
A new Queen is rising


06-23-2014, 05:47 PM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2014, 12:19 AM by Bass.)

A shadowy temptress danced across the red floor set before her, nails clicking against the hard surface. She stood out sharply against the reds, but at night, when a blanket of darkness fell over everything, she all but disappeared, only golden markings dancing along the horizon. The dark self proclaimed Queen stalked these lands, seeking out her family. But only her true family, those that had been considered lesser, and unworthy of a throne. Lip curled in distaste. Sooner or later she would need to seek out her father and her brother. She missed being with them. Missed their presence. Soon though. Her pace slowed to a lazy walk, hips swaying as shoulders rolled. Her posture screamed elegance and royalty.

Her thick ebony and gold tail curled at her hocks, audits swiveling, picking up the noises of the dark. An unfamiliar scent lingered, as though a pack was in the area. Her curiosity would spike, drawing her closer, but she didn't want the world to know of her presence just yet. Dark haunches instead would recline, her bodice lowering entirely as the Queen sprawled out across the lightly snowed kissed ground. Her tail thumped idly, hips flipping to the side comfortably. A yawn would part jaws, revealing rows of ivory daggers. A distant click of claws caught her attention, causing indigo orbs to search the shadows around her.



06-23-2014, 07:13 PM

The dame would search for him, but the pale beast was good and sticking to the shadows, to attempt to hide his cursed body. He had caught on to her scent and wanted to find out what she was doing here, if she too was trying to shove herself into their family pack. While they were the same age, him and her were born of two different litters, him more higher than hers. But he did not know her name, her scent was familiar but her face was not. Finally removing himself from where he had hid, revealing his albino body. No emotions seemed to decorate his rather plain face as he approached the woman. His unsaturated eyes were almost unnerving as they studied her form, the gold a tell all sign of the Olympus line.

Apollo eased his form into a seated position, taking in all that there was to see of this woman. His pink tinted tail curled around his equally coloured paws, not a single word slipping passed his lips. Was he coming off as a bit creepy? Probably. He was a standoff-ish male as it was, and he was probably wasn't making it any better for himself. "Forgive me lady as I know you are of my kind, but your name I must say I am blind. Your scent tells a well know tale, of a name that carries much scale. An Olympus you are, as glimmering as a star." He finally graced the silence with his flowing lyrics, his rhyming words flowing like a smooth river. Still no emotion graced his face, a strange picture for one who spoke in such a beautiful tune.

The demons pelt glimmered, bringing more attention to the lack-less colour it held. He had not been blessed with any colour at all, he was in fact a true albino. Champagne notes shone beneath his white coat, sticking out like a sore thumb among everyone else in their bloodline. It was a curse, and his cross to bare. It made him fight and struggle with his faith in the gods, but he was a steadfast warrior. He would not stumble in this battle, he would prove himself to them. Blinking his eyes at the black and gold dame, a crack of a smirk danced upon his lips before it flat lined. Little emotion did this brute ever show, and for good reason. A passionate male hid beneath his steely exterior, as well as a overzealous lover.


06-23-2014, 08:32 PM

Sure enough a pale ghost slide from the shadows. Her indigo gaze would lift, watching as he slide forward before taking a seat before her. A brow would lift in silent question. Bold move. He would begin speaking, his words almost rhythmic. He was smart though, he knew she was an Olympian, but he didn't know her exactly. "My name is Chryseis. And who might you be?" The Queen would purr to the pale stranger. He was unlike anything she had ever seen within her family lines. Everyone had gold, blues, blacks or browns adorning their pelt. There was no white. A smirk would grace his pink features but it was gone before it even had a chance to register as a smile in the dark temptress mind. However, her own grin would curl her features as she lounged lazily before this male who claimed to be part of her family line. "You're different." It was a mild statement as she referred to the coloring of his pelt. But at the same time, there was something alluring about his pale features, it beckoned her like a beacon in the dark. Forelimbs would bend, pushing the woman up into a sitting position, her thick plume curling around her carefully. Golden lined eyes would settle easily on the brute, gems dancing with bright interest.



06-24-2014, 01:36 PM

He watched as he observed him, noticing her raised eyebrow as he took a seat. Was he supposed to ask the beast if he could grace her by taking a seat? The brute held back a snort, not wanting to be rude. Yes, all Olympus members seemed to hold themselves above others, but he was higher up in the blood line than she was. It was her who should be asking to take a seat, but he would not push the matter. He was more curious about this demonness, about that pretty golden marked face. She was bold to speak out against him, and he had to admire that. When she spoke her name, he tipped his head in a form of a greeting, licking behind her ear as he fully recognized her as a part of his blood-line. He knew of Chryseies, he was the daughter of Romulus and Persephone, and had a brother named Hades. Indeed she was further down the blood line, but they held the same age. He couldn't help but be surprised when she asked who he was. Didn't all Olympus members know about the cursed son, the one born with no colouration to show the pride of their lineage? "Apollo is my name, and I am the Olympus's lines shame." He said, his sing-song voice carrying a lot of scorn in his last words.

With is own raised eyebrow he watched as she shifted around, calling him different. That statement was enough to draw that snort out of his pink lips. Different? That didn't even begin to describe him. "I am just a little more than different dear, and not just how I appear. My body has been cursed, and my vocals are well versed. But I try to not let it destroy my faith, although it haunts me like a wraith." He did not know why he was admitting this to her, he was usually such a reserved wolf. But he felt at ease around her, which was not something that he was used to. It made his skin crawl, and he shook his pink tinted coat to get rid of it. He didn't like not being in control of his emotions. Tilting his head to the side, he gave her another up and down. "And what is your tale, what is your sad assail?" He asked, that smirk holding firm on his maw for once.


06-24-2014, 04:23 PM

He would lean towards her, his tongue caressing the back of her ear. Her own jaws would tip up, tongue snaking out to lap at his throat. He knew that he was above her in their line, but he did little to show it, other than reach out to greet her. His name would roll off his tongue, and suddenly it all clicked. She had heard the whispers of a pale boy named Apollo, but she never believed them to be true, until now. "Line of shame? That's a heavy burden, don't you think?" Her crown would tip to the side, a faint smirk tugging at her dark lips. Being at the lower end of her families totem pole, she knew what it was like to be considered lesser, a disappointment, unworthy, but not once did she ever truly believe it. The gods created her for a purpose. He would share quite a bit with her, including the struggles of his faith. But the woman wouldn't bat so much as an eyelash. It was a curious thing to watch him shake out his pale pelt, it danced in a way she had never seen before, his pink skin reflecting gently under the moonlight. He would, in turn as for her story. "Unfortunately, I do not believe my story is quite so sad as your own, but I don't think its possible to explain the difficulties of my status. I have only recently come here with my brother and father." She eyed the smirk that played on his pale rosy lips, this one lasting longer than the first. "The rest of our family can't be far from here?" A brow would lift in question, was he part of their pack, or had they banished him for the curse he supposedly bore?



06-24-2014, 11:58 PM

A brief flash of heat coursed through his body when her tongue caressed his champagne form. He was unused to being touched like that, and it was a strange sensation to him. He was unsure if it was something that he would be able to get used to, but when he pulled his head back there was no sign of his inner battle. He watched as the dots seemed to connect within her mind as his name was spoken, memories flooding in. Of course she had heard of him, everyone had heard of him. It was hard to get anything past the Olympus line, even seemingly little things. He snorted when she spoke, his walls seeming to come apart brick by brick. "Its what I have always been called, and by it I am not appalled. Tell me, look at me and what do you see? I am a member of Olympus with no colours to bare, dropping all signs of linage there. Without my name you would not know who I was, just another wolf in the gods paws." Taking a short breath after his speech, he bent down and rested his pink legs on the ground. From his laying position he was closer to her, her 34 inches close enough to his 36 inches. He wasn't quite level, maybe just a bit higher.

She talked about her struggle within the line and he nodded his head knowingly. Even though he was indeed higher than her in more than just height, because of his albinism he would never be able to hold a high rank. His ears perked when she spoke of the rest of their family, although that word was spat with much venom. He nodded his head, they were indeed very close to the pack territory. "We are indeed close, only a few paces as the wind blows." He said softly, poking his nose towards the direction of the wind. It was indeed a few stone throws away, he could almost taste their powerful scent in the air. "Do you wish to join the ranks, or am I drawing a blank? Will you be a dark horse to rise from the ashes, and cause more than a few clashes? You are certainly a dark flame, I can just taste your disdain." He flashed her a wicked grin, the corners of his pink lips curling upwards. He could see her passion laying beneath her black and gold pelt, her muscles coiled and ready to pounce.

Apollo reached out a single white paw, brushing her leg gently with his claws. "I can feel your will to rule, I am one beast you cannot fool. Power curls under that soft fur, and perhaps my lady is in need of a chauffeur?" He asked, his ruby eyes twinkling at her. He would be happy to see a lesser Olympian's ruling the pack, to pull even more power into their bloodline by marring in the lowers with the highers. Only then could their powers grow.


06-25-2014, 02:52 PM

He had accepted his place, he had succumb to the pressure of their family and agreed that he was indeed a flaw in their otherwise perfect blood. The pale mane would ask her opinion, and whether or not really wanted an answer she didn't know, or care. Lowering himself to the ground, he was still larger than her, not by much, but enough for her to notice. I see a man with the chance to make something great. I see a man who is not a flaw in our perfected blood, but a gift from the gods." The dark temptress would lean forward, her hot breath teasing his flesh.

It would be only a mild surprise that their family would be so close. He would ask if she wanted to join and a shrug would lift her shoulders though a wicked grin curled her dark lips. "I've considered it. But how do I know you won't just feed me to them?" It was an honest question, but honesty was buried heavily beneath the soft coo of seduction and lust. Her gaze would not leave his even as a ivory paw reached out to brush against her leg lightly. His question would pull her closer, eyes darkening with wicked intent. "That is not an offer I would not turn down" Lips would curl into a smirk, delight twinkling in her indigo eyes, plans forming in the back of her mind.

This could be exactly what she needed to get into the pack and infiltrate their ranks. The plus side was that her partner wasn't too bad looking despite his supposedly curse. The risk was high, but it appeared as though he was more than willing to take the risk with her. Pleasure rippled down her spine, determination settling in her chest as eyes danced with premature victory. This was the first step on her very long and blood journey.



06-27-2014, 01:22 PM

He would be lying if he didn't say that he was shocked at her words. His once emotionless face was slowly starting to crack, the surprise open on his pink eyes. A gift from the gods? He was honestly touched by her words, and was for once out of words. He didn't know what to say, and he just laid there and blinked at her. Is that how she truly felt about him? Must be, since she had spoken those words. "Your words mean a lot to me, to not howl my curse like a banshee. I don't know what to say back, although I just may follow you around like a claque." He said, a smooth chuckle leaving his maw.

He almost missed her shoulder shrug, that grin catching his attention. Toss her to the wolves, so to speak? Never. He wasn't even a member of the pack himself, he didn't know where he even stood with them. He just wanted to see his parents and his brother, all of them calling Olympus their home. "I would never feed you off, for that thought I do scoff. You buff me up too much for one to be cut, your words are going to make me strut." Was he, teasing her? Perhaps. This was unlike him, but his walls were crumbling down. She was tearing down his barriers, making him show his more passionate side. She pulled closer to him, and he found himself lost in those lazuli eyes. Lust shot down his spine, making his hackles somewhat brush upwards. Good, because I no intent of leaving you if you misunderstood." He said, his breath tickling her black and gold fur. He leaned even closer, his breath catching as he drew in her toxic scent.

Apollo was intoxicated with her scent, her very essence. He wanted to stay by her sexy side, to conquer the world with her as her ruling queen beside him. A wicked grin pulled up his mouth to its full extend, his tongue snaking out to brush against her cheek. She was a temptress, a demonness that pulled him away from his thoughts. A needy growl vibrated in his throat, his lusty need for her growing. He wanted to take her right here and now.

talk, think


06-27-2014, 04:44 PM

It was amusing to see him for once at a loss for words, all he could do was blink. She didn't what had caused her to say it, perhaps it was true, perhaps it was just her silver tongue. But nevertheless, the temptress found herself enjoying his company, more than usual. A chuckle would follow his words, a quiet promise that he would never be far. A brow would lift with interest, though she said nothing. When he spoke again, he would tease her, the way he spoke would make her chuckle quietly.

His hot breath would tickle her flesh, words sealing the deal. She would lean into his touch as his pale tongue reached out tease her cheek. A needy growl filled her ebony audits, pulling her even closer until her dark coat mingling with his pale one. Desire curled in her belly, gnawed at her self control. "Tell me, what is it you want most?" Dark jaws tipped up, as she whispered huskily into a pale ear. Silver tongue snaked out to caress the shell of his ear.

There was no denying her lust, even if he was part of the family. She would press herself against him, basking in his intoxicating cologne, claiming him with her own perfume. Mischief pulled at her lips and danced in her dark eyes. The temptress was lost his rosy gaze, unable to help herself, the only option was give in, to let him ravish her.



06-28-2014, 08:43 PM

She was a temptress indeed, playing with him with her curvy form and heady scent. It was intoxicating, assaulting his very core with what it promised. Her growl fueled on his own lust, his body raising to all fours as a shiver tingled down his spine. She pressed herself closer to him, and he couldn't help but nip at her scruff, her words making his pupils dilate. Was he not being clear enough with his needs? "Only you." He growled, his words harsh and guttural. Her tongue snaked out and caressed his ear with its tantalizing coolness, another shiver wracking his entire form. Another growl rumbled in his throat, pressing his body even closer to her own. Their chests met, grinding into each other as he attempted to get even closer to her, wanting to devour her form with his own. His whole body was alight with his lust, his passion making those pink eyes glitter.

Apollo covered her body in a series of nips and licks, moving his own body so that he was standing behind her. The brute rose above her own body, his forelegs gripping at those luscious hips. Craning his neck down he teased her scruff with his teeth, dragging his ivories across her sensitive skin. He wanted to consume her, to claim her untouched body with his own. But he made himself wait, instead he teased her delicious body. He wanted to taste every inch of it before he clashed their bodies into one, to test her to the very limits. She wasn't the only one who could be passionate, for Apollo was a damn good lover. It mattered not that they were of the same blood, that would only make their line pure. Plus, by her scent she wasn't currently in season, so he didn't have to worry about pups. All he wanted was her.


06-29-2014, 10:27 PM

His nips would fall along her scruff, teasing her gently. His words would send a shiver down her spine. His rough words were followed by a growl. He would press hard against her, his body heat would surround her like a vice. His lips and fangs covered her body ruthlessly, pushing her to the breaking point. He would rise, standing over her. Indigo pools would follow him as pale limbs gripped her narrow hips. Her tail would flick against his belly, tickling his tender flesh. A growl vibrated her throat as his fangs grazed her scruff. He was teasing her on purpose and she knew it. He tested her patience and pushed her to the edge. The temptress would peer over her shoulder at him. "Don't be a tease." It was a quiet demand, but one that screamed with need. She was tired of waiting, she was tired of his teasing. Her body was on fire with lust and need. She felt like she would explode at any minute. She would lift herself up just enough to rub her back along his belly, returning his earlier teasing. She refused to be the only one that would be teased so unfairly. A wicked grin curled her lips, muscles flexing beneath her pelt as she forced her limbs to hold her bodice up in such a low position.



06-30-2014, 12:19 AM

His need for her was great, and it seemed to mirror her own feelings. Lust was twining into the air, claiming and drowning out every other scent. There was only her, only her tempting body that taunted him so. He wanted her, and he would have her. She tickled his belly with her tail, sending an aching feeling through his body. Now, all he wanted was to have her now. Apollo would claim her and make her his own, his sweet Chryseis. The woman told him not to be a tease, and a guttural growl echoing in the rocky area. He would have her. Her rump rose closer, taunting him with the warmth that ebbed off of her bodice. Her familiar scent choked out everything, his ruby eyes widening. Her need for him was well matched, and he gripped those lustful hips tighter within his forelegs. Slowly, slowly he pressed himself closer to her, licking and nipping at her scruff as he eased his way in. A hiss left his maw, their bodies finally joining.


Apollo had his body intermingled with her dark cloak, the scent of there sweet love making wafting off of their still warm form. His long tongue snaked out of his body as he groomed his sweet temptress, a low rumbling sound echoing in his chest. It was almost like a purr of sorts, his soft touches covering her whole ebony and gold body. She was perfection, and he had claimed her wholly. "How does my sweet mistress rest, resting here against my chest?" He asked simply, only taking a moment to speak before he went back to grooming her coat until it shone in the moonlight.


07-07-2014, 05:26 PM

He would grip her hips tighter, pulling her closer as his fangs fell against her scruff. With a single thrust, he would send her over the edge and into a world of bliss. A guttural sound of pleasure would roll off her tongue, disturbing the quiet night around them. Her paws would plant themselves as she braced herself against him, her body quivering with uncontrollable pleasure. There was no going back now, he was a part of her life whether or not he wanted to be. He would play a major part in her plans for bringing down Olympus.


She laid beside him, eyes fluttering close as his tongue swept across every inch of her. His purr rumbled against her, lulling her into sleep. His words would have her eyes fluttering open, a smile playing on dark lips. "Perfectly." She mused quietly, her voice a husky purr. She had been claimed by the one who has been deemed a curse. She was his, just as he was hers. She had laid claim to him just as much as he had. A smirk continued to play on her lips as her eyes fluttered shut once more. She had big plans for the man, now that he was irrevocably tied to her.



07-08-2014, 01:29 PM

Her single word rumbled against him, his licks not stopping. He could feel that she was close to slumber, and he didn't wish to keep his lady awake. Humming softly to her, he tried to lull his temptress into an easy slumber. She deserved rest after the night that they had had. They could talk when the sun rose, when the bruises from their romp had settled into slight irritation. The so called cursed wolf rested his head atop her own, his eyes slipping closed. Apollo fell into the most restful slumber he had had in the longest time.

-exit Apollo via sleep-