
sunshiney day

seasonal - Caelia/Cairo



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Intermediate Hunter (50)

5 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
01-24-2020, 09:32 PM
Red hadn't woke that morning specifically planning to do any training, but rather to set snares for birds around the prairie. He'd spent the morning doing that, but it had taken far less time than expected so he found himself at loose ends. It put him in mind of what Aurielle had said about the lack of training for the younger fighters, and since he had the time, well - he might not be a ranking fighter and his actual skills might be rusty, but he could teach young wolves as well as any other fighter.

He set off at a lope for the boulder on the plains, the one by the old oak. It was an obvious landmark, and the shade provided by the oak and boulder alike would be welcome while still allowing plenty of room if he decided a demonstration was in order, or they wanted to spar. He thought it would more likely be simply a discussion today rather than getting into the physical practice of it, but that wasn't a bad thing. Young wolves liked to do a lot of action adventure things and were quick to get excited about the doing, but he felt it was good to learn to have the patience to sit and simply talk things over as well. Part of being a good fighter was learning when it was and wasn't necessary, and having the patience to not jump right in to a brawl just because they were bored.

Reaching the boulder and settling his haunches in its shadow, he lifted his long-fanged muzzle to call out in an inviting howl for any of the young fighters in the pack to join him there. He had a fairly good idea of what he was going to teach the young ones, but he'd be doing a lot of winging it.

Word Count: 309
Total Word Count: 309

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
01-25-2020, 08:47 PM
Cairo Lanze Adravendi

He was working on paw-work with Aurielle when the call came. It wasn’t a wholly familiar voice, but he spotted the smile on his mentor’s muzzle. He straightened as she did, and tilted his head at the shimmering wolf. There were differences about her. Not in her bearing, but in her appearance. Was she… starting to glow in places? She always seemed rather itchy these days. And her fur came out at the slightest tug of his teeth when he managed to land a bite on her in their training. There was a darkening around one eye, too. Colored.

“Go ahead. He should have something interesting to show you if he’s calling you and your sibs. Feel free to fill me in on what you learn. Have fun.”

Cai grinned and turned away, breaking into a smooth traveling trot. He found the larger male waiting at the usual meeting place and tagged his bicolored brown tail in greeting as he introduced “I’m Cairo.”

He seemed to be the first to arrive, he noted with a glance, so let his haunches lower to the dirt, absently spotting a fluff of white fur floating from his coat—Aurielle’s, product of a recent spar. Turning deep sapphire eyes to red, he grinned affably, asking, ”So, what’re we learning today?”

Word Count - 216
Total Word Count - 525

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
02-01-2020, 09:36 AM
It'd been awhile since her conversation with Artur regarding their lack of training, but at least something was being done. Caelia was grateful when she heard Red's call echo across the plains, despite not knowing him well, nor knowing what he was capable of in terms of actual fighting skills. A lesson was a lesson, and she wouldn't be choosy when she was desperate for training of any kind at all. His call came from a familiar spot, from the boulder on the plains that Aurielle generally called them to when they met, and she was quick to pull herself upright and head to his call.

Would Artur show up too, she wondered? When she drew closer, she realized he hadn't shown up yet, if he was coming at all - but Cairo had. Pleased to see her brother, a faint smile touched her lips as her pace slowed. "Afternoon," she greeted both of them in turn, though her gaze lingered for a moment longer on Cairo. "Some kind of fight lesson, I hope?" She'd heard the tail end of Cairo's words and added her own question, head tilting toward Red curiously.

Words: 195
Total Words: 719



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Intermediate Hunter (50)

5 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
03-01-2020, 12:33 AM
Red was pleased to see the two young wolves who promptly appeared in answer to his invitation. He hadn't officially met either one of them, though their age and the fact that they resembled each other and smelled similarly enough that he deduced that they were both from the last litter to be born here. "Good afternoon," he returned the young female's greeting. "I'm glad to meet you both. My name is Aodh Ruaidhrí, though I would be pleased if you would call me simply Red - and yes, a fight lesson of sorts, though it will not be particularly physical I'm afraid. More of a lecture, really." His tone was apologetic, but there was a light of excitement in his eyes at passing any sort of knowledge on. He'd always been something of a scholar, and oftentimes as a pup he'd sat through similar lectures, absorbing the knowledge of his instructors to use later. "I know that more often than not you've sparred as part of a fight lesson, but it's as important to cultivate your mind, and to learn strategy in addition to the short term tactics you'll use in a single fight. It's important to learn how to reason before you ever bare your teeth in the sparring circle." He blinked a moment, sidetracked as he wondered if they even used sparring circles, but moved on smoothly as though he hadn't paused.

"Given who our alpha is I can be certain you have at least spent some time around a wolf with mutations," he said with a smile. "But it seems that in your land it is surprisingly rare to see them. You're less likely to have a sparring partner with mutations to practice against, before you actually face someone in a real battle who happens to have them. It's important you put thought into the various mutations and how they will affect a fight you're in against someone who has them. Some are useful, some are not. Others are a detriment to your opponent if you are clever enough to work out a way to use it against them."

"Aurielle and I share one mutation that appears to be the most common one, elongated fangs. There are major differences in the way that mutation has manifested itself in each of us, though, and so the way we use them are very different. My fangs are too long to use efficiently for biting and gripping, so I tend to depend on slashing attacks. Others might have shorter fangs that allow them to sink them in for a grip. Some other useful offensive mutations include different types of claws, different shapes of horns or antlers, tusks, anything that is primarily useful as a weapon. Observing the small differences like that will allow you to predict what style your opponent is most likely to use, and how you can use their tendencies and weaknesses to your advantage."

He took a longer pause here, giving his words time to sink in. He didn't want to overwhelm the pair, but if they were paying attention they should be able to get a good idea of it. "There are mutations that are primarily useful as defenses, as well, like my bristles." He shook the ridge of stiff, hedgehog-like bristles along the back of his neck. "It would be very difficult for me to use these offensively, but if you aren't paying attention and taking note, you'd end up with a mouthful of bristles stabbing you, which is not, let me assure you, a pleasant experience." He smiled wryly - he'd sparred with his own twin often enough to have a healthy respect for that sort of discomfort from not paying attention. "Even if you avoid them, by simply existing that mutation has forced you to change the way you fight against that opponent. However, chances are fairly good that your opponent has learned to rely on that mutation to have that effect, and they may use it as a crutch. Again, it will take some observation and experience to learn when and how to use that against your opponent."

"There is some overlap between offensive and defensive mutations, of course. Spikes, for instance, or quills in some cases. And there are other mutations that aren't useful at all at best, or at worst, can be a major weakness. Aurielle's mane, for instance, could be a major problem for her if an opponent thought to catch hold of it, or pin it to the ground so she can't move her head well. An elongated tail could be difficult to keep out of an opponent's reach. A clever wolf, however, can use even the most innocuous of mutations to their advantage - bioluminescence used to confuse the eyes, or braiding long hair with blades or quills. Though that is true even without mutations, that a clever wolf will find a way to use their own weaknesses."

Though his instructors would have lectured for hours in a day, he didn't think that they were used to that here, and better not to strain their patience too far in one sitting. He smiled at them. "I'd like for the two of you to spend some time this week looking for mutations in wolves and considering your options to counter them or use them against that wolf. I don't expect you to test your theories in a spar against them each time, but I'd like you to put the effort into observing them and strategizing. If you would like to spar against a wolf you know is safe to practice against, feel free to seek me out. I always enjoy seeing students testing creative methods in battle against me, and it would be good for everyone involved. If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask, either now or any time you might think of one. In a week or so I'd like to get back together with the two of you to discuss the observations you've made and any theories or counters you may have about them."

Word Count: 1012
Total Word Count: 1731

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
03-01-2020, 12:52 AM

Cairo grinned as Caelia padded into the meeting clearing, furthering her own query to Red. It seemed that it would be only the three of them, so as Red began, Cairo settled in, ears perked and eyes going intent as he listened.

Occasionally, he glanced at Caelia, before his eyes went back to their teacher. Red was a good explainer, and Cairo found himself nodding in agreement and thought as Red spoke of the various strengths and weaknesses of mutations, demonstrating his own bristled hackles. Cairo could imagine just how uncomfortable those might be to bite down on.

He figured that even if he could have achieved a hold, all Red might have to do would be to jut one shoulder-blade back and ram those bristles into Cairo’s nose or face. Were they stiff enough to pierce flesh? Like a porcupine?

He grinned at Red’s observations of Aurielle’s own traits, nodding, adding, “It definitely doesn’t stop her from putting me in the dirt…” He went on listening with an easy, relaxed grin, taking in the lesson, and when Red finished with an offer for them to practice on him, and eventually regroup to discuss what they’d learned in that time from now to then. He nodded emphatically, glancing to Caelia as he said, “I’d really like that.”

word count 219
Total 1950

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
03-12-2020, 06:32 PM (This post was last modified: 03-12-2020, 06:32 PM by Caelia.)
Caelia nodded succinctly at his greeting and introduction. "Caelia Adravendi," the young female returned the introduction, in case he didn't know who she was yet. Along with introducing himself he explained it wasn't just a normal fight lesson... but a lecture. If she hadn't known better, she probably would've frowned, but her features remained largely emotionless as she watched him. Caelia was interested, truly, but it was hard to imagine how much knowledge she'd really glean from just words and not demonstrations - or better yet, just doing things herself. She always considered herself a more hands-on learner, but she'd give Red the benefit of the doubt, slowly reclining to her hindquarters to sit back and listen. At the very least she'd be attentive, even if she might be doubting his methods.

Their lesson was about... mutations? She'd never considered Aurielle nor Red's fangs to be such, but then again she'd known Aurielle since she was born. Her features were natural for her, even if she  hadn't met other wolves with similar traits. What she didn't know was that there were other potentially dangerous features that could be used in fights.. like different claws, horns, and so on. It made sense to her to be aware of them, and how they might be used to an opponent's advantage. Some could be used offensively - like their fangs, for example - while others might be used defensively. He demonstrated his own spiky bristles, and Caelia nodded in understanding. He went on to explain even more, all related to those slight advantages (as well as disadvantages) they could give someone.

He offered himself to spar against, and Caelia nodded once more in understanding. Certainly not now, but perhaps soon? Caelia would think on it. He instructed them that they'd meet again in two weeks to talk about theories and possible counters. Okay, so that hadn't been the worst lesson - at least it gave her food for thought, and a possible opponent to practice against, once she was ready. "Thank you, Red," she spoke simply, "I might take you up on that offer."