
Long Way Down



4 Years

Halloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-05-2020, 10:45 PM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2020, 12:25 AM by Seadragoness.)
I'll live inside of my own head
When the time is right again I'll let the sun creep in

No matter how far she went from the lands of her former captor, fear still loomed over her with each step. When she first departed, she hardly slept, too afraid she would be found if she lay still for too long. Now that she was in a completely different place, she felt less of the need to move at such a frantic pace, but the anxiety did not lessen. She had tried to tell herself that no one would bother going to such great lengths to retrieve her, but her former king was a vindictive man. He would not seek her out because she was valuable, he would seek her out because his pride would not allow him to let her transgressions go unpunished. He fear was an irrational beast that seemed to have a mind of its own. No logic could convince her that she was truly free.

The dense foliage was the only thing that gave her any sense of peace, sheltering her from complete exposure, and providing her with an array of flowers to admire when the thoughts swirling through her mind were too much to bare. Her paws throbbed, her legs sore, and her body weak. She had gone too long without rest, and she couldn’t push herself any farther. With a resigned sigh, she found a quiet spot near a particularly bright patch of flowers to settle down and rest for a bit.

"Speech" || Thoughts



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-06-2020, 12:22 AM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2020, 12:27 AM by Seadragoness.)

Sirius still patrolled the areas between his old home and his new one - but he did not return to the Oasis. He had no need, nor desire to. The new Armada lands were strong and far superior to the small sandy pocket they had come from. The scent of the herds increased as the prey returned to old migration habits and water trails in the wake of the Volcano’s near-cease of activity.

The thickly flowered Gulley was a prime spot for Sirius to take his healers, but after the fiasco with the large bird of prey, the Alpha was reluctant to bring his smaller wolves out here. At least, not until he had found time to scout for dangers.

As he went further into the foliage, he would find the scent of wolf that brought him pause. He hadn’t scented any rogues out here for a while. Would this be another wolf he could encourage to join the ranks of the Armada? The large, titanic Alpha pushed forward until he found where she lay beneath the flowers. She was a small thing, and her tawny coat blended well with the soil beneath. He almost tripped over her on his first look through. He rightened himself, and looked down at the little wolf in surprise. “Hello?” he ventured softly.




4 Years

Halloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-06-2020, 12:48 AM
I'll live inside of my own head
When the time is right again I'll let the sun creep in

She had not intended to fall asleep, she only meant to rest her weary legs for a few minutes before continuing on. But the sweet scent of the flowers and the cheerful chirping of the birds had lulled her into such a relaxed state that her eyes had slid shut and her mind, for once, stopped spinning. Blissful, dreamless sleep was an unwanted reprieve, but it was quickly disrupted. She felt the looming presence as the voice sounded over head, startling her awake once more. Panic gripped her chest as she scrambled frantically to her paws, stumbling back as her head ripped up to meet the gaze of the massive man. Her eyes widened as she took in his size, and the sharp fangs protruding from his lip.

Her lips parted to speak, but her mouth refused to form any words. Heart racing, she lowered her head, averting her gaze, with her ears flat against her skull. She swallowed once, then twice, before she felt herself regain some sliver of control over herself again. "Sorry… I- " She trailed off, unsure of what to say. She was kicking herself, searching for what she should say, but for all the training she had endured, she had learned the hard way the it was often best to say as little as possible.

"Speech" || Thoughts



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-06-2020, 01:05 AM

The tiny wolf had been asleep, lost in the tall flowers and soft soil. she had, for a breath moment, looked at peace, and gentle. The expression didn't last. She woke very quickly from slumber as he loomed over her. He could see the shock and fear in her eyes, and found himself oddly torn. A part of him was pleased at the sight of it. He was larger, he could knock her down, if he so desired, and she knew it. Another thought of Zee, and Io, and the many strays he had brought home that stood about her height. Strays he now promised to protect.

There was something he had told Zee once... that the strong took slaves because they were smaller, and weaker, and it was the job of the strong to protect them. their servitude and loyalty was the trade off for a life of safety. of course, life for slaves in the Empire had not been a safe one. That was his belief, born from his experience in the Empire, but changed. it was what he would build with his pack. Slaves would serve them, but they would be safe. They would receive training, and the chance to better themselves.

She averted her gaze and looked a right-fright as she managed just one word, and seemed to choke on it, trailing off into silence. He waited a moment, to see if she would manage anything else, before he slowly retracted his looming position and took a step back. He was still close to her, but perhaps now she would have a bit of breathing room. “I didn’t mean to startle you” he said dryly. ‘Startle’ he had apparently done more than that.




4 Years

Halloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-06-2020, 01:36 AM
I'll live inside of my own head
When the time is right again I'll let the sun creep in

The man didn’t show any obvious signs of aggression, which meant he wasn’t likely to be apart of a hunting party sent by Kyros. If he was, he would have grabbed her while she slept to haul her off back to the man meant to be her husband, without giving her a chance to react. It didn’t matter though, because he was large and intimidating and while he looked nothing like the tyrant she ran from, she was still frightened. She had been young when she was made a slave, when she was told what her fate would be, and after her mother abandoned her, she had lost faith in everything, in everyone. If she couldn’t trust her mother to protect her, then she couldn’t trust anyone. The world was a cruel place, and she was uncertain how long she would last on her own.

The man stepped back, but he did not leave. He spoke, claiming he hadn’t meant to startle her but she quickly shook her head. "No, it was my fault." Take responsibility, it made things easier. That one had taken her some time to learn, but by now it was drilled into her brain. When she was a child, she had been the mouthy one between her and her sister, always getting into trouble and always blaming it on her sister. Once captured, she had tried turning to denial, not wanting to be the cause of her sister’s pain, but Kyros and those who followed him had no patience for her excuses. "It was my fault." She repeated the words, more adamant this time, her mouth set into a hard line. She had fallen asleep, she had let her guard down. Anything that happened from here was a mess of her own making.

"Speech" || Thoughts



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-06-2020, 01:49 AM

He laughed - through he hadn’t quite meant to. How on earth was it her fault for his near-stumble? All she had been doing was lying there. He bit back the laugh shortly after it escaped him. He could see the fear in her still, the worry, the near panic. It was like she needed not to offend him.

It was reasonable, considering they were strangers, and he twice her height with fangs in his mouth as long as her snout. Still. It made him frown, and he wasn’t quite certain why. She repeated the line, as through needing it to be true, and he watched her carefully. He felt like it would have been better if Io or Zee were here. His gentle, smaller, family members would have helped her to relax.

He sighed, and lowered himself to his stomach so he no longer towered over her. He rested in the foliage, head even with the flowers, and a dandelion shone yellow against his chin. The long stems of something tickled his ear. “Let’s just admit it happened and move on, eh? No matter who was at fault.” a pause. “I’m Sirius” he introduced himself. “I own a pack just a few lands over. Are you… hiding from someone?” it was a guess, and maybe a wild one. But she seemed so horrified at his first appearance, and still afraid even after she had a moment to calm




4 Years

Halloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-06-2020, 02:14 AM
I'll live inside of my own head
When the time is right again I'll let the sun creep in

He laughed and heat flooded her face, embarrassed and ashamed. The laughter was cut short suddenly, though, and out of the corner of her eye she saw him frown. She was at a loss for what to do, unsure of how she was supposed to conduct herself outside of her former captors influence. He sighed, and her head dropped further, momentarily worried he was becoming irritated with her, but rather than walking away or moving closer, he laid down. She let out a small breath, the slightest bit of tension in her shoulders releasing, though she was a far cry from relaxed. He spoke, dismissing the matter of blame entirely before introducing himself. She prepared to respond with her own name, but his question stole the breath from her lungs.

Her head snapped up suddenly, eyes wide as she looked at him again. Had Kyros sent envoys to alert packs here to look out for her? Surely his reach could not be so vast, but telling herself that did nothing to slow the frantic beating of her heart in her chest, and it did nothing to calm the breaths that seemed to come quick and shallow. Her vision swam and she fell back into a sitting position, defeat finding her as her shoulders slumped, as if ready to be hauled off at any moment. ”Is he here?" Her voice trembled and she fought against the overwhelming urge to cry. Everything that had been apart of her before him had been stripped away, she had hoped to gain some of that back on her own and she could feel the freedom she had gained for herself slipping by with each moment. She would not weep, though. She would tremble and cower, but she would not weep.

"Speech" || Thoughts



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-06-2020, 02:20 AM

Yes the answer was blatant, and in her eyes, even before she commented. The moment he suggested it, she looked like a rabbit caught in a trap. Her voice was a soft tremble, and Sirius stayed still, studying her, as he considered. So, she was running from someone, and wouldn’t be surprised if he was sent from or knew who this person was?

A slow smile tugged just one corner of his lips. Well. He was never one to shy from poking the hornet's nest. He rose again, putting his full height over her, fangs parting to show the full length of unusual, prolonged canines. Feline-like claws digging into the earth before her as he drew himself to his full height. “I don’t protect strangers. But members of my pack? I defend them with all the might of my body.” he looked down at her, this tiny little wolf. Yes he was a monster, and a mighty force that did not fall easily.

She could cower before him, as strangers, or his might could be hers. All it would cost would be her freedom. She didn’t have to know that, she knew little of his pack thus far. Bird, Odette, the little ones, they seemed to bloom in the world he had provided for them. There was no reason to think this stranger would do otherwise.




4 Years

Halloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-06-2020, 02:47 AM
I'll live inside of my own head
When the time is right again I'll let the sun creep in

He smiled at her reaction, rising to stand once more and all but confirming her worst fears. Her eyes closed and her head dropped again, bracing herself for the pain that was sure to follow, but it didn’t come. He spoke, drawing her attention with an unexpected offer of protect. If she joined him. She knew little of this man, of his kingdom, or of those who resided within his territory, but if his words were true, he would protect her from Kyros. She would not be forced to live as the tyrants bride, would not be forced to birth his heirs and watch them the same abuse she had faced. Trust did not come easily to her, she did not have faith in this man who bared his fanged and promised her his might, but she had less faith in herself. She could not protect herself against him, and she was willing to risk whatever fate might await her with him in order to escape what she knew was waiting for her with Kyros.

She straightened her spine, nodding once with a resigned determination. "Then I am yours." She did not know what exactly she was promising him, but she couldn’t imagine protection from a man such as the one she was running from came cheap, but she had to believe it would be better than what she had already endured. "Acciona Sloan, I will serve where you need." This was not what she had hoped would come of her grand escaped, but it was clear to her that life on her own was not something she could handle. Making her own choices, being responsible for watching her own back at all times was going to be the death of her, without a doubt. With him, there was a chance, however slim, that she might finally be safe.

"Speech" || Thoughts



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-06-2020, 03:00 AM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2020, 03:06 AM by Sirius.)

It was easier than he expected, done before he knew it. She took his offer, claiming she was not just a part of his pack, but his. Magic words to the possessive demon. He pulled back a little, looming over her less. “Excellent choice” he encouraged. He did not know who hunter her still, but he could get the details later. He was vain enough to believe he could take whatever his enemies threw at him.

“Acciona. You are now a Vassel of the Ashen Armada” he told the small girl. He still did not know where her strengths lay, but she would make a good fetch-and-carry until she was trained, or showed the colors of her strength.

“Let’s get you home” he said, indicating for her to follow. He pulled back further, turning around in the flowers, and pointing himself in the direction of the pack. He began to walk, expecting her to follow. He kept his pace slow, well familiar with wolves so much shorter than himself. “Tell me about your enemies” he instructed his small charge




4 Years

Halloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-06-2020, 06:27 PM
I'll live inside of my own head
When the time is right again I'll let the sun creep in

Her words seem to satisfy him, as she had expected they would, and he stepped back as if he no longer felt the need to loom over her head. He named her a vassal, but the title meant little to her. It did not matter what to her what she was called, as long as she was safe. It was still a mystery to her if she would actually be free of harm under this strangers rule, but that was a hurdle she would face in due time. He was her new king, and his cause, whatever it may be, would soon become hers as well. With no family, and no guiding mission in life, she was a blank slate that would be easily molded to fulfil whatever purpose he could find for her.

He gestured for her to follow him before moving off, telling her they were going home. She took a deep breath, rising to her paws and following along behind him. As they moved, she continued to throw weary looks behind her as if she expected someone else to materialize from the shadows and accuse her of further betrayal. With his size, Sirius could have easily outpaced her at a walk due to his much longer legs, and with her being as exhausted as she was, she would have struggled to keep up. Luckily, he seemed aware of her speed and maintained a slow enough pace that she was easily able to manage.

He asked about her enemies then and she knew she had to be honest, but she didn’t know how much detail he needed. "The man's name is Kyros. He challenged the alpha of the pack I was born into and when he won my family were made slaves, and he claimed me as his bride. He leads a pack of vicious warriors, but they are located very far from here, but he has traveled vast distances to reclaim what he felt was owed to him before." She remembered the horrifying stories her mother had told her of her time with Kyros, how he had taken her from her home, and she remembered the day he had come back for her, his first bride. She shuddered at the memory, trying to push down her mother’s haunting words.

"Speech" || Thoughts



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-06-2020, 07:06 PM
"Kyros." Sirius said softly, rolling the name through his tongue and thoughts. If this man came for her, he would discover she was no longer his. If he threatened her or his pack, he would find death was the only path that awaited him. She explained that the man had challanged her alpha and claimed it for himself, and her for his bride. There was one thing he would make very clear to her now. "No one in my pack will force you, and any outside of it have no say." He explained. Perhaps a strange insight for any who knew part of his dynamic with Zee. He had fought her for the right to mate multiple times. But then, their relationship was one of fire and violance as much as love and attachment.

"Kyros." Sirius said again, as they exited the meadow and made their way towards the Shrine. The scent of Deathbellea side of the Empire would start to reach them. They weren't far from his pack now. "Describe him. His appearance, his strengths" Sirius ordered his little slave.



4 Years

Halloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-07-2020, 07:32 PM
I'll live inside of my own head
When the time is right again I'll let the sun creep in

He repeated the name, the sound almost foreign in the way he said it. No fear laced within the syllables of the word, no traces of admiration or respect rooted in it. She stayed quiet, allowing him to work through what she had said. She had not given him every detail, but she had given him enough for him to start to get an idea. If he had more questions to narrow in on any specifics, she would answer them to the best of her ability. He told her she would never be forced by him or anyone in his pack, and that she would be protected from the vile desires of those who were not under his rule. The conviction in his voice left little room for doubt, but it would take more than words for her to let her guard down.

He told her to describe Kyros, and she pondered the thought for a moment. "He’s large, not quite as big as you, I think, but still very big. He’s mostly dark brown, with hints of black and white, and he has amber eyes." The description was vague, but she knew that he liked to make his presence known. If he came here, he would be easy enough to identify. ”He’s arrogant, and very prideful, if he comes, he won’t keep his identity hidden from anyone. He has a group of warriors, an inner circle that he always travels with, too. They’ve all been training for nothing but battle since they were children, and they have plenty of experience." She paused, trying to think. Her experiences with him had been primarily limited to things that happened within the den, and her knowledge of what he was capable of was limited to his boasting, which had been quite vague now that she was trying to pick out specifics. "He told he me had never been defeated before..." She was uncertain how much of this was actually helpful, but she hoped it was enough for him.

"Speech" || Thoughts



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-10-2020, 05:03 PM

She did not hesitate to answer his request, describing the way he looked, his arrogance. “Then I would be thrilled to introduce him to his first” Sirius said. Mild, cocky. The Warlord knew his own strength, and sometimes, it could perhaps be said, thought himself immortal.

He lead the small wolf past the Shrine and into the territory of the Tall Grass Plains. The scents of his pack would embrace them both as he lead her the long way back to his den. Walking her past the communal space, the scattering of free dens, the firepit, and the cellar that house their food. He paused and scooped up a rabbit that lay waiting to skinned and preserved, and kept walking.

They moved to the South-West portion of the territory. Where the ocean stretched inwards with a light creek of water that reached all the way to the entrance of his den. The sound of gentle water lapping would greet them.

The Warlord of the Ashen Armada had made his den large for a reason, so he could take any wolf that needed extra guidance or protection under his wing, and bring them into the safety provided there. The entrance to the den required one to push past a hanging coat that kept out the elements. From there it branched into the main area of the den, big enough for multiple wolves to sit, and a door that led to a small cellar. Used for an emergency stash of meat and supplies.

Past that, to the right, was his and Zee’s shared room. One must go past the entrance to this section of then in order to reach the door at the back. The room here had been puppy-proofed, difficult for tiny, newborn babies to wiggle their way past the softly-lined room. The den branched off in a few small rooms beside the pup den, and he lead her into an empty one now. “You may stay here for a time, well I assess the threat to you and determine if your previous master might find you here.”




4 Years

Halloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-13-2020, 04:05 PM
I'll live inside of my own head
When the time is right again I'll let the sun creep in

As she finished describing all that she could about Kyros, Sirius simply stated he would be glad to be the first to defeat him. The thought of Kyros being defeated seemed impossible, but as she looked at the massive beast with his long fangs, she thought if anyone could win against him, it had to be this man. She tried to push down her doubts and fear, wanting to feel confident that the promises made would be kept, but her ability to put faith in others had been shattered a long time ago. It would take time, and she would need to see with her own eyes how things would go.

He led her a ways away from her little splint place, past borders and through his own territory. She could see the empty dens scattered through the area, waiting to be claimed as someone’s home. So distracted by trying to keep her eyes peeled watching for any of her new pack mates, she almost didn’t notice when he scooped up the rabbit on his way to wherever it was that he was taking her. The smell of prey lingered as they walked, though, drawing her attention. She was not incompetent when it came to hunting, but she’d been preoccupied with trying to ensure she was not found, which left little energy to change down her own meals.

As they walked, they neared a large den that she was quickly able to identify as his based on the scent. Outside of it was a small stream that led out to the ocean, and she hesitated for a moment to tie the scenery in. It was beautiful, a far cry from the dismal sight that had sat just beyond the opening of her former den. But Siruis was already moving inside, and it was clear she was expected to keep following him, so she did not have long to linger and watch the glistening reflection of the sunlight dancing on the water. This was her home now, and she knew there would be time for her to be able to fully take in the scenery later.

The pair moved through the vast den, and she was surprised at just how large it was. He led her straight to a small room near the back of the large den, walking past other doors and offshoots from the main space without any explanation of what any of it was. He explained that the smaller carved out room would be hers, at least temporarily, while he determined if Kyros would be a threat to her within his lands. She thought that as long as the beast still breathed he would always be a threat, her own mother had been free of him for more than a year before he discovered her, but she said nothing. She nodded, anxious about the idea of sleeping in his den, but it seemed it was not his alone. The scent of a woman was mingled with his, and the space he had declared to be hers seemed to have been mostly untouched since it was made. "Thank you."

"Speech" || Thoughts



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-13-2020, 04:55 PM
She said her thanks, and he dropped the rabbit at the entrance to her small room. He eyed it critically for a moment, and pushed the rabbit a little closer. With that, he excused himself and made his way back to the main room, and grabbed from the stores of spare coats he had put aside for newcomers. He grabbed a large thin rug and returned to her, attaching it to the slots at the highest part of the entrance, and letting it fall so it draped over the hole, offering her privacy. He then proceeded to show her how she could tie it open to let it fresh air, or pull it closed. He said little as he did so.

His thoughts were still on Kyros, and the challenge of pitting himself against the male. He wished for the chance to meet him for himself, to gouge exactly what kind of challenge he would be. Acciona was clearly afraid of him, but she was small, and timid, and many wolves in the world might seem frightening to her. He did not doubt this wolf would be a threat to her, nor the hardships she had endured, only if the man would be a challenge to the Titan, or an easy win.

He stepped back again, the coat tied to the side so he could still see inwards to her den. “Choose your bedding from the pile in the main room” he offered to the small wolf. There were large, thick coats that you could sink half a paw into, or thin breathable mats that wouldn’t overheat in the warm summer days. She could pick her preference as she pleased.

“One last thing before I leave you to get settled. What are your strengths, what are you good at? And what would you like training in”



4 Years

Halloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-13-2020, 05:53 PM
I'll live inside of my own head
When the time is right again I'll let the sun creep in

She watched him as he moved about the den, glad when he placed a rug over her door as he had over the entrance. It was not a measure of security by any means, but it provided a layer of separation between her and everyone else. He showed her how to tie I back, and while she paid attention and filed the information aww, she doubted she would ever need to use it. Once she was rested, she would spend her days out of the den. She may have been terrified of the endless possibilities of things that could go wrong out there, but she had spent far too much time trapped in a den and isolated.

She noticed that the rabbit had been moved closer towards her, but she would wait to eat until she was alone, or until he told her to do so. She felt strange, and uncomfortable in his den, in the silence. Like a child who begin babysat by an uncle that was not particularly thrilled to be babysitting. He seemed to be doing far more than she had expected though, providing her with a private space, offering her something to pad the hard floors on which she would sleep. It was a kindness she hadn’t anticipated, and the thought of it brought up emotions she hadn’t been prepared to deal with. She moved towards the piles of bedding, choosing something small and thin. Something she felt wouldn’t be missed by anyone else. It felt strange to take anything more, it felt wrong, but she had been given an order, and she could not refuse it.

As she placed her bedding into the room, he posed another question, this time asking for her strengths. "My old teacher said I showed a strong affinity for hunting. I’m fast and I’m nimble, and I usually don’t tire easily. I would like to pursue that further, if I may." She didn’t know what plans he had for her, what he needed more of for his pack, but she supposed she could take on any role he asked of her, if he provided her proper training. She was a quick learner, and she had been conditioned to be eager to please.

"Speech" || Thoughts



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-13-2020, 06:22 PM
A hunter? Good. The stores needed work, and he would ensure she knew they were a waste not want not pack. The meat was stored, the coats cured, and the bones used for crafting. When the prey was feathered, these were plucked and put aside to full coats crafted into pillows. He eyed her choice of bedding, and said nothing on it. It was her freedom to chose qs she pleased.
"My wife will be by later. You will address her as Queen, or Zee. She is pregnant, and if she needs for anything for her comfort you will provide." It was an order, given as through he could not fathom her disagreeing. Zees comfort was a priority, and not to be taken lightly.

He started to back up, to give her privacy to settle in and eat in peace. "I will fetch you tomorrow morning before dawn for hunting, until then the day is yours." He concluded, giving her a polite nod of departure, before turning around.