
Trade Tirade



13+ Years

Treat 2019
12-27-2019, 09:37 PM
The trip led them into the northern reaches, they were attempting to avoid the volcano and its reaches as best they could. The trip was longer, but they wouldn’t be forced to deal with the earthquakes or the fires or the ash quite as much. Once they were well into the Northern reaches though Rhythm realized how much a blanket would have been appreciated. She hadn’t said anything to Valentine yet, but she knew that he noticed her shivering because he didn’t hesitate to walk closer.

She smiled softly at the thought of him while she walked close to the border of the pack. She requested some fresh meat from him and the two of them were separated as she walked near the border of Winterfell. Rhythm’s age wasn’t hidden in her gait, and though she wavered the woman didn’t cross the border despite her blindness. Feather flittered in the air above her, the old bird just as sorrow filled as Rhythm with the loss of her once master.

The old woman might have continued going forward, but she was suddenly struck with a thought. Surely a pack of this size might have an extra fur or so to trade her. The problem was what did she have in exchange for said fur? Rhythm hadn’t carried anything with her from Legion’s temporary land. Maybe some of her knowledge? She sighed heavily and stopped, reclining back onto her haunches.

With little more hesitation the old Destruction called forth for a healer of the pack within. Hopefully someone like that might accept the words she had to offer instead of a physical item. Surely they would be worth a fur to go over her shoulders. She relaxed against the cold earth with a small smile on her lips despite the sadness beneath.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



9 Years

Double MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
12-27-2019, 10:02 PM
Drífa was hard at work. With spring in full flourish she was eager to take advantage of the richness of herbs available to her. She was gathering fresh herbs and many she was setting to dry or work into tinctures so that they would be of use to her during the winter. She was growing rather fond of the strange metal cave that made up a good chunk of Winterfell's lands. The shelves, tins and glasses were useful for creating a store room dedicated to herbs and healing items.

She picked her way back toward the ship, pausing momentarily to lick at her swollen paws and to give her joints a rest. Gathering and crafting were hard work but this year, if she worked hard through spring and summer she could look forward to an easier fall and winter. Ideally she just wanted to camp out in the ship all winter if she would be able to get away with it. Drífa told herself that when she got back she could fix a nice salve for her paws. Halla traveled along next to her. The pair had been chatting for most of the journey but had fallen silent in the last legs of it with both their voices spent. The macaque was proving invaluable as her dextrous hands could do things Drífa only dreamed of.

Both paused when a call rang out calling for a healer. She did not recognize the call but that didn't mean a whole lot. She barely knew the names of most of her pack mates let alone their voices, but it was definitely coming from the border. Drífa turned around and headed toward the call. When she arrived she saw an older woman who also appeared to be blind and immediately she felt a pang of sympathy. In her mind she was old but this woman was definitely her elder and the Archemaster couldn't imagine living live without her sight even if she did give her nose the last word on whether or not an herb was identified correctly. The woman bore no scent from Winterfell, if anything it was the scent of a pack she was unfamiliar with.

"Greetings, you are at the borders of Winterfell. I am Archemaster Drífa, a healer. Is there something I can help you with?"

WC: 386
Total: 686



13+ Years

Treat 2019
12-28-2019, 05:31 PM
The wind played with her silver flecked fur as the old woman waited at the border of Winterfell’s lands. She lingered for only a few moments, small shiveres were ignored at the cold spring breeze. Rhythm could only go by scent when the stranger approached, a she wolf and she smelled of herbs. This was certainly a healer as well. The old Destruction smiled softly and did her best to hide the chill that held up in her old bones. Existence was painful for the old wolf but she covered it well enough.

Rhythm had been without her sight for a long time, for longer than she had lived with it. She had to adapt, and while she wouldn’t say she was stronger for it she was still alive. She could still perform her duties though she was slower these days she was still proficient enough. Her nose still worked. She smiled softly as the stranger halted before her. The woman’s words were brief but informative to the travelling woman.

”Hello, Drifa.” She offered kindly while lowering her head. Her cloudy stare didn’t focus on the healer but she looked in the general direction. ”My name is Rhythm, I am a healer as well.” She explained softly, her voice nowhere near as strong as it once was. ”I came to Winterfell in search of help.” Rhythm went on to say, giving her reason for being there to begin with. ”I am travelling and the chill has affected me more than I expected. I wondered if you had a fur to trade for a bit of knowledge.”

Rhythm gave her suggestion and wondered if Drifa would accept. She didn’t sound like a young woman, and if she was any kind of healer she would likely be eager for some kind of lesson. Rhythm had been around for a long time, surely she could give something useful to the experienced healer.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



9 Years

Double MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
12-28-2019, 07:01 PM
The woman introduced herself as Rhythm and explained that she to was a healer and that she was traveling. Drífa was surprised. She did not expect a blind wolf to be traveling alone but perhaps that was overly judgmental of her. Dragon was a blind warrior in the ranks of Winterfell and while she had not seen him battle she'd heard enough to know he did not need to be escorted whenever he sought to travel. Still, she couldn't help but worry about the older woman.

Drífa listened to the woman's request for a trade. While she was an experience healer herself she felt there was always more she could learn, especially about herbs that were not native to cold climates. Plus, she couldn't help but feel uneasy at the thought of the older woman leaving to continue her travels without anything to help keep her warm. "I hope you do not have far to go. Yes, I do have several furs I'd be more than happy to trade for some knowledge." She gestured to Halla to alert the macaque to go back to the ship and grab her furs. Halla was quick to respond and took off for the ship.

"I have a mountain goat hide that is fluffy and warm and a bit smaller than some of my other hides. I also have a white tail deer and a few caribou pelts. The are just pelts at this time I don't have them fashioned into cloaks but I do have some leather strips, Halla might be able to tie the pelt on in a way to help it stay."

WC: 271
Total: 1284



13+ Years

Treat 2019
12-28-2019, 08:04 PM
Rhythm would have traveled on her own had Valentine allowed it, though she wouldn't admit she was glad to have him. She was old and she was showing her age as much as she was feeling it. The insulation on her body was not impressive and the arthritis in her limbs made simple movement excruciating. Today was a good day though, and despite her chill Rhythm didn’t feel terrible. She still had enough of the tinctures (Alarr?) had given to her to last until Abaven. She hoped. They were taking longer than she anticipated.

There was more sympathy in the woman’s voice than Rhythm had anticipated, but that was likely because of what she was used to. The old woman smiled softly, glad to have someone so kind appear before her. The woman quickly offered up what she had, eager to help especially for a bit of information. Rhythm nodded gently, ”I’ll take whatever is easiest for you to part with. I don’t wish to offer any burden upon you.” She made sure to say. Rhythm didn’t like to ask for help, even in her state. This trade would be fair as Drifa mentioned that the fur might be secured because none were finished cloaks. Rhythm wouldn’t have allowed her to give her something so nice anyway.

”You are very kind, Drifa. I appreciate the offer.” Rhythm’s silver streaked lips pulled back in a grin. She’d kept herself hidden away in Legion for too long sulking. Being out here so far from where she considered home gave her freedom. She missed the kids dearly, they’d become her whole life, but focusing on survival gave a keenness to her life. She felt loss and heartache but her blood was still pumping. She was still able to feel pain, she was still able to recognize a good heart.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



9 Years

Double MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
12-28-2019, 08:55 PM
Halla soon returned with a number of furs strapped to her back. Drífa stifled a giggle at the site of the smaller monkey carrying the stack of furs but she was doing it admirably. Drífa examined her wares for a moment. "I think the mountain goat would be the most manageable. It is fluffy, warm and a striking white while being small enough that it won't need to be trimmed in order not to drag on the ground. I can drape it on you, one moment." Drífa gently took the skin in her mouth and moved over to the blind woman. With Halla's help she spread the goat cloak over Rhythm.

"Would you like to come inside the main den site? It might be easier to talk there. You see I am wondering about a number of plants I've found in the south. I don't know what they are and I would much appreciate your knowledge if you are able."