



4 Years

Promptober 2019
04-13-2020, 10:31 AM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2020, 12:39 PM by Yurei.)

Yurei was recovering from her crisis, she regained her appetite and the sadness that chained her up was slowly lifting, giving her a sensation of relief. Her sleep was recovering and she felt more targeted to keep studying and trying to become a healer as promised. And thus she had traveled west to collect herbs and learn more. Every time she came to this land, she could remember Chrys, the wolf who taught her a lot. Who helped her get a good start in her tourney of Healing.

She arrived and the region seemed to be returning to its old business before the volcano. But it still had a long way to full recovery. There were still several bald patches with no vegetation, grey and dry. It changed so much to the point of being almost unrecognizable. The wind blew harshly through the field, pulling her white hair around. When there was a vast green carpet, blue waters and flowers of all types it was now a bald land,  wasteland of grey and dusty soil. There was growing vegetation but it was still to sad looking. Her heart itched upon such deplorable image. And she wondered if it would ever heal at all, had anyone care for this?

Yes, the packs needed the herbs but the land itself needed help. Maybe if every wolf on the land contributed to restoring it , it could speed up the healing. But would anyone help? She would do so, but her alone wouldn't cause a deep change. And as she stood there she considered her options, how could she help? Maybe planting? Then she would need to bring back somethings from her den, and thus she traveled back to winterfell.

-Several hours later.-

She returned with as many flowers and other plants as she could carry in her maw. But before anything, she placed them before her in a line to think and decide which she would plant first. Yarrow, Boneset and lavender. But she needed rest first and thus she walked toward the river that crossed the field. It was blue again. But the current seemed smaller than before, it seemed almost gone, more shallow than ever. She had to kneel a bit to be able to reach the liquid and slowly she drank from it.

She started with the Yarrow. With it, she planted them all field long. Placing all she could in a wide terrain. She looked up, noticing clouds were slowly forming. That was a good sign as they would need water. The water she couldn't provide. But quickly she kept going with the Bonest, redoing the same as she did with Yarrow. Placing them across the field, making sure they were firmly placed on the soil. Since she only had her own jaws she had to plant one by one, and that of course took some time. What she was doing made her lose the track of time. Not paying attention to the ending light. And thus she kept going, and finally, she did the same with the Lavender. Planting and placing seeds as needed. And quite often she returned to check on the already planted ones, just to adjust and make sure they didn't fall. But soon drops from the sky started to land on her back, but she didn't care as she just wanted to complete the task she just started. Once she finished she decided to do so with other plants.

But the growing rain made it impossible and thus she was forced to find shelter under a lonely tree. It blocked most of the water, but it still managed to filter enough to keep her coat wet. She was too far from home, and maybe she wouldn't be able to come back for now. She had done all she could now, and only time will tell if it would work. But her pessimistic soul made her doubt about if she wasn't being dumb. Thinking something like that would help in away.

And there under the tree, she started to reflect on things. Her inactivity within the pack was poor, and she feared she was disappointing Acere, that she was disappointing Ignis and everyone else. She was a failure in the whole meaning. ' What have i done? All ill bring is a burden, I am a burden...Should I leave? Would anyone prefer seeing me gone?' Ears flattened and a soft sigh escaped her mouth. She felt thirst building upon her throat. Slowly and trying her best to ignore the pouring water, she approached once more to the river but now it was slightly bigger. She didn't have to kneel this time and slowly she started to drink. But then she slipped with the mud. Falling on her side, and covering herself in the mud. She stood up and shook her coat but it only worked to take out just some of the mud.

"Hello" | 'Thoughts' | 'Your speech'


[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



2 Years
05-17-2020, 09:21 AM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2020, 09:22 AM by Ryan.)

He was only watching at first, watching as the white wolf--whose pelt was not only a stark contrast to his, but also stuck out blatantly against the field--planted her mysterious plants and flowers. The only thing he recognized was boneset, and that was because he often used it on himself during his travels. For some reason the cold didn't like him, so on particularly cold weeks he'd sometimes gain a weak fever and sniffling. Boneset was common and recognizable enough that he could eat some on the go.

After the stranger seemed to be finished their work, they went to the river. He had also been at the river, although a bit farther west of it, and was actually taking a break by drinking from it. When he saw the stranger come to the river as well, it was enough to tempt him to introduce himself, which is exactly what he was going to do. But just as he was nearing the other side of the river, the wolf--close enough to be identified as a she-wolf--tripped in the water and became covered in mud. “Oh--are you alright?” He remained on the other side of the river, wanting to keep a respectable distance so as not to upset her.

Hey Cloudy! I see you've been here a while now :3
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