
Plot with kingpedle!



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-08-2020, 03:22 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2020, 05:20 PM by Eraithus.)
#1 Eraithus | 3 years | Chaotic Good | Male | Pansexual Polyamorous

Currently Eraithus is a lost wolf in the search of his siblings that washed into Ardent with him during a storm. He's quiet the friendly fellow, in fact overly friendly. He loves to help and make others feel better about themselves. It's a rare occasion when he gets mad or aggressive really. Although he has a dark secret disguised in the fact of him being "quesy" around only wolf's blood. He has an addiction to drinking it actually and will always be up for a spar if there's blood to be involved even if he doesn't say that. His father requested that he and his siblings continue on the family line but he's not really a romantic wolf and being polyamorous not many partners wanted to be with him in his travells.

Currently I'm looking for, Potential friends, wolves who are creeped out by how nice he is, and potential spar partners. He's not looking to join a pack but you're free to try to get him to and see how it goes or if he says no. Partner wise he's always open to relationships but he's open about him being polyamorous so unless a male or female is okay with that it's not going to work out.

I'm always open for random threads that won't go anywhere though! If you need skills points let me know Eraithus is game!

#2 Elizabeth | 2 years | Lawful Neutral | Female | Heterosexual | Valhalla

Elizabeth is new to Boreas as of Summer of year 14. Her mother's homeland was here and she cares deeply about her heritage and last name of the adravendi. A healer at heart she enjoys learning new things and speaking with others. Generally mild mannered however she is not airheaded and it cautious of others unless she gets too ahead of herself. Currently she's residing in Valhalla because of the adravendi name. Her wish is to become a great healer there.

Currently I'm looking for, friends in her pack, patients for her to heal, and possibly a love interest.

#3 Kaizer | 2 years | Lawful Evil | Female | Homosexual

Kaizer is the sister of Elizabeth, same as her she is new to Boreas. She's never been met with such a luxurious land and as the hot headed girl that she is she's looking for survival of the fittest. Not neccesarily evil she isn't into causing unneeded pain or trouble but she is fully capable of getting easily aggitated and attacking if she see's it's needed. Currently she's thinking about heading to the Armada under Sirius as Liz told her it was a military pack in which fighting is Kaizer's passion.

Currently I'm looking for potential spar partners, friends in the armada and maybe even a love interest get her a nice girlfriend.

#4 Adrialus(Borias) | 5 years | Neutral Evil | Male | Pansexual

Borias was born and raised in Auster as a slave trader. Ending in killing his father when he was young in order to gain power for himself. While he's a lot more smart and less hot headed in his youth his vision is to create a band that breeds and sells quality slaves. He's greedy and wants everything he can get his paws on, however he's a gentleman as well and tends to try to be nice to whomever it is that he is speaking to. He feels no shame in what he does and enjoys abusing slaves when it calls for it. However these days he taken to keeping them safe and taking care of them in the hopes they will be better quality to sell.

Currently I'm looking for potential band mates, slaves for him and pretty much everything else. He isn't looking to make enemies at this moment but ofc there will be wolves who dislike the fact of slaves and I'm open for him to come across wolves with those kinds of opinions.

#5 Loviat | 2 years | True Neutral | Female | Asexual

Loviat considers herself a blank slate. As a previous slave she keeps her past locked down, ashamed of it and not wishing for it to come back to get her. How she act purely depends on who she is interacting with and her mood. Normally she is reserved and soft spoken but she can easily get mad or angry if something that is presented to her seems wrong. Unless of course it's for a specific job, she is loyal to those who get close to her and she wants nothing more than to put her faith into something and build a friendship with others based off of that. Currently she is heading to Aerie.

Currently I'm looking for Aerie friends and other friends not looking for romantic interests due to her past trauma.

#5 Tanelan | 2 years | Chaotic Neutral | Male | Check bio for sexualities

Lan has multiple personality disorder, with he himself being into hunting and a generally laid back kind of wolf. However he is confused by his lapse in memory and makes it hard to keep relationships he doesn't know how he ended up in Boreas. Henry is his mediator personality Henry is a clean freak pacifist who thinks it's best to tell others they should better their lives in such ways. There's nothing menacing about him and he often doesn't understand when he makes others upset due to his behavior. Mika is a hard personality that often ruins lan's life and the alters. He's hot headed, foul mouthed and a cause for much distress. He enjoys provoking others and is prone to trying to do heinous acts among the personalities he and Lan are the most present and dominant. Lastly though is Benson, Ben is Lan's kid like personality. Assuming to be around a year old he's meek and scared of everything. He would rather be told what to do than make his own decisions he often arises when Lan is in stressful situations.

Looking for friends, enemies and wolves who are confused by his switches. Maybe he was Mika when they met then and now he is Lan. All his personalities have no memory of each other but if a healer could eventually diagnose him that would also be interesting. Not looking for a pack currently but he's a go with the flow character and whatever happens, happens.

#6 Koby | 4 years | Neutral Good | Male | King Cobra

Koby might look intimidating at first, considering he can stand himself as tall as a dire wolf. However he is far from a menace he is a kind pacifist who would never lay a tooth on a living creature other than his prey of fish and other snakes. Koby is fascinated by the wolves of these lands and as a fortune teller it is his dream to become a well known fortune teller around the lands. He doesn't care for wolf politics much but respects their culture immensly. Reading fortunes through prey bones and knowing many languages he's a scholar at heart.

Currently looking for, Friends and wolves for him to read the fortunes of! He is also willing to teach/learn languages to others as well.

#7 Seven | 2 years | True neutral | Heterosexual

Seven was born and raised a slave. He doesn't know how to speak or defend himself. He enjoys hunting and pleasing others and is naturall submissive. Borias as his master plans on attempting to sell him as some point and Seven is simply hoping that perhaps one day a new master will teach him how to talk. He isn't interested in freedom and finds the thought of it scary.

Currently looking for, masters/ wolves to serve and maybe friends.

#8 Darius | 6 years | Lawful Neutral | Bisexual

Darius was previously a king of a spartan pack back in his homeland. Living a rough life filled with rules due to his culture he has come to Boreas and Auester after meeting Okami and converting her to be a spartan. This is his goal here, to convert others to his culture and religion and create a pack to conquer Boreas. He has little patience for other cultures but to his friends and family is a heart warming big guy. Currently he has his sights set on Okami as a love interest but is respectful of such things.

Currently looking for, Friends, followers and possibly enemies. He's part of Dragons spartan plot join in on the fun!

#9 Charm | 7 years | True Neutral | Bisexual

Born in Boreas Charm has returned after years of travelling. Once a meek girl in the shadow of her family she now is a poison master who enjoys a good fight. She wishes to reconnect with her sister Okami and her plots are eventually going to convert into being a spartan at this current moment. She's generally nice and happy and suffers from Chronic Depression that she self medicates and keeps a secret from others. She's tiny but mighty.

Currently looking for friends, and possible love interests.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
04-08-2020, 04:41 PM
Okay so idk if this is exactly what you're going for, and also I'd probably wanna hold off until she's fully 2 years old but this popped into my head reading your boy's profile so just tossing it out there.

My girl Recluse here has some kinda masochistic tendencies, while she enjoys both roles she doesn't really have an outlet for her own pain. If he's at all interested in a regular thing where he can have some of her blood and she gets to um... have her needs met I'd be so down for that. It'd probably be kinda sexual in nature for her at least, but she's pan and poly as well so she doesn't have an issue with him being the same.
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-08-2020, 05:05 PM
I feel like that'd be a really interesting interaction honestly. So I'd be up for it, she'd probably end up being another one of his dirty secrets anyway at that point. If you ever want to thread them before then let me know maybe just get a meeting and so it's a little easier/ will be more interesting when she turns two and they meet again.