
Beryl Klein




8 Years
04-08-2020, 07:02 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2020, 07:09 PM by Hannibal.)
Beryl Klein
hannibal klein x duth ahlberg
1 year . Fall Litter . Female

Beryl Klein has one active sibling; Gimli Klein. Her father and brother are currently in Ashen as well as the majority of her family. The reason for Beryl being absent is up to the adoptee as well as her current standing on her family as a whole. Hannibal was very absent in her childhood and has a rocky relationship with most of his kids. Beryl could have forgiven him or maintained distaste for her father like Gimli.

Beryl's personality and appearance are up to the adoptee. Kleins can range from Neutral Good to Chaotic Evil, but they are mostly loyal to one another. I'd prefer if she remained with the family in Ashen until there is further development.

Disclaimer: If the selected adoptee falls inactive I have the right to take back Beryl Klein and their design to readopt the character.

Feel free to pick out of any of these designs or provide your own. Dutch had brown and white fur with magenta eyes. Hannibal is mostly albino with black patterning.

[Image: klein_adopt_5.png][Image: klein_adopt_4.png][Image: Klein_adopt_7_small.png][Image: klein_adopt_3.png][Image: cryptillian-design-2.png]

ooc name:
design: visual refrence
personality: site minimum
appearance: site minimum
rp sample: 150 words
plots ideas/plans:
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-12-2020, 11:58 PM
ooc name: Kingpedle
design: [Image: klein_adopt_4.png]

Beryl is a spitfire on ice, with a harsh temper around her she often has a slimy tongue around her. She hates being constrained in fact she may have a fear of being in tight spaces but she would never admit to that. She isn't quiet sure where her anger stems from and while she may have a temper she is usually a very well composed youth. Beryl is easily frustrated with her inexperience and her facination with the slave trade has made her take an interest in training and capturing wolves in such a manner. Beryl will not understand the distaste that most other wolves have for in and her hope in the Klein family is to become a slave-master.

Beryl is loyal to her family despite her absent father, the klein family and the Ashen empire are an important part of who she is to her. She admires the adults around her and wants nothing more than to be accepted. She would never do anything wrong to them but she most certainly would to others. Because of her temper and her want for the slave trade she had also found herself enjoying a fight despite her small form. Not just any fight, cruelty. Beryl enjoys the thought of torture and a part of her doesn't understand consequences from killing certain lives. While she hasn't been able to stretch her wings in this - it's clear that she has little care for life if it does not concern her family.


36" | Light build

Beryl's appearance takes a lot after that of her father - being mostly white in color of her base coat. Yet she is slim, her weight almost non existent as she relies on more sneak ridden tactics for fighting. Her fur is marked with grays and blacks scattered onto her body, mostly on the side of her face her left front limb and her back. The black carries onto her throat and tips her left ear as well. Almost making her appear like a puzzle piece being put together. A light gray splashes her back, with dark gray and then black covering that in an almost saddle like marking upon her. The most endearing thing about the female is her yellow eyes. They hold a stern look about them and a deadly one at that. Being so young she does not yet reach her full height and it fairly thin and lithe.

rp sample:

Beryl stretched her limbs out as she poked her head out of the den that she had taken for the night. The caravan was going smoothly and while Beryl knew that her time here was coming to a close she knew that it would be in her best interest not to disappear over night. It hadn't been long that she had been a part of this slave trade, learning what Borias did for a living had made her interested. What she wanted the most was to tell Deathbelle of his services. The loner may not have been in good taste but her young naive mind thought he'd be a perfect consultant to perhaps provide the pack with slaves.

With that in mind she rose from the den and yawned. Many of these young wolves here some under a year others older, had been bred specifically for these things. Most didn't know that they were even slaves ingrained into their head this was what they were meant to do. The others who had more strong will were tied to trees with twine and whatever else. She licked her lips, she'd love to teach them a lesson but she had her own agenda and hurting merchandise was not the smartest thing. No she must tell Borias of her leaving. Now that she was old enough to at least understand where her family was she had every urger to return home. Praying that she was accepted and no rejection would come to her.

plots ideas/plans:
- I have a slave trader I plan on bringing in my thoughts were the reason Beryl was missing was due to an incident with this slave trader.(Having gotten lost in Auster and nearly sold off as a slave but because of her -coughs- murderous tendencies, she meets this slave trader who takes her on as an apprentice for a time.)
- Mainly plan on making sure she gets back into Ashen and develops with her family. I'm thinking she mainly shows interest in slaves and wants to claim wolves/sell wolves in this manner for the empire. Though since she's so young things could always change.