
One night to far


06-22-2014, 07:35 PM

Pain rippled across her belly, forcing a growl from the woman's throat. She had been out and about, walking, hoping to shake off some of the discomfort, but it was no use. As the pain passed, her crown would tip back, a howl calling for her family. She was going to give birth today, whether or not she wanted to. Slow steps could carry the woman back to her den, pain forcing her stop every once in while. After what seemed like and eternity, the dark woman slide inside her den, flopping down on her side, jaws parted in a pant. Contractions tightened her belly, forcing gasps from between clenched jaws. This was awful. Just kill them and get it over with. Voices whispered threats in her ears, they all despised the fact that she was going to be mother. But she would push them aside as her body began to push, ready to expel the pups from her womb and bring them into the world.

They would not wait any longer. Contractions continued to assault her until her body told her to push. Her narrow frame would heave, audits pinning against her skull, voices screeching in distress. She would push and push, until a tiny pup was finally born. The new mother would hesitate before reach for the pup, licking him clean until she heard cries of protest. A faint smile curled her lips as she peered down at the newborn cuddled against her side. Contractions continued, rippling across her belly and soon she was pushing again. It seemed to last eternity, before a second child was born. She would repeat the process, licking him clean. She would nose both pups over, ignoring they squeals of protest, identifying them both as boys. She would smile, tucking them back against her belly, curling around them protectively. Exhaustion swept over her, her body demanding rest and sleep, but she knew she wouldn't be alone for long, already she would hear the distant steps of someone approaching.



06-24-2014, 03:13 PM

It was he who approached, the handsome and gallant Maverick Tahir-Mathias - adulterer, fornicator, and failure. It had not been easy finding out he would be a father again, let alone to bastard children. There was some part of him - a small, very dark part - that almost wished there would be complications, that there would be no children. It would be hard to be there for them and nurse whatever was left of his relationship with his wife. Still, something tugged at him to be at least a decent father, and so he would arrive only slightly late to the birth of two more sons. He saw them the moment he entered the den, and his heart nearly stopped. Two sons. Two new chances at being a success instead of a failure. Two beautiful beings he had had a part in creating. He gulped hard and cleared his throat, shyly announcing his presence. ?They are handsome,? he noted with an ounce of fatherly pride. ?Is there something that you need? Someone I can get for you?? He had gotten her this way, it was only fair for him to offer assistance if he could give any at all.



06-24-2014, 03:44 PM

A burst of something terribly cold hit the tiny being. He didn't understand why someone would force him out of a nice warm and cozy hole and place in someplace that made him want to shiver. He wanted to cry, to whine, but something held his voice back. He couldn't see much, just very bright lights that moved around him. He tried desperately to breath and let out a noise but it wasn't working.

But then he was lifted to the air, something had pick him up and he could only hope that it wasn't trying to hurt him. His body was tapped by something rough, but before he knew he could let his cries out of his tiny nose to only thank whatever it was helping him live. But he cried to crawl back into his hole as well, needing that extra warmth that was taken from him.

He moved his paws around in the air, the being then placed him next to its body in an effort to keep him comfortable. But his paws still padded the frozen ground trying to escape. He couldn't get up, his tiny legs to weak to stand but he decided it was alright at that point. He wasn't eaten, or hurt, so maybe it was okay to be in this new world.

He continued to cry as he felt another one of himself be placed beside him. He lowered his voice, insisting that it was alright and that they would be fine.

This would be his family from that point on.

Walk "Talk" Think

Image By A Lovely Kat


06-24-2014, 04:35 PM

A familiar scent would fill the den before his face appeared. He would peer down at the newborns, and for a moment her body would stiffen protectively, uncertain of he would react. The last time they had seen each other, he had been with his mate, and she had spilled the beans that he had gotten her pregnant. It had not been a pleasant reunion. But as soon as he spoke, she would relax, a smile gracing her dark features as she looked back down at her two boys. "Yes, they are. I haven't named them yet though." She would unfurl her body enough to allow him a better look at the babes. One was spotted, much like his father, however, he lacked the vibrant red pelt. The second was dark like herself, a muted red coloring his rump and tail. He would offer his help, but she would shake her head in response. "No, thank you though, but my aunt and brother should be here shortly." A shy smile would pull at her lips as she peered up at him, silently welcoming him to stay if he so chose. "I was thinking Koray." She would gesture accordingly to the dark pup, before looking up at Maverick. She had no idea what role he would play in their lives, or if he even wanted to participate in naming them. But the fact that he stood before her now must have been a good sign.

Talk like this


06-25-2014, 01:17 AM

He stood outside her den and for a moment the brilliant hued woman would stand at a distance and watch. Was this the father? Vi had not dared to ask? Slowly she would approach, a low rumble rolling up her throat in a soft warning to the male. Tail would arch high over her spine though head lowered and eyes shifted towards the male. "If she wises your presence then you may stay. If not?" There was a low there there, a promise. She was a mother, she as an aunt? This was her niece and her home. Despite her wounds she could fight tooth and nail to protect it all. She had failed her nephew and her family once. It would never happen again. So for a time she would pay Maia no mind other then the quick shift of her eyes to her niece, a fleeting smile and and expectant turn of her ear. She would wait for Maia's instruction. Song and her daughter had been kind enough to not run off Kylar when he had burst into her birthing and they had been kind enough to let Desiree stay there for a short time. Should Maia want this man here she would not be one to deny her niece her wishes.

Rune I


5 Years
06-29-2014, 10:31 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

A quick word had been given to Alamea before Rune had set off at a run, hurrying to get to his sister and be there for her and the birth of her children. At least he could say the weather on this day was perfect in comparison to how it had been for his own mate when she had given birth. No hurricane winds, no pelting rain, no ocean to suddenly get caught up in. Gods, he was glad they were away from that island. Here there was only snow, an almost cheery cold, and family that he had never really thought to actually live with again. And he really hoped to get there to be among them in time.

As fast as his dark paws had carried him, he was still late to the scene. Or so he guessed. Aunt Vi was already there, standing outside the den, and upon noting her posture Rune was suddenly wary. She sure seemed up in a huff about something, and as he slowed and came up behind her the black fur along his spine bristled as well, a soft, quiet growl announcing himself and his willingness to back up his aunt whatever the reason for her upset.

That became clear in an instant as he came around her side. Red colored coats were hard to miss, and considering he had only been expecting to find one the other wolf drew his immediate attention. His icy blue eyes narrowed, knowing without knowing for certain just who this was. Why else would he be here during this important event, one that called for family to come together and celebrate new life? Rune was conflicted. Despite however Maia might have felt about the situation, he was angry with this red, spotted male. He knew firsthand how challenging raising a litter of pups was, and that even with another wolf to assist with that caring. And Maia, as far as he ha been able to tell, was seemingly on her own. But, just as Viridiana, if his sister wanted him here what right did the pale grey brother have to chase him away?

He could hear the pups crying within the den, a small litter if the overall quietness of them was any indication. Rune had had every intention of going to see them, but for the moment he was distracted, watching this stranger, this intruder, as well as his aunt. It may have been Maia's den, Maia's birth site, but Aunt Vi held the most power here in territories she had first claimed. He planned to behave himself, expression forming a silent scowl as he made his fur settle and came to slowly stand beside Viridiana. But only so long as Aunt Vi commanded.


06-30-2014, 07:39 PM

Maverick would not a chance to respond for her aunts voice filled the den. A loving smile curled her lips. She would hear the silent threat that rung out in her aunts voice. Not long after, Rune would arrive. Poor Maverick. "Vi, Rune, this is Maverick, he's the father, and he is welcomed." While a smile played on her lips there was a faint seriousness to her voice. The last thing she wanted was for Maverick to be injured and then tension rise between him and her family. "Come in and see them." She would peer up at Vi and Rune, unfurling her body to reveal the two still damp bundles. They squirmed against her belly quietly, only protesting slight at the cool air that nipped at their tiny bodies. Her brother was an uncle, and now her aunt was a great aunt. They are going to hate you. Every so often the screeches would form coherent words, cursing her and her children. She attempted to push them to the back of her mind, trying to focus on the joys of being a mother. Verdant gaze would once again drop to her two boys, one still needed a name. But she wouldn't say anything yet, she wanted to give Maverick a chance.

Talk like this


07-07-2014, 02:02 PM
Before, warmth, cold, dark, light, wet, dry, noise, and quiet all these things had no meaning.
There was movement and not movement. There was warmth, the pulsating rhythm of life, and darkness; but none of these terms existed, none of them needed defined, they were all that existence entailed. And then they weren't.

The first sensation was of a movement, different from the norm. Everything was moving, in a new way, and then the world grew smaller. The companion moved first and away. Alone in the world that was not the world known, things grew tight and the new movement grew stronger and tighter and changed. It seemed like all things were coming to an end.

Suddenly, something new. All at once what was before became known as warm and dark, because what was now was not these things. What was now was cold, and flashes of brightness assaulted. All at once the new life was aware that it was an individual. It was aware that it had left the warm darkness to meet the cold and bright. It hated the cold, it hated the bright. It wanted to be warm and dark again.

Its body felt pain, it was confused, it did not know what to do. In silence it suffered. It hated all this change, hated everything, it wanted to do... something against it. It laid still and silent not knowing what to do, and then finally, just as its brief existence nearly blinked out, it moved something within itself, in later life it would call them lungs, and it took the cold into itself. It hated the cold but the cold gave it more life. As the cold was forced from it, it made a sound of protest against this new existence. It had been initiated, made dependent on this cold which drew into its body and left it again as it continued to make sounds of protest.

This new existence was not easy, it would require new movements, new sensations. It could not just live and be, and for these reasons it hated it.

Then something new, touch, something touched it, rough and wet against its already damp and coated body, it was touched, and moved. The cold that surrounded it was made less. It felt something familiar... the companion from the life before. Then it felt something more, Warmth, sweet warmth drew near and embraced it. Again, the tiny new life felt the urge to do something it had not. It moved itself, towards something. It continued to protest the cold, and it fought to escape it by drawing near the warmth. As it drew as much of its body as it could to the warmth, it could feel something. It was much fainter now; but this was the feeling of the world before. The warmth, the pulsing, it was safe here, safe near the life before.

The sounds of protest grew quiet, here was safe, here was warm. When it buried its head it could even hide from light. Horrible light, which hurt it and was new and awful. There were sounds, new sounds, loud sounds. Everything in this new existence was louder than the pulsing had been. Every time the warmth moved, the tiny new life would try to pull itself closer.