and his heart fell. He knew that voice and immediately his massive paws took him towards her direction. Time seemed to slow as he made his way to the site of the call. Banshee didn’t call for him, but he would appear before her anyway. He could see the distress in her as he finally appeared before her. He took more time than he wanted to find her in the cattails but when he did, she was a sight for sore eyes. Iroh rushed to her, not caring if she didn’t wish him right now all he desired was to hold her and cure the sorrow she called out.

"Banshee." His deepening vocals called out before he made his way to her side, hesitating not to push his head into her neck. "Banshee, are you alright?" He worried about her more than his own problems.

Where My Demons Hide



6 Years
12-24-2019, 04:24 PM

As the howl finished the babe's cheeks were damp with fresh tears. Baby blue eyes stung as they flashed open to take in the heavens above. Banshee stood in silence witht he wind whirling around her. Each star was brighter then the next but with more tears forming within her eyes they seemed to get muddled. She blinked away the liquid as her head lowered and she focused on her breathing. The sound of her own heart beating blared within her ears but seemed to soften as she gained control of herself once again. Pain still stung her core and scratched at her but getting out the pent up emotion seemed to help. For now.

With a foggy mind Banshee's reaction to the sound of pad falls was delayed. Before she could to turn to look the onyx beast was on her. Those sore blue eyes took in the sight of the only Wolf that could possibly make her feel better. Iroh stood at her side with concern leering through his own deep pools. Ban's heart fluttered slightly as he grew closer and she instantly moved to stick her muzzle into the thick of his scruff. "My father returned." She couldn't remember if she had ever mentioned anything about her issues with Hannibal. But, perhaps the kind boy would get his fill today. - With her head still nestled within his fur she continued on with raspy and emotion pumped vocals, "He was meant to be dead, Iroh." Sirius had implied that he would be gone for good. "I do not want to go home." An impulsive statement but riddled with temporary truth. Ban wouldn't want to go home anytime soon. But, in a few days she would have to return to her duties.




4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
01-01-2020, 10:38 AM

The darkness took hold of them, but Iroh didn’t miss the dampness of her cheeks or the stiffness in her body as he surrounded her with his embrace. Banshee allowed him close and pressed against his chest and pushed her nose into his dark fur. Iroh smiled at the fact they were together again, but he couldn’t help but be worried about her, especially after her words. Her father was in her life once more.

Iroh was silent and only pulled her closer, he could hear the distress in her voice. Where he would have given nearly anything to know who his father was, she seemed to have preferred her own was dead. She didn’t want to go back to her home. That seemed the easiest problem for him to fix. Iroh would linger right here beside her for as long as she wanted him to. ”You can stay with me as long as you want.” He offered a bit selfishly, unsure what he could say about her dad. ”Can I do anything?”

Where My Demons Hide



6 Years
01-14-2020, 06:18 PM

Tears streamed down her dappled cheeks as the boy held the girl. Emotions filled her entire form as she seemed to shake slightly. Banshee never wanted to be so horribly weak. Growing up seeing how emotions ruled those around her and all. Goals of being stronger and different filled her mind but in these solemn moments the babe abandoned them. It seemed despite how much she shoved her feelings away they seemed to catch up to her. Watching those around her be so selfishly happy and her father act so carelessly. She had finally settled with the thought of never seeing him again yet there he was. Waltzing into Ashen and picking up his rank like nothing happened. Banshee felt resentment for almost all the adults around her other then maybe Sirius.

After a few moments of silence and consuming his words she seemed to calm. No longer did the earth toned gal shake nor did sobs come forth. She focused on her breathing and parted from Iroh with a look of mild embarrassment on her features. Watery baby blue eyes took in his handsome form and she quickly looked down. "I... am a b-blubbering fool." 'His doesn't have a father and you are sitting here crying because yours is alive.' Banshee took a step back as another tear fell. "I have no r-right. You must think I am horrible." 'Horrible like Hannibal.' The babe felt her breathing get quick and uneasy again as she shook her head. "I am sorry, Iroh."




4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
01-20-2020, 09:58 AM
She cried and worked had to break his heart, still he held tightly to her. She could cry as much as she needed. Emotions were hard, he knew what it was like to struggle with your parent. His mother was gone and he didn’t have those parental ties anymore. Maybe he had a father out there somewhere, but other than Zagan Iroh was alone. He had his Abraxas cousins, and he’d been taught that family was everything. But sitting there holding Banshee he wondered if that was true. He wasn’t a wolf to blindly accept what he’d been told, already his mind had doubted their god more than once. Especially after their Emperor’s death.

Benshee seemed to calm after a few moments in his arms, she found her sense and her words were soft as she tried to apologize for her actions. He shook his head into her scruff to soothe her. ”No, Ban. Don’t be sorry.” He whispered back to her as he was caught up in her closeness. ”You’ve been forced through so much, you have every right to express your emotions.” He tried to reassure her with a few more nuzzles. He was reminded far too much of the affections between his companion Sarabi and her husband Benkos.
Where My Demons Hide