
The Course of True Love [birthing]




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-26-2019, 01:13 AM
Avalon was all too familiar with the way pregnancy worked. She knew that any day now, the pups would be coming so she had chosen to remain close to her den and didn't venture very far these last few days. Tan would help bring in food, as did Feli and whomever else offered assistance to the elder couple. She felt very heavy and very tired, something she expected to feel but these days...she felt more weary compared to the last time. Then again, last time she had pups was years ago. She briefly smiled and shook her head at the thought before she continued moving. Despite her weariness, she also felt restless and couldn't help but to pace outside of the den in anticipation. They would be coming any day now...she knew it. She could feel it.

Maybe it would be a good idea to get the healer to give her something to calm her nerves...she considered it for a moment, thinking perhaps she was just overreacting, but then again...she was old. It was probably best to see Drifa anyway. She wanted to make sure things would go smoothly and without complications. And she also didn't want to keep feeling so anxious. "Tan, do you mi--" She paused.

Her body stiffened slightly as she felt the first wave of contractions hit. Dull and steady at first, but she knew it would get worse. "Tan, fetch the healer and tell her the pups are coming." Tan flew off as soon as Avalon gave her orders while the she-wolf turned and made the short walk back to the den. She'd throw her head back to call for Feli, telling him it was time.

The old she-wolf carefully and calmly moved to lie down among the furs she had collected to cover the floors of the den to make things more comfortable for her old bones and for her newborn pups. She laid on her side, breathing as evenly as possible through the contractions that would steadily start to shift in their power but nothing she couldn't handle. It was not overwhelming quite yet, and she hoped all would go easy and well.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


01-22-2020, 08:29 PM
OOC:: Let's just uh... pretend Belle isn't late as heck with this, kay? Kay.

Félicien knew it would be any day now. Avalon’s belly had become round, heavy with the children that were nothing short of a miracle this late in their lives. He was nervous and excited, not expecting a large litter but a litter that was a blessing all the same. The old wolf had been sticking relatively close to the den, though, with the help of young Winter, he had been searching for a special gift for his mate… something to commemorate the birth of their children and the union between them. The two of them had been poking around the S.S. Antiox for such a gift and, at last, Winter’s youthful eyes had helped him find it.

It was a necklace, a thin chain of silver… but it was the shape of the charm that caught Féli’s attention. He had nosed it several times, feeling satisfied. It was all a solid color but that would be fine… it was the meaning of the gift, this key, that mattered.

He was on his way back, the necklace around his own neck for the time being when he heard Avalon’s call rise over Winterfell’s lands. The waves of emotion he had washed over him anew with fresh anxiety. What if something went wrong? As much as a blessing as the pregnancy was… what if something happened? What if Avalon didn’t pull through the birthing? Nagging doubts started to creep in as Feli broke into an anxious trot.

The old wolf had crashed into more than he cared to admit by the time he made it to the den the two shared. He was breathing hard, limbs trembling, and he knew it was not just from the effort of running. He’d feel bruises and sores later but right now he wanted to hear Avalon’s voice. Drifa had not arrived yet and his ears quivered as he called in at the den entrance softly.




9 Years

Double MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
01-24-2020, 03:20 PM
Drífa was working on her greenhouse when Avalon's companion arrived to fetch her. She glanced quickly to Halla then raced to grab her things. This birth in particular made her nervous with Avalon's advanced age. Drífa considered herself to be well aged but Avalon was almost twice her age. She prayed that everything would go well and she quickly grabbed a few herbs that might help with the process, though really there was only so much she good do. Much of this process would just need to run its course.

When she arrived the husband, Félicien was already there. Drífa quickly nodded a greeting before slipping into the den and setting her bundle down so that she could speak. "Hello Avalon, how are you feeling?"