
We meet again


06-21-2014, 12:20 AM

The moon gazed down on the black hunter, his pelt shining like the thousands of stars above him. The beams of the moon brought out the wildflowers of the cliff. The faint call of the shore whispered to him as he proudly stalked through the grass, his head and paws high. The cold night wind ruffled through his chest and tail, almost speaking to him. The grass and flowers brushed his paws as he gently padded to the edge. Though he was smart not to stand quite close, much could happen if he was to fall into the screaming, icy black water. Once he knew he was a safe distance away from the edge, he threw his head back and stared onto the horizon with dignity. A wise gaze scanned the thunderous waves from afar. So stormy it looked out there, while he could feel the rising tension in the spiraling wind. His eyes never shifted position, they always looked across into the emptiness of the night.

The wind was still. Silence had hushed the moontouched cliffs. A great aura was upon him, he knew it caused the sudden change in the wind. His eyes darted, though he wouldn't face this creature. He flicked his tail and head, relaxing himself, yet he was aware of the danger that lurked behind him. He was gravely aware of the ominous darkness that hunted from behind. The feeling was dry and cold, familiar yet unfamiliar. He would let this creature approach him, disgusted by the fact he knew it. Feeling the blood-hunger of the creature, Dusk just stared into the horizon, his voice powerful without fear. This creature hunted on fear, he knew it. If he was to end this without bloodshed, then he would speak in a neutral and calm tone. Sighing, he spoke in an unforgiving voice.
"We meet again..."




4 Years
06-21-2014, 07:03 PM

Delicate claws caught the innocent moonlight. A grin came to the lady's jaw, teeth bared. Hungry eyes did not meet the man that was her kin. Impressed, she was. This was not the same man that she had run away with on that dawn. He was not the very coward that she always doubted, yet followed to freedom. This was a changed man. His emotions gripped him like a claw, his ways different and unusual. Perhaps in the past, this was the man that she looked up to, her guardian, her loyal companion. But what had happened in between then and now? Shame and dishonesty, that was what broke the friendship of kin. Shattered, they both were. Emotionally and physically. What went wrong? Much did, and those memories could not escape her jaw. She had turned her past brave and quirky personality to the darkness, in exchange for honor, integrity, and a place amongst the shadows. Her brother probably despised her wicked decision to turn away her soul like that, in a foolish oath and whisper. Though her constant pain made her feel stronger, reminding her that her life was not over, only the beginning. What happened to his pain? It is shown right there, in the saddened look in his eyes, which he tries to hide day after day, night after night. But not this night. The tensions were rising, much had unfolded in such a short time.
With her head bowed disgracefully, she let the many dark voices whisper to her. The wind echoed in a howling tone, though it knew she was unstoppable. The voices of nature would try to bring the monster down, though even fear gripped the beauties of nature. With powerful pawsteps, she would reveal herself unharmed, nature and light at her mercy.
"Indeed we meet again, brother." She let an amused hiss escape her jaw, and with a curious demanding glance, she waited for the man to face her. Though the man constantly looked out to sea, as if he was locked in a prison cell, wanting to be free of the dark lady that lurked behind him, feeding on his fear.

Walk "Talk" Think
[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


06-23-2014, 04:48 AM

A gulp slithered down the man's dried out throat. The snarling tone of the woman's words pierced him like a claw. The shadows that had come forth with her, had wrapped around him, the darkness binding and entwining him in its heavy curses. Though he would not let the darkness consume him, no, he would not. As a free spirited runner, he would rather die than promise his soul to the devil. And yet his sister was foolish enough to do so. Foolish enough to trade her free and delicate life into a life that holds no purpose. And why was he calling her his sister? That monster his sister? Anything but! And though she probably did not see him as the loving and protecting brother of her memories, through the changed eyes. Why? Why did they both despise each other wickedly? Why did she? The man knew why. He has known his sister for his whole life, ever since opening his intriguing eyes, welcomed brightly into the world. If anything, he knows Aislinn is shattered, broken, say it how ever you like. There is a hollow in her heart that can only be treated by an act of kindness, love or warmth. Because of this emptiness, the woman knows no kindness, love or warmth, only wickedness, coldness and dryness. He would do anything for his sister to wake up from the very nightmare she is herself, and to live and love like any other wolf. And what could he do? He could only try. If she could not open her eyes and realize the blood-hungry monster she is then he would rather slay her in kin blood than dare look to see her live on. Through his saddened and wispy eyes he would speak to her dryly, the warmth and happiness gone from his voice. He would beg, yes he would. In a pleading tone, he would whimper.

"I can heal your shattered heart. Please. Just return to me..." He let the crying wind carry his words into the stars above him, bowed in sorrow. His ancestors watched down on him, through their wisdom and age, he could only pray his words would reach her. Reach the crying heart inside of her.



4 Years
06-24-2014, 05:31 AM

The wind had changed. The voices were howling for her to see the true light, for her to come to her senses. But the wind could only beg and plead, no ancient forces of nature could stop this dark woman. Staring down at her flexing paws that were tearing the soft and delicate grass away, her paws itched for fight, a battle. She let a silence come, although the wind still panicked and the spirits of the earth talked in hushed voices. Though she was unstoppable. And when she lifted her head up, her gaze locking on her brother, her eyes opened up with a new hunger and thirst. Through wicked eyes, the woman let her great pants echo as she tried to resist the constant urge. With a fang-bearing grin, the ambitious lady took a powerful step forward, and as she did, the wind and its kingdom silenced as the unstoppable beast lumbered forward. She moved ever so slowly, her claws marking the grass as she slowly went by. As she came closer, close enough to feel the breaths of fear from her brother, a curious and intrigued glance came to her. She opened her snarling mouth to speak, the very hostile and roaring words would escape her thrashing jaw.
"Why would I want my shattered body to be healed?" She demanded in a haunting tone. Her head was high as her fur bristled with rage and defiance. She faced the man with disgust as she continued to let the snarl come from her maw. "I welcome the everlasting pain that claws through my burning body. If anything, I love the pain of my shattered soul. I don't need you."

[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


06-25-2014, 03:15 AM

He spun around, bristling, to face the woman that was his kin. Through narrowed, battle-hunger eyes, a growling roar rose through his throat as he let out all his anger in his words.
"Don't need you? I am your kin, and we need each other more than anything in these desperate times!" The man would rage on, feeling his heart and eyes burn as he looked at the scarred and shattered girl. He only wanted his true sister back. One that loved him for who he was. This creature was not his sister, not even his kin. Not even a wolf. Just a disgrace. Just a bloody disgrace to the wolf kind.
His emotions tore through him, his misery, pain, oh this woman made him suffer. However she did, manipulating his feelings was a strong trait of hers. Yes, smart and cunning. For a moment he felt unforgiving, next in fury with blood-hunger and now irritated, almost...calm. He knew this woman didn't care about a single soul that lived in this world, why would she care about the mere air that drifted from his jaw? Words were useless. No-one listened to the crying opinions anymore. No-one had a fair say. Where was the freedom? Where was the open streets he could roam without a monster stalking his every steps? Why did anyone bother to exist? Everyone was just a dice ready to be rolled, fate to be decided. A fate of light or darkness. A path for you to choose. But you will always be rolled, no freedom for you. No freedom for him, or her. His sister was stuck in a manipulated mind that only thinks of power, loyalty, obedience and hunger. In a world of pure shadows, though a voice that called to him. His true sister. His true sister was there, locked up, crying in the everlasting darkness. What hope was there for her? What hope was there for this bloodied mistake?
"You are a disgraceful monster. You put shame on the very ground you walk on. You are nothing but dust, ready to blown away. I don't care about you, you can die at my paws..."



4 Years
06-26-2014, 03:20 AM

She let an amused laugh come from her throat. Why, almost, hilarious what had come out from her brother's maw. He would never lay a paw on her, never harm her. She was his kin. Even if she was quite distant to him. Blood was blood. And that was that. Approaching the cursing man in pure calmness, she sat down beside him and looked out to the mesmerizing sea. Tense, stressed, anguished the man was. He was worrying over such a little, harmless thing. Or was she?

With her wicked gaze flickering from her brother to the black horizon, her eyes only revealing a glimpse of what the dark lady could be plotting in her wise mind. Though she could only agree with him for the desperate times. The world was slowly crumbling beneath them, endless wars were raging on, sick diseases were wiping out innocent civilizations. Destruction. What a devastating place the world had come to, and Aislinn was a survivor. Victory was hers. She would walk against the earthquakes, the blood and the diseases. She was invincible. No-one could deny it. And perhaps her brother isn't the weak little scrap of fur from her memories. Perhaps he is useful. Perhaps an alliance could come between the two. Perhaps he could catch her if she fell. What was she thinking? She would never fall from the thin string she is balancing on, and if she did, she would welcome death pleasantly. But whilst she's walking across, her kin may have improved themselves. So an alliance there will be, if perhaps her brother doesn't claw her fur off from the idea.
"If it is an alliance what you are seeking..."
With curious yet dangerous eyes, she paused mid-sentence for him to reply in his usual irritated snapping tone. Amused, the woman was. A cold smile came to her, her fangs glistening in the dying moonlight. A dry chuckle came to her, almost sounding like a wicked cackle. It was an alliance. And Aislinn would have to do her best to keep to her end of the deal. Would she? That was for the cruel woman to decide, and her ancestors couldn't stop her.


[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


06-27-2014, 02:38 AM

What a way this lady had with her words, now she desires an alliance? My, my, my, how interesting and odd this had gotten. He let a deep sigh as the woman sat down and gazed into the sea, like he had before. Her fangs were still bared, in case the man made the wrong move. He could see the tricks and plots spark in the woman's eyes, but he avoided those gleaming and delicate eyes. Knowing she wouldn't harm him, he carefully sat himself beside her, straightening his spine and neck as he strained to get a better glimpse of the horizon. The waves were crashing below, and yet there was a peaceful silence in the wind where he was. Almost as if his sister had returned. The other one. The one that is his kin, his body, his blood, his sister. Though even with this calm moment, the woman could still explode in a heat of burning hunger and rage. So he would think twice before opening his mouth.

With his wise and curious eyes out to sea, he spoke in a dry and calm tone to the lady beside him. He agreed with her. He was looking for an alliance, and perhaps they could form one together?
"I am seeking an alliance in these cold times..." He answered her inquiry briskly with a hint of curiosity. Though he couldn't help but to chuckle. Amusement came to the man in such an odd sensation, and he just had to say what he had to say. Holding his laughs, he tried to make his words reach her with sophistication.
"Since when are you interested in alliances? I thought you didn't need me."
It was true. She clearly had stated that she didn't need him. But perhaps that was within her temper tantrum. Though now she is in her calm, yet plotting and cold state, and knowing her, she would possibly rip his fur off for his last quirky remark. Oh, but they were kin! And an alliance they were soon to have! Why ruin it now?



4 Years
06-27-2014, 07:59 PM

She scoffed. The man did have such a good memory, and perhaps she did say what he said. She didn't really need his help, but now, she realized that this man is...well...useful. And if she ever gotten herself in a situation, she always had him on her side, not that she needed any help at all. She could have a battle any day...but there is more to an alliance than just helping one out in wars. What else could this black scrap come useful for? Hunting? Finding a cure for a disease if they had one? Though she wasn't going to be dependent on him, she could take care of herself quite well, thank you very much. And independent may be her middle name. She needs nobody's help, yet she wanted an alliance and Dusk may be the closest she can get to one. Besides, she's known her brother longer than anyone else, why turn down this offer?

She ignored his last pathetic remark. The mature lady was in no mood for a joke. Her eyes glowed as the sun slowly climbed over the horizon. The faint sparkling light gleamed over the sea, nature was waking up. The dawn of a new day. The dawn of a new alliance. Wise azure gems twinkled into the sunlight as she spoke once more.
"Well then, an alliance you have," With a wicked gleam she arched her back, feeling a good stretch come over her. With the restless wind ruffling her luxurious fur, she rose to her powerful full height, teeth bared and claws dug firmly in the ground. With a heroic smile, the dark lady's eyes flickered from the black brute to the powerful rising sun. A defiant growl rose from her throat, feeling a surge of energy rise through. Her eyes rested on her brother, as she spoke in a delicate yet deep tone.
"And if you ever need me, brother, look to the west."
And the strong dame would leave the sun-claimed cliffs in a graceful flash of maple-gold. With an amused glance, she whisked herself away, the wind carrying her into the shadows. The sun rays chased her away, and the lady pelted to whence she came.

-exit Aislinn-

Walk "Talk" Think

[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


07-02-2014, 03:29 AM

Intrigued orbs curiously looked out as the sun slowly rose, chasing the dark shadows the lady had brought away. He was not particularly interested in an alliance, he merely wanted his true sister. Though this bloody beast had brought forth an alliance, and it was as close as he could get to his lost girl. He hoped to never see this disgrace again, but she would come if he required an aid. Though what help would this blood-stained creature give him? More deaths? He was not interested in blood or fighting like she was, in fact, she was more than interested in such manners. Though he would not go into terrible detail of such, the thought of her sharpened claws sent a cold shiver down in his spine. But he was not afraid of this monster. He had the light on his side.

The woman that was his sister prepared to leave the cliffs of the crystal moon, run from the rising and powerful sun. Her articulate words echoed in his mind.

And if you ever need me, brother, look to the west...

Look to the west...

What did the dame mean? Was she some sort of prophet now? Oh he had no time to wonder about such a silly thing. He only felt the dark and evil presence of the lady diminish as her thundering pawsteps were carried away by the shadows and wind. Good riddance. She was gone. Yet the wise male continued to stare out to sea, his eyes flickering. He would stay in this spot for a long time, who knew how long this ancient man would contemplate the ocean? A sigh was all that escaped his jaw in the frosty morning.

Look to the west...

-exit Dusk-

Walk "Talk" Think