
Take What You Want




Advanced Fighter (70)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Dire wolf
01-14-2020, 07:18 PM
The only reason she'd come this far was because Rhythm was in Abaven now, all the way on the other side of the continent, and she'd intended to go check on her so she could let her brothers know how the woman who'd raised them was settling in. She herself had always had a hard time feeling attached to Rhythm for whatever reason - she hadn't disliked Rhythm, not at all, but she'd just been... detached, only tolerating affection rather than returning it like her brothers had, and had never really sought out Rhythm's attention. She suspected that because of Torrent's indifference Rhythm felt almost as little connection with her as she did with Rhythm, and Torrent felt... not precisely guilty, but like she should try harder to pretend for Rhythm's sake. She'd known Rhythm wasn't their actual mother and had simply never been able to get over that hurdle to show the woman affection - but she did love her brothers, and Rhythm deserved her dutiful loyalty for the year she'd spent raising them when she clearly hadn't needed to if she hadn't wanted.

So she'd taken it on herself to trek over to Abaven since Rhythm was clearly not going to be making it herself anytime soon - or ever again, honestly. She'd spend some time chatting with Rhythm, pretending to feel what her brothers actually felt to give the old woman comfort, give her all the news of Legion, make sure she was doing well, and return home carrying whatever messages and well-wishes Rhythm wanted passed on.

But when she saw the sullen glow of the distant volcano, an uncharacteristic panic had gripped her and she could go no further. She raged at her own cowardice and gritting her teeth until her gums ached and she could taste iron blood where she'd bitten her tongue, but she could do no more than pace back and forth with her eyes fixed below the horizon. Asriel sat at the edge of the ashy river with his blue eyes fixed on her in concern, but said nothing. Returning to the lands he'd last walked the night his best friend had died was as painful for the snow leopard as it was for her, though he'd not been as young as her so the scars it left were not so metamorphic as they were for the pup she had been.

Her own inability to move past that moment infuriated her. It was cowardice and weakness of character. A stronger wolf would have the resilience to just get over it instead of using a past trauma as an excuse not to go forward. It was a lack of self-control and she hated herself for it in this moment. Just keep going east. Or southeast if she had to. Not pacing in a north-south line because she couldn't make herself take one more fucking step towards that volcano, and those memories. Disgust, shame, and fury roiled in her stomach and dragged from her throat a guttural snarl of pure frustration.



6 Years
01-19-2020, 09:18 PM

Banshee was putting significant distance between herself and the pack lands. Since the arrival of her father and his evident partnership with her aunt the babe had crawled back into her more defiant ways. The only glimmer of light in her dismal adolescence was Iroh who seemed a million miles away. Ban knew she couldn't rely on some boy to nurse her back to health like many of her more notable family members did. Thus, she was taking time to hone in on what she personally needed mentally and physically.

That being said the fanged Klein found herself in the Grande. Unease lingered upon her dappled pelt as she weaved through the slightly more unfamiliar lands. Lips were spread into a thin expression of neutrality. Scents made their way into her duo toned nose with ease. With that a foreign smell filled stopped the yearling in her tracks. Banshee narrowed her eyes as those vibrant baby blues scanned the area. Not too far off a slightly familiarly painted being stood.

Half slate half albino the opposing yearling impeded on Banshee's share of the land. She took a moment of contemplation before deciding to investigate. Albinism was a strong trait in her own bloodline as well as darker colorations. There was a chance that the stranger could be of relation, but she was aware that albinism could happen outside of her family.

After a short distance Banshee drew closer to the fae in question. She held herself with neutrality but raised her brow after closing the distance to about ten tail lengths away, that is if Torrent didn't flee. The Klein gal cocked her head to the side after noticing that the stranger's coloration was very close to her friend Iroh's. The markings beneath her eyes and the black mask capturing the muzzle and upward through the brow. But, to not blankly stare at the femme Ban broke the silence. "You look as happy as a clam." Sarcasm leaked from each of her sassy tones.




Advanced Fighter (70)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Dire wolf
02-11-2020, 11:09 AM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2020, 11:14 AM by Torrent.)
The sound of paws dragged her attention away from her incessant pacing, and she whipped around to face the line of approach and waited, her head and tail up. A figure appeared there, of an age with Torrent but smaller. Like Torrent, she too had fangs and was partially albino, but where Torrent was cloaked in cooler dark slates, the stranger was of warmer tones. Like, yet so unlike. A physically inferior version of Torrent, one who likely didn't struggle to be... wolf, and not monster.

Her eyes tracked the stranger's approach, her chimeric head held at an arrogant angle with her neck arched tonstare down at the smaller female. The female spoke, and Torrent's head tilted. How could the female have mistaken...? Oh. Sarcasm. Of course. Without her brothers there to take cues from, she wasn't quite certain how to play this out. Perhaps sarcasm would be appropriate in turn.

"How could I not be on such a beautiful day. Perhaps the volcano could oblige by exploding again and making it even better." But her tone was flat, inflectionless. That wasn't correct for sarcasm. She borrowed from her brother Chaos. "Wouldn't that be fun." Better. Wait. Smile. That was right. Chaos was always sarcastic, and he always smiled. Correlation. It felt unsettling to smile with the frustration itching beneath her coat but she held the faint curve anyway, baring one long tooth further.



6 Years
02-20-2020, 02:41 PM

Banshee had also learned her social habits from family. The abrasive amounts of slyness from her father and true venom from her bitch mother. Thinking about what she said before she said it was a trait she had learned from both Deathbelle and Sirius. With all of these lessons and cues taken she had formed a intelligent yet rather sassy way of conversing. Banshee doubted her tongue would ever be as silver as her fathers but she tried to sound as if it was without coming off as conceded.

The grumpy stranger responded with staring and neutral tones. With no inflection nor expression Banshee sussed out that the much larger She-Wolf didn't actually want the volcano to explode again. 'Or maybe she does and she's just nuts.' Once again sweeping those curious thoughts beneath a rug she listened to the stranger's next words. This time they were followed by a toothy smile which indicated sarcasm.

Banshee allowed her baby blue gaze to flicked towards the looming volcanic mountain in the distance. A sneer twitched at her inky lips as she remember her time trapped beneath the thorns. A cage in which she hardly escaped from with the help of Sirius and Iolaire. If one got close enough to her back and the top of her head they could see the tiny cut marks made by the thorns when she had tried to escape time and time again. Ban was haunted by the thought each time she tried to sleep but didn't allow the fears to consume her.

Fire flickered behind her cool toned gaze as it moved by to the odd Wolfess before her. Banshee matched that harsh stare as she had to look up at the monster sized babe. She was horribly use to being towered over due to the size of some of the Wolves in Ashen or the Armada. Sirius, Archon, and even some of the growing pups. "Why don't you go shove some rocks into it and see what happens?" Banshee wrinkled her nose at the opposing yearling, "I wouldn't mind watching everyone scurry away like rats. It seems natural disaster brings out ones true colors."
