
frayed stitching




8 Years
01-29-2020, 05:27 PM

A nervous buzz moved through the male's bones as he walked through the Island. Sharpe pink and blue eyes took in the midnight landscape. Hannibal roamed as he took in the region with simple curiosity. Since moving her had spent a lot of time in the Shrine but not in their adjoined territory. An Island full of wonder and lush flora. It was no wonder Deathbelle had chosen the region. The moon was high in the sky shining its cool toned gaze upon the beast's scarred back. Hannibal's jaws were slightly a jar as he took in the scents of their pack's inhabitants.

Despite the relaxed nature of Hannibal's movements he was not aimlessly wandering. It had been some time since his latest rejoining of Ashen and he hadn't had the courage to approach his daughter Recluse or son Gimli. He spent some very uncomfortable time with Banshee but she was still full of an undying rage. Hannibal was aware that it would take time for relationships to be even slightly stitched together and even then it still might be an impossible venture. But, he felt as though if he didn't try all of his previous efforts in these forsaken lands would be for nothing. With that being said the phantom of a Wolf slowed his steps as a clearing in which the moon's rays seemed to pass through the canopy above with picture-esque elegance. Hannibal tossed his slender head upward and relinquished a summoning howl towards the heavens, beckong Recluse and only Recluse.

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
01-29-2020, 10:08 PM

Recluse supposed this was obviously going to happen sooner or later. She couldn't decide if she was impressed or pissed it had taken the bastard this long to call for her. It was ballsy that was for sure but she couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed he'd ignored her for so long. But then she'd been doing the same so maybe the apple didn't fall all that far from the tree... now there was an uncomfortable thought. Recluse rolled her shoulders, feeling tension already griping her muscles. "Let's go give my father a visit, shall we?" She said, tipping her head to the side to look at Lilith who was draped luxuriously around the girl's neck, her head hovering out from Recluse's right shoulder.

The snake said nothing, simply blinked small beady black eyes and flicked her tongue. She didn't need to, for the most part, Lilith was along for the ride. There to help the yearling where she could but otherwise, she had no real plans of her own. The pair set off from their midnight wanderings of the newly reclaimed lands... and if Recluse had been annoyed before she was downright irritated by the time she got to shore, he would have picked the island to call for her, wouldn't he. The girl stopped once she was ashore, not caring how long it'd take to get to her father. Let him wait! She meticulously groomed her still wet fur, not wanting it to dry while a mess and become dried in an unkempt position. Her father may not have cared about how he looked, but she'd learned to give quite a shit about her appearance. She couldn't remember if he'd ever stopped just letting scabs form and then hang in his pelt.

Finally, the yearling would rise to her paws again and weaver her way through the trees until she spotted her father. Instantly her lips curled and she felt herself growing irritated just looking at him. "Father." Recluse said, walking from the shadows of the trees out towards Hannibal, a clear edge to her voice and Lilith's coil tightened slightly, her tongue flicking dangerously as she felt her companion's aggression.


Art by Vethysnia
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



8 Years
02-04-2020, 05:52 PM

It did not take long for the pale babe to approach. Hannibal stood tall as his pink and blue eyes took in the sight of his daughter. She took on his appearance but she had the ferocity of her mother. A rage like no other. He could remember the lashing of that horrific tongue to his ego and heart. Venom seeped from her every pore as the hollow beast dipped his head down in a polite bow. No longer would she be hugging his leg and looking to him with admiration. No. Recluse was now over a year old and has formed her own opinions. Her opinion of Hannibal was quite evident.

Hannibal took a moment to collect his thoughts as his eyes grazed over the serpent around his daughter's neck. It seemed both of his daughters had befriended snakes. He was glad that within his absence they had protection from close companions. Honestly, the normally pretty confident beast hadn't a clue what to say to his daughter in that moment. impulse and the desire to rebuild relationships with his children brought him to summoning her. "There are no words that will erase the pain I have caused you and your siblings." A pause. "I did not call upon you to beg for your forgiveness but to ask that you hear what I must say." Hannibal's pale eyes never left her own. "Despite the hatred you may feel for me... You are still my daughter and I am your Father. I love you with all of my heart even if I am horrific at expressing such or have failed to in the past." A breath. "Know that I am here and I am here for all of my children. I dream of a day in which I am allowed back into your life. Until then you must know that if you ever need help with anything. A fight, advice, or even someone to scream... I will come." As Hannibal exhaled his nervous jitter came back. With a rigid jaw his eyes flicked away. Knowing full well that he just rambled on and Recluse likely doesn't give any shits.

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
02-05-2020, 12:58 PM

Recluse couldn't help but snort as her father started to talk, she would stand stock still, listening but allowing her gaze to wander. She could feel a growl rising in her throat and struggled to push it down. He claimed he hadn't come to beg her forgiveness and she supposed to an extent that was true as he wasn't apologizing either, but she also couldn't help but feel a little annoyed that he still seemed to want to repair their relationship, all without actually put in effort.

Her father fell silent and Recluse rolled her eyes. "See you say all these things, and I even believe you believe them, about being there for us, for me but you've never proven it. All you've ever done is run off to fuck the next pretty thing that caught your eye and try to replace your children when they weren't immediately in view." Her voice was littered with spite, the venom she felt for the bastards her father had reared instead of trying to find her, to save her from her kidnapping. There might have once been pain there but Recluse felt she was past pain, now all she felt was contempt. Her parents had been shit when once she'd thought them so amazing she now could see them for the dirt they were.

And she was sure she was fine with that, she didn't want anything from her father but for him to accept he was trash to her and understand what he'd done. Then if they never spoke again she'd be happy. She was certain.


Art by Vethysnia
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



8 Years
03-09-2020, 07:59 PM

The snort came from Recluse as Hannibal originally ceased his speaking. Quickly his pale daughter spewed forth her own venom. Pangs of pain filled his heart as her words sliced and diced him with ease. He figured this was coming and her rage came to him as no surprise. Hannibal was aware it was all well deserved. Each outburst, insult, and snap was due to his own short comings. But, what hurt the most is that his darling daughter thought that he aimed to replace his children. Hannibal stared at her in hidden disbelief. Never in his life did her desire to replace any of his children. Producing more children after his first litter came from a place of lustful incidents and the desire to expand the Klein name. Never did he set out to replace any of those that came before.

Hannibal thought over his many children and felt love for each of them. Those that were no longer with them like Mordecai, Godbrand, Beryl, and Circe's litter brought him immense pain. But, to think over those who were still in Boreas brought him a sense of pride. Banshee was a combat medic in the Armada with Sirius looking after her. Recluse showed signs of turning into a fine soldier. Gimli also seemed to be expanding upon his skills. All the man wanted was for his offspring to bring strength and pride to the Klein name. If that meant he was dismissed as their parent he would have to swallow that and walk away. But, he would always be there for them if they needed it. To perhaps make up for the past in shameful silence.

Finally the male nodded, "Obviously no words will help mend our relationship. Just know if you ever need help with anything do not hesitate to call upon me." A pause. "Please be there for your siblings. If none of my children want anything to do with me I only hope you have one another to rely on." Hannibal hoped she, Gimli, and Banshee would be able to band together at the very least. "I will not bother you any longer, Recluse. Leave if you wish." Hannibal raised his head, "Or you can get your aggression out and scream at me some more, I will take whatever you throw at me."

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
03-17-2020, 11:19 PM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2020, 11:21 PM by Recluse.)
The truth was she only wanted an appology, an acknowledgement that he'd spent time and energy away from trying to get his children back and to acknowledge how much that had hurt his daughters, though she'd never admit that, no she'd built too many walls of bitterness and spite to realize that deep down she was still just desperate to feel loved.

The silence that spread between them was like a twisting knife in her gut. She could feel her anger slipping and Recluse growled, determined to not let her father see anything but the pure hatred she felt. He spoke and she could feel the corner of her eyes begin to tingle, how blind could he be? "You could fix it!" She screamed at him, feeling her frustration and pain and anger pouring out of her, flowing past her lips into a manic yell, her usually silken tones lifted in a high pitched yowl, her voice breaking and cracking. "You could fix it if you'd just fucking appologize!"

Recluse had to leave then, knew she would break down right then and there if she didn't run away. The girl spun on her toes, racing off towards the mainland, desperate to put as much distance between herself and her father as she could, determined to not let him see the tears that were now starting to creep from her eyes. Lilith, coiled tightly around the girl's throat, not in a threat but in an attempt to comfort.

-Exit Recluse-


Art by Vethysnia
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.