
If I Were You...



02-17-2020, 08:15 PM
He'd noticed for some time that one of his sisters kept sneaking out beyond the borders. He hadn't told dad of course, though he wondered when or if she'd get caught. The boy often kept to himself, silent and observant as he watched the world from his favorite perch on the ship, but today, he sought out his troublesome sister. Would she care if she found out she had been caught sneaking out? Would she care if she upset dad by going too far? Was she doing it to try to make him upset? Or was it just for her own curiosity? While they were allowed to go to the lands directly surrounding the pack lands on their own, he had a feeling she was doing more than that. He wondered if she was out there right of course, he headed straight towards the borders to track down her scent. It was, of course, one of the easiest ways to find her trail. That much he knew. Sooner or later, she was bound to come through, and he'd be there to intercept her and see what she was up to.

Polaris I


1 Year
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019
02-24-2020, 03:20 PM
Orcas rebellious nature was perhaps something to worry about. She did not appear to care whether she got in trouble, or if she was caught at all. The youth thought it stupid to be confined to such a short distance from the ship- even if it was for her own safety. Perhaps it was her size that caused her recklessness, she was quite a bit bigger than the average pup, looking at least a season older than what she was- if not two seasons older. Long slender legs and massive paws showed she still had quite a bit of growing to do. Truth be told, Orca didn't really know why she was so hell-bent on provoking her father's wrath. Perhaps it was because she had never seen it before? Perhaps she felt he did not care? Or was it curiosity that drove her so far? Would Acere search for her? Or would he leave her to find her way as he had her mother and brother?

Regardless of the reason why, Orca could once more be found sneaking out of the packlands. Following the same trail she'd taken the day before. Although, she did get sidetracked briefly, wandering off course before once more returning to her task. It was as she was reaching the border that she stopped short, her brother was there and he appeared to be waiting... Sighing softly she would approach him from the left.

"Watcha doin, Snow?"

Shed ask, head tilting to the side with innocent curiosity.
[Image: Polaris_pixel.png]