
Not Quite What I Seem...


06-20-2014, 09:19 PM

The male had been spending time wandering the territory he had chosen to live in with Avion. He was ensuring no others came here that were unbidden, though foreign scents could always attract the attention of others. There were packs near the location he had chosen... And even prey animals that were, well, rather dumb. They were interesting, wandering just beyond the borders where he could snap his jaws upon them. Foolish creatures they were, really. But they made a good meal. Different from what he was used to... But Kau liked it.

The male would pop his muscles, stretching as he looked around at all that was around him. These were, in a sense, his lands, until some alpha dared come take them from him. But Kau could play nice, if the wolves who wanted to share a piece of his ?heaven? were of worth. He would not share this paradise with the faint of heat and helpless. No... Only those worthy of alliance would be allowed here. The brute would smirk, throwing his head back and issuing a call for the strong. Weak need not apply. Then he would settle to wait. Let those he needed to check come forth.



07-07-2014, 06:14 PM
Batari limped slightly, her foot was mostly better from the fight with the smaller wolf. She had crushed the insignificant male, only to be harmed by a female of different stature. These wolves proved to be far different opponents from the lizards and prey she was used to. Still, Batari was confident that had she chosen to press the fight, she would have at least taken the other wolf down with her.

Deciding to wander away from that region, as she nursed her wounds, Batari had needed to survive on smaller weaker prey than normal. It had been a difficult time, skulking about like she was one of the prey rather than the predator. Now with only a slight limp to show for her pain, which would heal on its own, she climbed this mountain to rebuild her strength, to bask in its heat, and to see what the woprld looked like when made small by its height.

That was when Batari heard the cry of another wolf. She did not know precisely what it meant; but she did not care. The cry had come from the direction in which she was heading, Batari would not change her course just because some wolf had announced themselves. She was Batari, she was strong, she had no fear.

When Batari saw the other wolf, she was displeased. The wolf was larger than her, and for that she hated them. Not just slightly taller either, but notably so. Even at a distance she could tell he was heavier than she. What gave this wolf the right to be larger than Batari? What gave it to call out its strange call as if she should heed its presence. It was nothing to Batari, Batari had killed larger more dangerous creatures than she. Batari had proven that size and strength were not one and the same. Her savagery was greater than all others. This wolf had a body that announced strength; but if Batari killed it, or made it yield to her, that would only prove her that much greater. Of course, she had no immediate intention of fighting this wolf now. Not with a slight limp in her rear paw. If she were to try to best it of her own choosing, it would be when she was completely whole.

Batari continued to walk towards it, though, refusing to change her path. Instead her legs set themselves slightly wider apart as she walked. Batari?s ears flattened, her tail hung low but not tucked yet, her heckles raised and her jaws parted, a thread of saliva hanging down from them as she continued to walk with bared teeth. Batari?s head hung low as well, swaying slightly from left to right as she moved forward. This was not the walk of a wolf, this was the walk of a crocodile, or monitor lizard. This was a posture and pace that Batari had seen enough times to learn its meaning. When the lizards walked like this, it showed they were not hiding, which mean they were not hunting, it boasted strength while merely passing by. It was a posture Batari used to announce she was not looking to kill; but easily could if provoked.

As Batari grew near, she announced herself. ?You are in Batari?s path. You announce yourself to Batari. Batari does not care where you are. Batari will still walk this way.? She would change her path for no wolf, no matter how large or small. To do so would admit weakness or fear, and Batari had neither of these traits.


07-13-2014, 01:19 AM

A response to his howl, and so soon, was not at all expected. When the call came it came not even from a male, but a woman. A woman who, when he looked upon her, an interested look shown in light purple hues. But not an interest of lust, no, but in how she moved. How she spoke. Batari. He assumed that this was the woman's name by how she spoke. There was, perhaps, a look of respect already in the male's eyes. She moved boldly, spoke boldly. She would not back down, and for that, Kau was indeed intrigued by her.

The male would move, walking at a calm pace, bearing no raised hackles or threatening posture, but his lifted ears and tail showed that he was not afraid either. No... this seemed to be an acknowledgement that she was perhaps worthy, by how high he held that banner behind him. Orbs would fall on the woman's form, seeking her eyes. Wild eyes of a beast. He was sure that he wnated to learn something from her. No. Not just something, but many things.

"You hold a very unique walk, Batari, and walk with the boldness of a worthy warrior. Your tone suggests strength, and looking at your form I can see it lurks within your form. If I may, Batari, will you allow me to partake in your company for a while? I will go where you lead of course." There was no smooth talk, no trying to butter her up. No, he spoke seriously, respectfully, gaze focused upon her. Come what this meeting would bring, it would surely be interesting.


07-30-2014, 01:06 AM
The strange wolf with the purple eyes and black mask on his face watched Batari. Batari only watched him back because he was still in front of her. He did not appear to be taking a posture of attack; but Batari's guard was ready regardless. While he seemed to regard her in a manner of interest, and (were she more fluent in wolf body language) respect, she regarded him like one might an oddly colored leaf on the ground. A moment of notice followed by relative disinterest as she continued on her lumbering path.

The wolf did not bar her way, so Batari did not stop moving. If he had tried to block her, she wouldn't have stopped moving then either. She would have just moved faster, with spread jaws. The wolf began to use words, lots of them, and Batari only half listened. Some of these words were one she did not know, like suggest, partake, and company. While she understood terms like strength, she was confused enough by the other words that Batari wasn't quite sure if she was being complimented or insulted.

She responded by continuing to walk and emitting a low growl in her throat. Batari then snarled out "Words words WORDS!", her tail tucking slightly in irritation. "Batari does not need your words. Batari is strong, Batari is deadly, Batari is going this way. Batari does not care about talking wolf, if talking wolf does not attack Batari, talking wolf may live, and do what talking wolf does. If Batari does not like it's words, Batari will eat talking wolf."

She continued her lumbering sway up the mountain, questing for the warmth she knew would be at its summit.