
Love Can Shine This Bright [Twig Birth}

Twig I


06-22-2014, 09:37 AM

Twig's form would lay out upon the beach, the same shady spot she would lay under every afternoon. Small habits would be formed in the time the girl was on the island paradise, and really she wouldn't mind. They were nice habits that gave her comfort, and a normalcy to their island life. She almost found it odd how easy it had been to acclimate to life alone with her husband. Now, she could hardly imagine it any other way. She loved him, and the children inside her womb more than life itself. She would have easily given her own life for any of them.
She was so excited, it was almost a wonder she could even sleep at all. However the pregnancy would still take its toll, wearing on her strength. Naps were a frequent part of her everyday life. Especially now that the big day had come so close. Of course she hadn't thought of still being with out a healer, she half suspected Alpine to be out collecting someone right now. They were so close...
Her nap would be suddenly disturbed by a powerful wave of pain. Her vivid violet eyes would snap open, suddenly very much aware of what was happening. Reminding herself to breath she would feel her body relax again, seeing how often the contractions would last. She'd been experiencing them the last half day or so, none of them being this intense. She would continue to breath, waiting nearly six minutes before another wave would overtake her. It was time. They were coming. Now
Before she lifted herself from the shade the girl would call for her mate, tones obvious in her song that he should be somewhat quick. She would work hard to right herself, swollen belly hindering her the whole way up. Eventually she would win, but by that time another contraction would ripple over her pelt. She would probably have to wait for Alpine right there...

I'll Dissolve When the Rain Pours In



06-22-2014, 07:46 PM

The rabbit would be forgotten, cast from his jaws as the howl sounded out across the island. For a moment he froze in panic, listing to the tones of her call, the urgency, but his immobility lasted only a moment and then he was off. Dashing back to where he had left her and finding her lying there, un harmed but clearly something was still up. It was like there was fog in his brain as he struggled to put together the pieces, the information that came with seeing her lying there like this.

She was... she was... she was giving birth he leaped another step forward and fell to his knees at her side. His head would find her neck and brush ever so softly against the skin there. His eyes would be half wild, half melting in devotion. He could scarcely believe that it was time and he struggled to control his own breathing until eventually he matched it exactly to her own, if she gasped he would gasp, as she drew in breath he would as well. His paw would find its way to her shoulder telling her he was there for her. ?My loves? he whispered, knowing his entire being was about to amount to something, that his reason for living would grow to encompass these new lives.


Twig I


06-22-2014, 07:56 PM

She would barely hear his paw steps as he approached her, the sudden stand still eliciting a confused glance as another contraction took hold of her. Within a moment he was at her side, landing in the sand next to her. He would nuzzle her softly, offering encouraging nuzzles. Now was not the time to be so loving. Unless he wished to have the babies born on the beach? "Alpine, we need to get to the den." her voice was strained, but there was time to get there. She faintly remembered Erani saying something about walking would help encourage birth. That and that other thing, which almost sounded tempting. She didn't want to have a long birth, twenty two hours was too much. "Unless you'd like to witness the birth of your children here on this beach?" It was half tempting, the scene before her was so relaxing. She would let her muscles relax as best she could with the contractions sneaking up on her.




06-22-2014, 08:02 PM

The poor boy wasnt thinking straight, and Twig's words would tear through his haze, of course! She couldn't just have them on the beach, could she? he took a shaky breath and nudged against her side, still trying to find some source of clarity through a mind that was beating too quickly. He smiled at his love again, gently nudging against her side. "Of course, lets get you up" he whispered softly to her, his breathing still in time to hers.

He got to his feet beside her, keeping his body low and ready for her to lean against him, to take her weight. He would murmur soft words into her ear as he waited for her to be ready. His scarce knowledge of herbs and healing gave him no preparation for birthing and he struggled to sweep back his worries. He had tried to find her a healer - but had not.


Twig I


06-23-2014, 12:07 AM

She would smile through the pain as Alpine stumbled over himself mentally. Slowly he would find himself, with a small bit of help from her. A gentle nudge would be issued, "Of course, lets get you up" Gingerly he would help her our of the sand, the task much easier while he was there to offer assistance. She would use his stabilization to get her feet underneath her. Swollen sides would eventually be elevated, her form gently guided toward the den.
She only had to stop a couple of times to get through a duo of rather painful contractions. Twig felt otherwise comfortable though, she wouldn't let herself stress. Though it felt like almost an eternity before she could see the den, as soon as they were within sight her water would break. Suddenly she would whine, all of the current happenings caving in on her. This was really happening, their babies were coming.
The distance between them and the safety of the den would close quickly, Twig would collapse into the den. Her sides would heave as another contraction took hold of her, and a gasp would leak from her lips. Hopefully Alpine would curl around her, she wanted his support. With no healer she would need him beside her. She would groan as an irresistible urge to push would completely take her focus. With that giant heave, the first would be born.
Calm would take the girl's body as she turned to care for the tiny whelp, already her heart would soar. The small pup would wiggle, and as she tore it from its binding new lungs would fill with air. She would cry tears of joy as she nudged the pup to her bosom, wanting her to eat as much as she wanted. Before Twig could look at the girl another wave would hit her.
Her next actions would release yet another pup, taking a deep breath she would turn to greet the next child. He was still, but still she would go through the same motions. She couldn't give up on him. She couldn't believe he had perished. Her tongue would lick him rapidly as her heart beat fast, a spike of adrenaline would run through her before sudden relief. The boy would fill his lung with air too, and yell to the world that he was alive. She would feel no more pain she she nosed him next to his sister. Vivid violet eyes would watch her brood as she would lean back into Alpine's embrace, and take in their accomplishment.




06-23-2014, 12:42 AM

Fretting and mentally stumbling to clarity the poor boy was easily more panicked then his in comparison calm wife. He hovered by her side, constantly moving to gently her cheeks, his tail swishing in worry behind him as he aided her to the den. She was giving birth! she was walking well needing to give birth. again he matched his breath to hers, losing himself in her steady rhythm. Occasionally she would need to stop, a contraction shaking her body and he would hover anxiously each time. He had been so eager to meet his children, and he was.. he was.. he was about it. He took in another breath, his head was swimming.

Something would happen and Twig would wine. He would lean himself into her, half scooping himself under to take her weight and lunge them those last few paces to their beach side den. Twig would collapse and he stayed by her side, hardly daring now to breath. Again he would gently lick her, his breath hot against her cheek and his heart hammering in his chest. She would heave and a baby would be born. A delicate, softly white form would make her appearance and he would gasp with the sight of her. Gently he would snap the cord that binded her to Twig and the mother would scoop up the baby and care for her.

Another would be born, and he too could see the limpness of its shape, the silence where there should be cries. He would reach forward but Twig was already there, scooping it up and running her tongue against his form, gently pushing, warming his blood and at last it would draw its first breath. Alpine would sway slightly in giddy relief and his paw would softly, so softly touch the head of the first born, the little girl that he already knew he would give the world to. ?Faun? he whispered ?My Faun? eyes glistening with tears he would look to Twig, to meet her eyes as the entire family took their first breath as a whole.

I'll Never Forget You



7 Years
06-23-2014, 10:09 AM

The darkness that submerged him was blissful and sweet. Occasionally there was almost the touch of soft sound, like a voice singing through the nothingness, onething that brought our a spark in him and he would push against the walls to be closer to the warmth it gave him. But brings would not remain this way forever, the time would come where his world would surge, urging him onwards and out. It was rough and the bite of cold that touched him upon submergance would be all consuming. No! His body cried, no, I want to stay. But he was pushed onwards and out and the shock of it would close about him.

He would know nothing, until het touch would take him, a familier rythem running the length of his body, reviving and warming him. The touch and scent of his saviour all about him as he took in his first breath of her earthy scent, the soft and warmth and milky taste that was his mother and his heartt would flutter to life beneath his chest, beating life and love and his jaws would open and he would give his first cry, he would give it for her, this warm body that told him everything would be alright, this warm body that in that moment he utterly and endlessly loved.

Walk "Talk" Think


06-24-2014, 07:33 PM

Little Faun had come to love her temporary home. It held the promise of constant love and warmth, and a sense of security on which the fragile beauty could depend on. She was aware of another creature, one that would occasionally brush past or nudge her with unseen limbs. She didn't mind. Already she leaned against the dark figure for comfort, a thin smile on her lips. Everything was perfect and good. All was as it should have been.

Until the day that everything changed. The gentle walls around the pup began to shove and constrict, dragging the little Faun away from her brother. This wasn't right. What was happening? The small creature began to squirm as she was guided to an unknown exit. What would lie beyond this world that she had come to know? How could it ever amount to the warmth and security she felt in this home? These vague thoughts began to thread through her frightened mind as suddenly that warmth disappeared. Her body felt the shock as it met the cold air, immediately drawing a gasp of air from her young lungs. As soon as her bonds were permanently broken, she began to cry. It was a high squeal of sadness and fear. Already she was mourning the world she once knew. But perhaps this world would be better.

As soon as her voice had broken into the air, a soothing presence would pull her close. Faun would be tucked against a swathe of heated fur. Her whimpering ceased and at once she was overwhelmed with a feeling of salvation and love. All thoughts vanished as the tiny Faun breathed an in audible sigh and nestled deeper into the welcoming cushion that was her mother. She drank and filled herself until she felt plump and happy. Her brother followed shortly after, his familiar heat pressed close against her side. This world was wonderful. She loved it already.

There was a tender pressure on her head as Alpine touched his newborn daughter for the first time. In that moment, a connection was eternally made. He named his first child, granting the title to the snowy pup in his softest, most lovely voice. Faun didn't understand what her father was saying yet, or even who he was, but already she felt devotion swell in her chest. The voice was like velvet, and it carried her into a dreamless sleep as she relaxed in the presence of her family.


Twig I


06-29-2014, 09:57 PM

Alpine would hold her and help her as best as he could. She would notice his attempts to help her clean them, but she felt confident, she was able to do this. She would succeed in reviving her son, his gasp the most beautiful sound she'd ever heard. As she nestled him against her side Alpine would show his obvious affection for their little ones. He would name their first child with ease, and as she looked upon her dark son she could think of no other title for her tiny child. "Solor..." she would breathe as she sat back, her trial now over. She moved to nuzzle against Alpine, amazed at what they had just done together. Just she and her mate. Now they were a family.
