
You steal the life out of me...but I will be dead gripping with my teeth!

Feli's Death


01-22-2020, 09:05 PM
Ooc:: Have a bit of build up before others will be able to post. I'll let everyone know when the time comes. ;; Hhh.

It was a bit warmer today and his father had promised that he would spend some time with him and him alone. Amée was ecstatic, waking early, though not as early as Océan or Astor, and waited eagerly for the older male to stir. Despite the fact that both of his parents were now a whopping thirteen years of age they were both managing to plug along. Sure they could not go as fast but Amée didn’t mind keeping a slow pace for their sake. He was happy to be with them, eager to watch, listen, and learn. Even as excited as he was he forced himself to have patience and not do anything that would wake his father early.

Now that they were finally on the move, the late morning sun bringing forth light and some warmth to the lands, Amée bound ahead of his sire and, every so often, would glance back at him with shining golden eyes. “Père, père, tu as promis ~~!” {{Father, father, you promised~~!}} The tiny scrap of fur whined happily.

The older male was trailing along after his son with sightless gaze in Amée’s general direction. Since the pups were born his hearing too had started to slowly fail him. It wasn’t hard for the young one to speak up if needed though. He bounced on his paws a bit ahead of Felicien as he waited for the monochrome adult to catch up to the spot where he waited under one of the pines. His father had promised to teach him about tracking via scents today… and he could hardly wait to return home with the knowledge to share with his siblings!