
Escaping Steak


01-29-2020, 02:23 AM
Muscles bunched tight as springs. Long legs tensed, preparing to break away at a moments notice. Asa had been watching the herd of deer for some time as they bent their necks to drink at the edge of the water. Pumpkin shaded eyes rested upon each one, gauging their strengths and weaknesses. It wasn't until he came to the second to last in the row that the man chose his target. An old injury set a doe's hind leg at an odd angle. He would be doing her a favor by putting her out of her misery. Compared to the others she was thinner; more lanky. That was perfectly fine. Asa was just one wolf and he didn't need too much to eat.

As silently as possible, the brute crept closer. Each step was carefully thought out before his paw touched earth. Crouched low in the taller grasses and shrubs that surrounded the lake, he aimed to remain unseen. It would have worked too, but a gods damned crow called him out with its raucous tones. The ungulates heads shot up and they were gone in an instant, the injured doe taking up the rear.

"Ugh..." Asa wrinkled his nose, flashing teeth at the black bird before flopping to the ground. He would follow the herd, but not just yet. Let them regain their false sense of security. That doe wasn't going anywhere fast. Laying on his side in the grass, the man's tail thumped rhythmically, akin to that of an irritated cat. The bastard bird was lucky that he couldn't fly.

A patch of sun settled upon Asa and sleepiness came with it. A leonine yawn parted his jaws and his long legs gave a stretch, toes splaying. He could do with a nap. The man was far from starving, so he could definitely wait until later to make his kill. Orange eyes drifted closed as his mind began to power down. The rhythmic thumping of his tail became more sporadic until it eventually ceased.



3 Years
01-29-2020, 05:50 PM
"Your breath. Your fur. They smell of... Laziness." A voice paralleling to nothing but an oncoming downpour would enchant the atmosphere, its eyes painting a beautiful portrait of blues and sweet snows; a kiss beckoning those who looked onward into his Poseidon pools. His echo loomed as he chuckled playfully, that gentle tone of amusement would linger from his ivories as he lifted his head up from his spot beside Asa's ear. The male, well, he was, um, had been asleep. Since Whit, of course, but it was funny! Right? Well, he thought so.

The older brute could say what he wanted as he woke, but he couldn't entirely blame him, life as a loner wasn't always the most fulfilling, had to spice it up somehow; and he'd been sleeping like a log since he'd gotten here! For a good three hours! If anything, he should be thanking him. "Really though, you should be waking, that herd we were chasing is long gone." Yes, he'd said we, this wasn't his first rodeo stalking someone, but there wasn't time for that, now was the time to hunt. The white-pelted canine jumped over the laying male, his tail up in a display of dominance as he marched onward down the hill they'd been wasting time on. "Oh, I'm Whitfield by the way... You comin'?"

Turning his head, he looked at Asa, a loud, high-pitched yawn spilling from his jowls before he trotted after the stale scent of deer.

atop his head a crown of thorns   ━━━━━━━━━━━━


01-29-2020, 06:13 PM

A voice laced with uncouth words brought one volcanic eye cracking open. Asa wrinkled his nose in distaste. Laziness, was it? It was comical how judgemental others could be. Because the voice in question belonged to a male, it meant less than shit to the resting brute. His own low tones responded. "You're only lazy if you have somewhere to be." Which he didn't. The man was far from starving. His belly was still full of swan from the day prior. Killing the doe would have simply given him something to do now and kept him from doing something else later on when he might have preferred to do something else. Right.

Without sparing a glance at the cocky male, Asa rolled on his back in the grass, scratching an itch between his shoulder blades before rolling onto his opposite side. The voice sounded again. Was he coming? Everyone has choices in life. Why in the hells would he choose to subject himself to such poor company? And all for the sake of a meal that he didn't really need? No thank you. "No. Have at it, sport." Asa would continue his nap while the nap was there to be had. Sleep wasn't always easy to come by in a new land.

Again his tail began that rhythmic thump in the grass. As soon as the wolf left, he'd get back to his nap. At his age, you learned not to rush things. There was definitely no need to rush a hunt when you didn't need to. Part of Asa's new outlook on life was to enjoy things while he could. He was bound and determined to enjoy this nap.



3 Years
01-29-2020, 06:51 PM
Things had been easy for the male since he'd left that hell hole he once dared call home. He did things when he wanted, took shits when he pleased, hell, he even slept for an entire week without even a second thought. So, he'd admit, when the older male said 'no' like some elder asshole he was a bit confused. Someone... Said no? To HIM? What in Canids name was he going on about? What kind of male -- or wolf for that matter -- would pass up the opportunity to better themselves and score a bit of doe?  So it was a no, then? On top of that, he'd called him 'sport', as if the first insult wasn't enough. "Oh? Well, that won't do... No, that won't do at all." By this point, the alabaster brute had stopped dead in his tracks, a sound in which he hoped the mutt had heard, along with his audible sighs and of course the silence that followed afterward. Whitfield, while arrogant in his ways, wasn't a stranger to waiting for what he wanted, though sometimes waiting was the hardest part, he always figured out a way to jumpstart the clock. Literally.

Trotting with his paws at ease did the male ready himself for takeoff; his body arched and butt wiggling in the air as though he were some domestic feline. The fact of the matter was Whit didn't know how to hunt deer, and his tongue was too far up his ego that he didn't want to admit it to himself or the stranger. Which in itself was odd, because it was unlikely they would meet outside of this weird circumstance anyway. Whit was still a glorified puppy, and it showed in his mannerisms and lack of proper edict, and he knew damn well the ashen male had taken note, and if not, he certainly would after what he was about to do. "GET UP!" Racing up the hill on long legs did the heavyset male aim to jump upon the hind of the other, his body at the ready in case things went awry. Of course, if the male did manage to miss, he'd just roll down into the grass below.

atop his head a crown of thorns   ━━━━━━━━━━━━