
A Trying Chapter [Theory]



9 Years

Double MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
01-25-2020, 07:16 PM
Build me up from bones, Wrap me up in skin, Hold me close enough to breathe me in

As soon as the meeting had finished Drífa left with her new instructions, Halla by her side. Her mission was simple. Contact the Abaven alphess and explain to her Winterfell's situation as well as warn her of the upcoming raid. She was to move swiftly, quietly, and avoid contact with any other wolves lest she accidentally cross paths with someone from Hjarrandi and get them wondering far more than Winterfell wanted.

When Drífa arrived at the border of Abaven it was a clear and starry night, an unusual thing since the volcano's eruption. Nerves rolled in her stomach and she wished she had prepared some lavender tea before leaving but time was of the essence and so she steeled herself. She hadn't really considered herself an ambassador but it had been her idea and she wasn't going to back down. She could do this. She could do this.

Tipping back her head the elder woman howled for the alphess. Halla then sat down next to her to wait. The macaque resting against her side as she too sat down. There was no sense waiting til morning. The sooner they spoke the better.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-27-2020, 08:54 PM
can't smell the roses

Theory hadn't slept well since Corvus had told her of the impending raid. When she heard the call ring out across the clear night air she was able to ready herself immediately. Alouette peered down from between the branches of a nearby tree and rifled her wings. Theo motioned towards the source of the noise and Lou flew out ahead to scout. The young alpha took her time following after her companion. Lou spotted an unfamiliar white wolf and monkey waiting at the border then wheeled back to report. Her wings sliced neatly through the darkness, bringing her back to Theory in record time. She sighed as the raven chattered back her report. More strangers. More unease.

She arrived to greet Drifa with a tight smile. Was this Winterfell's envoy? It was obvious she hailed from the north, from her coloring to the distinct scent of Acere's pack. "Let me guess. You have news, and it's not good?" Theo said, her eyes narrowing only light. She specifically didn't invite her to cross the border and kept a leery eye on the female's companion. They had been allies, hadn't they? It all still felt like a slap in the face.

"theory speaks!"

when they wilt in my hands



9 Years

Double MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
01-27-2020, 09:31 PM
Build me up from bones, Wrap me up in skin, Hold me close enough to breathe me in

Halla quickly scouted the area while Drífa waited and when she returned it seemed like there were no strange scents that might indicate Hjarrandi wolves were lurking nearby along the border. Indeed, the only wolf in the area seemed to be Theory who was swift to answer her call.

"Let me guess. You have news, and it's not good?"

Drífa dipped her head low in respectful greeting. "Thank you for meeting with me, Lady Wisteria. I am Drífa, Archemaster of Winterfell. To your question that depends very much on your perspective. It started out as bad news, to be true, but after speaking with Acere I believe I have proposal that will be mutually beneficial to both our packs. I trust from your response that Ignis indeed informed Corvus that Winterfell is to raid Abaven at the behest of Hjarrandi." Halla moved to sit down next to her, leaning just gently against her for support. Drífa appreciated it. She had never acted as an ambassador before and she did not know Theory's over all nature. Would the woman attempt to capture her as a warning to Winterfell? She better talk fast.

"Acere proposes using the raid as joint training exercise. Our warriors versus yours in a mutually beneficial training session. To the outside eyes, to Hjarrandi's eyes, it will be a raid. But the wolves of Winterfell and Abaven will know better. What Hjarrandi does not know will not hurt them. If Abaven wins we take nothing from you and you can say that you beat back the impending raiders. It will boost your reputation as a pack with fierce warriors." Drífa chose her words carefully, seeking to be as clear as possible on the potential outcomes.

"If Winterfell wins we will need a number of herbs from your stores to give to Hjarrandi. However, everything you give to us we will return with interest. I am an Archemaster of Winterfell and I have extensive herb stores and knowledge. If there is something I can't replace one for one tell me its uses and I will get you something that serves that plants purpose."

Drífa smiled gently. "So you see, Lady Wisteria, either way this false raid plays out, Abaven will gain. Would that be such terrible news?"



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-28-2020, 11:55 AM
can't smell the roses

"Ignis honored his friendship with Corvus. His visit was appreciated and will not be soon forgotten," Theory said a bit stiffly. Her sharp blue eyes rolled over Drifa. Her respectful greeting was appreciated. At least Winterfell hadn't lost all decency. Theo sat down carefully and returned a polite greeting, dipping her head just a fraction. The night air on the plains seemed painfully quiet as if creatures great and small were waiting to see how the visit panned out. Tension was written across her body. This moment was pivotal. She had to let go of her anger and rage and decide what was best for the pack. As difficult it was, her own hurt feelings had to be put aside. Winterfell may have betrayed her confidence but she had to think outside of herself. The world was wider than her personal pain.

Theo heard Drifa out without speaking. As the ambassador spoke she couldn't help but wonder why Acere hadn't come on his own. There were dozens of reasons that he may have chosen not to but she couldn't shake the feeling of being slighted. Even though her proposal made sense, Theo couldn't rinse the sour taste out of her mouth. Abaven didn't ask to be pulled into Winterfell's troubles - not like this. Allies weren't meant to be treated like movable pawns. "I see no reason not to accept," she said carefully. Diplomatically it was in her best interest to be accommodating but it didn't mean that she liked it. "But a knife in the back is still a knife, Archemaster. It doesn't matter if your attacker also offers kind words - which is all Winterfell has supplied at this time." How could she trust a pack who would get themselves so screwed on behalf of a single member's... boyfriend? Not even mate? "If you make good on your word then we will have different matters to discuss. I look forward to the day when Winterfell restores its honor. Send Acere my regards," she finished. Her heart was beating so quickly that she felt as if it might jump out of her mouth. Theory swallowed hard and turned away from Drifa. "I wish you a safe return home," she called over her shoulder. The young alpha headed deeper into the territory for a few dozen yards with Alouette soaring above her before she turned back to observe the border and wait for Drifa to leave.

"theory speaks!"

when they wilt in my hands



9 Years

Double MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
01-30-2020, 04:40 PM
Build me up from bones, Wrap me up in skin, Hold me close enough to breathe me in

The Abaven alphess remained cold and frigid towards her but Drífa couldn't really blame her. Such an offer really should have been extended as soon as Winterfell realized they'd be raiding an ally. Though, she did not know how much the volcano had disrupted things. Had Acere hoped that the volcano had claimed Hjarrandi? Drífa knew she would feel better about the whole situation if the man they rescued had been a halfway decent fellow. However, as far as Drífa could tell Kai was a self-centered, ungrateful, violent pain in the ass. A stint as a slave would probably have done the male well but what was done was done.

There was clearly a feeling of betrayal and Drífa was beginning to see just how strained the relationship between Winterfell and Abaven was now. She wondered if there was a way to mend it or if it indeed would fall apart completely. It was difficult for Drífa to say much as she had only been a member a short time and knew only so much of the original circumstances that led the packs to this point. However, if Acere's goal was to destroy Abaven she wouldn't be standing here. He had certainly acted foolishly and she hoped he had learned from his mistake. An ally was worth far more than a cocky, selfish… whatever Kai was.

"I know it doesn't change circumstances, but if it helps I don't believe the knife, as you say, was placed with malicious intent. I believe Acere acted with his heart in the moment to rescue a man important to him and did not properly consider the consequences that he could not choose his own targets. It was most certainly foolish and you have every right to be angry with him on a number of levels. I hope this will serve as a lesson and reminder of the importance of the bond between allies over outside individuals and that we can grow from this."

All in all Theory accepted Winterfell's offer but relationship would take time to salvage. She hoped their deal regarding the raid would pan out favorably and could be the first stepping stone toward rebuilding trust. Drífa nodded, she had the answer she came for and it would be up to Acere to finish mending the damage. She would pass the message along.

"Thank you, for your gracious time, Wisteria." Drífa called out as the woman turned. She glanced to Halla and with a nod of her head slipped back into the night.
