
making headlines


06-23-2014, 11:44 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2014, 12:20 AM by Rizo.)
The ebony monarch had not been in Alacritis long, and already she wished she had not traveled to the forsaken place. The landscape was dull, the packs were unpromising, and the wolves lacked dedication to their superiors and to the gods who had dared given them life. It was truly a shame that the entire land should go to waste on the scum that decided to live here . She regretted not having brought some of her own with her to begin anew like she had dreamed since her maturity.

A sigh would escape the inky maw of the beauty in black. Had it truly come so far that she was subjected to sitting beneath a tree on the bloodstained battlefield of Alacritis, awaiting a qualified challenger to sharpen her skills?

Green hazel would scan the land before her in contemplation. It could all be hers one day. It would be. She just had to meet with the right people, make proper friends, proper enemies, and then make her move. It wasn't so far away that she couldn't sink her teeth into was so close. Just under her nose. She just needed the opportune moment to seize it.

First, she would definitely need to practice the conquering she was taught as a child. Rizo Logix had to learn once more how to take what she wanted without expecting it to be handed to her.



07-03-2014, 12:48 AM

The brute would make his way back to the battlefield for a time he could not remember. He had come to test himself again, perhaps against someone who was not family. Although he hadn't held back last time, something had simply gone wrong that he did not quite understand. But he would simply add it as more experience under his belt, not allowing it to deter him from his ambitions. It was as if the heavens would push him forth, for he would smell someone he had not met yet. Changing course, massive paws would take him to the source of the scent, towards a tree that towered in the center of it all. Icy and red flecked gaze would spot an ebony figure as black as night, sitting beneath the shadows of the foliage. He would approach upon silent paws, his white marked toes leaving imprints in the ground as his form seemed to nearly hover over it, muscles rippling strongly beneath his tri-toned pelt.

"You seem lonely, I suppose you wouldn't mind a bit of company, hm?" He would speak as he neared her, tail high over his back as usual, something he was seldom seen without. It was a trademark, dual toned tail upon his back like a war flag. He stared intensely at her, wondering what she was doing here all alone. Of course, those who came to the battlefield were looking for one of two things. To fight, or to be claimed. Either way she chose, he would not disappoint her despite his young age.
