
Play my Song of Cellos



5 Years
06-23-2014, 08:22 PM
Irune Ezra Armada

She could not resist traveling back up north in the snowy storm. She loved the way the cold bit into you, the wind tugging you about. To watch the little flakes whirl about. It made her feel alive, her blood sang with the storm, her firey amber eyes burned brightly in the white haze. The young girl had turned into a fine young wolf. She was tiny yes but she held all the grace and elegance bred into her. She moved easily through the storm, swaying with it, not fighting it like most do. She had heard that water shot out of the earth here, but it was dangerous to near it. None the less she wanted to find it, to see the odd sight.

The earth would rumble and vibrant, spinning on her toes she would turn to watch the geyser. Eyes widened in surprise at the amazing sight. The heat would spray down on her, lips curving in a smile. A giggle slipped from her mouth as she sprinted around the geyser at a safe distance. All winter the girl had spent in solitude, not once regretted. She had been unable to void the sickness that had plagued much of Alacritis. And she couldn't remember how she was cured. But now she was okay, her strength returning and her will to live and explore that much stronger. But now she was slowly heading north to make sure her family was alright after the plague. But no one said she couldn't have some fun on the way. She pranced and danced about in the snow, pouncing into large snow drifts to only resurface and dance more.



6 Years
06-23-2014, 09:05 PM

Life, it was a delicate thing. Such a petty thing that Vereux had been forcefully been thrusted into. At first of course he stumbled and fell a few times, sometimes more than once. Now though, with the coming Winter so many things had changed about him. His scrawny formed had shifted into a muscle filled one, thirty six inches of pure power. His one emerald eye becoming easy to handle, the scar across his leg a forgotten memory. And the necklace around his neck marked him exactly as he felt, a new king. He was king of Glaciem a rank he had never dreamed of approaching until the moment he swore himself to Athena. Now the male was ridged and set on defending his crown, his pack with all his might. Even if a little force was needed. He lived, and he learned from others much like Isardis. He was not such a kind boy anymore, even though he still held special places for his family in his heart.
The spout sprayed in front of him, right between him and the wolf he had spotted earlier. Vereux had grown curious, and once the white spewing of heat stopped, his expressionless face moved slightly at the sight of his half sister in which had received the winter to decide weather she wished to stay a part of Glaciem. Now though, part of him felt aggressive deeply, wanting to keep her here forcefully but he threw the thought away. He would elegantly approach her with his body swaying slightly to his mood. Irune had left him, but he forgave her because he had Athena. And of course while Glaciem was on the lack of healers, he would not force her to stay if she did not wish it. But he would explain rather clearly what had become of the northern kingdom.
"Irune, you have grown into a beautiful woman." Vereux would say, the sultry tones falling off his tongue like ice. His emerald eye flicking towards her colors. She was the blood of his father, and for that he was indebted to her somehow. After all Isardis would have the boys head, king or no king, if anything happened to his beloved children. Specially the daughters that he had bred specifically for the perfect empire he was now siring with his beloved Athena.




5 Years
06-23-2014, 09:49 PM
Irune Ezra Armada

She body was corded with lean muscles from her traveling. Her coat was silky long but dense for winter.She had grown yes but in her eyes she did not see it. She never had seen herself as more than average in looks but then again her only concern in looks was just being clean and well kept. She was a clean freak to the point it was OCD. Irune might have been and Armada but she didn't flaunt her looks like most. She took after her mother on that part and her art in healing.

A voice sounded, making her pause mid-step, head turned to look back. There stood someone familiar but they had changed. He still had the same coat color, the scar over his eye and the vivid green one. His voice was different now, he had filled out more and power seemed to pulse out from him. To add to that a necklace laid around his neck, a symbol of power. Head would tilt slightly to the left with eyes narrowing in curiosity. What had happened in Glaciem since winter had begun? "I see you have grown too. A fine Knight you are becoming my brother." She replied smoothly. She smiled softly at Vereux. Every time she called him a knight she would think back to the day they had really talked for the first time. Had shared their fears. And it seemed he had overcome them. But what had happened to their father and Sendoa?



6 Years
06-23-2014, 10:15 PM

With the power he had earned, came new responsibility, new personality, and new mind set all on its own. What was his, would not be taken from him, but he would be kind in the center of his heart for those who were of the Armada name still in spirit. After all, he had witnesses betrayal on the blood so many times that his paws were careful where they would step. His mother had run, his uncle had plotted to kill, and Sendoa had left Glaciem in shambles. Rage bubbled in his throat through these events, he had taken every ounce of it out on Etern of course. He lay six feet under ground thanks to his beloved. As his darkly colored black ears twitched to the sound of her voice. A soft chuckle would leave the boys lips.
"Knight is a title I have long surpassed Irune. I am now King, mate of the Queen Athena in Glaciem. After the putrid soul of Sendoa left it in shambles, my father left it in well off paws where it belongs. To the original heirs." of course he was referring to his siblings and he. Argent had been the very first queen of Glaciem. By birthright, and every right, this throne was his to keep and protect. The same as Athena's, the blood that coursed through her veins would be spilt to better the land whenever war struck it. And Vereux would be there beside her, tearing their enemies down that would stand before them.
"Have you decided where you are going Irune? Glaciem is in need of your services, but I will not deprive you of your freedom even if it was granted by a diseased queen." Vereux would explain, with only the kindest of gestures. He hadn't moved from his spot, stoic, and strong. Though her beauty in the light was undeniable weather she believed it or not.




5 Years
06-23-2014, 10:58 PM
Irune Ezra Armada

The news of Vereux being King was slightly surprising but besides the slightly widening of her eyes she made no other surprising reaction. She knew something was different, something seemed off about him. She could see the softly sweet boy she once knew. No this here was a hardened male in full power, young yes, but Armada'a were known for maturing early in life. Did being King change the brother she had been close to? Would their bond be different none? A small part of her was jealous, she wanted to be a leader one day. Yet here was Ver holding the title she craved. What did surprise her was the fact he had Athena as his mate. Sure incest was not unheard of among her family but she would not fall into that category.

His next question made her falter and take a step back. Like he might actually b able to snatch her freedom away right before her eyes. Her eyes shifted slightly her body slightly tensed and tail raised in defiance. She knew he was just asking but her was hard when you feared the freedom you just gained could be snatched away by anyone. Thus the reason she had remained in solitude this whole time. She looked down for a moment in silence, thinking. She wasn't ready to be attached to anyone or thing yet. She had so much to know and learn, so much to see and experience. Looking back up she would sigh softly." Ver, I cant. I'm not ready to commit myself to a large whole. I have so much more to see and do, to learn and be. I'm sorry my brother." She said with true honesty.

She could never lie about where she stood in life to her family, at least the close ones. She would slowly approach him, tail neutral but not lowered. She couldn't allow herself to full submit, not to anyone. She would touch his shoulder with her nose gently." Ver what else is happening in the pack? Did anyone contract the plague? If my mother alright?" Once the questions flowed out worry creased her brows as she sat down. These questions had gone unanswered for so long it was eating away at her mind.



6 Years
06-24-2014, 03:28 PM

Irune was not a slave, Vereux could see that. He had to get it through his head that he wasn't his father, if he was, no one would enjoy his company like the girls he knew. The best thing about being a king was to be liked by your people. While he was certain Isardis' thick skull only knew striking fear and dominance into others. There were plenty of other ways to manipulate. Far more sinister ways he would most likely use in the future to protect his family and specially Athena. They needed a change of pace, and that was what he and his beloved was giving them. Not the same old egotistical freak, though he still loved his father, it was time to stop looking up to him. He breathed out a little sigh, relaxing himself in the girls presence as she spoke.
When she came towards him, he didn't make any objections. But it reminded him of what he had to deal with when the disease had struck. He had been stuck in the dark then, he had been sick with all the others. He wasn't sure where or what Eris was doing and part of him felt like he was letting Irune down because of that. "Plenty of us contracted the plague, I was one of them. And I've been trying to help Athena with the pack that I haven't seen nor heard from Eris. I'm sorry Irune, you will have to find her yourself." Vereux green eye watched her. His tail moved slightly as he placed his head onto hers for a moment. "If anything happened to your mother Irune, Glaciem would be without a healer. The sick would die, our fighters would rot. I cannot force you to stay as much as I want to. But if you ever come back, Glaciem will be here with a PLACE for you. It's not the same as it used to be. You'd actually mean something to them." Vereux said as he stepped away mildly uncomfortable.
