
makes no difference who you are


06-21-2014, 04:33 PM

A dull, quiet, bassy note vibrated deep within the confines of his cavernous chest. He did not pant, for it was winter and he wasn't hot, but his jaws hung agape anyway. Tongue occasionally curled as a precursor to a bored yawn, then quickly unfurled and rested between massive feline fangs. His tail switched idly behind him as amber eyes set a course for a nearby lake. There was a chill in the air and so it was unlikely he would swim, but a drink was never out of the question. Prey would also likely frequent such a spot - and prey was something he hadn't had in a while. He rarely found the drive within himself to hunt, but as there was no one else around to do it for him he knew he would have to create such a drive - or starve. He strolled with a youthful swagger, one that boasted of pride, a lack of fear, and a genuine and complete confidence. There was not a thing in the world that he feared, and it showed.

As he neared the lake, his pace naturally slowed. Mane folded upon itself as his head dipped low to lap from the cool water. It was refreshing, and had it been a few degrees warmer he would certainly find himself encased in its depths. There was naught a day went by that Enzo didn't think about swimming. Thirst sated for the moment, his mind's neurons shifted to a new line of thinking. He needed to eat, and soon. Amber eyes swept slowly across the opposite shore of the lake. There was vegetation between where he stood and the other side, and if he found something he could perhaps get close enough to kill it. His body stiffened as he noted motion, but just as he spotted it it disappeared behind a grove of bushes. Friend or foe he knew not - and he would not move until he was sure, either way.


Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
06-21-2014, 04:53 PM

Paw after paw carried the tiger across the flat-bedded lake. It was warmer here than much of Alacritis but still cool enough that large cat was comfortable in his winter coat. He had no particular reason for journeying out this far. Aimlessness had grasped him as he struggled to decide what to do with himself. Should he seek out the company of the mountain lions again? So far they were the only cat's he'd seen in Alacritis and the one was quite jumpy around him, the other had all but vanished and he prayed she'd not been felled by some beast. He snarled softly to himself. Once again the wolves were proving themselves to be a hardier race if a cruder one and oh how it frustrated him.

Sk?lingr slowed to a halt as he caught the scent of a lion. Lips pulled back as he tested the scent. Surely he was imagining things? Well he certainly wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to investigate and so he headed in the direction of the scent. Sk?lingr moved in practiced silence, claws hidden safely in his paws as he came upon the sight of a male lion eyeing something in the near by brush. Sk?'s ears flicked forward before he approached. Stopping a short ways away in case the other hadn't noticed his presence. "There's nary much but rodents here, regal one."


06-22-2014, 04:48 PM

Jowls hung loosely agape, allowing air to filter over the roof of his mouth. Instinctively his lips would furl upward, wrinkling upon themselves to reveal pearly white fangs. His grin had not yet begun to yellow, as he was only in his second year of life. Soon enough he would bare the golden tinge of a more mature lion. The wind batted playfully at his mane as he scented the air, noting the presence of another feline. The striped one came into view quickly, ears pushed forward with interest. Enzo lifted his head to greet the other cat, with a slight rumble in his chest. The rumble pushed out of his nostrils and throat simultaneously, forming a welcoming chuff. It was most often used to greet his siblings, but it would not be lost just because this cat wasn't related to him. 'There's nary much but rodents here, regal one.' ?and apparently a tiger,? he noted with mild amusement. ?If the prey didn't lure you here, what did - striped one?? A brow raised, arcing high over his right amber eye. There had to be some allure to this land, and if it wasn't the prey Enzo had an idea that it might be the water. In wintertime, smaller bodies of water would freeze over - this one was far too large and deep to freeze completely. Had thirst brought the other cat here? His haunches folded, allowing his hips to grace the earth as he eyed the other cat from a comfortable distance. Perhaps this one would be of some assistance to him.


Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
06-28-2014, 09:58 PM

Hear my words that I might teach you

Take my arms that I might reach you

The lion was indeed a grand site to eyes that had seen nothing but canine flesh for so long. Only a few glimpses of mountain lions. He'd been loosing hope that he'd ever run into another big cat but here was one they would call the king of cats. Not that Sk?lingr completely agreed to the title, it was still a nice sentiment all the same. The tiger returned the chuff of greeting and grinned as the male asked his question.

?If the prey didn't lure you here, what did - striped one?

"I was merely passing through when I caught your scent. I do see many other felines around here and I couldn't resist satisfying my curiosity." It was a small sentiment he supposed but he really couldn't help himself. Tail twisted gently behind him. "My name is Sk?lingr. Who might you be and what brings you to a place such as this?" He didn't want them to part ways just yet. He would seek to enjoy the company of another cat a little longer if the male would allow.

But my words like silent raindrops fell

And echoed in the wells of silence


06-30-2014, 08:13 PM

The lands were still new to her and she had yet to meet anyone else aside from her brother. She would catch his scent, following behind lazily. By the time she caught her, he brother was in deep conversation with another man. And another cat! The woman would prowl along the shadows before slinking up beside her. Her cyan gaze would look the striped man up and down, a small smile playing on her lips. "Hello, I'm Elsa." Rounded audits would twitch before settling at attention. Her slender tail would way behind her as she turned to greet her brother with a smile. It appeared that he had not expected to run across any other cats either. The lioness would recline onto powerful haunches, her gaze remaining trained on the man, curiously brightening her eyes. She was pleased to see that another cat was in the area and so close by as well. But if she wanted to have any fun, she would need to ditch her brother for a bit. Though he would probably have a heart attack if he knew her plans. His vibrant orange pelt, accented by rich stripes, were all alluring to the woman. And to top it all off, his eyes were the richest of greens, capturing her attention with no intention of letting her go.
